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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50666625 No.50666625 [Reply] [Original]

I’m ready to start milking cockroaches and selling it locally. How do I convince others it’s better than stinky cow milk?

>> No.50666706

Im guessing cockroach "milk" is just ground cockroaches in water. Right?

>> No.50666716
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im starting to wonder the estrogen content of bugs, they'll at least all be grown in plastic containers and fed with gay bean. i haven't eaten meat in years and i think im going to start a diet consisting purely of j*wish flesh during the habbening

>> No.50666725

It begins

>> No.50666734


its referring to milk from the breast of a turkish woman

>> No.50666737
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why are (((they))) pushing the bug thing this hard

>> No.50666740

>tfw no milky Turk gf

>> No.50666750

No the „milk“ is actually roach cum. You’re jerking them off, simple as that.

>> No.50666789

Cockroaches don't have mammary glands though
I understand, the milk comes from the cockroach cock.

>> No.50666846

You probably already have a ton in your house so this should be easy

>> No.50666859


>> No.50666863

First we get them to eat ze bugs, then we get them to eat ze bug excrement and excretions, myes.

>> No.50666869


>> No.50666887

go on /pol/ & /fit/ and talk about cockroach milk being full of s o y
by the time someone deboonks you the s o y will already be drinking it because le facists don't like it

>> No.50666889


Holy 4chan cringe

>> No.50667087

ummmm, tastes like..... salty milk. it's not THAT bad tee hee

>> No.50667131


ah salami lake em to you too

>> No.50667232

Religious technicalities. If you eat bugs you aren't clean and therefore aren't protected by God and therefore are killable, exploitable, etc.

>> No.50668633

It is a crystallized secretion that oozes out of them under certain artificial light conditions. It is 3x more nutritional than even breast milk. Some of the strongest mammals feed exclusively from bug juice and fruits.

>> No.50668671
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>cock milk

>> No.50668697

Jerking cockroaches isn't any different from jerking cows anon

>> No.50668715

how can a an insect be milked? it has no mammary glands and is not a mammal

>> No.50669143

It is extracted from the female cockroaches midgut. You fags can keep eating your corpse protein, I’m ready to step into the future.

>> No.50669176

I’d unironically commit suicide or shoot something up if they tried this

>> No.50669199

I love science! Thank you overlords! I can't wait to drink the roach milk! I will be happy and I will thank you for the privilege!

>> No.50669241


>> No.50669272

biz wise this is a really scalable idea
you are a fucking idiot for not getting into the industry when you can literally start farming cockroaches and mealworms in your very own backyard and then sell to other businesses that need to feed their product (like fish)

>> No.50670008

I've made enough from shrimp farming to retire soon and I'm only 36. You probably aren't doing it right

>> No.50670055

>Nicole kidman wants you to eat bugs
>Robert Downey Jr (and Stephen Colbert) wants you to eat the bugs, but in his case a company he owns - the Footprint Coalition is invested in insect 'food' company Ynsect https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-06/insect-farm-lures-robert-downey-jr-in-224-million-fundraising
>Angelina Jolie makes 'her' kids eat the bugs
>Bill Nye wants you to eat the bugs
>Jimmy Kimmel wants you to eat the bugs

>> No.50670149

What did Robert Downey Jr mean by
>we're like one entity now

>> No.50670216

I think it's some faggy hollywood speak saying they're bros but in a gay way

>> No.50670297
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Anybody else noticing roaches in their kitchen recently. Fucking Jews are smuggling roaches in my kitchen so I try to eat them. I hate Jews so much

>> No.50670433

>Gwyneth Paltrow wants you to drink the piss
>Matt Damon wants you to drink the piss
>Reese Witherspoon wants you to drink the piss
>Naomi Osaka wants you to drink the piss
>Larry David wants you to drink the piss

>> No.50670502
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i hate the NWO so much bros, is unreal

>> No.50670517

I looked at it and it's actually kind of interesting. Species of pregnant cockroaches that hold live babies (no eggs) inside of them during pregnancy create crystallized compounds. This is what the babies eat while inside of the mother, and this is what "cockroach milk" is. I have no idea how you'd ever harvest this efficiently and without getting cockroach parts everywhere.

>> No.50670674

that sounds interesting. as soon as i read the words "scientists say" i just assumed it was something retarded but that actually makes sense. still not drinking though

>> No.50670897

You'll see breeding roaches as big as cow by 2050.

>> No.50670925

Kek. (You)

>> No.50670931

>you will drink ze cochroach milk, goys

>> No.50670932
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b-be gentle, my breasts are sensitive anon.. uwu

>> No.50671149

Instead of seething like /pol/, the question needs to be asked; how can we profit from this? You have to actively work to keep the fuckers under control in the tropics so growing isn't a problem. The question is what are the yields and market rates like?

