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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 54 KB, 256x256, communityIcon_edarfqxeyd681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50559657 No.50559657 [Reply] [Original]

This thing is dead forever, isn't it?

>> No.50559722

This but unironically.

>> No.50559751

Yes. /thread

>> No.50559802

yes whatever you do don't buy more
don't even think about snagging some at these prices

>> No.50559837

Yep, over. Don't waste your money

>> No.50559874

but I have 1T and not selling it

>> No.50560066

November is going to be a bull market for dogbat.
You can bank on that, and take it to the bank, shortly before it is rebranded as a Bonk

>> No.50561963

Checked bonk believer gonna be an interesting month for sure.

>> No.50562036

man I fucking hope not

>> No.50562057

It's a bear market, wait until the pomps are back.

>> No.50562117

Memes die hard.

>> No.50562700
File: 187 KB, 1219x1138, shib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want to miss out on shib for a third time?

>> No.50562706


>> No.50562798

You people have zero indication that you mirror Shib's traction. It's over. Cope more, seethe more

>Bought in October
>Sold in November

>> No.50562823

look at it like this right, this thing outlived its rival that 3 of its original shills made to compete with it. Not only did it outlive it, but it did so without any attempts to acknowledge its existence or to do anything to go against it. I'm not saying this dog with a bat is dead, but when a competitor that had everything planned to win gets kicked in the nuts by the very man they based the whole thing off of, this thing might be onto something later on. Also fuck this website for making me rewrite this 4 times for spam.

>> No.50562849

Don't be a disingenuous pussy. The fact that we pumped in November while btc started its shitshow in November already shows it was going to the bil ranges, but btc kept shitting which killed the momentum. Bad timing.
Then what happened? Zoom out, retard. ALL alts got anally fucked thanks to btc, but you retards want to cherry pick as if only dogbat was hit. LOL
It will survive. Sufficient liquidity. Market sentiment has just been total crap. Dogbat will come back when the bullrun restarts

>> No.50562866

Delusional retard, take your meds

>> No.50562870

Also no, you never sold as you never bought a bag. Stop saying retarded shit. Post a pic of your metamask public address with a camera to prove it. You won't do it because you're a larping fag.

>> No.50562878

Post a pic, pussified beta male

>> No.50562903

You're just so mad someone made 100k off this shitcoin while you shit around doing shit all with your life. Get fucked, loser

>> No.50562961


>> No.50563036

LMAO I can get a random wallet from bsc. I asked for a pic for a reason

>> No.50563049

Not at all. I just don't believe your retarded ass is capable of making money

>> No.50563189

Anyone got that surfing the d0bboo dump pic? Can make one for Changgpuump too now. Just popped back in their telegram and they’re still buying kek some people deserve to not make it.

>> No.50563217
File: 60 KB, 816x538, ghostbro_is_brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go ser

>> No.50563253

Ya and you're one of them. In a year from now you're gonna rope. Fyi I've BEEN shorting btc, but you're an actual idiot if you aren't planning to buy the lows and I don't even mean just dogbat. I mean alts and btc in general. People with normie brains like you buy the pumps instead of when the real lows are hit. It's sad shit to witness, but it is what it is.

>> No.50563296

50b eoy

>> No.50563377

imagine having your networth in doggy shitcoins during a recession kek

>> No.50563587
File: 22 KB, 644x476, AFA5D751-7A56-4852-BA0C-1913B7AFD3C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek oh changpummpy sorry you got a tattoo but its very very over. Dobbb0s been at what you call lows for well over a year. It turns out biz jannies were based all along and trying to save us from scams.

>> No.50563631

>Dobbb0s been at what you call lows for well over a year
Literally following btc? Do you lack reading comprehension? Before btc's leg down when it was trading in the 30k ranges, dogbat was at 20m market cap. Then btc shat to 17k-23k for months and btc hovered at like 2.4-3.6ish mil market cap ranges for the same time. All other alts also got absolutely fucked. You want to cherry pick though which is low IQ. End of the day btc decides what alts do so ya. No fucking shit alts would dump too. Are you new? Is this your first year?

>> No.50563644

>btc hovered at like 2.4-3.6ish mil market cap ranges for the same time.

>> No.50563675

Dead token trading

>> No.50563748

Not an argument
Anyways it has enough liquidity to survive. It's obvious meme coin casinos will come back during bull markets and dogbat is the most trustworthy of them all.

>> No.50564170


>SHIB is on ETH
>D0B0 is on BSC

Sorry, but BSC shitcoins are worth exactly $0.

>> No.50564213

Yes OP your dick is dead forever

>> No.50564279

Technically all shitcoins are. Guess what? That doesn't stop memecoins from going crazy. You're a retard if you think shib has any actual value. It's a meme coin with a dog pic. It's not that deep. Meme seasons will return when btc bottoms out.

