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File: 993 KB, 750x631, 8D76EE52-ED32-401C-AAA9-DE94E577EC53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50426022 No.50426022 [Reply] [Original]

Euro bro’s in retrospect I don’t think it was a wise financial move to declare economic war against our thermonuclear space exploring super power neighbor who supplies us with 99.999999999% of our natural ressources at below market price.

>> No.50426136

Russia is only strong because Russians are bug people that are perfectly content with living in squalor like slaves instead of having the balls to revolt and improve their quality of life.
Ukraine is a shithole too, don't get me wrong, but you can't just bend over for imperialist subhumans every time they chimp out.

>> No.50426149

It wasn't really our choice
Who would have thought a socialist green party would act like this?

>> No.50426175

Do you know a single german that wanted those sanctions? I dont

>> No.50426181
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pootin BTFO
russian shills on suicide watch
slava ukraini

>> No.50426202

It has a lot of natural resources and the infrastructure to harvest it.
Thank you WEF, very based

>> No.50426216

Its quite funny, my based boomer boss told us the next years will be expensive if green red is in the goverment, as it was each time they were, greta zoomers and libtards just dont remember it

>> No.50426222

Green voters are mainly pro sanctions.
I'm just happy i didn't throw out grandpas stove when i moved in

>> No.50426267

can you even find ukraine on a map, tranny?

>> No.50426272 [DELETED] 

Russia right now has the strongest militar of Europe, It can easily conquer whole of Europe after destroying Ukraine, if it decides too, europoors sure do like to talk about muh slavery while being third rate feudal serfs themselves.

>> No.50426278

Well green voters are retarded

>> No.50426339

Russia right now has the strongest military in Europe, It can easily conquer whole of Europe after destroying Ukraine, if it decides to, Europoors sure do like to talk about muh slavery while being third rate feudal serfs themselves.

>> No.50426389

They sure have a lot of nukes
The rest is absolute dogshit

>> No.50426396
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>improve their quality of life
Russians usually own an apartment in the city and a Dacha in the country

Meanwhile most people in "First world" countries are priced out of even owning a Pizza

>> No.50426398

haahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahha imagine believing russia is capable of anything in this day and age, do you really think they're "not even trying" in Ukraine? hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha

>> No.50426417

if they wanted to destroy ukraine they'd have done it already

>> No.50426422
File: 628 KB, 1015x1231, syria 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is more fighting in Syria than there is in Ukraine right now

>> No.50426444

at least Europe got the most upvotes on reddit

>> No.50426447

>russians usually own a $10k 700sqft commie block AND a $500 shed in siberia!

>> No.50426451

No they can't lmao
They thought they'd take Jewkraine in a week and they've completely pulled out from the north while making slow progress everywhere else. Yeah they'll win the war, but they would get buttfucked by the rest of NATO if they chimped out towards them.
Look how NATO sends all their equipment to the jewks, trains them, and gives them top-tier real time intel...And Russia doesn't do anything but whine about it. Because they can't do shit.

>> No.50426459

>b-but we're fighting in multiple shitholes with almost 0 resistence!!!


>> No.50426534
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Owning something > Owning nothing and being happy

>> No.50426540


fuck this green motherfuckers, one should burn down their offices while they are in it. I really fucking hope there will be uprises and revolts this winter

>> No.50426546
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The mistake has always been to make ourselves dependant on russia. This will end soon and once russia can't sell their muddy stinkshit it will fall apart

>Spain tier GDP

>> No.50426593
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>meanwhile at the bottom of the chart
Germansisters, what went so wrong?

>> No.50426600

owning property in america > owning a room in a russian apartment

>> No.50426605


these suckers can't even get past their own doorstep, so how do they expect to take over europe? Theyve got nukes and thats it. Putin has made a big mistake to show such weaknesses, also it seems the s400 ist only larp like our bullshit-patriots who cant even defend saudi arabian petrol

>> No.50426607

>This will end soon

>> No.50426616


>> No.50426621

>Theyve got nukes and thats it
kek what level of cope is this?

