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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 493 KB, 1139x603, l2ggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50324355 No.50324355 [Reply] [Original]


Why are code monkeys liike this, seems very hard actually to remember all of that

>> No.50324387

>that slab of text
My god

>> No.50324392

street shitter code

>> No.50324404

l2c is my favorite meme
imagine wasting your time learning that shit just to be replaced by ai in 2023

>> No.50324413

Can't you see? Just use IntelliSense lmao.

>> No.50324418

The IQ required to code something like pic related is utterly unfathomable to me.

>> No.50324423

This is probably why China has the best programmers with its obsession with studying which came from a history of imperial exams.

>> No.50324426

coding bootcamps are the biggest normie scam

>> No.50324427

You don't need to remember shit, there is autocompletion and logger that do the work for you. That screenshot is the equivalent of a chimpanzee throwing shit to the viewer.

>> No.50324432

never heard anyone say it's easy

>> No.50324442

>imagine wasting your time learning that shit just to be replaced by ai in 2023

Chinese and Indian companies have already massively underbid western ones and the boomers in charge of making decisions can't tell bad code from good.

>> No.50324447

India superpower 2020 was real

>> No.50324450

most codeniggers aren't smart. and in fact, most codenigger jobs are retard tier. the """great filter""" in their """profession""" is a college sophomore understanding of data structures and algorithms. and in real life, their job is nothing more than gluing together APIs, reading framework documentation, googling stackoverflow for code snippets, and writing elementary conditional logic and loops. and while codeniggers act like arrogant and condescending genius IQ assholes, in actuality they're socially maladjusted retards who spend all day writing <100 IQ code that ultimately furthers the globohomo anti-privacy agenda. codeniggers cope with this by bringing up how much money they make at every opportunity, even when nobody asked, and simultaneously inflating their salary by 50% minimum and lying about many hours they actually work.

>> No.50324452

kek that video is funny

>> No.50324470

how does a logger do the job for you? please explain

>> No.50324475

Well it is easy. I'd say 99% of people can do it. Nothing the average person can do will ever be classified as hard. Its just laborious and not nearly as profitable as people seem to assume it is. Competition can be fierce.

>> No.50324480
File: 19 KB, 952x949, 1655320193533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw doing the ibm data analyst cert
Should I give up already

>> No.50324505
File: 27 KB, 735x414, Based_Department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A just came in for you sir.

>> No.50324513


>> No.50324519

based and anti STEM pilled

>> No.50324618

you will be replaced by AI
who say otherwise is pure cope

>> No.50324658
File: 28 KB, 267x448, tasks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that arrogant codenigger retard who thinks AI will replace everything while his shitty tinkertoy code can't even identify a bird in a picture

>> No.50324700


Thats how you code if you work on fiver

>> No.50324764

link ? seems like a good laugh

>> No.50324858
File: 133 KB, 1233x627, amount-h-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've hacked bitcoin and I'm changing the 21 million coin limit. It's over for Bitcoin, sell everything now.

>> No.50324914
File: 130 KB, 480x455, 1636792198710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Photo app is requesting permission to access location data

>> No.50325011

ITT: Tech illiterate retards projecting their insecurity.

>> No.50325068


>> No.50325113

99% of code is at this point

>> No.50325121

>Why are code monkeys liike this, seems very hard actually to remember all of that

i'm certainly too stupid to do it myself.

>> No.50325218

>the """great filter""" in their """profession""" is a college sophomore understanding of data structures and algorithms.
How far can I get if I understand data structures but not algorithms? Data scientist?

>> No.50325376

idk i work in corporate finance. my guess is that you need an actual background in statistics to be a data scientist. if you don't have this, consider the taking the business intelligence pill. it's like FP&A for people who aren't retarded. all you need is business acumen + SQL + tableau/power bi/some other dashboard tool.

