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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50654133 No.50654133 [Reply] [Original]

>when someone tells you they bought a house but in reality they just put down 5% on an expensive mortgage that they will be paying down for the rest of their life

>> No.50654207

Lmao yes
>t. Based rentoid who will never own a house

>> No.50654248
File: 39 KB, 680x589, E93DQYPVgAgmgJB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just 360 more payments of 50% of my take-home wage earnings to go....

>> No.50654252

>20 years fixed rate sub 2%
>Mortage = rent price for this type
>5 years later
>Mortgage lower than rent
Tell me avain how i got scammed? I cant wait to pay the same thing in 15 years while rent increased more than 2x. In fact ill probably buy a second house before this mortgage ends, renting the 1st one to pay a little of the 2nd. Its literaly that simple, i understand why rentoids hate the chad landlord that gets richer because he understand finance better

>> No.50654271

Mortgage now is basically buying the top of a massive bull run with 20x leverage lol

>> No.50654284 [DELETED] 

A low interest loan on an appreciating property > paying someone else to live on their property only to be left with nothing in the end.

Use your brain, kiddo.

>> No.50654300

A lot of people are going to be pretty fucking mad when prices come down 30-40% over the winter

>> No.50654328

If you got a low rate mortgage before the sticker price mega pump you did well. Now imagine
>There will be multiple generational 99 year mortgages in the west soon
Looking at your Canada kek

>> No.50654335

i think anyone who bought in or before Q4 2021 will be okay since they had the benefits of low rates. anyone who bought in 2022 (rates went up massively in january) will soon be 5-6 figures underwater without the benefit of the 2-3% rate cope.

>> No.50654390

It was 5 years ago.
Also i would bet the real estate wont crash unless theres an apocalypse tier event. It will correct 20-40% at best from the top, and thing is ath might be 2x from here, i believe the fed turning money printing back on will pump it for 6-24 months and then correct. Who knows how high will it go. Theres one leg up after these months of correction and then the gigacrash
Also a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush

>> No.50654424 [DELETED] 

Checked, but keep on dreaming. As the market "corrects" on rare occasions, the general trajectory was, is, and always will be up.

Anything else is a rentoid cope.

>> No.50654460

>rentoid cope

delusional baggie spotted. i hope you're part of the 3% crowd. if not, you're going to get assfucked so hard you'll be bleeding out your mouth. kek.

>> No.50654513

Every single person currently holding a mortgage will be unable to pay it and find themselves in the street (where they belong) by the end of the decade and likely far sooner

>> No.50654549

Mostly agreed. Though the people who bough at the low rates mostly got pretty shit houses too. I couldn't believe how fast houses with really obvious structural problems would blink off the market for 400-600k. Normalized insane shit like inspection waiving must have absolutely fucked a lot of people.
Only over the last month have I seen more consistently decent houses instead of broke as fuck "investor specials" after two weeks of spic work to paint over the cracks and water damage.

Thinking there might be a 2x from here without a deep contraction is beyond delusional.

I've already seen houses lower from 600k to 500k and still not sell after a couple weeks.

>> No.50654585

no it's not. in all developed countries caps on production and hoarding ensure demand from population growth massively outstrips available supply. there will be no crash.
also, you only need one word to btfo these threads:

>> No.50654595

I’m in the process of selling my house and will have $200k in profit, which is twice what I paid in mortgage costs. After that I’ll be debt free besides my car note.

>> No.50654629
File: 97 KB, 804x1287, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also, you only need one word to btfo these threads:

unrealized gains which evaporate in a downturn. also you're building minimal equity beyond your down payment for the first several years of repayment -- learn how an amortization schedule works. attached is a pretty picture if you still can't get it.

>> No.50654652

I think were experiencing the correction (wave 4 eliot) right now with the slowing down. Theres 1 more pump, maybe a weak 20% pump but it can be over 2x. Then we can talk about a crash.
T. Hodl my home as i dont want ever to sell it, so in fact i prefer a lower value so it lowers taxes and i can buy more houses for my kids

>> No.50654684 [DELETED] 

You literally own nothing, and you don't even sound happy.

>I've already seen houses lower from 600k to 500k and still not sell after a couple weeks.