>> No.50426622
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>Slava ukraina

>> No.50426659

Russia is basically fighting the entire western civilization right now, and winning.

>> No.50426664

Most of them will happily put up with it though as if they deserved it, modern Germans have guilt ridden cuck metality, this is exactly why there won't be much of unrest either.

>> No.50426666

Europe only did it to please the United States. Why are Yuropoors so cucked?

>> No.50426699

All of our shit got bombed a few decades ago for some reason
Also Switzerland wtf?

>> No.50426704

It means their only military strenght comes from the potential threat of complete destruction of the world (russia included). Its quite pathetic if your only way to be a threat is just suicide bombing the world with soviet era nukes.

>> No.50426722

Everybody got sick of the constant threats of nuclear Armageddon.

>> No.50426751

>super power

Call me when they stop losing against Ukraine.

>> No.50426780
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Nice bait

>> No.50426833

lots of words, I'll give it a level 100

>> No.50426843

This is a proxy war between China and the US. China is definitely backing Russia with lots of money, and promising to buy all their gas and oil in the future.

>> No.50426904

Dude how many cities has the Ukraine junta take back till now? Russia isn't pounding Ukraine to ashes because it considers it its own. Russia is winning and will win in Ukraine.Russia has shown it's capability to sustainably fire cruise missiles in Ukraine, how many western states can do that?

Who exactly will fight in Europe? The Germans? The French? The meme countries? Apart from France none of these countries even have an actual serious military.

>> No.50426938

terribly checked. Europoors will break free soon and they will live through 20 years of golden age

>> No.50426973

yeah France is pretty much the only thread. UK is UK, pointless. Note that Germany has put back 200 billions in its military so expect a strong force by 2027.
Anyhow, Europe should side with Russia, leave NATO, start its own alliance. Itthe best move but requires balls aka boomers have to go first.

>> No.50426988
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nobody cares. ukraine is a hero nation. I wish I was ukranian. Then I could murder and rape polish children. H E R O I C

>> No.50427011

yes, we are so lucky we live in a democracy and vote the people responsible for this mistake out of office

>> No.50427023

Europoors will silently roll into the forgotten dump of history, that's it, The golden age of Europe got over last century. They have no future, Europe's future will be decided whoever replaces them.

>> No.50427063


They will win the war, that's true. But the Russians have disgraced themselves in front of the whole world. The war has been going on for almost 6 months and this overwhelming opponent could occupy just 20% of the land area.
And we are talking about Ukraine, the WORST and POOREST country in Europe. If the Russians can't even fight their immediate neighbors, NATO has nothing to fear.

>> No.50427067

last thousands years showed that Europe is a long lasting powerhouse, no matter the cycles and empires.

>> No.50427083

>NATO has nothing to fear
if that's true why does it exist? :)

>> No.50427088

Europe has been dying for almost 100 years. There was a few attempts to resurrect it, but unsucesfull.

Why the fuck do you think Germany is not building new nuclear power plants and shutting down the old ones when they reach EOL?
Because you need as many smart people to shut down a nuclear power plant, as you need to build one. And Germany knows there will be no "nuclear scientists" left in Europe in 50 years when the nuclear power plants built today would be shut down.

Farewell Europe, you did shine as a beacon of civilization, but not even you could resist the wheel of time.

>> No.50427107

What does Russia even gain with this war?

>> No.50427142

People questioned Nato for the last two decades, just until February

>> No.50427161

Highly productive farmlands, vast reserves of oil, gas and rare earth minerals. And sending the message that they should be respected.

>> No.50427197

>people weren't afraid of USSR
>but they're afraid of RF
kinda funny when you think about it

>> No.50427204

Germany can't rearm, even if their government spends a billion euros, the reason is simply the fact the nobody in their population likes military, as I already said who will exactly fight? The best they can do is to build big Artillery Bombers, but again they will simply not be able to organise men to operate them. The Bundeswehr is basically just another uninspiring German bureaucratic civic body, it has more administrators than actual capable soldiers.

