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50681836 No.50681836 [Reply] [Original]

i do not like my manager. she is a black stronk woman who doesn't tolerate criticism. she also brought in a friend on nepotism, covered for her, and the friend is incompetent and routinely fucks up (mostly minor things).

when the recession ends, i'm planning to jump ship. how do i minmax fuck over my manager? i have about 12-18 months. i'm on a small team with her, just leaving will create a huge deficit of experience and capacity to process accounts but it's not enough i want to see that office burn behind me.

>> No.50681959
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>> No.50682000

Have sex with her then break her heart

>> No.50682034

>black woman

never mind that i cant break something that's not there anon.

>> No.50682052

Write a letter to your second-line manager (her boss) clarifying that she was a large reason for your departure. Part of her job is to keep employees happy because hiring and training new employees is expensive. The best way for you to damage her career without damaging the team/company is to let her boss know that she is a liability (with specific examples and documentation such as emails, if possible).

>> No.50682075

Try to take on a lot of extra work or projects in the weeks/ months leading up to quoting and make 0 effort to compliant any of it that way when you leave there is mountains of unfinished work still left to be taken care of or even better make a mess of all of it that way not only do they have to do the work you didn’t but they also have to undo all the shit you did wrong.

>> No.50682091

Just leave at the worst time possible, like right in the middle of when it's most busy and theres only a few days to sort things out

>> No.50682217


i was planning to do that in my exit interview. i've worked with the regional manager she reports to, he's apathetic to most things.

>Try to take on a lot of extra work or projects in the weeks/ months

i've been doing that for the past year before she came on-board in december. i'm one of the last links between the OG management that left last year and the current one that came in recently. if i were to leave today, there would a huge gap in account-specific knowledge, not to mention almost no one to handle those accounts.

at this point, it's really the thing that keeps me going, the thought of rug pulling my manager by withdrawing. i'm not even explicitly assigned anything anymore, i handle everything NOSOI.

i intend to give 2 weeks notice at my convenience, i can't predict when things like that happen.

>> No.50682337

get a new job lined up then accidentally out her as incompetent in front of upper management

>> No.50685771

Start creating severe bs in the data/documents etc towards the end. Do it with stuff that won’t come up before you put. Make up numbers etc. stuff that they can’t say for sure you made on purpose or not or where you got the numbers from. Also withhold as much know how as you can, don’t hand over properly etc

>> No.50686900

Get her fired. Plant shit and then figure a way to get her caught without it pointing to you. Fuck women in the workplace. Send them packing.

>> No.50687578
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>when the recession ends

>> No.50688139
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>Also withhold as much know how as you can, don’t hand over properly etc

actually i'm going to be compliant and give them everything, it's their laptop afterall. except i'll move everything to one folder and break my excel content links. they'll have all the pieces, but no one and nothing to sort out where everything goes.

>Get her fired.

not worth it. this company doesn't promote from within anyway. i'm just here to ride out the recession in relative comfort for being 2nd most senior on the team and most productive (1st most senior team member is sick and my friend, so i help him out a lot).

i should say, the other team is having similar problems with their manager. spoke to my coworker a week ago, he's waiting for the 5 year limit on his 401K matching plan to expire next year and then move on from this shit hole. we're gonna try to hop to the same place, maybe even bring along my friend 1st senior guy.

>> No.50688248

>i intend to give 2 weeks notice at my convenience
Why? They'd drop you at a moments notice, if needed. Fuck them. Just bounce after payday.

>> No.50688329


im doing this AFTER the recession, so not this year or any time soon.

>> No.50690482

Start a bunch of complecayed projects that accomplish nothing or create more work when done. Off load it onto your manager with no documentation at all. Proceed to ignore phone calls, you may even get a higher offer or contract down the road to finish your broken shit if they're incompetent enough.
>t. Silicon valley computer-electrical engineer wizard