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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50549313 No.50549313 [Reply] [Original]

Divorce laws should not apply above 1 mill wealth. Corporation laws should apply.

>> No.50549576

He looks like a kike rat so I couldn't care less.

>> No.50549749
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fake and gay

>> No.50549761

she's beautiful

>> No.50549762

Alimony shouldn't be a thing to begin with

>> No.50549765

If they were friends he would be going along with it to save his friend some money in the divorce. I would. My reading of this is that the story is true and Musk is trying to save face.

>> No.50549791

wouldn't the wife be awarded less money if it was confirmed she's cheating?

>> No.50549802

Men have nigger tendencies. Alimony and state-rngorced marriage is required for civilization

>> No.50549809

If I was a billionaire Id just find women I like, and offer them a deal, $100k/year for 25 years, and impregnate them and they raise my child.
I'd do this with 100 women. I would do this all in the same year. Then when the 100 children reach age 25, they have to enter a battle royal squid game for my estate, only 1 winner allowed.

>> No.50549823

Awarding alimony makes no sense if she's been working the entire time.

The point of alimony, and the cases where I would support it, is if one person gave up their career to be a housewife or househusband (cuck) since doing so lost them their career development and earning power. If the couple started or ran businesses together then a 50:50 split would make sense in that case. And maybe someone who's been cheated on even deserves some kind of consolation prize. But in this case he founded Google before he met her, she worked on her own companies probably using him for financing, and she's the one accused of cheating and initiated the divorce.

She's a straight gold digger.

>> No.50549853

Yeah that's my point. If Musk was a real friend (not just an acquaintance) he would go along with it to help Brin. Even if they weren't friends he could leverage it to get a favour from Brin.

>> No.50549860
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>> No.50549883

>flat mongoloid with fat face
What happened to modern """men"""? Why is their taste so shit?

>> No.50549918
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/biz/, how do i marry and divorce a rich man?

I dont have any skills, and i dont think I'll ever be rich any other way :( pic related, my doppelganger

>> No.50549933

marriage is fucking retarded. why any man would get married these days is beyond me. theres literally no reason for a man to get officially married

>> No.50549956

Go find some fat kike in Hollywood to be abused by

>> No.50549987

Make sure to have iq above room temperature

>> No.50550130

i thought jews knew how to hold on to their money?

>> No.50550133

I cant act

I have an IQ of 140 but i have mental health issues and personality issues, i have autism i think, because i just get anxious a lot.

>> No.50550160

>I cant act
Never stopped Megan Fox

>> No.50550169

How rich has he got to be? If you really look like that I'll marry you but you have to be my breeding sow and if you try to divorce rape me I'll have you killed please respond

>> No.50550183

men leave cuz women are so fucking annoying and petty to be around. most women are bullies with a skirt and do it to get hate fucked. if women were actually charasmatic and funny to be around dudes wouldnt be leaving. but no they gotta nag about your clothes not being folded in a drawer while her clothes are everywhere. and no they dont see the hypocriticalness in it. if they do then they dont care. theres a 100 more to replace u

>> No.50550261

marry me and then I can die at 30 and you can enjoy a couple mil life insurance payout and my crypto portfolio

>> No.50550277

>Haven’t even had sex in ages (sigh)
>had 3 babies with two women last year

What did he mean by this

>> No.50550307

Americans are the most stupid people on the planet when it come to relationships. Even in africa this doesn't happen. What would it take to remind these bitches of their place in society? I mean how have you retards of a country not figured out how to change this?

>> No.50550309

Can a man successfully divorce rape his rich wife? I’m tall and handsome and could probably find an ugly rich girl and take half her things

Or does this not work for men?

>> No.50550319

And then, when he's called to testify? Just lie in court?

>> No.50550321

Honestly, his fault for marrying some dumb roastie. Zero simpathy.

>> No.50550329

He's full of shit. Just like the imminent cybertruck release

>> No.50550346

>Or does this not work for men?
it doesnt work

>> No.50550359


>> No.50550408

Why not? The law just states for spouses, it doesn’t specify wives

>> No.50550418

For normies ages means one week

>> No.50550481
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I always get fucking turned on when someone gets cucked.