France is the only country with a significant serious military force, but their military has internal rifts and other political differences with their government.

UK has no capability to face Russian Man and Firepower. They will run out of weapons.

>> No.50427209
File: 94 KB, 920x565, png-transparent-ukraine-natural-resource-map-field-natural-minerals-world-map-bodenschatz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eastern Ukraine is rich in energy and minerals. By stopping Ukraine from entering the EU, Russia managed to starve Europe as a potential resourceful region. This way not only does Russia gain more gas, petrol and minerals but forces Europe to keep buying from them.

It blows my mind that people fail to understand how simple it is.

>> No.50427231
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Don't worry, people are waking up

>> No.50427249

Right up until this war, everybody feared Russian tanks could just steamroll through Europe.

>> No.50427256

>greentexting ironically about this matter
I do hope you own at least double the land you are stating there anon, if not you gonna be the butt in a lot of joke

>> No.50427278

Uhh, no

>> No.50427285


Lmao, tanks have been a liability in most recent wars. Their golden age ended in the 60's. Nowadays they are just expensive coffins.

>> No.50427287
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>declare economic war

But this is EXACTLY what the environmentalist WANT... LESS economic activity means lsss global warming!

>> No.50427307

The US army alone is responsible for 20% of all world pollution annually.
You need to be a really bad environmentalist to believe this...

>> No.50427312

Last thousand years showed us that how tribal savages from North Europe, conquered Roman Empire through immigration and raids, ultimately replacing them.

>> No.50427317

>France is the only country with a significant serious military force, but their military has internal rifts and other political differences with their government.
source on that? I am interested

>> No.50427355
File: 52 KB, 450x454, I_Hate_America_too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The US army alone is responsible for 20% of all world pollution annually.

Reaches deep in his ass to pull out a statistic he is unable to substantiate

>> No.50427422

I don't get the picture
Is hating america bad somehow?

>> No.50427443

Russia will simply Bomb Whole of Europe will Artillery and Super sonic cruise missiles, if it decides too, Just because of this whole lot of countries will surrender, Russia has the best Artillery in the world, and as it is known their supersonic missile tech is better than US at the moment. They have already semi demonstrated their capability to sustainably precisely launch and intercept missiles in this War, Europe has simply no answer for this.

>> No.50427458

cope harder, muttoid

>> No.50427461

I own a brick house built in the late 19th century and a cottage in Ontario

>> No.50427463


>> No.50427472

Just search it up along these lines, go into history of what prompted this letter.


>> No.50427476
File: 259 KB, 1776x1776, American_Eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is hating america bad somehow?

Yes, you do not hate the greatest civilization of all time.
God Bless America!

>> No.50427569
File: 144 KB, 1242x1227, USA_Defender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most of the planet lives peacefully under the
Pax Americana

>> No.50427592

>this will end soon
I like you anon, you're a funny guy
>once russia can't sell their muddy stinkshit
>once nobody wants to buy oil or natural gas
>nobody really needs those, right?

>> No.50427604

I'm always impressed by v@tnicks ability to play victim when invading another sovereign country thankfully for anons curiosity on there mental gymnastics here's some good reading material.
sealed train by michael pearson
disinformation ion mihai pacepa
Roy Brewer

>> No.50427646

Dude US military is highly overrated. As it stands now, over the years it's efficiency has plummeted highly, it is highly corrupt and has become a lot like NASA, basically a money laundering scheme, it's currently low on weapons because of arming up Ukraine.

Also this:- https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2022/07/fewer-military-families-would-recommend-uniformed-service-survey-finds/374481/

>> No.50427662

Uhh, yes, you can COPE all you want though

>> No.50427663
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Don't forget to celebrate liberation day my fellow comrades.

>> No.50427714

Who fk cares about a Jewish vassal state like Ukraine

>> No.50427717

Who the hell is gonna enlist in the german army in the current year?
What are they gonna do, jack up pay and bennies to attract what are essentially African mercenaries? Push nationalism/patriotism to get actual germans to enlist? lmao good luck with that.

