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50607576 No.50607576 [Reply] [Original]

I've been told that we are going to experience a multiyear bear market which is kinda scary because I already bought lots of coins including ETH SOL ADA LINK and XMR after see the market pump from the previous days, and I think I'm fucked up. My friend recommended me to dive into metaverse instead, but I don't want to buy some freaking monkey cartoons with no use cases. What's hot recently chads, I need wheeelp...

>> No.50607591

stop putting your money in incel-tier pyramid schemes, you frogposting incel piece of worthless shit
have sex already, you scum

>> No.50607621

Stack BTC ETH BNB and XMR and when they start going up and the casino starts you’ll be in perfect position to take some gains and buy shitcoins

>> No.50607689

I already had sex with your mom but she is nasty as fuck, what are you buying then? Red dildos for your sweaty ass? I'm a real investor and you are just a worthless guy from the corner of your shitty room.

>> No.50608078


>> No.50608538

Just kidding, those scumbags are getting me off as I just want to see what chads are up this point of reddish market. Kek.

>> No.50608643

Then leave 4chan

>> No.50609520

ADA is dead and XMR has a love story with SEC

>> No.50609710
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Why would I leave idiot? Don't get me started.

>> No.50610512

You're a whale anon. Just hold your assets and you'll be a millionaire soon. Those are solid bags to consider.

>> No.50610685

XMR is just a ded coin after all, there are still some boomers here believing on that piece of crap yet privacy will never be a thing here on crypto using their trash fundamentals

>> No.50611005

Hahaha anon is talking non-sense. You have no idea how monero works and how privacy protocols will help everyone like you in the space.

>> No.50611015


>> No.50611028

>pyramid schemes,

>> No.50611036

Why would you stay? Other chan boards are better.

>> No.50611039

People really buying top 5 shitcoins but not BTC lmao

>> No.50611041 [DELETED] 

Haha, finally we have cool AAA MMORPG with NFT integration

> Assassins Creed Black Flag Game Director is the CEO of the Game Studio
>Massive Multiplayer Online game
>Doxxed Team
>Plenty of the upcoming NFT drops

>> No.50611214

>using the avax mascot
>having no avax

>> No.50611563
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 34fwdgh56uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I buy BTC if I couldn't get that much profits from that, I would rather to degen my way through those top 2-10 coin instead of settling to the highest market cap shit.

>> No.50611886

no retard will buy avax at this point, they are just a copycat version of Cosmos and pretend that they are doing well but in reality, they are just nuts faking all those liquidities they are having

>u dumb

>> No.50612051

>My friend recommended me to dive into metaverse instead
Your friend is retarded. "The Metaverse" is not a thing you can buy into. It's a buzzword that faggots are using to scam idiots by convincing them it will be the new internet when none of them have anything real to build a business around that isn't just a shittier version of crypto.

Metaverse land? The internet is fucking endless. Why the fuck are you buying land that doesn't even have a platform to use it on, let alone any functionality, because everyone who started selling metaverse real estate barely has an understanding of web development, let alone game design.

NFT avatars? Only worth it if you want your only friends to be other NFT faggots who are desperately looking for a community to belong to, because they are such loser that they had to buy friends by paying 6 figures for a goddamned picrew avatar and now all they can do with it is talk to other faggots and losers who are waiting for their chance to sell it to some other retarded faggot so they aren't stuck bagholding some worthless shit.

Web3? Wow! The internet, but with more blockchains! I'm sure that's going to be a really big fucking deal! Don't you want to log your amazon transactions on the blockchain so everyone can see you buying horse dildos and lube?

>> No.50612124

Some projects are also using the metaverse as PR and nothing else so sleep and relax.

>> No.50612330

You got a good point, then I won't let myself diving into these hypes then. The only thing I'm thinking right now is if the coins I bought is inlined with those people that will make it soon, I can hold longer if that's going to be my safest strategy. Kek.

>> No.50612451

what is their current lovestory? i thought XRP already fleed from SEC for like a year ago, there has not been any tensions around them right now. or wait.... maybe the Jews helped them to get free? WTTTTTTFFF

>> No.50612821

Metaverse has a long way to go, even normal web3 gamers can't still accept the fact that we can really actually earn from these p2e games that are popping off everywhere. You'll see it once mass adoption occured like around 3-5 years from now.

