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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50517124 No.50517124 [Reply] [Original]

Life really is like this huh

>> No.50517207

Did monopoly laws just stop existing?

>> No.50517215


>> No.50517237

as soon as everyone started getting a cut yeah it faded

>> No.50517246

no jews just took control of our govt so the laws stopped mattering as long as these companies maintained a high homosexual score for the ESG and promised to donate to Israel
>soon jews. Soon.

>> No.50517252

when you have tens of billions of dollars laws don’t exist because they have to be enforced by human beings that can be bought

>> No.50517266

This is the future Republicans wanted

>> No.50517300

what monopoly they barely have any stake in medicine

>> No.50517325

health insurance is already monopolized by BCBS, reddit kun. It's their world, you're just living in it.

>> No.50517386

That's why you are poor.
When you make your first million you think, wow, I'm going to buy a Lambo, a fucking house, wow, I'm set bro.
Then you realize that is not about money but it's about power. And more money give you more power.

>> No.50517398

amazon dont have a monopoly on anything

>> No.50517426

Amazon has over 1 million employees during peak times of the year and everyone gets the same healthcare access. When are that big, yes if it makes sense to buy stuff even just simply for employee benefits.

>> No.50517427
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Only non prime members are seething

>> No.50517455

Neoliberals want the same fucking thing you moron.

>> No.50517458

Amazon successfully brought down costs for goods and got normally lazy fucks to actually do their job.
I fully support them going into healthcare, maybe you could actually get some care without paying a doctor $2k for the pleasure of seeing him for 5 minutes.

>> No.50517483

Take off your 3d glasses retard

>> No.50517501

You know fucking what. I am for it. IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HEALTHCARE. you know how awful this shit is.
HEALTH CARE WORKERS ARE THE LAZIEST PIECE OF SHITS I KNOW. I AM TALKING ABOUT administrative staff. IT is all about routing you through a million visits just to get something taken care offf.

LITERALLY HAVE TO WAIT 1 months for the primary care physician to then REFER ME TO dermatology another month wait to get my dandruff issue fixed. FUCK THESE NIGGERS. I wait 50 minutes everytime for the doctor to just spent 5 minutes.
bezos might be fucking hitler, but aleast amazon works like clockwork. THE ONLY THING THAT HASN't dissapointed me after COVID era.
FUCK THE BCBS, they have record profits for doing NOTHING. I know this for a fact, no i am going to dox myself here.

>> No.50517595

This. It's literally that bad

>> No.50517627

Ok Obamacare

>> No.50517641


Anon, I….

>> No.50517644
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I concur

>> No.50517658

Amazon is a Democrat company.

>> No.50517707

>bezos might be fucking hitler, but aleast amazon works like clockwork
lot of truth here. Bezos maybe a dictator, but at least the trains would run on time - which, for the healthcare sector, would be borderline miraculous. Stealing this ungodly band of trough-dwellers lunch is also probably the one thing that'll will get AMZN Standard Oil'ed tho.

>> No.50517803
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>here is your saruman bro. Compliments of your friends at the zon

>> No.50517916


>> No.50518047

this. Gotta kick your jews out at gun point.

>> No.50518136

The jews aren't going anywhere fast, in case you haven't noticed. Normies still suck their dick at any given opportunity. Might have to get more creative than that.

>> No.50518823
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>Might have to get more creative than that.
You are not paying attention.

>> No.50520134
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>walmart 3-packs of visa cards
>2.50 fee each
>prime, audible, etc. trial every month

>> No.50520236
File: 241 KB, 435x532, 1643434589814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's not going to get better until we get together and start [being nice] to those fuckers.

>> No.50520354

That’s what republicans are at their core

>> No.50520494
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Yeah it do be like that. That's why you have to take that horse by the reins and eat it. Or, to be more direct, invest your bags on loveloot's 250% apr lockup staking, i don't trust you will make good financial decisions, so the best you can do is stake

>> No.50520552

Apparently yes.

>> No.50520585

Stop the bullshit
1. Republicans are against all regulations meaning they are pro monopolies
2. Republicans bootlick employers and treat then like gods aka they love giving employers all the control
Lefties are shit for their own reason, but stop being some dumbass that likes to push the worst part about the right as if it were "another aspect from the left". It's retarded.

>> No.50520736

Ooooh pooor doctorinoooos, they used to believe they were demi-gods

>> No.50520800

can't be any worse than rnhs

>> No.50520805

you thought that was a joke?