>borrowing rates will be high forever.

>> No.50654698
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I don't have a job and I don't plan on getting one. There's no playing the mortgage game for me, right? So, my endgame is buying a house outright.

>> No.50654703

You realise you can sell it any time, and for a profit on whatever you put into it?

>> No.50654714
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>Just become an indentured servant for life goy, home ownership is freedom

>> No.50654728

You have no understanding.

>> No.50654730

something tells me you're a flyover chud gloating over a shithole home that's worth a quarter million dollars even today (which you can barely afford.)

>> No.50654748

If you're holding a house to live in and the expenses are within your means even if employment becomes difficult, then you can't lose.

>borrowing rates will be high forever.
They will until an avalanche of people are forced to sell in order to survive with the massively increased cost of living. Do remember that the fed is currently trying to destroy wealth globally to stop the liquidity slosh. They will not stop until every over leveraged person is broken.

>> No.50654831 [DELETED] 

Why aren't you happy, though? What is missing in your life?

Anyone, who is overleveraged, did that to themselves. Everyone else can just sit tight, pay their mortgage, and still be a winner, unlike rentoids, who keep throwing their money into the void.

>> No.50654911

Rent is always cheaper than mortgage, dumb hoomer

>> No.50654924

Good job selling the top
Most are too dumb

>> No.50654952

That's what all these hoomer gloaters are. It's pathetic

>> No.50655030
File: 129 KB, 800x505, happy-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have job
>take out $300,000 mortgage loan
>now have $1800 payment
>powell prints
>jobs just like the one you already have suddenly bidding far more, hard to find good people
>take new job
>home is now worth $550,000
>payment used to be 25% of your income
>now it's 10%
>bUt yOu cArRy a LiaBiLiTy iN rEaLiTy
lmao rentoids

>> No.50655081

Your home value means nothing but a higher tax bill unless you sell, which you won't. You will le hodl all the way down and probably lose your job in the coming recession. Karma has a way of catching up to you

>> No.50655118

NOTHING feels better than making rentoids, tankies, and NEETs seethe by simply EXISTing and getting rich in the process

>> No.50655153

houses appreciate more than wages though

>> No.50655156 [DELETED] 

>owning appreciating property with a manageable low percentage loan
Nah, brah, karma is being a lowly rentoid shitting on someone smarter than you... until your rent goes up again by a few hundred dollars.

>Noooo, you can't just RAISE my rent!
>Daddy government, please help me!!


>> No.50655210

Thinking you're better than other people because of your mortgage is why you have bad karma.
I currently live in a house my parents bought for me. I don't brag about it like a faggot though.

>> No.50655215

Well my mortgage is 20-33% less than rent so youre wrong. I did no downpaymnent so its full value. My home also more than 2x over 5 years with home improvekent (subsidized 70% lmao thanks to greenfags), so my mortgage might actully be almost 50% of rent, i dont even care. All i know ill still be pating this amount in 15 years when rents are over 2x from now so it would be less than 25% of a rent.
Thanks for playing. Rentoid.

>> No.50655223 [DELETED] 

But you just did.

>> No.50655225

except you are a broke bitchvp880

>> No.50655226

Lmao this. Rentoids are the real parasites

>> No.50655248

How are you calculating 20-33% less?
Factor in all costs of home ownership and rent is cheaper. There's no debate on this. The only advantage owning a house has is the ability to sell it at some point.

>> No.50655262

Aw does it make you feel bad that I don't pay a mortgage?

>> No.50655296

Why would I want to own an illiquid house in current times with governments turning authoritarian at the flip of a switch? Guess house is cool if u’re trying to raise a family but renting gives you so much more flexibility to move around when its just you. You dont want to be stuck in one place, do you anon?

>> No.50655295 [DELETED] 

No, that is awesome!
This should be everyone's goal, and the better you play your hand, the sooner you'll get there. Unless you're a rentoid, then you just end up eating bugs.

