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50500464 No.50500464 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50500498

It’s fine don’t be a cuck

>> No.50500710
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Why yes I don’t drink alcohol or use drugs.

>> No.50500724


>> No.50500727

I drink at least 3 shots of tromba tequila as a night cap for health benefits.

I also drink 2 bottles of red wine every other day for dementia benefits

>> No.50500734

Why can't we not be sober?

>> No.50500742

Hard liquor is disgusting. Maybe some good quality honey whiskey or a few beers now and then, but getting absolutely drunk is nigger tier.

>> No.50500751

I’m champagne drunk in reims france right now
>check my ftx baance
>still 22million

>> No.50500762
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Once you rid yourself of drug and alcohol addictions you feel free and feel high on life

I feel good sober

>> No.50500763

>needing mind-altering liquids and substances to get through the day.


>> No.50500778

I drank a bottle of wine and then smoke some concentrates last night for the first time in a long ass time. It made me paranoid as fuck. Sober is better bro

>> No.50500789

If you drink beer as your go to you’re a good goy

You feel bloated, intake too much woman hormone, and have liquid shits the next day

Red wine gives you nice solid shits the next day and doesn’t have the added sugar

>> No.50500867

Its so boring
Top kek
Honey whiskey? What are you black?
That feeling fades pretty quickly. Ive quit several times. Tho this time I feel like I wont start smoking weed again.

2 drinks is fine. Its the 3rd that drops your testosterone by 30% . I dont really even like drinking Im just so bored would rather get high but then I eat too much and im tired of being fat.

>> No.50500889

>Congrats – you're sober. It will take a while for your body to remember how to metabolize anything that isn't sugar from alcohol, so you're going to be pretty ravenous soon. Eat plenty. You can expect your coordination and balance to improve in a couple of weeks. In two months, you might start sleeping like a normal person. Full recovery will take years, though. It’ll be depressing. And it’ll be boring. Don’t expect any further rewards or handclaps. This is how normal people are all the time.

>> No.50500920

>would rather get high

I smoked weed throughout highschool just to try be cool but I can honestly say I’ve never enjoyed the high off weed unless it was smoking poppers. Alcohol may fuck your mind and body up and just fuck your life up in general but it is still more fun than smoking weed

Very strange to me how peoples mental or genetic make ups determine the reaction to a substance

>> No.50500977

cope if I ever saw one

>> No.50500997

I was drinking 3-6 IPAs 4-5x a week and smoking concentrates every day/night for a full year. I was craving alcohol at every evening. And then I was taking adderall and kratom so I can focus on my daily work and get shit done (research crypto and some office work) After a 8 months of doing this, I was likely getting fucked up even though my body was not fucked up yet. I was still working out.

I went to see to see a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with impulsive adhd. They offered meds and one of them was adderall. I chose one that was non stimulate because I already know what adderal does and I wasn't that much of a fan of it nor did I want to take those daily.

So I went with a non stimulate adhd medicine. I know everyone hates prescription medicines and shit blah blah but once I started taking it, I no longer feel the need to smoke concentrates nor drink. It was nuts.

Now I drink only once a week with friends or something.

There was something my body was yearning for and it reached out to thc, alcohol.

Unsure why but the prescription medication made me not need anything else anymore.

Had I not go to the psych, I probably would still be on that nasty diet.

Having this clarity made me realize how great sober life is. Try to obtain it

>> No.50501017

how the fuck did you get adderall so easily???

>> No.50501044

>natural life is a cope
Kek kinda agree

>> No.50501058

>I quit several times
1. You didn't quit
2. You are in the realm of addiction

Kek how are you so blind

>> No.50501064

I had a relative that had access to it. I wasn't a heavy dosage user, I only used a consistent small amount less than 10 mg when I needed to be productive. After seeing the psych I could've started getting it with a prescription though but chose not to

>> No.50501067
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On my moms side i should be alcoholic. On my dads side his dad smoked cigs. My mom drank and smoked a little. My dad doesnt even drink coffee. Loves to eat and fat tho. Homer Simpson fat not Family Guy fat. So i dont know. It took a lot of effort to get into drinking . Even now ive stopped drinking everyday. Just when I relapse ill drink till I go to sleep. Feel like shit the next day. If i just drink everyday then I rarely get hang over. The weed also helps a lot. Dumbs me down makes not give a fuck. Find myself reading more not playing vidya, giving a fuck at job. Really dont find much of anything really enjoyable. I just love being dumbed down for a lack of a better word. Hoping if I just loose enough weight and start lifting again it will be worth it. One night of drinking fucks my sleep up for days now.

>> No.50501077

Ya no shit sherlock.

