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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50524202 No.50524202 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit bros, what happens now?

>> No.50524216

retards like you making new threads about this even though there's like 5 about this on the catalog already

>> No.50524219

me getting rich because i bought bavarian nordic at around 100
literally did a 3x in two months
more to come

>> No.50524220

Buy BTC before lockdown happens again

>> No.50524223
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i'm ready for my siga shares to moon now. i would like to thank all the degenerate homosexuals for making this possible

>> No.50524241

that's mean.

>> No.50524247

Literally nothing like last time I bet. Take my vaccine if one comes out for it and move on with my life, unlike half the idiots here.

>> No.50524256

you will never be fully vaccinated

>> No.50524257


>> No.50524260
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>Take my vaccine
how many? just one? dirty antivaxxer science denier

>> No.50524263

Absolutely nothing

>> No.50524335

some faggots catch a virus. faggot governments reeee. faggot apologists wear a ribbon. no one else cares.

>> No.50524351

Of course not, do you realise how many vaccines exist for various diseases? Of course I'll never be fully vaccinated you absolute mongoloid.
How many? I don't know, how many are required? You need to take in to consideration such things as efficacy and length of this pandemic for a start.

>> No.50524359

16000 sodomites infected? Thats pretty good. Not as effective as HIV though.

>> No.50524361
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Boot licking faggot go back

>> No.50524409

>hurr durr I go against the grain because that makes me unique & special, everyone look at how amazing I am!
Ok bro.

>> No.50524461
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We do be enjoying our poxxy cryptographological coinage

>> No.50524463

>he didnt buyed MPOX

>> No.50524558

Ohnono, i cannot fuck mans anymore and ohnono i must sell all my cryptos!

>> No.50524561
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the vaccine sounds right up your alley, human guinea pig you make me fucking sick

>> No.50524586

why would you take a vaccine for something that only affects extremely promiscuous homosexuals? hmmmmmmmm

>> No.50524595
File: 104 KB, 867x763, but the science said.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to take in to consideration such things as efficacy and length of this pandemic for a start.
you should too

>> No.50524614

that ship sailed about 2 years ago when half of the population decided they didn't want it
you'll have to find a better excuse than "ur a meme contrarian" to explain your irrational desire to comply to authority

>> No.50524617
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>he trusted the $cience

>> No.50524728

I love how you're all ganging up on me because I chose to do the right thing (all things considered). I bet you guys are the types that hope 10% of people die from the vaccines just so you are proven right about something. You're all totally fucked in the head if you think that.

>> No.50524750

Only 10%??

>> No.50524753


>> No.50524760

wagmi bros

>> No.50524778

>I chose to do the right thing
>never any evidence that the vax would stop you from spreading
based retard

>> No.50524788
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Don't worry everyone this will clear up in like 2 weeks tops. There is no way we will go back into lockdown for a couple of years. This life is not a nightmare looping in on itself you can trust me.

>> No.50524805

sold mine already though

>> No.50524817

I'm not taking a fucking AIDS vaccine when all I have to do is avoid gay people and not have sex

>> No.50524836

>I chose to do the right thing (all things considered)
you did the wrong thing by endorsing a union of pharmaceutical companies and power-hungry government faggots because you were afraid of getting sick for a few days

>> No.50524866
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>what happens now?

I will tell you what does NOT happen.
I am NOT going to continue being a human guinea pig for pharmacological studies.
No more 'emergency approved' vaccinations for me.

>> No.50524887

considering how psychotically hostile normies are towards so called "schizos" I do take a measure of satisfaction from the ever increasing amount of people dropping off from "sudden adult death syndrome"

>> No.50524921

FL gang rise up. Can't eait to keep living life.

>> No.50524932
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Sorry schizo, fact checkers debunked the correlation with the Safe and Effective COVID mRNA vaccine.

SADS is due likely due to climate change

>> No.50524947

And what if that person was somebody you cared about? And to help make this easier for you to understand, if it helps (likelihood it does), what if is was your favourite anime girlfriend character?

>> No.50524969
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You will wear the triple mask and you will be happy

>> No.50524977
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>BUT WHAT ABOUT <emotional argument>??????

>> No.50524981

Families have been disowning each other over this issue. Bad blood everywhere. All I know is that there was a trend of tik toks where normies were telling "schizos" to all die and that they should all be rounded up and thrown in jail.

Now they're dying from blood clots. Maybe they'll realize the shame of their cowardice obedience to their masters.

>> No.50524990

isn't this a fag-only disease?

>> No.50524994

this is the post of someone who needs the monkepox vaxx very badly

>> No.50525002

Also you all have nanomachines in your brain (unrelated to the vaccine) and they can tell your brain to have a heart attack at any time.

That's "their" favorite method of assassiantion now days, chemicals and nanomachines in the brain that induce heart attacks.
They really like the heart attack thing for some reason.