>> No.50612932

Everything will change 3-5 years from now so don't expect big. You're day dreaming and you have no idea what's coming next.

>> No.50612958
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that's true, even the play to earn scheme is now changed into play to own so that you can't just earn those inflationary coins but also own some of their floor prices NFTs, good thing for the 3rd world cuntries

>> No.50613107

I've seen too many cunts here saying that crypto is a pyramid scheme but they are envy at the same time with those people who are earning more money by just buying and selling NFTs out there. I feel bad for those ignorant boomers.

>> No.50613279

>even normal web3 gamers can't still accept the fact that we can really actually earn from these p2e games that are popping off everywhere.
lmao go shill your garbage on telegram with the rest of jeets, faggot.

>> No.50613482

play-to-own is not that bad actually, I've been checking some games like axie and mir4 and they are still stuck with the p2e environment, while solana has lots of blockchain games that have interesting trailers including Eternal dragons but im much more inclined with honeyland trailer

>> No.50613692

I don't know anon as all the game models are based on rewards earnings and there's nothing new on that.

>> No.50614144

Most solana nft projects are doing well.
Planning to invest in Eternal dragons, been hearing a lot about Honeyland lately too

>> No.50614258

I think they are lazy fags who don't want to spend time on research
Heard of it last month anon.
Bought 2 genesis eggs after seeing the gameplay trailer, even won some giveaways for incubating them

>> No.50614625

You glow from this post,invest in xmr folks.

>> No.50614663

Stop glowing.
It's a glowie

>> No.50614807

Made good profit from nfts so no cunt can tell me otherwise

>> No.50614871

I really loved the graphics though

>> No.50614872

honestly anon all you need right is ETH and MATIC.
merge + ZKEVM = profit

>> No.50615031

I made good money from shiba.
You gotta take risk to make it in this game
What I like about it is that players are giving incentives to keep their assets within the game and earn more. That's why I and my friend are anticipating gamelaunch in Q3

>> No.50615239

They're diving into the privacy protocols right?
The concept is still new to me and still exploring on their ecosystem.

>> No.50615596
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I think you should read more about their whitepaper, as there will be only around 1B of supply for their utility token and they are also planning to have some buyback and burning mechanism as well..

>> No.50615711

That's for long term service. I'm also concerned on the size of the community as this will drive the ecosystem well. Too many gamefi projects leading the way

>> No.50615833

The metaverse is definitely being slept on and the sports metaverse would melt faces in the next bull run being backed by EA sports and Sony.

>> No.50616110

ain't that just rumors son
but no yeah makes sense truly
good thing i didn't invest cause it's easier but yeah much slower just to play time raiders

>> No.50616156

The community will truly stay if they know that the gamefi projects are worth the investments. There's nothing to convince them kek.
Ahhh red flag

>> No.50616513

they are already leading the way, because of their 41 days of giveaway which has a total prize pool of 115K USD if i'm not mistaken... all you have to do is to buy a genesis egg and incubate it

>easy as hell

>> No.50616548

You got no place in 4chan, bear market has a way of dragging your temper. Deal with it and get decent bags to keep you afloat

>> No.50616760
File: 28 KB, 600x519, Baby_Face_funny_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is expecting to win on their giveaway but maybe if you hold more than 20 genesis eggs, your chances are big to win the prizes as you'll get more loyal points fuck it.

>> No.50616773

Chad indeed

Monero is a shitpile pajeet, quite shilling that crap

Hell would anyone gets into shitcoin when you gatz solid Gemz like KCS ALBT APE OP

>> No.50616888

i've seen lots of whales there winning land minting whitelist like almost everyday, that's the perk of having lots of genesis eggs.. they are even fight for the total points and ranking on the website which is hilarious kek

>> No.50617709

Fucking won me the Duppies collection from the giveaway program

>> No.50617737

Just slowly DCA into BTC, ETH and ADA. What else could I possibly need

>> No.50617797

>privacy protocols
This is not gonna save you from regulations fast sweeping in anon
I've got my arms wrapped round Illuvium, sandbox and civitas.
Solana is yet another ecosystem with a shit load of exciting gaming projects

>> No.50617851

Yugalabs got a shit load of work to do with the game, trailer is a total crap.
I've come to realize the metaverse is a mere imagination. Most projects never live up to the trailers, suck my left nut

>> No.50618485

Also its going to be an open developer ecosystem means other games can be built on it.
This can only lead to more adoption

>> No.50618766

I'm DCAing into these as well as MATIC
Did a bit of research about some solana nft projects and bought a few including
okaybears and solpunks. Also stumbled on Honeyland recently which will be the first gamified DEX on the blockchain and will launch in the third quarter of the year.