>> No.50501085

Pray to Jesus

>> No.50501095

I went to detox and a treatment center in February. I did around 120 days of sobriety and was totally committed to never drinking alcohol again. I slipped and now I can't stop slipping whenever I try to get back to abstinence. Fuck bros... I felt so fucking good at that many days sober.

>> No.50501099

>"Why yes I don’t drink alcohol or use drugs." He typed in his bedroom alone, and then used his pale noodly arms to move the mouse to the Choose File button and opened his gigachad folder.

>> No.50501123

There's a chance that we become addicted to alcohol or thc simy because our body chemistry is off and needs something to help it. Thc helps a little with attention and interest in things and alcohol helps with depression for a moment until you hit the comedian.

We reach for what is available to us and think that's what is helping and then find ourselves addicted.

Once I found the medication that fixed my exact problem, i didn't care to smoke nor drink. It makes me believe that I wasn't truly addicted yet. How did I come off of those things so easily when other people need to go to rehab or alky anonymous.

I highly suggest going to a psychiatrist for any depression problems. Spend that crypto money if you have to. My life changed for the better although I do have to take a prescription medicine. But fuck, this has to be way better than what I was doing before

>> No.50501143

> Really dont find much of anything really enjoyable. I just love being dumbed down for a lack of a better word.

Very relatable friend, I also have the added degeneracy of being a gambling addict

Amazingly I’m still up on gambling, but besides drinking gambling and smoking there’s not much I can bring myself to do. I quit my job a few months ago so really all I do is self destructive shit

>> No.50501164

>non stimulate adhd medicine.
What medicine?

>> No.50501192

>Everything is fine now that I found the right drug to convince my miserable brain that it's all OK


>> No.50501278

Did you guys like, have awful childhoods?
Were you constantly "bored" then?

Being sober and content/happy with life is the natural state, if it's not you're doing it wrong or you don't have friends, goals/a belief in the world to work toward, or a community
Drugs of any kind should only be used to heighten that state from time to time and do so among friends
I'll admit I've slipped up especially when covid was going on and started drinking like everyday but I've since cut down on it, same with quitting porn which admittedly I was addicted to til 25

It disturbs me to know that some of you guys unironically think that these addictions actually add to your lives and don't just add now what is subtracted later

>> No.50501289

alcohol is poison

>> No.50501326

Dude how the fuck are people not massively high at all times just to cope with the pain of existence it's unironically so hard to stop smoking weed someone has to help me

>> No.50501354

Touch grass, have sex etc.. just stop for a moment..it's really not bad..

>> No.50501380

Fren, sorry to tell you but you're not sober
A therapist is what you need to permanently solve the problem, psychiatrists are often just pill dispensers

In real life sometimes it is necessary to take the short cut of medication to solve the problem either in the short term when you have conflicting responsibilities (like when you can't devote time to working out your problems right now) or to jumpstart your recovery (show you that a better life is possible)
'muh chemical imbalance' meme is only true for people with extreme neurological disorders (not you)
The question is: why is there a 'chemical imbalance' in the first place?

>> No.50501388

Some cognitive dissonance is rapidly being undergone here

>> No.50501483

Childhood wasnt great. Divorced parents, lost an eye due to preventable injury. I generally try not to think about my childhood. It could have certainly been worse. I do remember being bored a lot and watching a ton of broadcast TV. Have lost all my friends for the most part. Have two to 4 I talk to still but most moved away.
I like drinking with people its more fun. There are things that I enjoy but it always get threatened to be taken away by external forces. I use to do stand up comedy it really felt like my calling. No money in it just like my failed musician desires. Comedy is not a great place to be when you are quit drugs.

If I could get high once a month it would be enjoyable. I get out of hand with it and just ends up depressing me. I fall into old habits.

Bright skde i have wife, kid and make more money than I ever had. Going to be saving up 6 figs by this time next year.

>> No.50501490
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*posted without comment*

>> No.50501517

Whats the nonstimulant adhd meds u take? Ive met people with Adhd and I dont think I have it. Been to psy twice in my life. Once for depression and once cause my mom was crazy and sent me to prove she was right about whatever. It back fired on her. I hold no ill will to my parents still see them pretty regularly.

>> No.50501535

I like gambling a little. Gambled away the last amount of crypto I had a few grand on leveraging. Made a bunch on dogecoin clones. Bought some stuff with it paid down loans. Ive got more money in bank now from job so not feeling down about the loss of a few K. I rode some seriously crazy shitcoin rollercoasters. Its hard to get that feeling back unless im looking at 10k or more.

