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50531184 No.50531184 [Reply] [Original]

What will be the major craze of the next bullrun?

>> No.50531198
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>> No.50531202


>> No.50531206


>> No.50531213

wow women are way more racist than twitter made me think!

>> No.50531214

>dead, pumped&dumped shitcoins
>next craze

Try harder, bagholders.

>> No.50531232


>> No.50531235

Look into Anatha, but be prepared to wait a while. Team is basically taking break from social media completely (even telegram) until bear markets start to subside.

>> No.50531236
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Plotwist the man had m0n-key p0x

>> No.50531269

i laughed u racist bastard <3

>> No.50531284

Women in Europe do that cheek kissy thing they don't shake hands

>> No.50531305

God women are so fucking cringe.

>> No.50531315

>gender is rea-

>> No.50531317
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>> No.50531325

Based women hate niggers and don't want to touch them.

>> No.50531550

You still shake their hands while you kiss their cheeks, it's not like you kiss cheeks like two autists with both your arms not moving next to your body

>> No.50532307 [DELETED] 

i wouldn't shake a random niggers hand either. fuck niggers, they are gay smelly and ugly. america was much better before desegregation

>> No.50532342
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I hate women.

>> No.50532347

spoken like a women.

>> No.50532369

that one dude who took out his earphone for extra power. what a chad

>> No.50532396

idk i think when the Facebook Metaverse shit goes live we are definitely going to have a huge gamefi run. any token that can be used within an ecosystem which incorporates the NFT market will likely do well.

>> No.50532399

It’s a small niche, but content moderation and dispute arbitration are capable of being tokenized and would ultimately save big media platforms / companies tons of time and money. Projects that are laying the infrastructure for this are in a prime position to succeed within the next 3-5 years.

I don’t have to say the name of one of those projects

>> No.50532418

Ok so imagine the most buttfuck retarded thing imaginable (I mean next level clown world shit) but its worse than all these 3 things put together:
1. Doggycoins
2. NFTs
3. Metaverse

That is what the next craze will look like.

>> No.50532440


These digits & 200k BTC foo.

>> No.50532442

>I don’t have to say the name of one of those projects
Go for it. I can't think of any ottomh
NFT's are this cycle's ICOs. A few might stick around but you won't believe how badly this crop will perform as an asset class in the long term.

>> No.50532454

I can't imagine that giant corporations like youtube or twitch would delage moderation without strict oversight. Why even bother for the rest 0,1% of Internet

>> No.50532455

Meta will be 100% proprietary. Shitcoins need not apply.

>> No.50532480
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utility coins check em

>> No.50532497
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>> No.50533035

women don't shake hands in europe
shutup mutt

>> No.50533048

Refi and web.3.0

>> No.50533067

Defi on Bitcoin. Your sole choice if u dont like VC sloppy seconds is Zenon.

>> No.50533122

Oh. It's a cool idea but the team are cringe and the holders retarded. Not sure.

>> No.50533824

>like a women.
Street shitters need to leave this board.

>> No.50533879 [DELETED] 

Only because it's a pajeet. If it was a nigger their npc programming would kick in

>> No.50533889

and women want to be treated equal as men in a social setting. never was about equality, feminism was only about power.

>> No.50533945

It is about dysgenics.
Specifically ugly women the best possible outcome for themselves.
There's a reason why most beautiful women aren't feminists, but ugly to average women are.

>> No.50533949

Nft’s will do well but they have to have a utility. Plain artwork nft’s except for historical ones like BAYC and Cryptopunks will go to zero

>> No.50534030

because we're likely facing an economic downturn, it's only going to be projects that actually do something and have a real world utility and solve problems/save money for big businesses. I'm thinking TrueBit is going to be a major player desu

>> No.50534063

Hand shaking is a male thing, it used to signify that you weren’t carry a weapon so was safe to approach and interact with. You can’t shake hands with women because they don’t carry weapons so it’s meaningless. Have you ever shook hands with a women in the modern world because they’ve been shoehorned into work and feel obliged? It’s fucking awkward as fuck and feels aliens the proper way to shake a womens hand is to turn it over so like she is putting her paw out like a dog would to you

>> No.50534401

Major craze of next bull run will be centered on
>Web 3
No doubt

>> No.50534423

Kek anon, same with me, I think only projects bringing solutions in the space will be a major player, as regards to security based projects and asset management protocols

>> No.50534467

>Tfw can't side/phantom hug women anymore because sexual harassment
How do I say hello to these cunts if not with a handshake? I thought I was being "equal"?

>> No.50534470

Muslims are right about women

>> No.50534482

Now look at it from a non-autistic, non-historical perceptive and it’s simply a greeting

>> No.50534484

Non dilutive staking

>> No.50534487

With seamless integration from web 2 to web 3, I see the web 3 space will be one of the next big thing in the next bull run

>> No.50534493

>shaking hands post covid
no one does this

>> No.50534494


>> No.50534499

That’s why I hug everybody.