>> No.50655298

>no you can't just take out a mortgage and pay less money per month for a house you own than paying in rent for property you don't own, you have to continue renting on some commieblock shithole where the rent keeps going up 10-20% per year!
Holy shit this is some embarrassing cope

>> No.50655304

>seething so hard you type the captcha in your reply

>replying multiple times per minute several times in the thread

holy shit bro cope

>> No.50655320

>arrogant low IQ codenigger
my rent is 17% of my post-tax income and i'm just sitting here on the sidelines, continuing to stack cash and investments. you bought the top. have fun bagholding through a 5-6 figure loss, i look forward to your "it was never an investment" cope.

>> No.50655346

Yes that's another thing. Hoomers think their location will always be good. Lol, maybe if you're lucky

>> No.50655367

Stocks are going to get very cheap, would rather accumulate some cheapies than lev long an overpriced home.

A lot of people are simply doing what their parents did without thinking about the macro picture.

>> No.50655393

What's pathetic is by the time you pay off your mortgage, you'll be an old man in a shitty location still struggling to survive.

These hoomers refuse to believe their crapshacks are overpriced

>> No.50655465

It's not even that, hard times are coming and I want to be able to turn all my assets liquid overnight and leave the country in the morning if shit happens. Mortgage mutt retards are gonna have their shack carpet bombed by the chinese, burned down by riots or confiscated by the government. This is a legitimate concern in the long term and if you think I'm exaggerating you're in for a suprise.

>> No.50655468

I compare it to similar homes in the area and to the local averages and to the home current expected price
Home ownership costs:
Taxes insurances
Necessary renovations and upkeep, so it varies a lot depending on the house.
I got 0% loans for renovations so literaly free money from the future. Thanks greenfags. Oh and 70% subsidies on insualtion of walls + new roof (40k - 0.7x40k). Mortgage is sub 2% fixedrate
I cant stop winning. If i want to improve my home (tiles masonery carpentry) i just diy most of the work saving even more.if i had to hire someone for everything maybe it would be about the same as rent except rent will be higher in 15 years while my payments will not

>> No.50655498

>He thinks that in the event SHTF so hard that he will actually be able to leave
Renters living in crowded urban areas will be the first to be vaporized by Chinese bombs

>> No.50655501 [DELETED] 

Is this projection?

>> No.50655512

Oh i also diy my electricity and plumbing, and virtually everything except placing things like big concrete or metal beams

>> No.50655518

I was in Ukraine during the invasion and I left no problem you dumb mutt. People who dilly dallied got stuck inside.

>> No.50655519

>Mortgage mutt retards are gonna have their shack carpet bombed by the chinese
In America?

>> No.50655522

>instead of just saving 20k for a down payment i come up with schizo hypothetical scenarios to cope


>> No.50655533

I could just outright buy one, I don't mortgage.

>> No.50655544

I don't pay a mortgage, so no?

It's cute how you have yet to respond to the accusation that your home is in a shitty location. So it must be true.

Another thing people don't factor in is the cost of transportation. Have fun paying out the ass for ever-increasing gas if your home requires driving long distances to get to a store.

>> No.50655560

So biz, what prices should i be looking at to start buying a house? -20%, -30%?

>> No.50655579

I'm not even thinking about it until -40%

>> No.50655584

bare minimum would be waiting until monthly payments are back to what they were in december of 2021.

>> No.50655598

I mean, that's what ibwas thinking too, but I don't want to miss the bottom and it seems like the entire wester media military industrial complex is for the sole purpose of propping up the price of homes these days.

>> No.50655610

That's just hoomer propaganda

>> No.50655616 [DELETED] 


Doxxing myself on the anonymous forum? I don't think so. Gas is a lot cheaper in flyover states, so I doubt that they are hurting as much, even if they have to drive farther.

>> No.50655652

i dont know what makes people think they will have a steady income for the next 15-30yrs.

>> No.50655666 [DELETED] 

Historical data.
>This time it will be different!
No, no it won't.

>> No.50655667
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I own my house outright.

>> No.50655672

You think? I hope so.

>> No.50655811

>Interest rates increase by 1000 points
>you lose your job because you’re not as valuable as you thought you were
>replaced by AI or automated machinery
>bank takes your home because you can’t afford to pay for it with your new rice picker job
>zoomer who bought tacocatcoin on uniswap buys your house at half price
>you end your life

>> No.50655828

This, kek
They seem to think hyperinflation will just mean higher home prices, no negative effects whatsoever bro. Definitely no wide scale job losses

>> No.50655854

>Thinks he owns shit and not the bank with his little 5% down payment

Nigger, please.