>> No.50501538

A hint: everything feels more important, matters more, when you feel bad, and less important, matters less, when you feel good
In the way the word "carefree" means 'happy, blissful'

The whole root of most addiction is the simple want to not have a bad time
If you could feel how it will feel for you 4 weeks from now after quitting, you would instantly take it over what you're feeling now
If you can sit down every day for 40 days and say "I'm going to have a bad time now", welcome the pain, feel the pain go through you, you will be able to cure any addiction

There are more practical tips like getting rid of triggers that will make you slip up like a vape you can and will readily, easily, absentmindedly take a hit of, but the above is the heart of the process

Now there also needs to be a reason for you to feel this pain
If you are a believer in God or other spiritual entities it will help you to pray to them and enlist their strength
It is also possible that you can just think hard of what you're doing this for, to have a clearer head and a better life, and to not forget that you must improve other aspects of your life that are lacking once you beat the addiction
I've also found that taking the time to cook good food helps
As does being thankful just to have such food once you've made it helps even more

>> No.50501647
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It really sucks to hear you guys in such a predicament, talking to those of you posting a bunch of replies ITT
I think knowing that a better life is in fact possible is half the battle, but the specifics of that truth are hard to grasp if you've never known them

That's what having a good childhood is "for" I think
But since you guys didn't seem to have that you've gotta work extra hard to learn the things you didn't learn about the fundamental emotional nature of life which does indeed suck for you
That said, don't bother wasting your time with these copes like thinking you're special, "maybe some people just feel bad all the time in life", or that you're too far gone or whatever
Don't think that trying to make the best of your situation by trying to numb the pain or get some little bits of happiness out of life is an option because from what I'm hearing that's no life at all

Take this in blind faith from an anon on the internet just like how you got into crypto: it is worth it, so worth it, to get to a healthy mindstate in life
Given, not everything about your mental state can be controlled by you (big external factors are things like having a community, wife, that kind of thing) but that stuff comes fairly easy when you're in a healthy mindset

It's gonna be a lot of work for you guys and it's gonna need therapy but I belieb in u frens, godspeed

>> No.50501648

I think has more to do with Ted Kaczynski. Surrogate activites just dont cut it for me. They work for awhile until they dont. I had one activity that kept me coming back but it was complemented with drug use. Well also why I cant play vidya I have to be fucked up to do it.

>> No.50501724
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BASED, I read Uncle Ted as well and I think his idea is really the way forward on many of these things

Though I think the implementation of these ideas needs to be done from a healthy and robust state of mind anyway
And it's true It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society, but I'd argue being well adjusted to this society is more like being a söyboy than being a based but addicted ("smart but lazy"?) doomer

And not all surrogate activities are really surrogate activities per se (as this meme points out) just as not all enslaving technology is even technology (genetically modifying humans over long periods of time for example, like how we literally underwent the effects of domestication that we see in animals in ourselves in only the last 10,000 years)

In some sense you are still in 'the pod' and, having not gotten out of the pod yet, can't claim to reject it until you have a good understanding (a real, EMOTIONAL level understanding) that life is ok and you'll be good with or without the pod, so you can reject it

>> No.50501732

I am this ID btw

>> No.50501759

I think i could replace alcohol with the smell of the thigh of a pretty girl

>> No.50501880

Ya you're probably right. But I am def away from alcohol and thc.

I have impulsive adhd and felt these issues since I was a kid but never used meds until an adult. And yes, meds are something to solve for the short term. I am well aware of the holistic methods out there. I don't plan on doing it forever, I wish I could. But it is useful to do it while I have to try to succeed.

>> No.50501930

Grug was also living his best life. Hunting and building shit. Then also did some painting.

Yes we are certainly domesticated. Humans are an odd animal. We are a combination of several humanoid spieces. It would have been interesting to see how the other hominids existed.

I like watching those primitive building and living vids. The ones where they build a furnace from mud and make a knife out of ore he mined. Feel like if i did something like that I would feel better for awhile.

I have a sort of belief in God. But i feel like i am still searching. I probably just need to read more, niche , kikergard, jung, kant, etc...

Think it has more to do with my health than anything mindful. If i just loae mlre weight and eat better it would fix 80% of my problems

Top kek,

>> No.50501954

>sobriety is cope
>intoxication is not
Ok fatcel

>> No.50502052

It gets better, trust me. Hang in there and you will get stronger. Drugs and alcohol are for fags.

>> No.50502188


>> No.50502231

>smoking concentrates
what's concentrates? is that hash resin as opposed to weed?
t. UK fag

>> No.50502241

imagine not getting gigachad

>> No.50502277

>alcohol is the one drug that you can use that you can get up in the morning and go to work after being high as fuck
>it’s primarily out of your system after 4 hours
>weed stays in your system for months
>weed takes away your personality
>alcohol brings out parts of you might have forgot about
>maybe you get in a fight maybe you find some bitch but either way you end up ok the next day and ready to work again.