>> No.50618913

Won an electric scooter but what's fuckin exciting for me is the HXD allocation. Once game launches and bull market is back, early investors will be on their way to the moon kek

>> No.50619500

Go for projects working towards the web 3, security and identity management niche. They will be the next big thing in the space

>> No.50619566

Privacy protocols are good investment, also with security based protocols, they will thrive considering the need for privacy and security in defi

>> No.50619642

I'm DCAing into low caps mainly atm, ORE, ALBT, ZIL are my top picks

>> No.50619829


>> No.50619921

Yugalabs did some shitty stuff tryna switch.
Regardless APE been holding Strong, still keeping my ALBT bag alongside as they pushing to launch a decentralized capital market Fundrs

>> No.50619998

how are you expecting to make it when you're not holding the currency of the future, matic, especially after polygon's partnership with kaleido that will be paving the way for enterprise blockchain adoption

>> No.50620577

Xmr will always have value and utility you are glowing so fucking hard how much do they pay you per hour

>> No.50620740

Any anon sleeping on the metaverse certainly wants to remain poor
Just bought another genesis egg and now eligible for the special 42day giveaway. Just trynna accumulate now because floor price might not be pocket friendly once game launches

>> No.50620932

Exactly anon
BTC will always be the safest, Old fags know this and they keep buy the fuckin dip while others run after shitcoins
I honestly believe the community will continue to grow.
Looking at the road they're lots of earning opportunities till gamelaunch in Q3.
More so the in-game DEX will encourage players to keep their gaming assets with the ecosystem as they can farm and stake

>> No.50621007 [DELETED] 

You're right anon. What even got me hooked to the sports metaewas the chance to meet some athletes that were my childhood icons.

>> No.50621031


You're right anon. What even got me hooked to the sports metaverse was the chance to meet some athletes that were my childhood icons

>> No.50621070

Polygon also partnered with a ORE to help scale NFT management and cross chain wallet creation

>> No.50621107


raini.io game coming out this year.


>> No.50621143

Me too kek, infact I bought my first egg after seeing the beauty of the honeyverse in the game trailer
Kcs is an hidden gem, been DCAing since the bear market started

>> No.50621144

This NFT has garnered massive popularity for itself. Nyan heroes and star Atlas has done same lately. Land parcels will fucking become the next big trend in this space. Honeyland metaverse land mint is slated for September

>> No.50621219

If it's a competitive one, I think gamers and users don't need an advice to stick at that certain DEX if they know it can benefit them a lot.

>> No.50621280

Polygon has always been a top one, I'll DMOR
I'm imagining playing EA sports metaverse soccer gamenin the metaverse featuring the likes of messi and ronaldo, that'll be amazing kek
Solana nft projects are really a good store of value provided you DYOR
Got solpunks and degods. Also planning for the land mint as well as more queen bees before game launch

>> No.50621508

Too many useless dex in the space

>> No.50621626
File: 26 KB, 738x415, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you should look out for AXL, they got their metaverse ecosystem in development and it's fucking hyped.
New whitepaper, new roadmap. Really stoked.

>> No.50621819

Looked into this a while back, fuckin cheap and early. A gem in disguise chads.
Haven't won anything yet nevertheless I'm still convinced with the project considering they're building. Floor price might be out of reach once the game gains massive adoption.

>> No.50622022

Would agree, good number of them have shitty UI and low trading volume.

Same one with the launchpad? When did they switch narrative

>> No.50622063

Ofcourse, we can't say every DEXs are working well. This depends on the community and how competitive the platform is. Don't be such a gullible kid

>> No.50622194

Perhaps a good number of them

>> No.50622310

The launchpad is just one aspect of it. It's always been DeFi and NFT inclined from the onset and now they looking to add on to that.