>> No.50655902

>No you don't get it, you don't actually own the home, you're basically just renting a property that's 10x bigger than a typical rental property and for less money than the rent is usually worth anyway, it's a scam if you ignore the overwhelming macro trend of property values going up and thus you being able to cash out for profit if you ever move
All I'm reading is cope

>> No.50655905
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>Zoomer pays 1000 in rent
>I pay 1000 in mortgage
>Somehow he has more money to invest than me
Owning nothing is truly a retard take om life

>> No.50655941

Enjoy taxes
Enjoy repairs
Enjoy insurance

>> No.50655949

Seethe, cattle

>> No.50655961

>dude "macro" says it goes up forever
this is the real cope

>> No.50655986

>Renters calling anyone else cattle
The coping continues

>> No.50656000

A renter living in a city making 2x your salary is far less of a cow than you

>> No.50656001
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yeah i always crack up too. then they look down on you for staying at your dads mansion:

>> be 30 years me live at dad with $500k networth due to good investments. I
>> went from 10k NW to $500k in 5 years. due to be able to save a lot. also had a nice luxury car that i crashed.
>> go outside with turbonormies

>(Normie1)> OH YES ME AND NORMSOY bought a house! wow! at 23! who can say they bought a house at 23!
>(Normie2)> You are totally right well done StaceSOY. me and BRADSOY also live on our own. we rent since our 21!
>(Normie1)> So anon, you must live alone too right? in your house being 30 and all haha!
>(Me)> No I don't. I live at my dads place.
>(Normies)> look at me with disgust, as if im some loser.
>(Normie1)> Well me and NORMSOY did ask our parents for some help to get a downpayment for the loan
>(Normie2)> Yes! me and BRADSOY will also get some extra help soon cause it's nearly impossible to get a loan these days without a big amount of downpayment. we can only save like 200 euros a month.
>(Me)> You don't own a house and you are pissing away money.
>(Normie1)> hahahaha you loser hahahah you are just jealous we have our house and you don't.
>(Me)> the only thing you own is a 30 year debt contract that binds you to pay it off. I went to Spain 4 months last winter, what did youd do?
>(Normie2)> Well duh if daddy pays everything...
>(Me)> SIGH

its best to just pretend near normies. they get offended if you did something that was smart when they boast about their dumb decisions

>> No.50656046

>The bay area codemonkey who has to make $100,000 per year to afford rent is less of a cow than me
When did zoomer culture start revolving around "ah yes I own nothing and yes I am happy and here is why that's a good thing?" I find it profoundly tiresome to interact with.

>> No.50656077
File: 43 KB, 600x578, 711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are the cringiest thing on /biz/ I'd take the latest curry pajeet scam over these pissing contests.

>> No.50656095

Then stop posting, retard


>> No.50656130

Kek, seethe some more, cattle. I've made more returns on stocks than my cattle friends who bought homes at the top because the other cattle told them too.

>> No.50656159

Well, true i didnt put those in
Im paying less than rent and those costs even if done by a pro would set me at rent price now. So in a 10 years assuming market value goes up ill be paying less than rent. I do my renovations diy so it would be even less but lets assume i hire someone even to paint walls or change outlets.
I just diy my moms house, saving like 15k+ ina few months of work at my own pace on a 40 50k worth of pro renovation. Electricity, pluumbing, drywalls, demolition, slabs...
I just leave big masonery and tiles (experience changes a lot an my knee is fuucked up so ground work is tough) and plastering (need good exp and precise work) big areas to pros
Im assuming price increase long term based on historical data.

>> No.50656166

priced out forever!

>> No.50656216

You're not paying less than rent
Renters are usually renting, you know, apartments. Not full houses. Renters live cheap and invest their income in other things than all the expenses of home ownership.