You, sir are a pussy ass bitch who probably never gets out of bed and brags about sobriety. Suck my balls and every ball on this forum bitch ass nigger.

>> No.50502356

Shards, shatter or wax

>> No.50502405

That shit turns weed into a real drug. Omg get so fuckin high on that shit.

>> No.50502407

Most people are high/drunk a lot of the time, they just hide it. Most major decisions in the world are made by people who are hammered. Hitler was high on meth throughout WW2 and Churchill was hammered most of the time. I bet if you were able to ask Churchill about WW2 he wouldn't remember much.

>> No.50502450

Weird approach. Kys coping faggot.

>> No.50502452

I don't get it either gigachad. Being sober and in the here is unironically the best. Being high on many drugs just gives you anxiety or some type of worry. The only decent ones seem to be amphetamines which put you way down afterwards and should still make you feel kind of like a loser while you're on them. The most overrated drug is weed though, literally does nothing beneficial for you and just makes you a retard.

>> No.50502472

no thanks.

>> No.50502484

I’m not the one coping you are coping because you think you’re better when you sit at home and think you are better than someone who drinks. That is textbook narcissism and an incel.

>> No.50502524

You're right about that. I hate how weed turns my buds into zombies who don't care about anything. Alcohol is based and dionysian pilled but you should still put a cap on it and do it in moderation. Alcoholics are absolutely insufferable but a night out drinking with the lads can be one of the best times. But I want to fucking kill alcoholics when they start acting up. Don't be that guy who uses alcohol to bury his problems.

>> No.50502557

Lol, massive cope. Alcohol is the most dangerous drug known. A hangover is still alcohol withdrawal, just not as severe. If you drink for multiple days, weeks, months, even years, you will go through absolute hell stopping. It's dangerous because it 'slows down' your central nervous system, no other drug has this affect as much as alcohol. Your brain begins to compensate by speeding up certain processes. Once you quit drinking, the central nervous system goes back to normal but your brain takes days, weeks, and sometimes months to go back to normal functioning.

>> No.50502568

Yeah I know. Moderation is possible with alcohol wheras with weed after 2 or 3 puffs you are gone. I have been guilty of binge drinking too much on my time off. I particularly like drinking and smoking at the same time. Not degenerate marijuana I’m talking tobacco. I also don’t do hard liquor I stick to my beer.

>> No.50502635
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Our brains are also not wired to sit on the computer all day and smoke weed and watch Tik tok videos. So what it takes a week to be 100% back to normal. You clearly haven’t worked a job that you need to fucking reset. It is clear to me you fell into the bullshit libertarian ideology that “it’s harmless” bullshit. From my experience weed is the most dangerous drug I have ever encountered. After being on it you end up homeless and start hating police and doing stupid shit until you get screamed at by everyone around you trying to notify you that you are acting like a dumb nigger and to get off the dope.

>> No.50502674

I don't want to drink, but I love it.

>> No.50502697

I used to be a pothead but then I converted to just drinking on my time off. I have seen what it did to me. I used to be homeless. I also have interacted with alcoholics and I agree they are the worst especially when they have a meltdown and scream in your face because they didn’t get their way.

>> No.50502720

>homeless because of weed
Nigguh u were smoking crack

>> No.50502737

No it’s true and the people who say it isn’t a gateway drug are full of shit.

>> No.50502743

I've never had an alcohol problem like that so I don't know what its like, I just drink when I want to go out to a club or something on the weekend. And only like a few drinks at most. I didn't even know how an alcoholic was until I started working at a liquor store and it took me a while to figure it out. But some of these guys have kids and their kids see them drunk all the time so I think that might have something to do with it too. I never saw my dad drink growing up because he's a Muslim. I'm really not because I'm americanized af but not seeing family drink growing up I think helps. Don't drink around your kids if you have them at the least. My dad was shit in plenty of other ways too so not like not drinking made him anything special lol just one bright thing to look it. One of my buds is an alcoholic and we all hate it cause he's genuinely smart but doesn't seem to want to try to do anything. Drinking can be cool though cause it gets you feeling all primal and cool though so I like it when I'm going out. Otherwise it's a bit of a strict life of grinding. Video games and pron has always been the real deal crutch for me. It's always something.

