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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50596895 No.50596895 [Reply] [Original]

Why's it different than last time?

>> No.50596917

2 month break

>> No.50596939

>why is the thing that's not the other different from the other?

>> No.50596942
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now the economy no longer identifies as a recession
the economy transitioned
it was transitory all along

>> No.50596948

oh and lots of companies have either frozen hiring or starting layoffs
gdp estimates are coming out tomorrow
most/all you're hearing today is 'we are not in a recession' but tomorrow it's official basically
consider setting a stop loss

>> No.50596973

We got sick of these old faggots and their games so we are meme buying again

>> No.50596992

it isn't, buy at your own risk but first ask yourself where is this money coming from?

>> No.50597005
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relax. Tomorrow will be red. We just needed to liquidate retards.

>> No.50597022

This is the power of transitioning? Cisbros...

>> No.50597025

Because 2.5% interest against 15% inflation is still stimulative to spending.

>> No.50597068

So what? Inflation is miraculously gonna go down and supply chain issues are gonna get fixed because man doesnt say "hike go up" for 2 months? Lmao fucking bulltards are so gigadelusional

>> No.50597172

Because the news is not worse than the previous news. Markets react based on the current sentiment at any given time. In the bear market no worse news is good news.

>> No.50597195

lmao imagine unironically believing this

>> No.50597234

75 points was already priced in while there was concern it would be 100

>> No.50597256
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>> No.50597287

>the best explanation

>> No.50597671

>What's the best explanation for why the market is pumping after another massive rate hike

I still wouldn't consider this as a pump

>> No.50597731

They estimate it to be -1.5% (real gdp). What does that mean for the price action, that would mean its similar to the first quarter. Or am I completely mistaken here?

Source: https://www.bea.gov

>> No.50597735

because it was already priced in and the market was waiting in case it would be a 1% or more increase. it wasn't, so they priced it correctly, business can keep going for a while.
also to squeeze all the normies that thought it wasn't priced in so it would go down

>> No.50597801

its already priced in. Only people who missed the bottom are bearish

>> No.50597877

Margin hunting. Its really that simple

>> No.50597925

Frenzy, fraud, hubris, idoicy, greed.

>> No.50597983

Last two times it pumped on the day of the announcement, then dumped the day after.

>> No.50598009

Do you understand that the fed signals tightening and the bond market does it for them? Interest rates already went to 3.5% months ago. The fed follows the 2yr treasury, and they are late. There was a small possibility the fed hiked 100 bps, and the market had priced around 20% chance that would happen, it didn't. In addition, a lot of earnings reports are not as bad as people had feared, which causes people to go back and buy. They laid out their plan of getting to 3.5% at the end of the year, which is what the market expected. And then see if inflation is cooling and hiking more next year finally. The market wants certainty and it got it.

>> No.50598048
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>> No.50598105
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interest rates rise
people spend less on goods, more towards home loan
earnings decrease
thats all priced in?
what about balance sheet shrinkage?

>> No.50598194
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Because it's so good that it's pumping the whole market with them

>> No.50598342

Yeah but the "not so bad earnings" also mean that the FED can keep hiking rates
Good news now becomes bad news later

>> No.50598369

This time, it's a bull trap

>> No.50598456

Bobos law. It's pumping so it can crash later.

>> No.50598538
File: 112 KB, 408x350, image_2022-07-27_183856339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive rate hike

>> No.50598573

The markets realised pew pew Powell doesn't actually have the stones to pull a Volcker and fuck them to save the US dollar. This means more inflation more QE the rate hikes are basically cancelled and everything is MAXIMUM BULLISH now forever

>> No.50598634

Never understood the priced in meme. If something was priced in it would the underline equity not trase sideways?

>> No.50598648

Yeah desu not quite priced in, some people thought there'd be a 100bp move so we get this relief rally.

>> No.50598828

This. Green dildos forever. Purchasing power of the dollar will be destroyed, but your portfolio will have killer gains.

>> No.50599042

This, his speech was a bunch of mealy mouthed bs and he basically showed his hand that they're going to turn the money printing machine back on any day now

>> No.50599045

There are months worth of lag time between hikes and impact.
Institutions have the obligation to shareholders play chicken with the market until the last possible second.
They'll get bailed out anyway.

>> No.50599229

you laugh, but the market would have shit its pants if 100 instead of 75

>> No.50599333
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he said we're not heading for a recession, just slow spending which is normal during peak summer months

>> No.50599538

I liked the part of his speech where Powell says "some people thought we couldn't get to 3% inflation" like in an we-showed-them type way. Powell is a fucking moron.

>> No.50599612

shit I didn't realize corn was on fed's balance sheet
guess it's over

>> No.50599677

The market is a very chaotic system. You will never learn how to predict it. It doesn't move on single variables that you can control, it moves on millions of variables.

>> No.50601307

Yeah and I invest with back up research and face my consequences if ever the coins failed. Currently got reef, geeq, zil, iotx, ftm. WGMI

>> No.50601341

PUMP before DUMP

is it really so hard to understand after the 100th time?

>> No.50601355

They priced in a larger hike (a full %) so when it was only 0.75, the news was better than expected.

Prices move when uncertainty is removed. The market speculates more about what the value of something will be in the future, not what it's worth today.

This is pretty fundamental stuff for investment.

