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File: 59 KB, 1202x311, green-chia-coin-logo-reflection-black-background-eco-crypto-currency-d-rendering-banner-219247779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50343685 No.50343685 [Reply] [Original]

The month was december 2020, i created a thread about saffron finance getting pumped by VC's?

I Shilled this in the $150-$200 range, I’m the son of a credible VC investor and I was happy to secretly expose this pump and I know a lot of ppl made life changing wealth from this. It pumped upto $3.4k ATH afterwards. I dumped all my bags in the $2k>3K range but i also got in at $40.

There is another coin that will move disregarding the current market sentiment, it has and will be listed on the NASDAQ in approximately August> October, it's a project that works with the SEC creating the framework of crypto projects going public, and they are the first green lighted project.
It's name is Chia, I did a quick search in on this site and I noticed it gets alot of fud by some really stupid people, and I’m going to spell it out for you so you can understand how easy this play is.
It has a 10 year valuation of $380B and it’s currently at around $100m> $200M (this valuation is based on network adoption + network usage, not speculation/marketing factors numbers like the norm in crypto).
There is multiple ways of raising in a start up, it usually coincides with series rounds, as they provide more value, the VC’s are willing to enter at higher valuations (so they don’t have to lose heaps of % of there company early on). I’m in the very first round of this project at a $10M valuation, I purchased a 6 figure stake in this project back in 2019 (equity), and the latest round was by a16z at a $500M valuation (they invested $61M google it).

This project technically speaking is approximately 6 years ahead (it was 5 years ahead approx. 6 months ago but now they are furthering the competition ahead of the pack), Solana devs have moved to this blockchain, Cardano, and other high ranking L1 platforms purely due to how easy it is to build on it. They have been consistently the top 5 dev platform in the world in crypto and even number 1 over the past 2 months (check Stack).

>> No.50343720
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If you are unaware of the team behind this, it’s Bram Cohen… noted as the number 1 network engineer in the history of the world. He created BitTorrent which at one stage had 85% of the worlds data going through this platform back before 56k Modem was the standard. He started conceptualizing Chia back in 2017, but they didn’t start building it until 2019, it took him 2 years to create 3 new mathematical equations and a whole new programming language called “Chialisp”. The mathematical equation was tested and trialled by the smartest brains in the world, they constantly broke his equation, and he had to retry this over and over again. The other cofounder is Gene hoffman, he was the former NASDAQ Ceo and he’s exited 3-4 companies, he was behind popup blockers in the 90’s, itunes and multiple internet creations.
This is the difference between Vitalik on ETH & real disruptors who have exited multiple companies in the past, they take their time on the concept, so you don’t have an ETH2.0 situation where your going to PoS and its taking years of delays to even get there, it’s the dumbest thing they will ever do. Put it this way, ETH2.0 is Vitalik selling out, everything they did back when they raised capital makes Ethereum a “security”, when you do governance votes, you are technically a “security”. There is only 1 way to get greenlighted after this and that’s by selling your soul to the goat heads, If you look on crunchbase and in ConsenSys, you will notice Microsoft, JP Morgan, as the majority investors into ConsenSys (feb 2022) this is all by design. ConsenSys inc. is the owner of Metamask/Infura (what ETH

>> No.50343740
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runs on), so essentially it will become a chain where the people with the most $$ will control the chain. Case and point> Luna> he created multiple wallets to win the gov vote on Luna 2.0.
PoS was the only way vitalik doesn’t go to jail, they’re doing it purely so he doesn’t go to jail, you cannot raise money from investors unless those investors know they aren’t in it for the profit, but everyone who invests, expects a return, so it’s a security.
Which takes me to Chia:
They use PoST Proof of space and time: They use the hardrives in idle computers as the validators for the blockchain, it’s environmentally friendly and ontop of this they use Nakamoto Consensus, as it’s the best algo to date. PoST is so good the bitcoin core devs are looking at it to implement PoST as it can be used in the bitcoin stack to help BTC scale/defi, this is a very serious consideration and in voting. Bram wanted to build this to help btc out aswell as chia.
They split the method, they still need $$ so they did a raise based on Equity on Chia inc and not XCH the token (so it can never be dumped on by seed round investors). The fair value of XCH on the launch in 2021 was $20, this was said multiple times by the team prior to launch… then China fomo kicked in and pushed it to nearly $2k a coin. A lot of idiots got caught all the way up, and that’s why there is still fud by the bag holders at the 4 digit mark. I’ve been reading/following chia since 2017/2018 and I’ve yet to buy my bags purely because of this logic. I took that $20 to heart, and it actually hit $25 a few weeks ago.