>> No.50564899




>b-but this one dogcoin, shiba, it went crazy, so shitcoin dogcoin number #190383293492 must also go crazy!
>nah we didnt go crazy because november bitcoin crashed its totally bitcoins fault

cant tell if you guys are legit shills, are being ironic to sound funny or are actually retarded bagholders

either way kill yourself

>> No.50564918

D0b0 or h0b0
wagmi dogbat Bros

>> No.50564928

Evading spam/post folters is a criminal offense




this guy here is breaking the website rules

>> No.50564936

are you some kind of nigger faggot?

>> No.50564938

This wasn't an argument. Try again. With brain cells next time

>> No.50565073

You can't /thread your own post you fucking newfag

>> No.50565091

Throwing all your cash into dogbat during an economic down turn is either retarded or genius. Only time will tell.

But this little fucker just won't die

>> No.50565143

Are you fucking retarded?
All-Time High: Nov 23, 2021 (8 months ago)
All-Time Low: Oct 19, 2021 (9 months ago)
Currently down: -98.7%

No coin that has gone down 97% has ever recovered, let alone one that hasn't even been around for a year.

>> No.50565158

when I make it in 2023
I'm getting a dogbat Ferrari to dab on you

>> No.50565170

>No coin that has gone down 97% has ever recovered
Shib did that. Doge did that. Even fucking bitcoin in its early days. Dogbat has actually done that multiple times too.
Retard's first time exposure to lowcaps.

>> No.50565193

retarded confirmed
for your sakes i hope you're just trolling
if not, please consider visiting https://www.reddit.com/r/problemgambling/

>> No.50565210

How is that an argument? I beat your ass and then you just say "n-no you're retarded b-because you just are, okay!?"

>> No.50565233

no one is trying to argue dude
i'm trying to save you from making another mistake in your life
you do realise not everyone on this site is trying to insult you, right?
maybe go outside for a walk or something

>> No.50565247

>Shib did that. Doge did that. Even fucking bitcoin in its early days. Dogbat has actually done that multiple times too.


kek delusional baggies

>> No.50565297
File: 421 KB, 1242x1694, 5F720A3A-9040-42F2-9B46-3FE130C45151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one is trying to argue dude
It is even if your low IQ can't see it
>i'm trying to save you from making another mistake in your life
LMFAO this retard is just a meme coin hater. Dumb bitch. I allocated a small percentage of money. It's not my life savings, you dumb fuck. I bet you're just a bluechip maxi. I'm low leverage shorting btc as a way to hedge.
>you do realise not everyone on this site is trying to insult you, right?
You do realize you're a moron, right? Read above. Also you stated straight up lies about recoveries. It just shows you're new and don't understand market cycles. Pic related. It's actually pretty normal for btc to have a shit year after a few green. You didn't know that though, huh? Don't EVER give me financial advice, smoothbrain. Nothing worse than a dunning kruger newfag poorfag that thinks they are an expert. I've been here since 2018. Don't try to pretend you're more seasoned.
>maybe go outside for a walk or something
Take your own advice. You are wasting time fudding a coin just because you hate memecoins. Learn to manage risk and learn to adapt. Take MY advice :)

>> No.50565329

Missing my point, retard. I simply used facts to correct their misinformation. I'm fine whether dogbat dies or not, but it's more promising than other memecoins. Good liquidity. Good utility. Has actual memes. It has staying power. If you weren't new you'd know memecoins aren't dead. They just won't come back until btc bottoms out.
For instance, do you think doge is dead for good? Well you're retarded so you probably do. It goes to hell in bear markets and comes back in the bull.

Next bull market will also be one of the craziest because it will happen AFTER a recession. After recessions are when mega bullruns happen. Again though you lack the brain power to use foresight.

>> No.50565385

Also you said "not everyone is trying to insult you" when you literally called me retarded one post prior. LOL. Down syndrome fudders, I swear. Shit tier brain power.

>> No.50565387
File: 2.67 MB, 246x251, 1657599282519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIB did exactly that.

>> No.50565463


50b eoy

>> No.50565488
File: 56 KB, 310x326, you lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't /thread your own post you fucking newfag

>> No.50565505
File: 110 KB, 535x1024, 1658598791485648m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dogbat is blameless and I'm not selling my 1.5T before mc=5b.

>> No.50565576

is just as dead as most dogcoins like shiba or vinu, it's a good market.

>> No.50565805

They only memecoins to have ever survived after that. I will choose good projects like LOX and UTK that offers a real-life utility over any shit right now. More memes will come and go in the next bull run.

>> No.50565871

What’s make it / sui stack?