>> No.50427720

Back when America was in Afghanistan, they were using 100L of diesel for every soldier deployed. This data was from the pre-Biden surrender.

>> No.50427722
File: 969 KB, 496x368, Get_Out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude US military is highly overrated

Name ANY other country that has ***ANY*** chance of matching USA military.

>> No.50427723

What's taking you so long in Ukraine then?

>> No.50427726
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ok ivan
let us know when you give up
until then, à ta santé

>> No.50427751
File: 159 KB, 750x904, Untitled4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't forget to celebrate liberation day my fellow comrades.

>> No.50427779

north korea

>> No.50427784

>pre-Biden surrender
Donald "I love Jewish cock in my mouth" Trump signed the withdrawal, lol.

>> No.50427805

Uhhh sweaty, our green government and Covid will completely destroy our economy so the military will be the only place where you can get a job :)

>> No.50427826

Russia, Even China, I don't think they have Trans generals though, so you might be right

>> No.50427832

Ukraine is not a sovereign country, Ukraine is rightful GAE soil. Very disrespectful of you to deny the greatest country on earth one of its imperial holdings.

>> No.50427889
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>> No.50427897

Ukraine isn't Enemy, Russia doesn't want to destroy it. They have been continuously winning there, not a single city or oblast they took over has been taken back through any of Ukrainian offensives.

>> No.50427901

Russia and China, although the theatre of the war would definitely make a difference.
This may surprise you, but fighting desert insurgents isn't good practice for full scale industrialized warfare.

>> No.50427923
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please elaborate, ivan

>> No.50427931

Also US is no longer 40s or 90s or even 2000s, country it's efficiency and overall military IQ has been greatly lowered.

>> No.50427932


>> No.50427936

americucks already jobbed to china and that was without nukes

>> No.50427944

>Who would have thought a socialist green party would act like this?
All those who knew since years that the Greens are orchestrated by Washington and the WEF.

>> No.50427996

Of course, totally the opposite of America, the land of the free where the government is your friend

>> No.50428014

Can you heat a house or power a factory by burning GDP statistics?

>> No.50428025
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>> No.50428060
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>> No.50428063

Yes, you are absolutely true. But Biden administration failed to make a normal withdrawal, as they did when Somalis wreak Americans. He turns the Afghanistan farewell into Vietnam 2.
And the cherry on top of the cake was how he dealt with all those Afghans who helped America in the course of 20 years of occupation. Biden simple give a list with all their names and addresses to the Taliban and claim that he had struck a deal where the Taliban would protect their families.
As we know today, most of them are dead now, now the world sees what happens if they chose the American side.

>> No.50428064

I don't know a single family member or friend that is even close to see things my way, it's like the "dancing mania" in the middle ages where entire villages would begin to dance non-stop until they would collapse due to exhaustion. It's believed it was caused by a certain type of fungi contamination of the water supply, which had an LSD like effect when drank.

I'm sitting here as the sober retard watching them destroy the economy, import millions of muslims/africans, how all political decisions are based on who cried first and who cried the most, literally repeat the Afghan/Iraq/Libyan adventure - Ukraine is a shithole, Zelensky is literally a dictator who is no better than Putin or anyother of the crackheads that came out of the Soviet Union.

I don't care anymore, i am rooting for the meteorite..

>> No.50428084

The arrogance of western european people never ceases to surprise me.

>> No.50428114
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>The arrogance of western european people never ceases to surprise me.

>> No.50428120

Is that for cooking the fries at Russia's McDonalds knockoff? Oh, wait LOL

>> No.50428132
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God.. i wish i could afford to witness such magnificent spectacle.
t. yuropoor

>> No.50428150


>> No.50428217

And reminder pootinberg was literally from the first promotion of WEF's Global Young Leaders, personal favorite of of herr (((schwab))).
Literally everything presented before our eyes is a talmudic show.

