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50437929 No.50437929 [Reply] [Original]

I really wanna start learning. I mean i know this shit is just starting so want to get ahead.

I’ve just learned the basics of Web Development. Whats a good path next? I believe Chainlink have good resources?
Also i have no CS background so what would be important CS fundamentals to learn for Web3/Solidity?

>> No.50437941

Bear in mind i’ve been into crypto since 2015 and know basically everything i could know if not an actual developer.

>> No.50437975

Jesus Christ...no cs background? No coding ever?
Try making the most basic of websites using html, css, and javascript at least. Well basic but with some feature requiring javascript.

Best way of learning is doing.

>> No.50437993
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Based anon. I'm also wanting to learn Solidity. I have a CS background but no relevant work history in a long time. There has to be a dev around here that point in the right direction.

>> No.50438010

Do the course by Patrick, learn how to work with moralis and join a hackathon

>> No.50438021


Thats what im doing now. I’ve learnt ruby html css and sql while building a bunch of shit. Gonna flesh out javascript/react and maybe some python.

But do want to learn web3 as a goal. Been into crypto so long its basically just a desire to fully understand and be competent

>> No.50438115

best advice in thread

>> No.50438125

Yeah I went from no coding to doing solidity development. Start with mastering ethereum, cryptozombies, and some CTF challenges that I can't remember the name off offhand. You don't need to learn CS fundamentals but you will have gaps in your knowledge.

>> No.50438130


Im thinking of doing it. Isnt he associated with Chainlink? Honestly its hard to pick correct materials because i dont want to end up learning by a sponsored Solana or avax or whatever bullshit VC cash crab and be shoehorned into those environments.

I wanna learn the basics with Eth and how to use Chainlink etc etc. EVM in a nutshell.

>> No.50438489

Solidity shares 99% syntax with Javascript. So just learn that because there's 10000x more js tutorials than there is solidity.

Once you know js (at least 500h), look into ethers.js and hardhat and make some contracts.

>> No.50438508

Chainlink is a scam, but you'll figure that out for yourself after you learn to code

>> No.50438592

by that similar logic you might as well use the language you will be wanting to build actual usable programs because I can't imagine someone putting 500 hours into something they don't want to be doing. if you can just build solidity programs and look up its similar adjacent javascript syntax

>> No.50438732

Learn object oriented programming.

>> No.50438831

Hiii im working for a NFT startup as solidity and frontend dev :)
>Also i have no CS background so what would be important CS fundamentals to learn for Web3/Solidity?
Learn the basics about how informatic works, what is a compiler, what is assembly, etc. Then learn a little about OOP and master js. Js is pretty ez, then jump to a framework like ract or angular. Thats it. Watch the solidity courses in fcc (the 16h and the 32h one) and thats it. They explain everything you need to know.
>Best way of learning is doing.
Yeah also this, just make your own project. If you like movies do a movies website, if you like porn then do something related to it. Thats it.

>> No.50438840

>Solidity shares 99% syntax with Javascript
wtf? how?

>> No.50439489
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If you want a better idea of CS fundamentals, check out Harvard's CS50...the first half is in C, and will take you through important concepts like memory usage, data structures, etc, that you won't get exposure to in higher level languages, but which give you a much better understanding of what's going on and how computers actually work.

>> No.50439669
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Stop it with the chainlink eternal pump. We get it, you love the coin, okay. But you never ever allow the chance for discussion and growth in your community, this leads to insatisfactions which, then, leads to unease and hate. If you ask me, the best coins are the ones that allow fudd to fluorish and don't take this as a taint in their name but as an opportunity to grow. For example, the lovelace devs (ultra rare obscure project) allowed fudd to spread, first because the coin is just starting, second because there was like two fudd posts. But then, the funniest thing happened, people starting actually debating changes the devs could apply, to the point where some of those suggestions saved the coin
so, yeah, the fudd can be beneficial

>> No.50439771


This is good proof that bots or jeets use scripts to scrape Anything referencing chainlink and just spam.
This bot is shilling something else based on the fact I mentioned Chainlink but it makes no sense an is completely out of context

>> No.50440038

beginners, intermediates and pro's are welcome to join us at dev frens, a web3 community nearly 2 years the making.

