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50446038 No.50446038 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50446052

don't have daughters for starters

>> No.50446088


>> No.50446091

White women were a mistake. They exist spiritually and operate on a negro level.

>> No.50446097

Who gives a shit? Satiate my bloodlust you stupid fucking whore

>> No.50446106

>Muh lady
You get what you fucking deserve

>> No.50446112

french women are so pretty

>> No.50446115

how can this situation be avoided are you faggots retarded?

>> No.50446131
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>All women are whores
until you thoroughly believe it. you'll never have issue ever again

>> No.50446134
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thank god

>> No.50446152


>> No.50446165

the situation can be avoided by not having daughters, are you retarded or can't you read?

>> No.50446177

are you fucking stupid the entire point of running business is liars you stupid fuck
Oh yeah bro who are you going to fuck then your father? Shut up faggot

>> No.50446202

it cant be. They are civilisation destroyers who want to go back to the cave days. You think we oppressed them so heavily in the past because we liked it?

>> No.50446278

Civilization is overrated...
Womans only purpose is to get fucked by thick dick and make babies.
Modern economic system of """civilization""" makes them into labor slaves and their men are pussies that can't stop jacking off to anime.
Do you think average woman gives a fuck about the turboautistic dreams of some technocrat nerd trying to play god? Nah

>> No.50446326

Its worth noting no other female demographic has spent the past 100 years violently waging war on their menfolk like ours have. Its a race thing not a gender thing.

>living past 30 is overrated?

>> No.50446341


>> No.50446361

I don't need to speak to murder you faggot

>> No.50446391

Yes white women are neurotic wrecks, barely even human.
Blame god for giving you features which make your women prefer other men.
Sucks to be you

>> No.50446412

who writes this garbage

>> No.50446448

I hate women so much it's unreal.

>> No.50446477

You can lie about that too.

>> No.50446484

>Blame god for giving you features which make your women prefer other men.
we're talking about white men, not asian men

>> No.50446494

Know your place and admit that you’re wrong. Go fuck yourself before you turn ugly inside and out with no way out forever

>> No.50446544

What can be done with Tyrants?

>> No.50446551
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>> No.50446572

Those too.
Women prefer low intelligence men with dark (or tan) skin and retarded brute features. Their brain literally stuck in 10000 bc. Why do you think all the smart men are so desperate to create artificial reproduction?

>> No.50446577

simp for bitches,
get stitches

simple as

>> No.50446624

The guy was probably an incel simp,
he learned his lesson I suppose

>> No.50446701

Imagine "standing up" for women in 2022. If I saw one getting raped and tortured on the street I would ask a rapist if he needs a help holding her down

>> No.50446800

women do not prefer dark skin. white men who can tan is what they like on average, and there's many who like pale guys.

>> No.50446816

the ranking is light skinned meds > nords > dark skinned meds > niggers > asians

>> No.50446830

link to the story?

>> No.50446845

source pls

>> No.50446850

>White women were a mistake.
>women were a mistake
Imagine pretending that your favorite flavor of third world cunt doesn't immediately behave the same given any amount of priveledges.
There's a reason everyone hates feminism.

>> No.50446851

You'll age like a diseased psychopath lusting for brazilian dick you cannot afford because you're ugly as sin and getting uglier without understanding why it's not natural but it is happening.

>> No.50446878

French people.
I suspect, if there's any truth at all to it, our whiteknight heroes cunt radar is sub-optimal. This pair look like they suck negros off for breakfast.

>> No.50446885
File: 58 KB, 980x528, QYGMPGNA5JDJFLFR2RCEHBOKPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to legalize rape

>> No.50446892

nice projection
I am a heterosexual man with a gf you absolute faggot

>> No.50446894

If you were correct they would have selected for neanderthal/brutish traits isntead of filtering them out for neotenic traits.
But you're incorrect because you're a third world shitskin trying to cope.

>> No.50446899

They already are a fantasy if you exclude irrelevant meme countries ike estonia or hungary, these countries will naturally go extinct.