>> No.50565912

0 make it
>0 suicide stack

>> No.50566075
File: 2.54 MB, 4000x3000, 20220713_193152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50566230

Don't you guys ever get tired of the same argument every single fucking day?
>Dogbat 50B EOY!!!
>d0baggies seethe harder
>Dogbat 50B EOY!!!
>d0baggies seethe harder
>Dogbat 50B EOY!!!
>Repeat ad nauseum
This cycle has gone on for over half the year now.

>> No.50566311


And the cycle shall continue till im fabulously rich

>> No.50566351

over 40,000 wallets and steadily climbing, still threads on biz about it, still tranny fud

Yeah this shit isn't going anywhere for the moment.

>> No.50566725

It's boring but the fact this shit never ends is proof that the coin isn't dead. You don't see this shit for say, rocketbunny

>> No.50566748

>all this seething assmad FUD
nah, we're good
50b eoy

>> No.50566890
File: 34 KB, 385x375, 1641318859369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The posts in these dogbat threads every time one is made

I think it's time to leave /biz/ until the bearmarket is over, only thing on this board are bots and "jeets" which I suspect are just more bots.
If it's not threads botted just as badly as modern /pol/ then it's genuine /r9k/ threads with all the "Why can't I get laid" that they bitch about daily

>> No.50567228

>common sense calling a bnb dogcoin clone a scam is fud

you jeets are idiots

>> No.50567232

>the same group of jeets spamming this shit and evading post filters proves this coin isnt dead!!!

>> No.50567362

We all left for z h a o

>> No.50567368

Sorry to hear about chang's, he's not looking too good rn

>> No.50567546

Equally stupid if not worse shitcoin

>> No.50567658

Are you new here? BSC tokens get pumped, dumped and the devs move on to a new p&d.

>> No.50567792
File: 1.40 MB, 646x974, 1658002014639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be 10 billion suicide stack, 100 billion make-it stack. I'd say 50 billion suicide stack now since it's so cheap.

>> No.50567848

why so assmad? kek

>> No.50567864

Damn 40k wallets now? I have a tiny stack of this from January still and will sell at x100.

>> No.50568184

How is it this piece of shit STILL gets shilled here even after a -99% collapse in price and collapse of the community months ago? Don't yall have a better s-coin to pump and dump nowadays?

>> No.50568261
File: 40 KB, 455x600, 1658000875973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That just goes to show D0B0 is going to skyrocket eventually; all you have to do is hold.

>> No.50568264

heh yeah stop spenind money on wallets

>> No.50568271

until the number of wallets are too many

>> No.50568279

bsc is very smart. bette rthan eth imho

>> No.50568287
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x1024, blinddoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy BlindDoge instead tname is the same. BLIND lol. Just created. Doesn't do anything just a memecoin. Liquidity locked til end of summer on Mudra so does not show up on tokensniffer only on poocoiin

>> No.50568332

If it was a couple of jeets there wouldn't be 50 to hundreds of replies every time. And they'd get bored and move onto some other fly by night shitcoin like happened with St0nks, g0h0, V1nu etc

>> No.50568401

Screen cap this, Dogbat is going to fucking zero within one year from now. This recession is going to anally prolapse d0bo into oblivion before it has the chance to have a micro pee pee pump off the ground again. There is no salvation of any kind bagholding this caca in 2022, its over. There will be no prophecy, there will be no community, every one hates each other and your retarded Devs that destroyed any chance you had surviving long term. A drooling Frankenstein in special ed could have ran your faggot coin better than the scum bags who abandoned you, its over, forever.

>> No.50568402

>If it was a couple of jeets there wouldn't be 50 to hundreds of replies every time.

brown hands typed this post

>> No.50568462 [DELETED] 

I fucked up the tg is.

Link is retarded


>> No.50568546

sorry tg name is BLNDDoge

>> No.50568559

This post is proof that IT IS NOT DEAD.

>> No.50568560
File: 156 KB, 960x1280, 1644885463019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely if D0B0 was going to die, it would have died by now? It still has a nearly 3 million dollar market cap despite crypto going to shit the last few months. What's going to change in the next year to make it go to zero? If it was going to rug, it would have rugged already.

>> No.50568588


>> No.50568622

if theres no cohesion with the team what makes you think this will be back? Zero chance

>> No.50568711

Team left for the coin that must not be named dobaggies salty af they ban any mention of it and delist from memetools lolol

>> No.50568768

Reminder that some giant retard spent a total of $930,000 on this shitcoin and now it's worth $44k, or closer to $30k in reality when you account for the tax and slippage

>> No.50568846

You honestly think I would spend the time searching through wallets looking for the one who traded approximately 100k worth of D0b0 in efforts to quell your autistic desires? You are a retard

>> No.50568868

nobody cares about the 'team', it has a renounced contract
back to delhi you go retards!