>> No.50671237

The better question is how do you hedge against the artificially induced food shortage? Do you grow your own food (which would qualify as some kind of insurance policy)?

/pol/ is going to be eating bugs whether they like it or not. They're all poor anyway, and the market will force them into eating bugs.

>> No.50671307

Go to bed Charles its past midnight

>> No.50671354

Growing food has a large buy in price, is hard work, seasonal and requires alot of shit ie irrigation, seed, fertilise, weed/pesticides even if youre just doing small scale shit for yourself. Better to learn how to fish, crab, hunt etc. Of course being rich is the best hedge against any event like that

>> No.50671439

It is hard work, but at least growing food adjusts for inflation, unlike working for worthless fiat currency. Go get paid in chickens, apples, rice and beans, I dare you.

>> No.50671498

I you talking about growing food for yourself or farming of profit? Both are financially shit tier

>> No.50671527

Are you sure? So as long as you offset your cost of food, you have effectively built an inflation hedge. Not to mention providing your own power, water and sewage, and you now have reduced your costs significantly, provided you can do this cheaply.

If you can even produce your own goods, at which point is money as a commodity even necessary? You are no longer at the whim of inflation.

>> No.50671536 [DELETED] 

chocolate = bark
bread = grass
egg = comes warm covered in poo
marshmellows = the ground of bones
ice cream = frozen extruded goo
avacado = the mature sexual gamete of a plant

Like, food is already pretty disgusting desu

What we are gonna do is isolate the genetic determinants of cockroach milk proteins, and then synthetically combine that with cow proteins in a vat of E. coli engineered to overproduce these protein species and then create a brainless, simplified organoid composed of an oral sphincter, an anal sphincter, and a relatively large udder and an autonomous robot will feed, purge and milk this organoid, depositing its product in a pressurized flow device on its way to a tank where it is treated with various chemicals to adjust pH, odor and taste and analysis for contaminant organisms and chemical species, and then on to a flash pasteurization column and then chilled to 1C in a storage vat before being pumped into truck.

Label: Cow's milk grade A 100% delicious

>> No.50671540

In a time of excess, yes, growing food is pretty shitty. But during an inflationary era, growing food and drilling for oil is like growing gold.

>> No.50671546

>growing food adjusts for inflation


>> No.50671555
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To show you they can do anything to you. Fuck. They can turn men into women. Why not get the sheep to drink cockroach milk? Here’s a real question: if they’re so powerful, why not foster the next messiah?

>> No.50671562

Chocolate comes from roasted seeds, as does bread.

>> No.50671639

you are right, I was thinking of cinnamon

>> No.50671660

wheat seeds come from grass tho

>> No.50671746

For example, every year the price of apples increases by 10%. Rather than "saving dollars" in a bank, you buy some land and plant just enough apple trees so as to fulfill your demand for apples.

Since you were going to buy apples every year, rather than buying apples, you buy the tree, and then have apples for the rest of your life, inflation adjusted (since you're not buying them anymore, they fall off of trees)

>> No.50671752

So this second salad is fucked up too?

>> No.50671756

Lets say you buy some land and magically strike oil. Rather than selling the mineral rights, you should instead, borrow money, install a pump, and refine your oil so you don't have to go to a gas station.

>> No.50671827

Nigger go and actually try this shit. Firstly you need to look at it from the point of view that any producer has. You have the costs of production to meet and you're going to need to sell produce to meet these costs. There are currently people doing this and they call it farming. You're gonna find that it's not easy to make a profit that exceeds your costs as you're now competing with multi million dollar operations
>dude just get your own power, water sewage
Nigger if it were that easy everyone would do it. You think all the manufacturers out there pay the power bill for fun?

>> No.50671840
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It’s pretty simple. You need a large bin, milk cartons and cabbage. You can get about 250 - 300 roachies per bin and isolate the female ones when they get pregnant. You can set this up in your garage or have a room just for this. It’s gonna get messy but besides the gross factor, it’s profitable af.

>> No.50671873

Running a large operation is very expensive since they operate at an economy of scale. However at the end of the day, the farm laborers get nothing as they do not own any of the capital.

I am willing to bet, that the man who grows his own food with the limited means at his disposal makes more "money" (or gains more value) than the minimum wage laborer as he owns the means of his own production. The minimum wage gets nothing but a minimum wage.

So far, by growing half of my own food, I have reduced food costs in half, eliminated the need for having to pay a garbage bill, and have much better soil in my garden as a bonus.