>> No.50428334

If the ukrainians did not kill the poles, the poles would have killed the ukrainians.

t. sudeten german

>> No.50428362
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>>russians usually own a $10k 700sqft commie block AND a $500 shed in siberia!
Sounds fantastic.
>be me
>work 9 hours, 6 days a week
>wife no work has to care for mom. And a small dog.
>I make 2200 Euro a month. Our monthly expenses:
>670 to my landlord
>80 for heat (now 240 thanks to Ukie faggots)
>70 electricity (now 140 bitch ass Ukies)
>300 for food for 2 people (now 400 at least because mf Ukies)
>200 for special digestive food for the dog
>100 for veterinarian costs
>twice a year 450 for car insurance
>150 thanks to Ukies bitches for gas tank
>Add 50 repair costs a month
>Add costs for chemicals for the house upkeep, cleaning, laundry, etc.
>thanks to our commie government a 1000 euro CO2 bill at the end of the year
>consider suicide at end of month
>double consideration at the end of year

>> No.50428459

>200 for special digestive food for the dog
>100 for veterinarian costs
Nigga, just get a cat.

>> No.50428739
File: 150 KB, 67x66, pepe-chorando-no-balanço-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an old dog my wife brought him up since he was a pup. My wife has a mental illness post trauma so not having him would add to her suicide risk. He treats him like a child letting him sleep in the bed. It makes her happy so that's definitly not an option

>> No.50428790

>who would have thought the epitome of jews would act against the europeans they've "democratically" conquered?
Literally everyone who's paid even a little bit of attention, anon.

>> No.50428848

Holy fuck dude, you probably will never even have a kid, Your life is sad.

>> No.50428863

>doesn't have the balls to directly reply to me
Shouldn't have expected thing less from a western european. They're all internet tough guys and pussies irl, just look at the state of their nations. "At least we aren't USA!" congrats, you're comparing shit with shit.

>> No.50428905

>He says in english

>> No.50429102

>Euro bro’s in retrospect I don’t think it was a wise financial move to declare economic war against our thermonuclear space exploring super power neighbor who supplies us with 99.999999999% of our natural ressources at below market price.
Russia is an economy the size of Spain run by by a manlet dictator. It is not the USSR. Russia is a nothing economically, demographically, culturally, diplomatically or militarily compared to the EU, USA, G7 or NATO. Not that teh EU is at w2ar with Russia, if it was, Russia would already be defeated. I'm very glad that the EU, US,G7, NATO are backing Ukraine though. Honestly I don't mind dying personally as long as Russia is defeated.
>super power
Russia is not even close to being anything like a superpower and never will be. The USSR is gone and horray to that
>99.999999999% of our natural ressources at below market price.
Glad we are not buying Russian goods any more, if anything sanctions should be tighetend. Russians effectively confiscated the money western investors had in Russian ADRs, I think that Russian assets in the west should be confiscated to compensate people and pension funds who held ADRs. Write to your local elected representative and suggest this!

>> No.50429121

Come over to the streets of Dublin Ireland and look for a fight and you'll have your face handed back to you in a grocery bag you stupid Russian fuck.

>> No.50429141

>comparing shit with shit.
Are we comparing Putins Russia and North Korea now?

>> No.50429145

potato niggers love niggers more than the french and americans

>> No.50429174

Whatever. Fuck off and fap to barechested putin on a dolphin like the retarded russian faggot you are.

>> No.50429184

This. Western government have to deal with "discontent" or "standards of living".
Russians are raised and slaughter like a cattle.

>> No.50429351

That looking at the top spots in that list list makes me think banning home ownership would be a great policy to improve prosperity.

>> No.50429370

this might shock you as a german, but not everyone is a genocidal maniac like you people

>> No.50429416

It were mostly the poles who committed the holocaust.

>> No.50429427

>Do you know a single german that wanted those sanctions? I dont
yes not just that but I know at leats one German company that won't take orders from Russian connected companies at all even though they not under sanctions. The sanctions against Russia have massive support throughout Europe and all the bullshit Russian Today posting here won't change that one bit. Get the fuck out of Ukraine you rotten bastards.

>> No.50429439

renting is shit everywhere, but in Germany, you have at least some protections against being kicked on a landlord whim.

