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5058340 No.5058340 [Reply] [Original]

If this crypto stuff doesn't pan out for them?

I am 36 years old, this year I have been ruined financially in my professional life. Also my wife decided to leave me after 5 years of marriage.

I might have to move back into my parents house.

over this past year I had managed to trade myself all the way up to just over 5 bitcion. I managed to lose 2 in the past week on a string of bad trades.

Crypto is the only thing I have left in my life, and I'm starting to throw hail marys here boys.

>> No.5058369
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lot of traders fall for this meme and overtrade, lose their money, then overtrade again in order to try and win back that money. don't do it brudda. save your bitcoin, get a job

>> No.5058516


i have a job. i own a business. and for 10 years it was doing financially really good and the past year and a half it has gone down the tubes. i honestly don't think i will be able to stay open, i figure i have 2 months left before i literally have no money. and i still have debt and racked up even more buying crypto- which was fine, because like I said I had 5 bitcion at least which was worth $100,000 about. Now I'm down to 3.

There is no other job that I would rather do. I have no desire to do anything other than sleep.

So i guess i'll try a few more hail marys with the 3 bitcoin I have left and if that doesn't work i'll kill myself

>> No.5058580

Nah bro, stick at it. I've turned 3k into 20k (A few days ago I was posting i was on 10k) ....so long as you know how to trade.

>> No.5058665


i have about 800 trades on bittrex over the last year. almost all of them were for profit. anywhere from $60 to $1500. Then I started to go big, thinking i would only need 2-3 more trades to get into the $500,000 range. Now I"m discourage to the point where I just want to cash out what I have, but if i do that, I will have nothing else in my life to look forward or hopeful for.

For fucks sake, I was joking with my friend about going all in on Tron the other day, only because Binance gave them to us for free and they were worthless..... If I had done that, I would have $600,000.

Thats how retarded this whole thing is

>> No.5058676

>36 years old
How terrifying. You might as well already be dead.

>> No.5058686

Keep your head up anon. I lost my job after 12 years last month. Got totally screwed over because of the women I worked with and #metoo bullshit. Don’t get emotional about investing. Get a job and keep pumping money into crypto. Don’t make dumb trades. Be patient. Make sure you’re lifting and get yourself a new girl but maybe don’t get married again. Keep your money your own. We’re all still early in crypto. We’re all gonna make it. Your 3 BTC could be worth 300k in a few years.