>> No.50343760

I’m buying this coin, but I also know there is no upside pressure until their usecases come in play, there isn’t even fee’s on transactions, they specifically said in feb 2021 that the first 1-2 years is for farming the coins into circulation + building real world applications, they have just released an NFT standard, but other then that, they didn’t commit there resources towards building for the crypto casino, they want institution marketshare.
Prefarm: the prefarm is for loans/future network adopters that bring business on-chain, they will do loans in XCH & and it will be repaid in XCH, This prefarm is purely monitored by the SEC and they can’t freely dump it unless there is good reason to and it’s for the good of the network (e.g. if they bring business’s on the blockchain). This is the cost of doing business, it’s usecase will supersede the XCH prefarm, no one will want to sell this coin once they realise what this is.
On chain P2P transactions without needing a wallet: Chia has on it’s blockchain layer, a way to OTC trade between 2 parties without needing to connect to a wallet> Chia you can generate a Hash > opposite party copies that hash> puts in his own wallet and accepts the deal. So now you can do transactions without exposing your whole wallet to phising links/hacks or connecting to sites like metamask.
Climate Warehouse: Spot price for Carbon credit certificates, they won the partnership with the World Bank to issue the new global market for carbon credits, they have satellite imagery sized blocks so companies can upload there “green planted trees” to confirm they are indeed taking the steps to be more green, and in result they will get a tax refund. This isn’t a small job, they were in davos last month with the Singapore government (they will police it), there is a 1 hour 30 min video of explaining the technical capabilities required to pull this off, Hyperledger/ETH was there first usecase,

>> No.50343777
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which they dropped due to them being shit.
Chia does 30 TPS, 2-3x ETH… sounds slow right? Don’t listen to idiots in crypto, the new generation blockchains is all about “block space”, Ethereum is 30 MB’s, so there is very little limitations, u need to do 100x transactions to fill out 3 GB, so it’s shit. Ppl fud chia over 30 TPS, but the team keep saying, it doesn’t matter about TPS, this is what they mean… If you can fit a 3GB file in 1 of chia’s blocks, you don’t need TPS (they can also have side chains if TPS is needed), ETH… sure u need it, but not the future blockchains, internet is getting faster, storage is the value driver in all technological advancements over the next 20 years, not TPS. TPS is a marketing ploy, it attracts idiots, e.g. Solana does 1M TPS (apparently), yet struggles to stay above 1.5k TPS in real terms, even reducing to 0 where they need to restart the blockchain to start up again.
Chia has built there platform for real world usecase, they can fit massive files in there block spaces so TPS isn’t needed. They wanted this for the World Bank usecase, and they achieved this.

Chia could expect to see $5-20M a day of fee’s distributed to the farmers, this is purely from 1 usecase, they have multiple in the works… and they aim big, according to the team it will supersede the world bank partnership.

>> No.50343797
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Cypherpunks did a valuation on Chia purely based on network usage and no other factors. Chia is calculated at a fair value of $380B in 10 years, this is based on their partnership alone. Think about it… it’s going to create the spot price for Carbon Credits (like gold), they have the contract on this, so I’ll probably make $500M-$1B from my stake early on the equity side, and the XCH crypto side… the validators will be making so much $$ it will springboard to a top 5 blockchain by the next bull run.