>> No.50429441

>/pol/-tard noises

>> No.50429497
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>Come over to the streets of Dublin Ireland and look for a fight and you'll have your face handed back to you in a grocery bag you stupid Russian f-ACK

>> No.50429537

> 70 IQ illiterate chimp seething

>> No.50429556
File: 118 KB, 1024x902, 1657860587254m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even have the ball's to directly reply.
Vatnicks truly are something else.

>> No.50429561

give these tiresome East Slav fuckers the full program Dublin Paddy. Ppl tired of their endless bullshit now.

>> No.50429640

is that your idea of insult? how old are you? 12? seriously, mate, better go back to /pol/. being among "big brains" like us might really leave a dent in your self-esteem.

>> No.50429685

Don't worry, we've negotiated for Azerbaijan to double their oil production for us by the end of the decade. Finally we are buying oil from a democratic non-dictatorship country that would never engage in a war of aggression against their neighbor!

>> No.50429693

are they going to use the energy crisis to end PoW cryptos?

>> No.50429722

>imagine believing this nonsensical glownigger bullshit
amerimutts truly are something else.

>> No.50429792

>irishman shitting on vatnik cucks
dangerously based

>> No.50429938

The US Tranny Battalion could conquer the world by itself.

>> No.50429949

We still remember how kind Russians were last time. Why the fuck would we side with them? Everyone here thinks they are violent retards

>> No.50429960

I used to believe russia was a credible threat until the invasion of ukraine. Soldiers with ww2 gear, 10daily nuke threats, running into logistical problems 100km away from their boarder in a country they share like 2000km boarder with. Thinking the ukrainians would either run away or greet them as brothers. A weak country

>> No.50429996

>It wasn't really our choice
it's called neutrality nigger, the countries of this world all act like 14 year old girls.

>> No.50430037

That has yet to be seen. Take away America's money and what do you have?

>> No.50430045

You do realize Ukraine have all the weapons and money of EU and USA and are still losing, right?

>> No.50430086

I rest well knowing that russoid serfs live in abject poverty and that they could only dream to be even one-tenth as well off as I am.

>> No.50430159

They can't heat Ukraine, how are they beating France?

>> No.50430214

Mostly old shit from cold war times plus those twelve Himars launchers that keep fucking with the ruskies from what i hear

>> No.50430223


>> No.50430295

The only reasons russia hasn’t steamrolled Ukraine yet is 1) they have to be careful not to get an American reprisal; and 2) they don’t want to absolutely decimate Ukraine because they don’t want to have to rebuild it from the ground up and don’t want to massacre what Russia views as essentially Russian people

>> No.50430349


>> No.50430364

>absolutely decimate
decimate = destroy 10% of something

>> No.50430402
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>> No.50430413

No it doesn’t, that’s if you’re using it reference to an army. The modern use of the word in relation to buildings, infrastructure, etc has no tie to 10% no matter what the root is

>> No.50430441

Nobody uses the word like that anymore, therefore it's no longer the definition.

>> No.50430445

You mean that peace of shit country that already collapsed once in the recent history and had much better odds of surviving back then than it has now? Who cares? At this point it's just waiting for history to repeat itself.

>> No.50430456

not an argument

>> No.50430577

You have to go back to twitter, u ru shill Incelio

>> No.50430592

The Ukraine-Russia "war" is actually an US-EU war. Americans are deadly afraid of a Berlin-Moscow-Beijing eurasian co-prosperity corridor, immune from the piracy of the US navy.
As such, Nord Stream 2 was wholly unacceptable for burgers and they instructed their puppet Zelensky to create a casus-belli against Russia.
As european leaders are all corrupt beyond imagination, with the exception of Orban, the european defeat was total and instantaneous.

PS: If you don't roughly agree with this interpretation, your vision of the world is doomed to have no predictive power.

>> No.50430626

>create a casus-belli against Russia.
by existing?
go take a fuck to yourself.

