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File: 594 KB, 557x769, MTG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50437385 No.50437385 [Reply] [Original]

are there any TCG projects in production that are worth looking at?
any promising teams working to launch a TCG game?

>> No.50437497


>> No.50438046
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No game will ever make it in a space where Magic, Pokemon and Yugioh are completely dominating the market, especially and NFT one. The closest to what you want was pic related and we all know how it went. Shame too because the game was unironically really good.

>> No.50438086


>> No.50438105

God's Unchained and Parallel are the "best", but I'm going to give you the redpill that Blockchain tech is currently absolutely fucking horrible for trading card games because every single thing is a tx and it's spammy as fuck. Collecting could make sense, a la topshot, but it's ran by gay Canadian Pajeets plus it's sports so it's fucked.

>> No.50438111

Scam Hyde subtle shill

>> No.50438132

I am actually working on a website where you can enter a raffle to win rare cards.

>> No.50438142

Only one I've played is splinterlands, and that was back in beta. I haven't played in months, no idea on the meta or if my cards are even viable anymore.

>> No.50438205

Shib and Sam Hyde

>> No.50438244

lmao no the game was boring as shit
maybe charging people per round of play was not a smart idea

>> No.50438335

nft lootboxes - that's an iconic duo

>> No.50438464

the big players like you mentioned are all looking at how to move into the nft space. in the meantime i imagine there are some independent studios at least building toward something right now.
yeah, i agree. i had hopes that Harmony would be able to do games but that team seems clueless.
curious about this, where can i learn more?

>> No.50438501

>sam hyde
i saw his promo video for this the other day, looks like they put a decent amount of effort into it, but i am more curious about the actual game itself. if its not fun, no one will play it.

>> No.50438504
File: 21 KB, 500x278, 29633146-C929-49EA-BC18-3F3EC684BF62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the fucking point?

It will be pay to win trash

>> No.50438528

>It will be pay to win trash
a lot of what i've seen so far has been half-baked, but i'm interested in what i haven't seen. it's probably somewhat early, but i do think this niche will have its day and i want to make sure i'm finding any newcomers while they are in development. at least to see what's being done/attempted

>> No.50438754

I'm sad because I genuinely think well designed card games are fun but knowing how crypto works it will be full of rugpulls and lootboxes and grinding pinoys

>> No.50438770

We had for decades Online Trading Card Games, you don't need fucking NFT you absolute retard.

>> No.50438791

>you don't need fucking NFT
okay dumb ass let me just sell my online account on ebay and hope they don't cancel the tx for TOS violations.
true, but that's to be expected along the way i guess. the concept is still there and someone will execute it properly.

>> No.50438875

>true, but that's to be expected along the way i guess. the concept is still there and someone will execute it properly.

that's what you don't get, it won't happen, this will only make card games worse as a whole

games existed before crypto, hell even lootboxes existed before crypto, the only thing about crypto is how directly everything is tied to money, so everything suddenly becomes more about money than ever before

>> No.50438883

lootboxes were here since magic the gathering released a pack where you had to peel off some foil and hope you got a legendary. don't hate the game hate the player of the game

>> No.50438898

well I like hearthstone
I think NFT trading card games could work but if it's done right now then it has to be done in a way that normies don't have to interact with crypto yet
or it needs to be incredibly streamlined and easy to use and published by some big company

>> No.50438981

>magic the gathering released a pack where you had to peel off some foil and hope you got a legendary
pokemon tcg did this same sticker gimmick with the last release, they made it into one of 3 cards that were actually a ditto card when you peeled off the top sticker. not much going on in physical tcg developments i guess.
honestly, i don't disagree with your point anon. but to be fair, i think money was always tied to any online game, in a more indirect fashion but it was still always there. mmo's set the stage for where we are now, and there will still be games that never integrate crypto that will be successful, but i think the two can coexist in the gaming space and people will choose which one they want to play. for the sake of research, i'm simply interested in teams that are actually pursuing this as a way forward, to see what is being developed.
>it has to be done in a way that normies don't have to interact with crypto
i agree. when normies played a facebook game they didn't need to know about api but were utilizing it.

>> No.50439042
File: 240 KB, 299x365, Classy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an NFT.
It's not a modern TCG, like Magic or YuGiOh.
It's a baseball card TCG.

Each card has "rules" but there are no rules for a wider game.
The devs want players to make up the rules which is 100% autismo whack job fuckery.
It's a literal cash grab for shitty 3D artwork.
Enjoy your digital shit.

>> No.50439059

respectfully disagree anon. i know for certainty that new L1's are launching will change the landscape for blockchain gaming, to have such a hyperbolic mindset on this seems like a narrow scope.