>> No.50502838

The important thing is to have moderation for example when I grew up I was homeschooled and this one kid I hung out with would literally sit inside all day and play devil may cry and fighting games. That’s all he fucking did. I needed to get out of that trap and I did by going to the mall and talking to girls etc. To this day that kid doesn’t have his driver license got a ged instead of graduating and never had a real job in his life. What worked for me was just going to the beach, the mall and talking to girls and it got me out of my shell. I even worked at random construction jobs and just got fucking dirty all day and learned a bunch of manly shit. Video games and, more broadly, the internet are probably the worst drugs I’ve ever encountered.

>> No.50502883

>""Why yes I don’t drink alcohol or use drugs." He typed in his bedroom alone, and then used his pale noodly arms to move the mouse to the Choose File button and opened his gigachad folder" he typed in his basement alone, and then used his pale noodly arms to hit Enter with a smug face

>> No.50502948
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He is so much morally and intellectually superior because he doesn’t drink or do drugs.

>> No.50503050

I mean i guess for you it was, but most people arent you

>> No.50503062

both good posts gentlemen, also recommend daily exercise

>> No.50503068

you forgot the part where he's obviously a seething alcoholic drug addict

>> No.50503081

The covers all better than the original

>> No.50503169

>I generally try not to think about my childhood
you should though, anon. you will reflect your parents' personality flaws in the way you treat your kid. you won't make the exact same mistakes, but you will do 'different same' mistakes that you wouldn't if you had processed your childhood properly.

>> No.50503254

You missed the mark, it's pain. A formula like Endorphigen is preferable to an acetaminophen+l-tyrosine combo. Because the dopamine feed is compensation before motivation.

>> No.50503348

Doesn’t it also block pain receptors in the brain?

>> No.50504903

I’m in a similar boat anon, been sober from booze for a month.

I’m past the point where I have a physical urge for a drink in the evenings, so I guess I feel “better”, in the sense that I’m more productive and my energy levels are higher.

But do I miss it? Absolutely. My moods are more stable, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m happier. The simple fact is that nothing in sober life will ever compare to that feeling that kicks in after the first couple of drinks, that gentle bliss that washes away all of your worries and adds some colour to this miserable world. Or that feeling when you’re sitting around enjoying a few brewskies with friends, laughing euphorically about something totally meaningless. It sounds ridiculous, but to me, these experiences are something close to spiritual. Alcohol is fucking amazing and no AA nerd will ever convince me otherwise.

Nevertheless, I’m at a point in my life where I need to get shit done, and my level of drinking was getting in the way. A shame I can’t just moderate. Will I drink again? Yes, and I look forward to it. But it won’t be for a while.

>> No.50504992

Until you hate the booze and see it as a weakness, it owns you.

>> No.50505180

If it didn’t stop you from being a frog poster then you’re better off being a boozehound

>> No.50505371

now is a good time for me to start drinking

>> No.50505495

amazing how every discussion about this topic never points the finger at alcohol as the true gateway. i think most people had alcohol before they smoked marijiana.

>> No.50505510

have fun getting fat

>> No.50505677

lol this retard has never had a hangover

>> No.50505972
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>> No.50508341

7 months sober after binge drinking heavy for 20 years. Still along way to go until I am 100%. Physically there but mentally, gonna take time man.

>> No.50508378


>> No.50508394
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>Being sober and in the here is unironically the best.

>nooooo I don't drink or do drugs because my mental faculties are so weak i'll do something cringe

>> No.50508417

So fucking boring isnt it. I hate having an unaltered sense of consciousness, it just makes me think of my impending death the whole time and that im wasting time not being drunk whilst it comes for me.

>> No.50508485

the last night out i had with the boys was a year ago almost and haven't been able to do it again since i moved to another city and no friends here
all i do is work two jobs and binge stuff and play overwatch or time raiders hoping to get time off and have a nice hangout with the boys again

>> No.50508487

Damn i hate being sober, i'm a smoker...

>> No.50508523
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>Being sober, but using psychedelics

>> No.50508928

94 replies. god
/biz/ is literally all fucking bots now.

>> No.50509119

I can tell that you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.
>A hangover is still alcohol withdrawal
No, hangovers are caused by dehydration. If you drink enough water in between shots, you wont get hangovers at all.
>alcohol is the most dangerous drug known to man
Fucking retard.

>> No.50509136

Dope is meth, I've smoked weed for 16 years straight and my net worth is 38million started from 5k in 2017.
Herpderp WEED BAD

>> No.50509139

you sound gay as fuck

>> No.50509202

Everybody copes, one way or another.

>> No.50509596

wtf? how did you amass 38 MILLION?
lend me your secrets fren

>> No.50510292

Kino take. Everyone seething is living a half-life dependent on something to distract themselves from living.