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File: 567 KB, 949x801, SILVERSPOTANDPHYSICAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50352484 No.50352484 [Reply] [Original]

Silver spot goes down. Yet, Physical Silver is maintaining value hovering around mid 30s across multiple retail platforms.

What the fuck? Explain.

>> No.50352533

market is broken
you will see spot at $10/oz but can sell physical to the chinese at $34/oz
buy in the usa - sell to china simple as

>> No.50352563

>sell physical to the chinese at $34/oz

what platform
if this is actually possible i can make a fortune

>> No.50352569

>American Silver Eagles
Since the silver run during covid, the US mint hasn't been able to keep up with demans which is why the premium is so high. It started at <$5 a coin and shot up to almost $$13 per coin. Right now I believe it's at $11 per coin. A similar issue has affected other mints like the royal mint, and Canadian mint.

>> No.50352588

>what platform
it is called "container shipping" dude

>> No.50352617

You fell for a doomsday marketing scam. Big boys just buy spot at the comex and take delivery then dump the bags on you with """"premiums"""

>> No.50352671

Shiney rock retards and illiquid markets go hand in hand. No you can't buy for cheap faggots, you only get to sell for cheap. Thanks for playing boomers

>> No.50352684

comex has no silver
digital scam

>> No.50352689

Physical Silver is almost double spot now. I just want someone to explain the fuckery. I never said I was "for" Silver or against it. So fuck off

>> No.50352721

>What the fuck? Explain.
People who buy physical are retarded poorfags with no ability to arbitrage.

>> No.50352868

the silver eagle is the most sought after and thus has high demand and higher price. they can be had as low as $28 per if you go for tarnished or cull.
other nation's bullion coins are in the low to mid 20's right now.

>> No.50352876

Is the cost of labor for making Silver or delivering it, so high now that it is part of why it's almost double spot?

Is inflation itself tacking on the value/price?

>> No.50352899

Literally just explained it to you. You don't know how pervasive silver doomsday marketing is between boomers. They're getting fleeced by bullion dealers and scammers because when they finally feel the heat and sell a dealer will pay spot at the most and they'll be hard pressed to sell because person to person selling almost never happens. The ones thst don't sell will baghold for years until the price gets high enough to end even.

>> No.50352927

nice spin mr. glowie
i am sorry for you

>> No.50352966

Merchants making a killing on retard buyers.

>> No.50353005


>> No.50353077

Just look at this cultist for example. Everyone who shits on his shiny rocks must be a glownigger, kek. Cult like behavior like this is normal in baggie communities, just go to any failed coin general.

>> No.50353081

stay poor faggot

>> No.50353157

oy vey, do you really need this explained? people like peter schiff run these thousand year old schemes on their present day websites.

how in the fuck are people so financially illiterate on a business and finance board

>> No.50353190

>stay poor faggot
Been holding dollars (real dollars) all year. Advice from shiny rock fags is NOT welcome.

>> No.50353201

Okay now try literally any other coin than AEs

Also, I'm never going to sell to a coin shop. These coins are all going to be used to buy exotic concubines on the sex slave market that opens up after it all falls apart.

>> No.50353321

>baggie communities
my bags are going to the chinese as i already stated dumbass

>> No.50353386

bitcoin fixes gold. It is far better

>> No.50353478

So what do you do just go on chinese craigslist and look for "HELLO NEED TO BUY SIRVER PREASE 30 Dorra oz OR BEST OFFUR!"

not even memeing just genuinely curious.

>> No.50353610

friends are chinese
they have contacts that need metals and minerals for production
it is not only silver, we are exporting other metals/minerals, too. eg palladium
they pay WAY over spot

>> No.50353692

Okay so do you buy the most low-premium Kilo bars you can find and then just ship em over?

That's very cool, stoked for you bud.

>> No.50353742

yeah we tried to buy comex but they settled in usd twice
need the real stuff not fake digits

>> No.50354242

spot price is the price Jews pay, you goyim will just have to pay premiums

>> No.50354512
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 1657257798155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you care about the price of precious metals, you're doing it wrong and deserve every negative consequence coming to you.

>> No.50354556

>supply and demand in this case is suspended because uhhh the demand comes from STUPID boomers
oh ok

>> No.50354557

>retard is just understanding how low iq metalfags are getting fleeced by the premiums of their retarded coins. literal cattle.

>> No.50354600

>the REAL price is the price you pay for COMEX paper! who cares if it's undeliverable and they settle in USD, that's the price because it just is, ok?!?
lmao I hope you retard faggots come back to cope when silver goes to $40 by eoy

>> No.50354628

If Silver is so going to buy so Fucking valuable why is literally everybody selling it Kek? It's a scam, basically.

>> No.50354695

Sell your worthless silver to me. Physical only not because I am saying there is a difference, but rather I just like collecting rocks. *Handing rubbing*

>> No.50355155

I’m hitting 500 oz ag and 5 oz au by September. Feels good. I cum in my wife too.

>> No.50355164

good, if your faggy silver does a x2 my cryptos will x5.
yeah, your little retail physical silver coin price is the real price. kek, lmao even.
nothing screams low iq more than retards posting their silver coins, wasting their money on the highest premium. metalshops are rubbing their hands

>> No.50355205

Your crypto is useless and has no intrinsic value beyond being a cog in a Ponzi scheme

>> No.50355223
File: 67 KB, 944x523, silverinflationadujsted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's not forget the mandatory inflation adjusted chart. my sides

>> No.50355267

>don’t buy when it’s low!

>> No.50355362

>it's low!!
>following the narrative of bullion shops
kek. they were saying the same thing in the 80s. silver is cheap now after the crash!! silvertards kept losing purchasing power for DECADES following the store of value, real money narrative. literal cattle being fleeced.

>> No.50355930

both of you are fags. the markets aren't going to move in lockstep with each other forever, crypto or metals will decouple bigly at some point in the next decade and you'll be sitting their crying with your pants down if you don't have both in your portfolio.

>> No.50355972

But if you try to sell your physical silver, the price will be lower than spot.

>> No.50356042

No sell it on Reddit for over spot. Just because you’re retarded and need to take haircuts doesn’t mean everyone is
>just buy Bitcoin bro! It’s totally not ponzinomics

>> No.50356510

Ok why is premium here in europe for european/australian and chinese silver coins are at an all time high, while spot is at its lowest in a long time?

>> No.50356556

You're a baiting faggot posting the most expensive physical silver that you can find, there I solved the mystery.

>> No.50356578

>graph cuts off at 2018

>> No.50356612

>inflation adjusted chart
lmao this isn't a thing. where have you ever seen inflation adjusted charts other than PM fud. Nobody has ever shown an inflation adjusted bitcoin or SPX chart in the history of this board.

>> No.50356690

Silver eagles have been incredibly overpriced for years now because boomers think silver needs to be minted by the government in order to be "real" money. God I fucking hate boomers. Having said that it is true that the gap between spot and physical is increasing. At $18 spot rounds are still $24 the same that they were when spot was like $21. The kikes are manipilating the (((spot price))) down but real price remains the same.