>> No.50439070

take your ass back to the gme containment board

>> No.50439073


>> No.50439096

>will change the landscape for blockchain gaming
No it won't
There are no wider rules for gameplay

Com98 made 3D digital art in the shape of a TCG card
And slammed it into an NFT

Hope you guys get sued

>> No.50439107

you are thinking in terms of EVM jeet-fork chains, good luck with that mindset. we are less then a year away from blockchains treating NFT no differently than how objects are treated in any other programming language. you are basing your entire thesis around the current landscape and ruling out any possible innovations, i dont fault you for it but there is more to come.

>> No.50439119

That's a whole string of empty words.

>> No.50439130

>NFT will be treated the same as objects in any other programming language
>rich metadata updating in real time
>metadata doesn't get set in stone at mint, instead it is update in real time
what part did you miss anon, don't pretend tech isn't advancing lol.

>> No.50439157

How hard are you riding Sam's dick?
Does he make you suck it?

>> No.50439168

the fact that you think im talking about SOL is laughable, and a testament to how blind you are to the other players in this space.

>> No.50439174


>> No.50439960

Cross The Ages, DYOR

>> No.50439968

RAINI is in alpha now, should be out by September

>> No.50440118


>> No.50440164

Why bother with tcg NFTs?
Sure, they say there will only be x number of a card, so the scarcity will over time stay the same, but the fatal flaw here is that they can just create more cards endlessly and they will power creep (they have incentives to do this, so they will).

This is true with all gaming NFT stuff. It's fundamental in any game that has to evolve over time.

Or they just change the game rules, so your Uber powerful card isn't that good anymore (even though the card attributes are the same).

>> No.50440176

One is up and coming
Gathering the Magic
Keep your eyes peeled for that one

>> No.50440198

Scarcity isn't even good for TCGs, as vintage magic players have had to learn the hard way. When the dream comes and powerful cards become rare and valuable, people stop playing. That's why wizards keep reprinting staples. Older formats don't have enough new players.

>> No.50440231
File: 69 KB, 196x196, 1419613780070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, if you're making a TCG, what does a blockchain even have to offer you? Guaranteed scarcity is a negative, even if it worked. Is there a positive, beyond the free marketing to cryptards?

Lets assume you're a good intentioned hobbying gamedev who just wants to make a good game, not fleece people.

>> No.50440281

NFTs at this point have negative marketing value, pandering to cryptards means not pandering to everyone else.

>> No.50440314

It's almost as if blockchain gaming is a complete grift.

>> No.50440315

not sure which way you're thinking of scarcity in. but the scarcity is from rng. like in csgo somebody coded that the awp dragonuv or whatever has a 0.1% droprate. an nft card would be no different but you'd pay for whatever card pack you open them from and you'll get your rng modifier. nft cards are not going to be scarce, the only scarce thing is your wallet, like "this pack costs 2.49 dollars to buy". so nft cards will be infinitely inflatable but is constrained by its rng

>> No.50442123
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 3xYYNVfO_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely interested in mondo megabits. There are a ton of faggots willing to pay big money for used sam hyde merch. Time will tell if they increase in value. I can absolutely guarantee one thing, sam is gonna make a ton of money so i would keep that in mind. Good for him i say

>> No.50442527

Blockchain Heroes on ICP best nft ever

>> No.50442688

Shut the fuck up

games now are focused on wasting your time with grinding so you get nothing in return, and then they shut down anyway and nullify ALL of your skinnerbox work anyway.

the momwnt games start allowing you to extract value or actually have custody ovwr what you earn ingame, you start pissing yourself and NOW you have a problem? just fuck off back to your gatcha shit where you have no rights.

>> No.50442783

That's because devs will just copy hearthstone's lame mechanics.

It's a shame nobody would try to copy yugioh system for once, I like its ATK/DEF system.

>> No.50442840

I think it's going to make a comeback soon. So I'm buying as many cards as I can, while they are cheap.

>> No.50442899

Its either the devs release a digital card game no one will play anyways because its not a big name, or they make it interesting with allowing ppl to earn value playing it. No one cares that some furry marxist fairies on twitter say they arent going to play a game they were never going to play anyway.

Many things. For one the player "account" is on chain, so the cards exist permanently and can be accessed even of the devs have to shut down. This means theoretically the players can maintain the ability to play the game forever on their own since no trusted monolith holds the players data of who-owns-what. This makes it "trustless". And since it's like this anyone can come in and make their own client ontop of the player's cards that has special rules. It would be like me being able to make an EDH client that had access to everyone's owned cards in MTG Arena. Thos makes it "permissionless".

Last, this way players can trade/gift/sell without having to spend tons building a trading system into the game and pay to maintain that database and be obligates to investigate trading disputes, etc, since its up to the players to protect their collections, as it shouls be. So its much cheaper for the developers.

There, just some things off the top of my head. I can't think of a con other than you have to guard your wallet and that NFT is a dirty word among twitter pronoun furfags who have too much time on their hands.