No other blockchain has this massive opportunity but chia, Crypto money slowly dwindles down to failed project leaders and exits the ecosystem, this will bring Trillions into crypto alone, purely because they are patient. These guys don’t miss, they are 10 steps ahead of any blockchain, Bram is a beast, the team is a beast & they have the biggest names on the board backing this.

Kevin rose, Naval Ravikant, Slow Ventures, a16z, Richmond Global & Breyer are backing this, you have 2-3 months anon.

>> No.50344145

Premined Jewish scam coin, you pajeets seriously need to stop shilling this garbage.

>> No.50344193

Thank you anon, it's quite bizarre the amount of devs active on the project for the exposure it gets.

>> No.50344205

>I’ve been reading/following chia since 2017/2018 and I’ve yet to buy my bags purely because of this logic.
> it has and will be listed on the NASDAQ in approximately August> October
You contradicted yourself here Ranjeesh, if it was going to be on the NASDAQ in the next few months then you would absolutely be filling your bags right now.

>> No.50344222

Very interesting thread, anon. Thank you.

>> No.50344584

Because you dumb retard, i clearly said i was already in the earliest round (equity), i dont NEED to invest in the coin, i've already made it. Jesus are you a retard?

>> No.50344594

You aren't a VC or related to any VCs though, you're a larper even gayer than Forex Anon. You're shilling a scam that's even worse than ICP.

>> No.50344612

Actually you might be Forex Anon, very similar ESL typing style. Those walls of text you shit out were nearly unreadable garbage, definitely non white.

>> No.50344622

Yeah it's a gem, i was in many moonshots from 2018-2020 i formed my own VC company privately investing in start ups with real world adoption but alot of upside. So i stay away from established $3b+ coins, as they usually dwindle to nothing or the ROI isn't worth it.

Tech gets outdated really quick, people seem to forget there is only like 10 coins in the top 100 from 2015, by the next bullrun, nearly 60% will be replaced by the newer tech crypto's. Have to stay ontop of it, there is higher chance there is top 100 coins in the top 100-300 then there is currernty siiting in the top 100 right now. This is the upside... even i remember when Idex was the platform to trade the "next big thing" 2018-2020... anyone who got in QNT at sub $1... u had many months to get in that cheap... made life changing wealth, it's never the current top 100's you should be holding, ppl fall for it every cycle.

>> No.50344646

There is like 5000 VC's in this space, my VC is a filler VC, we take extra allocation from the big dogs, we take there crumbs. Chia was given as a crumb to us, to help them fill out the raise. Being in a VC is nothing special retard, literall you or anyone with a group of ppl can start one today lol.

>> No.50344665

You can barely type coherent english, you aren't a VC, you may not even be old enough to post on this board. This is just a pathetic attempt to shill a dead shitcoin that already crashed 99%.

>> No.50344708

I don't know what the concept of a "VC" is to you, you might watch alot of movies, but let me be real to u. out of the 100 projects we invested in between 2020-2020, i didn't even go to websites to read what projects did, from 2020- early 2021 every single coin gave returns, 0 were in the red... we didn't even need to read the website of the projects we were investing in cos everything was pumping lol.

You are extremely dumb, and poor, everything I said is verifiable, it's just common sense, you keep saying the same shit cos your too dumb to look 2 steps ahead. I bet you hold a coin i got in seed price and ur currently holding my bags on ur face. Enjoy being my exit liquidity retard, only the dumbasses buy on exchanges, real chads dump only and never buy on exchanges.

Bro stop talking, you don't even know the difference from equity to a coin lmao, you should stay on 4chan investing in pajeet scams.

>> No.50344725

You're retarded and brown, stop shilling shitcoin scams like Chia and you won't get people shitting on you in the replies. You're 100% the guy who shills chia every week, the Chia schizo.

>> No.50344761

Yeah I got into QNT from a thread like this and made off quite well with it, didn't invest nearly enough or I wouldn't be here hahaha
lol this is embarrassingly low effort, do better

>> No.50344770

He literally creates this thread every single week and shills Chia, nobody cares or wants this scam. It's so bad that no American exchange will even consider listing it, imagine shilling a coin worse than even ICP.