>> No.50622406

What dex is that? I hate dex without liquidity . Scam devs

>> No.50622435

Based, something still in it's early stages, still building is just what I'm looking out for.

>> No.50622523

NFTs are being integrated to a lot of platforms in recent times. They are even bigger in the metaverse with sports icons like Messi and Ronaldo having their own collections.

>> No.50622545

yeah having content control like games makes NFTs have some use case. it was always going to be games - considering how much retarded money faggots have spent on games such as fortnight...

>> No.50622681

S_y_s coin is farther along with roll ups. And a lower MC

>> No.50622711

Yeah and it's up to you which DEX you gonna use and which platform you're comfortable of.
That's the HiveSwap anon and honeyland team will launch it.

>> No.50622914

There's something that bothers me on a dex, the security and the liquidity problems and the tokens that are not listed in a certain dex which is only available on CEX

>> No.50623203

Metaverse is fake. I'm not convinced

>> No.50623431

In what sense?

>> No.50623761

Well, the DEX is not launch yet so you can't just conclude their platform. Better focus on their daily giveaways and win some prizes like ledger.

>> No.50624091
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Buying a land will get more benefits in the future. I guess their rental system is also functioning. This is becomining better to extend your passive income.

>> No.50624484

You're ages behind anon. The metaverse is the future and a lot of top athletes and brands are already getting involved.

>> No.50624640


>> No.50624906


>> No.50624951

That doesn't seem like a bad folio. I think we're already well into the bear market. Prices haven't been that high all year, if you're gonna buy now is a fine time. I recommend looking into truebit as well.

>> No.50624993

So how do we make money on nfts? Are you saying to just find a nigger sportsballer, buy their nft and hope greater fool theory works or is there a use case?

>> No.50625012

What specifically makes it the future? Im geniunely asking

>> No.50625372
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you 60 years old to unsee the future on metaverse anon? CryptoXpress is aiming to be the first bank built in metaverse and I guess you don't understand this as you're fucking stupid gay.

>> No.50625522
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Don't sleep on RIDE for holoride. the Audi-backed VR NFT project, Anon.

>> No.50625541

I'm into real estate too and I recently got land on the sports metaverse. Renting it out and making passive income would be a great innovation.

>> No.50625646

How passive is that?

>> No.50626072

I can't imagine..how can we use that in real?

>> No.50626224

yes buy stocks goy

>> No.50626537

Still figuring out anon and I can imagine sending cheques virtually and pay the bills easily in a new virtual world. Their crypto debit card is also helpful in the future to unlock more benefits.
Which stocks are you trading today?

>> No.50627512

Yes fag, many platforms now enable cross chain NFTs minting, transfer and trading, which I think will bring more adoption in the NFTs space

>> No.50627882


>> No.50628624

>into metaverse instead
I don't recommend it, usually there you find crazy people wanting to put dogcoins in the metaverse, imagine a shiba jumpscare by vinu

>> No.50628898

Gaming projects fucking need to look beyond creating a regular P2E
Building a sustainable gaming ecosystem should be priority, Honeyland is spearheading this approach.
All newfags care about are quick rewards and moving onto the next one desu

>> No.50628926

What does honeyland do?

>> No.50629334

It's a fucking Web3 gaming ecosystem with a sustainable structure for gamers and developers.
Now you know, go stroke your wet leather newfag

>> No.50629685

Sol is literally the cornerstone of everything NFT related, so I don't think it's gonna die anytime soon. I do think BTC is gonna reach 10k but unironically so you should wait until that happens if you really wanna ape into it.

Could also get into its projects within its ecosystem like gmt if that's your cup of tea but they're mostly irrelevant.

>> No.50629694

Why not diversify more Anon.
I'd personally add more low caps like Trias and Vra. Then a few shitcoins.
I'd diversify into nfts and NFTgames with like $10k

>> No.50630208
File: 30 KB, 648x474, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GameFi Industry is huge and will still improve. Saw a CRO report about how exponential the growth is. Projects that have been around since 2018 like ALBT are also using their DeFi terminal to achieve staking integration directly into games. GALA is doing well. The SAND metaverse Times Square is great.

>> No.50630571

Hey anon I got some knives I can sell you.

>> No.50632375

Alright cool,have you heard my post is not spamof gods my post is not spam unchained?

Also invest in verasity