>> No.50440633

There's not enough tutorials to learn solidity from nothing. Keep in mind that even at 500-1000 hours you're still a complete beginner programmer. Programming isn't riding a bike, it takes thousands of hours to learn.

Also most dapps are 95% JavaScript and 5% solidity, which is almost identical to Javascript.

They designed it that way, because js is the most popular and easy language in the world. Its not an accident

>> No.50440649

Learn by doing anon. Polygon has workshops and hackathons for days that guide you on building a dApp from start to finish. They're also dropping zkEVM, It would do you a lot of good to start learning.

>> No.50440755
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>> No.50440797

learn motoko instead

>> No.50441254

Can I just copy and paste JavaScript code?

>> No.50441304

>making porn is coding
Fucking based
I have a huge portfolio ready to show employers
Link my GitHub and pornhub

>> No.50441545

There are 'watch me code' videos for solidity and every language all over Youtube.

>> No.50441878
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thanks everyone, like OP this is something i want to do.

>> No.50441896

give me you telegram @

>> No.50441908

Has anyone tried dapp university?

>> No.50442398

Bump for nerds

>> No.50442496

Hey OP don't listen to envious fuckers telling you to give it up etc. You can certainly learn it on your own using resources online, it's all about practice. I think the best source out there right now is Patrick Collins' course, you may get stuck a few times but just keep working on it and eventually you'll feel really confident. Then I suggest joining some hackathon, submit some cool (but small) project and boom, I guarantee your CV will land you at least a junior web3 developer job. Don't get greedy, be happy to accept a junior position and even relatively low pay - the curve for developers is insane, with each quarter your potential will grow exponentially.

>> No.50442776


>> No.50444429

If you are a web dev then you should program DApps on the internet computer. It uses motoko, which is web assembly. Also, join the semillalabs discord, link on their twitter page. It's a developer discord and there are classes that teach you how to code there.

>> No.50444701

Hey anon you should probably tell people this is a discord server, i might not have realized if i didn't bother trying the link

>> No.50445532

for web 3 you need basic knowledge of html, css, java and react

>> No.50445554

is this the future of men? skinny,autistic,weak and pussified ?

>> No.50445596

i do not even perceive as any solid project, i fancy the likes of Polkadot which is a major player in the development of web 3 as well as Ore protocol which will help onboard new users to the web 3 seamlessly

>> No.50445597

Once you learn about solidity consider learning about MEV, reading the Ethereum yellow paper and arbitrage bots. It's all fun stuff

>> No.50445701

it has nothing to do with js, its more close to java with the retarded OOP, modifiers and types, IMO

>> No.50446817

I really fancy the DOT growth so far in the space

>> No.50446868

Algorand has good developer resources. I'd start with writing byte code for the AVM directly, it's much less sytax to learn than JavaScripts bastard cousin.

>> No.50447090
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Polkadot cannot be ruled out as a key contributor to web3 and there's room for other projects to build on and expand meanwhile in the advent of this all users would connect the blockchain identity to their social media account which simply means adoption if you'll agree with me

>> No.50447221

>meanwhile in the advent of this all users would connect the blockchain identity to their social media
What does this mean? Do you need to connect your social media account to be a part of the DOT ecosystem?

>> No.50447549

You're right pal, I was a bit tired at the time! We are still cultivating our core vibe but there are some very exciting things on the horizon for us.
>Public blog which will serve as community portal
>Leaderless structure (we are a cargo-cult centered on the server progenitor, anon-wallet, whose posts should be read by all newcomers to understand our community)

It is a good place to ask questions from beginner to turbochad level, or share opportunities / collab on projects get hype for hackathons. We have people in the industry who can help you grow and identify opportunities.

There is no incentive outside of creating and maintaining an anon community that fosters growth and an overall positive environment - bottling the spirit of what made /biz/ crypto talk so alluring and comfy, while maintaining some rails to cut out undesirable content and remain focused on web3 topics.

>> No.50447590

>lol@that onions robot hand