>> No.50344829

>still starting sentences with imagine

>> No.50344845

>start of sentence
>pajeet is illiterate
This confirms that Chia is sending shills to /biz/, you're both jeets.

>> No.50344847
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i am monitoring this thread

>> No.50344875

sorry phrase or whatever nigga im playing hearthstone right now

>> No.50344891

I'm also buying 20k chia in the next week or two, stay poor fag

>> No.50344920

I believe you, this is a very organic thread sirs! We should all buy this totally legit coin that will do at least an 1000x. The market is simply wrong and undervalued a coin this badly!

>> No.50344947

glad your on board sir

>> No.50345189

Are there any technical reasonss that make chia better than say Filecoim or Arweave? What can chia do that no other coin can?

>> No.50345450
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I actually think Filecoin work with Chia, and your right Arweave is actually pretty based with there SQL database, but there will be a new project that talks with all the major L1's its called "Source.Network", team from canada/SV. They actually have been generating revenue since 2020. Sunspec is a major player who handles Walmart, Tesla and others data. In 2020 they made over $1M in revenue for these contracts alone. They want to make data transfers seamless and become the front runner in Web3.

Alot of the major L1's will use this over arweave because they are a level above arweave, but they aren't launched yet.

Source network specifically because Dwight Merriman (Dude that co founded MongoDB, one of the biggest data management companies in the world), actually sold stock last year to invest in this as an angel. He has never sold his stock or invested angel in anything, so this is his gateway to the crypto marketshare.

This isn't launched yet, nor will they for awhile... but it fixes alot of L1 Data issues this project, Polkadot already said they can't wait for this to launch.

>> No.50345571
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>VC wants us to buy his bag
pretty cringe bro

>> No.50345603

Utterly pathetic. Do you newfag pajeet mouthbreathers never even feel one ounce of embarrassment?

>> No.50345653

It's so poorly formatted with such obvious Pajeet errors that I'm starting to think this may actually be a subtle chia FUD or troll thread. The larping ESL "VC" guy is just utterly ridiculous.

>> No.50345717

pajeets typically omit "the", use the wrong tense, and add unneeded plurals. i don't see this happening here. what signs are you seeing?

>> No.50345755

nvm i read further and saw a "cos." this is pajeet, i reject this negativity

>> No.50345807

this isnt a cheap coin - do you know the best time to buy in the next 2-3 months ?
Also what happens after 2-3 months ?
Thanks in advance based anon - ignore the rude fudders

>> No.50345825

Organic reply from this "new" poster! There is much interest in the Chia coin sirs!

>> No.50345854
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KEK im not a scammer just an interested anon

>> No.50345922

lol, kk suit yourselves. It's like what I typed is a mystery, when everything I say is literally verifiable if you looked it up. But the fact you listen to randoms on 4chan for financial advice with no follow up is why you are all poor.

How dumb can you be? the World Bank even tweeted the Climate Warehouse. Like you could just search key words like a none retard.

It's also annoying to type this much on my phone.

>> No.50345930

Latest time to get in is early August?

>> No.50345938
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yup, pretty much everything is worse than ICP

>> No.50345981

Chainlink has partnerships more valuable than anything Chia has or plans to have and it dumps harder with every new partnership. The fact that you think partnerships mean anything, or aren't already priced in, means you're retarded.

>> No.50346136
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>when everything I say is literally verifiable if you looked it up
>It has a 10 year valuation of $380B

>> No.50346185

>Cypherpunks did a valuation on Chia purely based on network usage and no other factors. Chia is calculated at a fair value of $380B in 10 years, this is based on their partnership alone.

The shill failed to mention that the "fair value" blog post was literally made by the Chia company LOL. https://www.chia.net/2022/06/08/valuing-blockchains.en.html https://www.chia.net/blockchain-valuation-model/
Every time I go verify anything the Pajeet said, it's either a complete lie, or he's grossly misrepresenting the facts. Article literally written by that Hoffman jew from Chia and this faggot is pretending it's a fair projection.