>> No.50601358

>2 month break

>> No.50601595

Market always goes up when an expected uncertain event concretise itself. Everyone was expecting 75bps and that's what we got, so it removed all the uncertainty around "will it be 75, or 100, or 50, or..."
Markets will also go up tomorrow when recession is confirmed

>> No.50601634

You perma-bears are fucking blind and cannot look at what's going around you objectively. Supply chain issues have been easing for the past 2 months, oil prices have had a pullback, oil production has been increased, pump prices are down, core inflation has flat-lined, overall cpi is expected to be down for July (preliminary figures tell us that it is). Food is now being important out of Ukraine. Earnings of large companies have shown way more robustness than expected. Growth of tech giants core business, on average, has been good for the quarter. The US government announced a massive investment package in the tech sector which will fuel growth (so the money printer is back on in full force). And The biggest factor of all to why shit won't dump off a cliff; portfolios have already been adjusted to be risk off and were months ago.

Do you seriously think there is an unlimited amount of new money coming into the space and suddenly panic selling or people flipping risk on/risk off as frequently as the wind changes direction? Do you think people who are long term holders of stocks and crypto who have just sat through a major correction without selling are going to capitulate now? Do you seriously think there is any meaningful amount of retail left in the markets ready to panic sell? If you answered yes to any of those question you need to get your head checked. The bear thesis has played itself out and anyone who isn't now accumulating is just providing liquidity to whales allowing them to buy more at these levels. I guess you can seethe along with Michael Burry (who's portfolio hasn't out-performed inflation since 2008) when your get fucking owned for your entire worth like he almost has.

>> No.50601744

there was already a lot of fear in the market, things are just a tad better than expected

>> No.50601797

It was already priced in.

>> No.50601815

so the way it works is: stocks never dump until ALL money is exhausted. that means shorts too.
>shorts squeeze
>market dumps
>you lost all your money again

>> No.50602128

Which one is better?
Better prepare for a big comeback

>> No.50602217
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Because we have a large gap to fill and they are afraid of rough 10 year trendlines breaking.

>> No.50602228

How new?

>> No.50602560


Unfortunately for me I have zero disposable income

>> No.50602575

priced in

>> No.50602678


Higher rates increase banks willingness to lend.

>> No.50603060
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Everything is a better choice anon as I did my research before buying these assets. Geeq is secured by PoH that is invulnerable to hacks. Security is necessary.
TA is not working these days young man.
You're too unlucky.

>> No.50603616

Buy the fucking dip

>> No.50603645

Yeah great 11% mortgages for ALL!

>> No.50604065

>a lot of earnings reports are not as bad as people had feared
Walmart was down 8.4%
That is real America getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.50604167
File: 174 KB, 640x640, 6F7E22B4-05CE-475B-B7D7-E1E8DB5B878B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two consecutive quarters of falling GDP numbers means we’re officially in a recession. Top boards in the fed say things are still chugging along smoothly but the real analysts believe we’re going to see something worse than ‘08. Too much happened too quickly and the fed raised rates too late. The world economy will be in free fall and you’re going to see lots of companies go belly-up when the sweet investor money dries up.

Captcha: YEP0vA

>> No.50604190

It wasn't massive
Inflation is gaining momentum

>> No.50604192

>The US government announced a massive investment package in the tech sector which will fuel growth (so the money printer is back on in full force)
Pelosi subsidizing the companies her husband invests in should be illegal.
Any growth that comes from that bill will take ages to be actualized since it requires building infrastructure we don't have to facilitate manufacturing of chips.
FED go brrrrrr with the money printer again is almost certainly going to cause hyperinflation.
Probably not doomer tier weimar/zimbabwe inflation, but at least $4.50 for a 20z coke,

>> No.50604202

Also buy SIGA and short Uber

>> No.50604205

Stop being antisemitic

>> No.50604208

>we’re officially
according to which "officials" lol? cope

>> No.50604281

Julius Shitskin but it’s also common sense you stupid fucking zoomer

economic activity across multiple sectors are grinding to a halt. everyone is struggling with staffing, income, production, shipping, and consumer confidence is in the pooper. does all that sound bullish to you?

>> No.50604320

Yeah I noticed that too. Pissed me off. They have zero credibility, can't provide forward guidance. And have failed one of their most important mandates.
Fucking zero room to be boasting

>> No.50604440

The FED has been proving that they won't really do what it takes to reverse the rampant inflation. These little rate hikes aren't doing shit, and they know it. With inflation here to stay, confirmed with each new ineffectual "rate hike," stocks are viewed as a safer store of wealth than cash.

>> No.50604700

Fraud, it is called fraud. Buy in baggie the market is going up!

>> No.50604828

It is not just about stacking up shitcoins fag, a simple research is needed, I have my interest in low caps though the likes of HYPRR, ORE, NXM based n my own growth expectations

>> No.50604841


>> No.50604864

fuck the tranny economy

>> No.50604981

>my own growth expectations

what growth expectations, be explicit

>> No.50605010
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Market is not going up cunt, you can clearly see the early recession even if we are not hitting through weekends yet. This is all bullshit, and buying oldies tokens will just make your portfolio worse.

>> No.50605015


I'm leaning most towards this

>> No.50605122

>There are months worth of lag time between hikes and impact.
Retards (especially crypto ones) don’t understand this and will get rekt eventually.

>> No.50605163



>> No.50605213

If you really want to do some margin trading on DeFi then you should wait for Equilibrium's orderbook DEX coming this mid-Q3. They will have a maximum lev of 20x.

>degen all you want

>> No.50605311

It's been talked about for weeks, it was the most consensus trade ever. So many shorts got liquidated.