>> No.50656220

It has been non-stop since the 2020-2021 covid/gme reddit invasion. The worst part is the daily poster count for the board has gone down, but they're still here which means we're never getting rid of them. It's /pol/ and the_donald all over again

>> No.50656260
File: 108 KB, 498x498, 9E006175-8293-4142-8835-75D442351928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t really see the problem with getting a mortgage. Yes, technically, the bank taking your house is a threat if you go financially insolvent, but if you’re competent enough to keep a good paying job, and are financially responsible it’s how someone who isn’t wealthy will be able to own a house and land when they can’t effectively make an up front purchase with cash, which will create generational wealth for their family. Besides you do own your house. You don’t have to ask the bank for permission to renovate, or have pets, or guests, etc.
The bank manager can’t just come over and let himself in to look the home over like a landlord.

>> No.50656284 [DELETED] 

Then why do these cubicle renters complain about everything all the time, non-stop? Aren't they living the dream?

>> No.50656317 [DELETED] 

I am talking a bit out of my ass right now, but I would venture a guess that close to a 100% of current home owners can sell their properties right now for a profit. Profits may vary, but the point stands.

>> No.50656322

I compare my mortgage + costs to an average rent for the type of house i own. Its retarded to compare it to different products. Yeah i could live in nigger ghetto fpr cheaper, but i have a family so i live in a familiy house, so i compare it to house renting for families. Now consider that more and more people are divorced so they have to rent a home once they divorce/separate and ita hard to buy a home on 1 normal salary

>> No.50656351

finding a good cheap place to rent is a little harder. most rents are scamtier obviously. but my dads brother(a millionaire) did his calculations and decided not to get a mortgage/house like 20 years ago. he rented and invested. and became a millionaire. so for the not completely retarded renter it can be a better deal than getting a mortgage. granted hes an engineer and relatively smart to the average person on the street

>> No.50656409

No it's an ASSET, when a boomer takes out 20x leverage it's called ADULTING, millenial scum.

>> No.50656951

I own the car that I paid $0 down for a month for first 3 months

>> No.50656964 [DELETED] 

>a depreciating asset

>> No.50656967

Mortgages are literally and unironically the foundation of jewish power

>> No.50656976

Los Angeles landlords still cant evict from non payment

>> No.50657201
File: 249 KB, 414x697, 1658193109934444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this time it's different! houses don't work like all other markets, b-because they just don't, ok?!
Own my land outright, you're coping pretty hard mortgie

>> No.50657220

What’s ur guys opinion on flushing rags down the toilet so you clog your land lords house?

>> No.50657235

Termites are way more efficient

>> No.50657270

My brother just bought a 200000€ house It will end to pay In 2052..

>> No.50657277

Termites would drow retard

>> No.50657293

Paying extra on the principal helps. Also, again mortgage is locked in. While renters continue to pay more and more. And at the end, i get some of my money back out in equity. Youd have to a turbo retard to say renting is better than mortgage.

>> No.50657301


>> No.50657362

>not flushing enough termites to clog the toilet

>> No.50657455
File: 47 KB, 970x545, Schwab_Reset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anons you are so based and redpilled by owning nothing. I'm sure you're so happy as well!

>> No.50657503

>rentiod falls for landkike damage control
Ownership is super cheap, even smoothbrains can manage 75% of maintenance, while bigbrains can do it all

>> No.50657533

used lambos are selling for more than a new lambo

>> No.50657587

<Priced out

>> No.50657608
File: 58 KB, 446x896, houseflipoor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

house flippers are getting raped right now you retard. pic related this house flippoor will be lucky if they can break even on this.

>> No.50657619
File: 55 KB, 264x258, 1594859925739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty based, fucking over rent seekers is ethical in all circumstances

>> No.50657653
File: 597 KB, 976x850, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw in the future inheriting 3 apartments in the city center of a highly touristic European capital.
Why your parents failed to build generational wealth?

>> No.50657656
File: 53 KB, 220x220, 1659166970328538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a NEET and the government pays my mortgage for me, my welfare covers it.

I bought my house in 2016.

It's fucking amazing how fast inflation makes mortgage, property tax and insurance on the same level as fucking rent. All in all, I'm paying less all up than my brother is for renting the same sized home.

>> No.50657660

>He thinks Europe will survive the next few decades.