>> No.50534556

NFTs will be one of the next big thing, some big projects like Polygon partnered with ORE network to scale NFT management and support

>> No.50534657

Checked molester

>> No.50534658

same as the last, nfts

the only utility of crypto is line go up. nobody is ever reading a whitepaper to make dead shitcoins like link go up. sure they'll get pity pumps, as the entire market rises.

but 100-1000x's will be exclusively meme coins and nfts, because there's nothing to understand about them. its just a meme/jpg

>> No.50534845


it is no doubt that this is the fuel for project growth this is why i fuck with projects like BAT, CHZ and ORE

>> No.50534846

They would do the exact same to an average white guy sticking his hand out. Nothing to do with racism.
If you are not Chad women see you as dirt and beneath them and reject you.
Guys on the other hand are more bro-like and egalitarian, hence why they are more inclined to shake hands.

>> No.50534912

that's pretty funny.

>> No.50534943


the real btc utility, inflation

>> No.50534982


It's almost like women have to be aware and on-guard of creepy motherfuckers 24/7

>> No.50534987


>> No.50534993

So do men, it’s why the handshake is important because it shows you aren’t a threat

>> No.50534995

Nigga you gay af

>> No.50535013

>the proper way to shake a womens hand is to turn it over so like she is putting her paw out like a dog would to you
I love doing this. Really, it feels good. I'm remembering the last in-person job interview I went to, with a man and a woman interviewing. I shook the man's hand properly and when the woman stuck out her hand, I gave her a proper lady's handshake. Or the same when meeting the transman friend-of-a-friend. They didn't object.

>> No.50535020

soulbound tokens

>> No.50535128

Females are so fucking gay its crazy

>> No.50535151

Creepy motherfuckers exist in the same world as men you fucking retard

Yet they decide to shake hands with a friendly nigger in the middle of the mall with hundreds of people

Women look at everything with more resentment than men because theyre fragile hormonal/emotional beings

>> No.50535172

Hand shaking is almost a power demonstration/brotherhood, males are naturally driven to this type of action, something women dont comprehend at all

>> No.50535175

It is gonna be all about post quantum cryptography projects mofos

>> No.50535314

stop make up thing retard american
open carry never was common not even in the medieval times, because people in the past weren't psychos who tried to kill you at the first opportunity when no authorities were around, as the government and the media want us to believe

>> No.50535354

While were veering off the thread topic, why the fuck is holding hands with a girl so bizzarely uncomfortable and why do those faggots always try to do it. There's honestly only one girl I've ever actually let hold my hand

>> No.50535389

Someone needs to take a hit for the team and monitor le reddit.

It probably won't be something decent, they latch onto anything.

My prediction, dogecoin because why not

>> No.50535421

The thing about LINK is it still works just as well at sub $7 as it did at $50

>> No.50535501

Fuck off jeet, go get a job

>> No.50535573

woman see themselves as something better than man. It's quit cringe if you think about it.

>> No.50535582

>it's only going to be projects that actually do something and have a real world utility and solve problems/save money for big businesses
one of the major problem lots of crypto investors are facing right now is wallet security and custody of funds which is very important

>> No.50535949

NIST made recommendations of algorithms that could be referred as quantum resistant

>> No.50535974

>utility coins
some honorable mentions?

>> No.50535975

>the linky with zero use and its team that keeps dumping on holders
lol, enjoy staying poor forever. well deserved

>> No.50535993

Lol. Should have sold these shitcoins during the pump over a year ago. NGMI

>> No.50536036

nice autismo rambling. now go fuck your sister to keep the huwhiteness in the family lmao.

>> No.50536076

What is this nig trying to prove?
That women don't want to touch some random guy? Stop the press...

>> No.50536149

Quantum resistant coins will rule.
They will be the kings.
You are gay if you think not.

>> No.50536159

nah they're just weaker and therefore less confident

>> No.50536171
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Brainlet, QRL and QANplatform is an example

>> No.50536181

black fragility and larping yet again as perma victims...all while being the most over represented in crime, being the most coddled and most privileged group in the US right now.

i am really fucking tired of it

>> No.50536207

this. it's considered an insult because it's a masculine trait. proper etiquette is to tip your fedora and say with a gentle smile, "top of the day, m'lady"

>> No.50536211

LMFAO so true...