>> No.50550483

I left Uni and gave up my career to be with my husband and I tend to the home. He has actively said eh doesn't want me working
If he leaves me someday I would expect to take at least some money from our combined finances, of course, and alimony does make some sense. If I left him I should get a grand total of fuck all though, I believe.

>> No.50550493

>He doesn't think 3 days is a long time without sex

>> No.50550514

How does it feel to be a parasite?

>> No.50550516

Get the fuck off my board

Seriously. We come here to get away from women; just from your post quality alone I can guarantee that even if you’re not constantly mentioning your vagina (which you are) you are actively lowering the quality of the site

Just leave

>> No.50550543


>> No.50550546
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>> No.50550568
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This meme gets more accurate by the day

>> No.50550624

I'm a man haha

>> No.50550628


>> No.50550671

Kek what does a gay stay at home husband even do?

Sounds worse than being a NEET living at your parents

>> No.50550685

Look at the nose on that thing....
You go girl! and I hate women btw but at least she's stealing from this (((guy)))

>> No.50550735
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How does it work ? do you cum when u take a shit ? who is the bottom in the game ? the worker or the stay at home ?

>> No.50550782

i keep the house clean the clothes washed the dishes done
he gets coffee and food etc when he wants and always has a hot 2-3 course meal at night
he works from home and i dont have any expensive hobbies except he gets me a nice bottle of whisky for my bday and christmas (as do my parents and grandparents) and these 6 typically last the year

rest of the time i play runescape and look after the cat and dog

>> No.50550824
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excuse me
no women allowed on this board
now if you please ...

>> No.50550874

Ages in normie speak means maybe 1 month of no sex anon.. And babies take 9 months to come

>> No.50550877
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>> No.50550935

besides marrying me, hang out at yacht clubs or ski resorts. Generally upperclass men hang out those places.

Alternatively, Go to thunder ranch or high end firearm trainers, lots of richfags congregate places like that. But also milfags so watch out.

plz marry me tho instead need autism gf till i die at 30

>> No.50550953

if you retards keep getting married you will keep getting divorce raped

"a fool and his money are soon separated"

>> No.50550960

step 1: you have to be a biological female

gg no re oh well thanks for playing

>> No.50551081

He means he didn’t fuck the women he had babies with, probably Jamal did them and asked the women to say to anon the kids are his so he pays for their vacation

>> No.50551086
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it can work, happened to adele's ex husband.
for normalfags it's a stretch.

>> No.50551105

>only one winner allowed
Good luck while I build upon your idea an army of progeny bearing my name while yours diminish in number like in hunger games

>> No.50551136

I used to agree with all of you guys on marriage/divorce being a scam until I had a live-in GF. She worked ~30 hour weeks bringing in $30k a year and handled pretty much all the chores while I grinded out 80 hour weeks and made triple her income.

We lived together for a year or two and when I broke up with her I paid her way into a new place and got her a car since we had been sharing one. Basically gave the chick a ~$10k severance package but she was vital in handling all the petty bullshit so I could just focus on work.

No sarcasm, married/co-habituating bros probably know what I mean.

>> No.50551192

Tits or gtfo

>> No.50551674

So do you accept that marriage/divorce is a scam based of your experience or is that the opposite?

>> No.50551692

Not like he'd really get in trouble if they could even prove he lied.

>> No.50551708

Jews getting jewed is always good in my book.

>> No.50551715
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I'll never marry used goods.

>> No.50551730

There is no "good reason".
Women and thrir entourage will mressure you the fuck out to put a ring on their fingers and walk away if you don’t.

>> No.50551758

he's probably fucking tons of other guys on the side and will give you the monkepoxxx

>> No.50551785

That is a man

>> No.50551787

stable marriage != happy marriage
it just means that religious people tend to not divorce and prefer to endure a shitty married life like good christcucks because life is suffering

>> No.50551816

Half agree. You can't predict which woman is going to divorce rape you and which one isn't, but he could have at least staked it on a someone attractive.

Don't Americans automatically get married to someone they live with? Lmao.

It makes sense for a housewife/house gf, I think you did the right thing. Just don't see where 50% comes from in some cases, especially when most of the money was made before the marriage.