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50372892 No.50372892 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50373047
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Wagmi sisters!! Bottom surgeries for all holders! Staci and her decision making will get us all drive lambos!! Trans will rule the world!

>> No.50373310

??? It's arbitrage to get to where it's been on tinyman for days

>> No.50375372


>> No.50375578

now they want to make a new one project
there you can see how will pump and pump more

>> No.50376362

Algo is dead

>> No.50376435

Nah, it was big buys that got two legs up. Technically you're all still down Vaggies, since greg diluted. But actually you're all still up, Vaggies are Algorand's linkies.

>> No.50377783

1 VEST will be worth $1 sooner than you think. Vestige is going to be shitcoin city with 4 second finality.

>> No.50378671

idk what vestige is but algo is a PIECE OF SHIT

>> No.50379195
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The elites want all the VEST for themselves

>> No.50379234
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post hand with timestamp

>> No.50379731
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>> No.50379830

Vestige and Octorand crew reporting in.

>> No.50380447
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well shit, guess i will buy some vestige now my apologies anon

>> No.50382360
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wish i was holding 25000 vest stacklet and silver tinymug but im a lowly XRP poorfag who diversified into algo when it hit 1.59.

bought tiny at 9 cents in march after yieldly crashed and stuck around because greg and bunsan seem like alright guys.

hope their polish autism nets me a nice little stack of algo for bug tendies tendies after the great reset, wishing all my fellow transvestites the best.

>> No.50382431
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>> No.50382654

are you the absolutely madlad who made this edit? ive been reposting it occasionally for the past 6 months to mine salt

>> No.50383443
File: 2.55 MB, 1125x2436, 0B2CB5D4-4AC4-4E25-951F-B842C685CE42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy it now while it’s bussin frfr on god

>> No.50384161

what even is this shitcoin?

>> No.50384280

This is the white coin. Pajeets kys

>> No.50384316

Vestige. It’s the rebrand of Tinychart and it’s gonna have utility and shit. vestige.fi

>> No.50384353

tinychart dev ran out of $ and made a 2nd token not needed to raise more funds. tinycharts is good for limited staff, but gets no $ from me

>> No.50384360

thanks. I don't even see how to buy it without having tiny. what's the "utility"?

>> No.50384416

The best place to buy VEST is on Humble.sh (Humbleswap). Vestige is going to have a permissionless launchpad, liquidity locker, and farming contract combo which you will be required to pay for with VEST. So long as they pump my bags, they can launch their own token, no vetting involved, pure shitcoin mania. VEST is going to be the best way to hold financial exposure to the 2-second finality shitcoinery which Algorand is going to experience next bull run. No other launchpad is nearly as welcoming as Vestige, and it’s coming out next week. You still have time.

>> No.50384455

ok I bought 4700 of them just for fun

>> No.50384484

How’s $47,000 sound?

>> No.50384553

I don't believe it lol

>> No.50384674

Yeah, $4700 is more realistic but I can dream.

>> No.50384755

4700 is possible if this is like UNI for algo
gov tokens usually drain after a pump and never recover though.

>> No.50384831

so I'll be looking for a big uni style ps5 pump

>> No.50384882

VEST is probably not going to be a governance token though, it’s a token which is used by token creators to pay for launchpad services, so it has a good amount of staying power so long as people want a low barrier to entry for launching a token.

>> No.50384910

what's a launchpad service? paying devs to make their contracts? I would love to sign up to get paid.. I can write solidity learning algo stuff

>> No.50384931

oh this is only a couple months old that's cool

>> No.50385001

A launchpad is essentially a smart contract which facilitates an initial offering for a token. The conventional way is that you set a price per token, buyers send ALGO or USDC to the contract, and they get the token once the offering ends or the tokens run out. Everyone who buys gets the same price, unlike when you just add liquidity for your shitcoin on a dex. There are other launchpad services building on Algorand, but they are all permissioned, requiring anyone who wants to launch a token on their platform to at least be interviewed by the launchpad’s devs. Vestige’s launchpad will be permissionless, obviously making it the most popular option for token launches of any kind.

>> No.50385026

oh yeah I've coded a presale on eth.

>> No.50385054

Algorand doesn’t use the EVM, so you would want to learn TEAL (low-level), PyTEAL (a python library which compiles into TEAL), or Reach (multi chain smart contract language which also compiles into TEAL). Algorand’s developer documentation is state-of-the-art, so if you’re well versed in smart contract coding you’ll pick it up quickly.

>> No.50385088

thanks well I tried getting their installer setup on my linux machine and the docker was crapping out. Didn't feel like debugging it and had solidity work to go through. I have on my calendar to check it out next year and maybe port some of my defi projects over to it.
Would you recommend pyTEAL or Reach?

>> No.50385158

I’m not even a dev but Reach is structured more similarly to javascript and it’s compiler has formal verification as a feature. They’re also working on a debugger which lets you run your own blockchain simulation and fuck around with time and state to test edgecases. Reach has a whole foundation set up to recruit devs and PyTEAL is just limited Python. If you’re coming from Solidity Reach should be the easier thing to learn.

>> No.50385168

ty. I heard algo is giving money to devs for good projects maybe I can income from that

>> No.50385209

The Foundation, Borderless Capital, and Arrington XRP have nine-figure budgets to fund devs and defi projects. The foundation will basically give ANYONE a grant (denominated in ALGOs)

>> No.50385607

Vestige is unironically the white man's ASA

>> No.50385641

You guys were told for so long vest was based I don't understand why it even had to come to this.

>> No.50385651

sweet, noted.

>> No.50385691

You're doing God's work, anon

>> No.50385729

Thank you for you're service.

>> No.50386127

general algo thread?
is there any point in locking my algo up in governance? would it be a better idea to just buy gAlgo and trade it in at the end of governance? if it's a 1 to 1 conversion back to real algo then this would give me twice as much as gov rewards

>> No.50386189
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NFD is having a new round of auctions next week

>> No.50386378

So literally anything else with it and you’ll get more ALGO per ALGO. DYOR

>> No.50386546

it's a good opportunity now that it's early

>> No.50388795

Numb digger posted a copy of this thread, pump VEST humble.sh.

>> No.50389072
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>> No.50389326

Will my tinymug ever be worth anything though?

>> No.50389755

What Staci is trans?

>> No.50390892
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>> No.50390910
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>> No.50391973

there is $2000 of liquidity only that is concerning

>> No.50392183

$573k on humbleswap

>> No.50392377

I have boughted.

>> No.50393111

ah thanks

>> No.50394691

why are we pumping this hard vestige trannies?

>> No.50394842

One guy. He has 1.2 million VEST now, hail to the king.

>> No.50395904

Looks like I was wrong, Vaggies, I kneel greg actually pumped. If you've not made money on VEST then congrats on being a fucking retard.

>> No.50395916


>> No.50395930


>> No.50395941

in few days will pump very high

>> No.50396022

yes, agreed. good project

>> No.50396068

What is the official humbleswap site? ive never used defi on algo. i like using it as a semi-stable coin. but i wanna fomo into some vestige just for fun

>> No.50396093
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I just did a scalp trade on VEST to reminisce about the good old days of the casino

>> No.50396148

Theyre coming back next week anon

>> No.50396149

humble dot sh