>> No.50569220

lmao brainlet, enjoy another -90%

>> No.50569400

you are the retard. The people that were putting money and effort into the marketing of this shitcoin have moved on. Keep holding though, Im sure things will change!!!

>> No.50569476
File: 33 KB, 511x671, 1538754864277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinion rejected
stay mad

>> No.50569500

Imagine being this delusional. It's genuinely embarrassing

>> No.50569758

What a pathetically retarded newfag you are. Get out of this market before you lose the rest of your money, since you clearly can't tell the difference between pajeet pnd's and actual projects

>> No.50569812
File: 276 KB, 300x577, 3459385908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so assmad?

>> No.50570048


>> No.50570073

>brown id
lol, lmao

>> No.50570185

It was a scam from day one, it just took most a while to realise.

Every time it pumped some unknown wallet would market dump $300-700k, how was it that every time it pumped a whale that bought 140 days before just happened to dump?

Obviously the team had multiple wallets.

>> No.50572004

Can't wait to hit Shib mc for that tasty 12x

>> No.50574613
File: 608 KB, 2048x1536, 5B46ACFC-674D-4768-A557-1F1B15F7FB1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50574750
File: 61 KB, 568x649, -5877409509465504015_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In from the future. D0b0 will moon in 2023; don't miss out and stop listening to seething jeets.

>> No.50574776

Post a pic with your phone, you fucking pussy

>> No.50574795

rent free

>> No.50574835
File: 773 KB, 926x618, 1657228631842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50576247

Buy billboard or buy billboard? Yeah real imaginative they were

>> No.50577206

Well they got to 220m marketcap which is better than most shitcoins, they’re gone now though so you guys better hope someone else steps up and takes some leadership or you will just have tHe cOmMunItY planning things (ie nothing happens or is organised and no one is willing to pay for anything.) Ghost bro won’t save you now.

>> No.50577246
File: 174 KB, 1169x1187, 1658579740396492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. I gave up on it that's for sure. Now holding Shib and Qom as my main purely shitcoin meme occasional pump coins.

>> No.50577316

lilrocketbunny was my biggest failure in 2021
I sold the top of the first pump, thought walking away with 30k on a $300 investment was epic
would have had over 300k if I just waited one more day to sell
Still stings

>> No.50577844

You can buy dogbat on RadioShack now

>> No.50577978
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x960, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost bro is a gay retard. I'll give him credit for about 2m of that 220m though, sure.

>> No.50577986
File: 929 KB, 819x1024, 1639767405534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekd at all the seething changchumps itt. enjoy suckling on that manbaby cock while it's still around
>muh memegod status
>dongbong's REAL parent

>> No.50578284
File: 916 KB, 2000x2000, Wagie_Bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now move on

>> No.50578337

hey ghost
did we get the 100k from the jeet marketing group back yet

>> No.50578869

It has a great following but bsc marketplace is just a scammer shitshow. Needs to be relaunched as a proper exchange coin with a new ticker.

>> No.50578973

Bruh the majority of those wallets contain literal dust. I would say theres only a couple thousand serious wallets left holding this shitcoin.

>> No.50579802

needs centralized exchange or ded

>> No.50579858

d0b0 or hobo

>> No.50580148

Obviously, you can tell that just by looking at the chart
The point is that 40,000 people have easy access to the token and can fomo back in during better market conditions or even a standalone pump
The ATH was only 20 thousand holders
We are guaranteed to soar past it

>> No.50580171
File: 561 KB, 730x994, 1658343727021167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have hope d0br0s.

>> No.50581736

I've posted my shit before but you sperg retards keep moving the goal post. Just accept that I dumped 100k on you in November and move on. It's that simple. You fucking goons

>> No.50581784

I bought another 50 billion earlier today.

>> No.50581917

just fuck my shit up

>> No.50582407

Ghostbro is the biggest Judas nigger in the BCS degen community, he probably dangled blackmail over Santovi's head just to get hype and circumstance for helping him pump his chink pump nigger coin that fell apart leas than a month after launch.

>> No.50583610
File: 500 KB, 2386x2400, 1658532949726272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping my stack of 50 billion will be enough.

>> No.50583646

>I've posted my shit before but you sperg retards keep moving the goal post.
the fuck are you talking about, pussy? Post 1 from me to you was asking for a pic of your metamask public address (not screenshot). Nothing more. Nothing less.

>> No.50583672

ghostbro was a liability. Spent 100k on North Equities which was worthless

>> No.50585516

so GhostBro was the faggot that made that deal?
what a fucking fag, based Justin kicking everyone out if true

>> No.50587298

>Calling me a "pussy"
Top sign that you get none, faggot