>> No.50346470

what is make it stack?

>> No.50346482

Probably around 100

>> No.50346487

Yes sirs very natural and organic thread sirs!! Surely some clueless newfag will fall for this thread!

>> No.50346559

i have 8 wagmi right?

>> No.50346919


Not sure 'block space' is the alpha. (unless im confusing semantics here with blocksize)

there is a reason the smartest cryptographers in the world are not big blockers and scam artists like craig wright are.

big blocks means more throughput - more throughput = more orphan blocks - more orphan blocks = easier to fork and re-join the chain with a different order of transactions

a 51% attacks get reduced as it scales.

from another thrread you weren't able to answer.

seems like pretty obvious bag shilling to me

>> No.50346925

Nice try but not buying your bags

>> No.50348776

DESU i've never looked at ICP, but it wouldn't surprise me if there is better tech etc. I'm just looking at the ROI factor aswell + solid tech for the next bullrun. ICP looks great based on that pic ngl.

>> No.50348809


Chainlink literally dumps every month since i bought it back in 2017. Chia literally raised all it's money on the equity side, it cannot be possible to even dump due to them being regulated... if they dump in the open market then they open themselves u like XRP... Gene Hoffman the co-founder was a CEO for the Nasdaq, he's not retarded like you.

Like I don't even think you understand how fucked 95% of these crypto's will be when the SEC crack down... they doubled there crypto staff count in 1 month alone this year to focus more on it... it'll catch up and get all the retard projects off guard, the ones with founders that have done nothing revolutionary in there lives but only in crypto.

>> No.50348891

I didn't even know block space and block size is different, sounded same to me, your right but in saying that, it still remains the same... storing more data in blocks is the alpha. NFT's on eth are only capable of 30 mbs, unless I understood it differently.. i'm not a nerd, i just invest in start ups and it sounded logical to me.

Also, I have a small amount of XCH, my real bags is in the equity and it has nothing to do with my time here.

>> No.50349012

The shit you wrote about the prefarm makes me want to stick with US pyramid bucks $ and playing that daily SPY options game. What's the difference between chia and any other large Jewish mega corp when 90% of the assets are set aside for the blackrocks of the world? Wake me up when FEDcoin is revealed, or is that BTC?

>> No.50349242

>There is another coin that will move disregarding the current market sentiment, it has and will be listed on the NASDAQ in approximately August> October
I'm entirely in on Chia, but this is the dumbest LARP of all time. There's zero way that Chia Networks would announce their IPO and have it completed in under 4 months from now. That leaves zero time for actual lead-up to get people knowing it's happening and doesn't allow their real-world use case (the Climate Warehouse) tike to shine

>> No.50349306

>Gene Hoffman the co-founder was a CEO for the Nasdaq
He was a CEO for a time for a company listed on the NASDAQ. Not the MASDAQ itself.

You gotta stop posting, you're embarassing youself with all this bad info

>> No.50349372

He's a pajeet shill, they make a couple Chia threads weekly, and an "L1" thread where they shill Chia for 50% of the posts.

>> No.50349429

Lmao go away. I've been in those threads for ages as a pro-Chia guy and he's clearly a new poster

>> No.50349669


you are the most desperate CHIAjeet yet, exactly how heavy are your bags? How bad did you fags get rekt in this coin? Did you buy over $1000 AND buy a bunch of harddrives?

>> No.50350783

is this real or fake

>> No.50350858

i've just bought 1 chia. GMI?

>> No.50351117

The shilling of them being a VC or something like that? Extremely likely to be fake with all the bad info they've put out with their shilling, though the blockchain itself and the devs behind it are good
I don't believe anyone's gonna make it with 1 of any crypto, even Bitcoin. Especially true with Chia when premine distribution inevitably happens after the company IPOs and anyone that holds stock could potentially get Chia dividends