>> No.50520832

you realize they're building company towns. you see where this is going

>> No.50520836

traitorous excuse for a human get the fuck out. Judas

>> No.50520853

as an amazon shareholder i approve of this message.

>> No.50521634

if an alien civilization ever studies our collapse, i wonder what they'll have to say about us collectively choosing extinction simply because we're afraid to say bad things about the minority responsible

>> No.50521651
File: 29 KB, 800x450, 72116859-41C6-4BD6-837E-A17C63998E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white guy speaks to alien:can you believe these blacks and browns just ruined everything
>aliens:but they were just chilling playing ark survival I’m pretty sure you were ones dragging them all over the place creating nukes and shit starting world wars and making fractional reserve banks

>> No.50521675

how did aliens that retarded manage to achieve interstellar travel

>> No.50521684

cope. your way sucks

>> No.50521718

when I made my first million I realized life is about the experience and doing good to others

people are presented with a choice when they reach financial freedom, I think most people these days look inside themselves and find nothing and end up choosing evil

>> No.50521738


>> No.50521745

How did people who lived in mud huts only recently land a man in space? Somehow else gave them the means

>> No.50521746

>Some people say a man is made out of mud
>A poor man's made out of muscle and blood
>Muscle and blood and skin and bones
>A mind that's weak and a back that's strong
>You load sixteen tons what do you get
>Another day older and deeper in debt
>Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
>I owe my soul to the company store

>> No.50521781


>> No.50521817

based dandruff anon
Let the anger guide you, in Minecraft

>> No.50521853

> back that's strong
lmao, if only backs worked like that and didn't just get rekt

>> No.50521873

>whats the point of deadlifts

>> No.50521917

democrats are in power. they aren’t doing much to stop this are they? capital controls both parties nowadays. there’s no political solutions.

>> No.50521923

The thing about AMZN is eventually it has to implode into with either unions or antitrust lawsuit.

If I could invest just in AWS I would. Perhaps I'll just go GOOG and hope they win the AI race.

>> No.50521953

Aryans. Not “people”.

>> No.50521955

jus fuck your back unless your form is perfect. I don't know anyone lifting incl DLs for 15 years+ who isn't at least dealing with some bulging discs myself as well. The only good life for back health is a sedentary one.

>> No.50521958

Amazo in Mexican means anus, and you all know what the N stands for

>> No.50521962

Well you see, at least half of Americans unconditionally idolize the elite, no matter how many children they fuck. At least half of Americans think they're temporarily embarrassed billionaires, so any restrictions imposed on billionaires is perceived as an attack against themselves personally. They usually respond to any notion of restricting billionaires by calling you a piorfag lover who needs to pull up his bootstraps, even if they themselves are just plumbers. With that said, I have almost run out of criticisms against China that can't also be applied to America.

>> No.50521974

by calling you a poorfag loser*

>> No.50521975

fat fingered piorfag

>> No.50521995

I'll slap you in your pior bitch.

>> No.50522047
File: 275 KB, 1045x784, C85DA8E8-493F-4271-88F3-E611069E2767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mud dwelling ancestors owe everything they have to the meds

>> No.50522052
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Why are Hispanics so obsessed with black people

>> No.50522450

>laws matter if you're anything other than a goy


>> No.50522472


>> No.50522495

Pretty much and they're raising the next generation of bootlickers by filling incels with superiority complex the ideals of capitalism.

Can't wait for them to realie 10-20 years in it's a meme

>> No.50522510

idk, ask Disney and Microsoft

>> No.50522940
File: 41 KB, 640x615, 1625881507544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? Whatever. We've crossed this many lines by now. Just go all the fucking way already.

>> No.50523042

its not a monopoly if they technically only own 20% of everything

>> No.50523090

Would be a real shame if the USA and the EU stopped supporting the homosex country Israhell.

>> No.50523179

be a real shame if jews owned nothing and werent happy

>> No.50523203

>political solutions
chopping off their heads is a political solution war is one getting rid of the liberal decay values to destroy what's order and structure and humanly to rebuild everything in a weird way what fits the mentally ill liberal perspective what they are trying to do with their leftist movements to create inhuman conditions to save what's humanly is one to mock what mental diarrhea and cacophony liberals call art, music, intellect, culture, literature, history

>> No.50523496

yeah fguck those overpaid scums, they make up the illusion of working hard and being valuable when in truth they sit on their asses, let the time fly to only then have you for a couple of minutes of real work even that time is mostly empty talk to have the least patients possible to make it seem their entire day is busy to get maximum paycheck there are too many private doctors