>> No.50430723

You are the typical NPC midwit who have already forget that the official narrative at the start of the operation was that Putin has suddenly gone mad, as in literally became insane. This narrative was quickly dropped and replaced by others, all based on lies, but you don't care. You will keep believing them as they come.

>> No.50430742

>Putin has suddenly gone mad
except, it wasn't sudden, yes.
and anyone who doesn't believe he needs put down like the deranged egomaniacal cooter he is, is either cretinous or at it.

>> No.50430834

Did you or those also cancel orders from US companies because of iraq, afghanistan? How about saudi arabia for cutting up a journalist or any other ofbtheir crimes against humanity? Do german companies stop delivering to SA?

Bunch of hypocrat faggots, kys

>> No.50430993

>Russians are bug people that are perfectly content with living in squalor like slaves
so are we

>> No.50431092

No because the USA is an ally of the EU in NATO a friend to Ireland though we are militarily neutral and because saddam hussain and the taliban were absolute fuckers like putin. Whatabout saudi? Whatabout them, another shithole oil state run by a tyrant like fucking Russia, just they have more oil and less nuclear weapons and post communisms and they are not invading nations in eastern Europe trying to recreate the USSR 2.0 this time it is really really shit. Russians are cancer

>> No.50431633

>ukraine will be captured in two weeks
>july 18th, 2022
oh ivan u so funny

>> No.50432850

>y-you're not winning fast enough

>> No.50432911

true, putin could be putting you subhumans into the meat grinder on purpose. big kek

>> No.50433176

Fuck off vatnick, the US invaded Iraq which had a stronger army than Ukraine and eliminated all organized resistance and had the president hiding in a rat hole in 6 weeks, you retards made it halfway through the country, ran out of gas, failed to take a single city outside the donbass, and have given 40000 lives, billions of dollars and the respect of the world to gain a few hundred miles

Even in its current state of complete decay run by trannies the US has the strongest army in the world
>feral niggers
>murderous cartel spics
>rednecks who have been shooting since age 3
>shitloads of rich jew weapons
If they had to draft normie yt zoomers they'd be fucked but there are enough subcultures in the US with a culture of masculinity to maintain a professional army

Meanwhile Russia has shown itself to be a joke, France is actually respectable but a fraction of the size, the Chinese are bugmen who can only win with zerg tactics, Japan and the UK are US vassals...#1 dumpster fire is still #1

>> No.50433246

That's basically what they're doing

>failed to take Kiev
>failed in any meaningful offensive beyond the donbass
>fought to a standstill at the borders of the donbass
>could probably advance at very high cost but couldn't make it to Kiev
>going to dig in and keep the war raging til winter

It's actually working as the EU economy is currently crumbling, minor detail is the tens of thousands of vatniks getting shipped to the front lines as target practice for all the multi billion dollar nato weapons systems

Genuinely feel bad for those guys desu

>> No.50433297

Look up khabib vs mcgregor fan fight. You guys already lost 10 vs 100 kek

>> No.50433350

do you goys have trouble balancing with all that propaganda in your head?

>> No.50433356

>get a blanket.
the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.50433359
File: 115 KB, 822x653, 1629907080296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you lost to fucking afghan goat herders and vietnamese rice farmers keep coping fat mutt

>> No.50433425
File: 462 KB, 480x270, sudety.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we shouldnt have stopped in sudetenland back in 45
germans are ruining europe again

>> No.50433442

They are not a super power. They are a decaying carcass of a country that happens to have some Cold War era hardware that they brought out of mothballed storage.

Russia has roughly the same GDP per capita as countries like Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Malaysia.

>> No.50433509
File: 77 KB, 653x367, 1196373-khabib-nurmagomedov1-base_16x9.jpg.653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you talk too much paddy just like that midget mcrgregor

>> No.50433559

So did the Russians and Chinese. What’s your point?

>> No.50433585

>>murderous cartel spics
We need to find a way to make illegal immigration work for us. We should make an offer to every cartel soldado we arrest -- life in prison or you can sign up to kill kebabs in the Middle East. Not as part of the regular army, but a special foreign legion of sociopathic cartel spics that we unleash on our enemies.