>> No.50671876

OK now how are you gonna get the milk out? 5 minutes on goggle tell me that the current processes are sticking filter paper up the roaches cunt or dissecting the babies for the milk that's in their digestive system

>> No.50671953

There's a reason that family farms are quickly disappearing. The man that grows his own food gets the profit of the farm which can be negative. Also I wouldn't recommend being a farm labourer
>Growing half your food
OK so if you just mean a vege patch then it's a completely different story. Firstly you haven't cut your food bill in half as it costs money to grow food, on a small scale like that probably more than it would to just buy seconds at a farmers market. Idk how you've worked out that growing food will mean you don't need your garbage picked up and just lol how is it gonna give you better soil?

>> No.50672033

to humiliate you. they own you and they think its funny to see how far they can push
checked this is a blessed thread fuck globohomo

>> No.50672272

it could be 10000x more 'nutritious'
does anyone know the long term effects of consuming this for a lifetime? across generations? all different types of people?

>> No.50672797

humiliation ritual.

>> No.50672805
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>> No.50672859

Because bugs will survive the nukes

>> No.50673894

Does that imply we get something in return?

>> No.50673946

It's not as healthy as eating meat, therefore the serf class should eat it.

>> No.50674052
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It’s healthier than eating meat anon. When you ingest a live insect, you are absorbing their life force in real time. What makes you think that pieces of animal corpse are better for you?

>> No.50674594

to make money iirc

>> No.50674741

bugs are for browns

>> No.50674815
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eat the fucking bugs

>> No.50674973
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You will drink the roach milk and you will be very very very happy.

>> No.50675100

Why do we have to be happy about it?

>> No.50675131

if anyone forces me to eat cockroach I'll kill them harder than I kill cockroaches, and I just went into a blind rage killing a roach not too long ago

>> No.50675192

What does the Torah say about eating bugs? Asking for a Gentile friend.

>> No.50675236

i'd honestly suck a live roach out of her ass and eat it just to see her reaction

>> No.50675296

why cant i just eat a live chicken then?

>> No.50675415

(((Scientists say)))

>> No.50675532
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you will drink the roach milk and like it.

>> No.50676181

Yes. It's called China. You might need someone to point it out on a map to you.
Wear an apron as you gaze at it for not all are moisture resistant.

>> No.50676191

It's called fertilization by compost. It's first grade education in third world countries. American eduncashum at its best.

>> No.50676194

They already exist in NYC and Puerto Rico

>> No.50676206

>18 must

>> No.50676227

Face recog plus social credit account. That's what (((your))) blockchain is for.
Better smile at the telescreen or

>> No.50676281
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Niggers do. They get high first and after tough. Then graduate to cannibalism.

>> No.50676309
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How do you eat a cockroach' s ass?

>> No.50676328
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You might have struck a point there.

>> No.50676329
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>> No.50677223

How much compost do you make and what kind of shit tier yields are you expecting? Even if you had God tier compost that btfos all the millions spent on research to maximise yield for money spent you've still only addressed one issue

>> No.50677668

You can’t eat a live chicken in one bite.

>> No.50677765
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Milk my cock, roach

>> No.50677802

Humiliation ritual on the goyim.

>> No.50677847

(((Scientists say)))

>> No.50678038
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jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.50678162

But extraction kills the cockroach it's still corpse eating

>> No.50678341

Growing your own food and making it organic can attract the rich

>> No.50678404

money and to make people more retarded

>> No.50678425

I feel like this is a test to see how far they can push this shit down our throats.

>> No.50679064

its le funny now, but lets remind matt and trey in a few years on whether or not buying in at the 30-40k level was a bad financial move
they are the prime example of knowing about new tech, selffud it and then stands by and watch it lift off
quite ironic considering they made their fortune on the internet giving ownership/control back to the creators instead of the (((producers))))

>> No.50681633


>> No.50682053

>six billion


>> No.50682067
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>> No.50682397
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how do you even measure nutritious-ness?
i'm starting to think they are not real scientists

>> No.50684179
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Only niggers and trannies won’t be drinking the nutrient rich mommy roach milk

>> No.50684593

niggers never will for sure https://youtu.be/yygrgcOtezM

>> No.50684601
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>> No.50684625

>1 thread a month

>> No.50687747

Fuck off jew. Goats milk superior. Take ur bugs and rope urself rabbi

>> No.50687889
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If that's a roach then I'm a roach

>> No.50687949

cock milk is 10x more nutritious.

>> No.50688012

noice, have a (you)

>> No.50688053

You have absolutely no idea how many unsects make it into the food we eat then. Especially processed foods.

>> No.50689192
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>> No.50689381