>> No.50657676

>pays rent that inflates faster than wage growth
Eat the bugs

>> No.50657695
File: 1.87 MB, 331x197, 1657223513413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paying rent is the single biggest waste of money I can think of. You're not building equity, you're not getting appreciation, you're not getting cashflow, you're not getting tax benefits. You'd be better off flushing money down the toilet because then at least you wouldn't be giving away your hard earned shekels to asshole landlord Chads like me.
LMAO at rentcucks

>> No.50657802
File: 727 KB, 1286x1358, 1635476569203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rent in nice apartment gated community for $2500
>The houses in the neighborhood would cost me $4500 a month if I paid the 3.5% minimum and took a 30 year mortgage
>I can take the 2k per month I'm saving and put it into crypto and other assets rather than tying it up in a fucking box to live in
How am I not winning in this situation
I guess I don't have a yard but I literally have a garage and private entrance and balcony overseeing a courtyard, I'm not paying 2k per month for a fucking yard that I have to also pay someone to maintain

>> No.50657823

How shitty is the city you're in if you need to live in a fucking gated community dude? You're not winning because you live in a nigger infested hellhole apparently.

>> No.50657844

I don't NEED anything outside of living in my fucking car, I CHOOSE to live here because it's nice you fucking poorfag, not everyone wants to live in a fucking trailer park

>> No.50657859

You probably can't tell why, and that's okay, but this post reveals that you're a huge fucking loser in real life. And no, it isn't for your aversion to a mortgage. Maybe don't give advice to people online loser.

>> No.50657869

>I have private entrence
The state of rentoid cope
Tell me do you also have a private bathroom?

>> No.50657885

I paid 390k for a house in 2019. It is now worth 800k, that's about 200k a year tax free. For doing nothing.
But wait there's more! I get $500 a week rent from it, rain or shine that house is working hard for me 7 days a week.

>> No.50657892

You have yet to explain how I am not winning in this situation when I'm saving 2k per month on buying a fucking box to live in and spending it on assets

>> No.50657899

Checked Freemason digits but calm down fag you're ruining the vibe. Just because you have the priorities of a woman doesn't mean you need to spaz out like one.

>> No.50657919

>Wanting to live in a shitty area instead of a nice area is a real man mentality
Okay Cletus

>> No.50657946

You feel the need to live in a gated community and you are trying to shit on other people's life decisions? I've seen some real cope in my day but this shit today takes the cake. Tell me when you leave your compound do you enjoy the hustle and bustle of the big city or the homeless niggers to step over more?

>> No.50657954

No way people are only putting down 5% right?

>> No.50657983
File: 77 KB, 640x640, 1633018099246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally were the one that was shitting on my decisions you stupid projecting fucking retard
>Gate means u live in city around the homeless people
You're a fucking retard

>> No.50657992

You're not winning because you're trying to mimic a lifestyle that you can't afford by means of wage cucking that majority of your precious time away.

>rather than tying it up
If you actually had investments that gave higher returns then you'd be MUCH better off buying a house with 0% down and interest only, then allocating that capital (and would be principle payment) to those investments. The returns would more than pay for the interest allowing you to live for free. Meanwhile, you're enjoying appreciation with infinity ROI and tax deductions making you even wealthier.

There's zero excuse to rent. It's just the path of least resistance for people who want to stay poor.

>> No.50658002

>wage cucking
Not reading your wrong assumptions, I should have known the mortgage cuck circle jerk couldn't answer a simple question

>> No.50658046

I am shitting on your decisions because they're shit. You've responded in a brittle way this entire thread. If you are living in a gated community and don't need to that's even WORSE than living in a HCOL and needing the gate. Holy shit you're a fucking dumbass dude. You can call me "Cletus" all you want but at least I own my property and don't have to wage slave to exist. Tell me gatefag can you say the same?

>> No.50658836


>Lol no

>> No.50660669

This surely wont continue for long, its like the dog coin shitsters that rode the wave, only a matter of time before the government fucks so.ething up so bad that housing will be on a wimper

>> No.50662119

Depends how you value the place where you live i guess, but you also comparing different types of homes with different utilities. I could save a lot living in a nigger ghetto but i have a family, im guessing you dont

>> No.50662173

Wait for the mass lay-offs in winter/spring.
I always rent my appartments and do smaller investments with cash like buying a holiday cabin to rent it out again to be on the safe side.