Went for an interview once and the woman's hand it was so limp and like she didn't know how to do it

at first I thought it was because I was a weirdo

I now unironically understand it's because they aren't wired that way

>> No.50536223

People literally slaughtered each other for nothing

>> No.50536226
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>unironic racist
what a wigger

>> No.50536238
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>i wouldn't shake a random niggers hand either

>> No.50536250

If it was some chad instead of a ugly blackcel, those roasties would have shook his hand. Stfu whiteknighting faggot

>> No.50536268

>reddit spacing
>defending roasties
go back

>> No.50536370

>no argument

i accept your concession

>> No.50536377

Permissionless metadata for nfts. Cross chain. Mark my words.

Also social networks onchain.

>> No.50536397

Nigga you’re autistic. You’re literally shaking peoples hands and feeling relieved that they aren’t carrying a dagger under their cloaks. Lay off the dungeons and dragons faggot

>> No.50536416

Cringe kys

>> No.50536437

touch grass incel

>> No.50536530

Eth killers
>but l1 is 2014 shit!
Yeah and l1s in 2014, 2017 and 2021 all did crazy infinity climbs from pennies to dollars because everyone knows eth is shit. It's always gonna be l1s.

>> No.50536617

it's not like you presented one either

>> No.50536619
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>touch grass incel

>> No.50536663
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I read the news too. CRYSTALS Dilithium was the primary recommendation

>> No.50536912
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>that look

>> No.50536974

his palm isn't black enough for her

>> No.50537047

Feel like BAYC won't make ATH again. They burned out as the biggest meme of this cycle.

>> No.50537125
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i love how every group of ideologues have their own version of what this video means
> it's racism (nigs and libs)
> it's because women are conditioned to have anxiety when roaming around in the streets due to perpetual harassment from men (feminists)
> it's because women only shake hands with chads (incels)

>> No.50537140

sad because all the time it was right in front of them : it's the jews

>> No.50537214

Asides being quantum is it safe from other type of hacks?

>> No.50537225

naaah, its just because dey rasis, anon.

>> No.50537276

girls have learned from years of first hand ;) experience that any male approaching them in the street is wanting something from them. it's the same reaction we have when a homeless beggar approach us, we ignore or say "no" even before he open his mouth

>> No.50537292

holy shit i thought it was just me being awkward with girls but girls dont know how to fucking shake hands its so weird.

>> No.50537357


>> No.50537383

That means you have small hands, NGMI

>> No.50537411

everything went downhill ever since we allowed women to vote

>> No.50537475

This. I love demonstrating my alpha chadness with the double hand clasp firm shake: 1. You reach out with right hand. 2. They reach out for shaking. 3. You *clap* capture their hand in yours with your left hand. 4. Shake like it firmly like a mother fucker.

Chads know what I mean.

>> No.50537594

it’s because he is a man not because he is black(at least not 100%)
most women have a wall up most of the time towards men unless the guy is a chad
and for good reason since it’s way more dangerous for women to be trusting

>> No.50537616
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>and for good reason since it’s way more dangerous for women to be trusting
>chads are safu and based

>> No.50537631


>> No.50537654

hes kinda right, it always feels awkward when you go for a hand shake with a woman

>> No.50537701

No, but their sperm is worth the risk

>> No.50537899

>No, but their sperm is worth the risk
lol kys roastie

>> No.50537952

>shakes hand with woman
>fingers smell like vaginosis for the rest of the day

>> No.50537973

Mmmm, beautiful bouquet. Like aged bri with caviar.

>> No.50538151
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The only crypto project that implemented this algorithm is Qanplatform, others are weren't cut out for the top

>> No.50538206

The webm that ended my racism
Now at last I fully see the bigger picture
Fuck women so much bros

>> No.50538223

No, but they probably would have stopped and talked to him.

>> No.50538224
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>> No.50538233

imagine shake someone elses hands in the era of shitty viruses
also, the reason women don't shake his hand is that they are paranoid

>> No.50538255

Web 3 will rule the next bull run. That's why I am looking at SQD

>> No.50538259

That's pretty bad desu. Some blackies are cool

>> No.50538286
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Interoperability hands down

>> No.50538309

The chick next to her was a fuckin dime piece tho. I actually slowed it down and replayed it 5 times just to stare

>> No.50538368

>imagine shake someone elses hands in the era of shitty viruses
i shake hands all the time, i ain't no fucking faggot

>> No.50538465

Chads are the most dangerous unironically

>> No.50538795

Re-segregation…I bet both species would enjoy that. Could focus on our own communities for a change. Not paying for their rotten place and they won’t pay for ours. Re-segregation is the Way.

>> No.50539263

That video is edited, so maybe they just edited out all women who did shake his hand, and all men who didn't.

That said I'm male and I never shake hands with strangers, I'd just ignore and pass straight by him, because where I live any stranger wanting to shake hands with you either wants to scam you, rob you, or best case scenario they want to sell you something.

>> No.50539299

Because it’s cozy and makes me feel good you literal faggot

>> No.50539319

Female slaves