>> No.50662182

Cause my parents are retarded boomers who broke up instead of buying a house when I was born
My dad bought a crappy house with his new GF on the peak of the real estate bubble though kek

>> No.50662210

housing will be bailed out at any cost. no govt would allow or survive a property crash that left huge swathes of people facing eviction.

>> No.50662293

>>Rent in nice apartment gated community for $2500
>>The houses in the neighborhood would cost me $4500 a month if I paid the 3.5% minimum and took a 30 year mortgage

>> No.50663181

can you even put 5% down?

>> No.50663226

It’s all opportunity cost.
Had I bought a home like all my peers I wouldn’t have disposable income to invest in crypto years back and sneed on their ROI 5 times over.
No I don’t think I’ll have sex.

>> No.50663272
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it's really about the fact that people who don't have much money, boast about buying something they have to pay off in the next 20-25 years while acting like it represents their net worth
even with my current small salary i can easily get a 2-300k mortgage for a house/apartment in my country, you're not special
'rentoids' who are rich mog every mortgage nigger

>> No.50663873

>for a fucking yard that I have to also pay someone to maintain
you're right, if you're unable to mow the lawn yourself and instead need to pay another man to do it for you, you should not own a home. it's honestly almost as bad as paying another man to fuck your wife because you're not up to the task. embarrassing. is this the current state of zoomer men?

>> No.50664902

Well yeah you need to pay for housing

>> No.50667226

hahaha isn't that crazy being able to afford paying a mortgage for the rest of your life, wouldn't catch me doing that haha, no sirree haha ha

>> No.50668810
File: 71 KB, 300x577, 1656869361662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based rentchad with little liabilities and true freedom

>> No.50669758

>Karma is not a term actually used in the Bible, it is an idea from Hinduism and Buddhism
No, Ranjeet.
You mean what goes around, comes around.

>> No.50671464

>buy 1 bed flat in nice area of London for £130k on 100% mortgage.
>stay for few years, sell for 50k profit.
>buy small 2 bed house nearby for £240k using £50k profit as deposit.
>stay for 15 years, sell house for 200k profit plus money paid off of mortgage.
>move away from London, buy larger 3 bed house on the coast outright and have £100k left over for investing.

Renting is for fucking idiots.

>> No.50671959

Your house is worth exactly $0 if I never buy it from you.

Checkmate mortgage investors.

>> No.50672019

Lmao what bank is gonna give you a mortgage with 5% down?

>> No.50672031

I've actually had zoomers tell me they bought a house when in reality they moved into a small apartment.

>> No.50672064

go back landleech

>> No.50672239

This has to be bait

>> No.50672421

Both renting and buying are the wrong move today. They both entail slavery.

Living with a Boomer parent rent-free is the based path.

If the mortgagecucks want to brag about lucking out buying a shitbox house pre-2020, I'm going to brag about having rich parents.

t. live with Boomer parent in multimillion-dollar house in a completely white neighbor with no crime, feels good mang

>> No.50672760

Bros my mother gave me 'til October to buy a house or I'm gone. What the fuck do I do?

>> No.50673024

My house was bought in full though.

>> No.50674354
File: 81 KB, 900x770, 1659210136542287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rentoids. NGMI.

I have 11 Apts between 5 properties.

3.7M in fixed rate debt @ 3%.

Live for free. Don't need to work.

I'll be a deca millionaire without ever deploying another dollar. Purely through amortization and appreciation.

>> No.50674426

uhhh nice larp but next time make the numbers believable. 3.7M @ 3% is gonna be like $13k a month in mortgage payments, and thats before any property taxes, insurance, maintenance, etc.

not even your make believe wealth scenarios are profitable

>> No.50676299
File: 28 KB, 1024x533, 1642598973022m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Put down 30% with savings to spare
> Sweet interest due to insanely low LVR
> Rentoids coping that "saving is hard" while the pay off Scholomo's mortgage+ instead
> mfw

>> No.50676326

no one regret renting. they know they can become eternal debtslaves shackled to a shitty town anytime they want, and they choose not to do that.

>> No.50676491

That might have worked 10years ago, now you x3 for values

>> No.50677554

i cant wait till they move section 8 niggers into everyones neighborhoods and prices plummet