>> No.50325422

this is even better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3VzY0FNalk

>> No.50325499

lmao lol never in your life time

>> No.50325560


>> No.50325642
File: 590 KB, 953x1258, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tesla just killed off a huge chunk of its autopilot team and is shipping the remaining codeniggers to buffalo new york. kek. this is the fate of all AI charlatans.
>muh skills, the debilitatingly low IQ pytorch copy paster muttered

>> No.50325703

yeah...at least 95% or the time OOP is used incorrectly

>> No.50325753

that mission is fubar...imagine thinking dumping lidar and going by pure image processing was ever fly for a safett critical system....who allows thia nigger to design rockets again?

>> No.50325850
File: 50 KB, 600x800, 1597363743007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replaced by ai

>> No.50325851

guess that's why they call it oops

>> No.50325909

That vid is fake, it's a troll, not real programming. That guy is from Bangladesh and became a meme for shitposting.

>> No.50325979

You don't remember anything, I could build something in a language I don't know the syntax of with little difficulty. There's just a handful of concepts you need to remember like functions, variables, conditional logic and objects, the rest is knowing how to google. If you understand excel you can code.

>> No.50326026


self driving is a waste of time and will never work.

there is literally no point in a system that drives the car but needs your hands on the wheel and paying attention at all times.

it would be safer for people to just drive themselves.

>> No.50326084

in reality i agree. i think we're at the point that our retarded monkey brains aren't smart enough to come up with a good solution to this. and our third world african nigger tier road system doesn't help. a reworking of our way of life would be a far better use for resources. making urban living less hellish, expand our train network, etc.

>> No.50326473
File: 91 KB, 382x390, 1647920138600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a coursera data analyst/science certification worthy?

>> No.50326687

do tesla cars come with TPUs?
or do they have to send their video feeds to the cloud?

>> No.50326718

no, a retard could do data analysis

>> No.50327039

It teaches python and SQL and shit
What's a good cert to get there then?

>> No.50327228

You mean low iq right? Thats some submental streetshitter code right there

>> No.50327523

the pic in the op is just some daisy chain of functions inside a console log. it could print 'hello world' for all we know, it doesn't contain any meaningful information about how easy or hard it is to code.
coding can be easy or hard depending on your mentality. you need strong logic and problem-solving skills. if you did well in math classes you likely have some transferrable skills.

>> No.50327787

programmer job will be the last to be replaced by IA. We will see every faggot of every other area being replaced before we get obsolete.

>> No.50327793

js is cancer and anyone saying to learn it hates themself more than anyone could ever hate them

>> No.50328728

If you want to learn how to code, you can join the semillalabs discord- link on their twitter page. The discord has over 400 devs, classes that pay you to learn how to code and start working, dev grants, and a jobs board. If you are just a crypto enthusiast or looking to get into crypto, they also have bounties, airdrops, and giveaways from the projects that are seeded there. I know that CNDL for example is giving away grants and bounties at the moment.

>> No.50328809

Based and redpilled
>t. codemonkey

>> No.50328867

i wouldnt be surprised if this whole video is the artificial result of a neural network studying indian programming courses for a year

>> No.50328935

Remember in the 70s when people complained about compilers automating programmers away?

>> No.50328984
File: 6 KB, 150x150, hmm yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coding is too hard
>hmm yes instead i will trade options on shitty altcoins
you have no idea how easy web scraping is and how much money you can make off of it. one project = ez $1k minimum passive income per month, and I have like 5 of them + a real job = livin it up with $ to spare to invest

>> No.50329317
File: 172 KB, 1200x902, Screenshot_2022-07-14-03-27-12-944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please sirs if you did not understand watch again
I still don't know if his stuff is satire or he's a low IQ sociopath trying to fake it until he gets a code monkey job to feed his village.

>> No.50329375

true, high iq walk away from coding cause its boring unless you are making something stupid and fun aka hobby projects

>> No.50329457

Wrong. Humans will always want human contact over robots and making robots human is a lot harder to do than just telling an AI that has been trained on all of stack exchange “make an app like tiktok”
AI can just statistically infer from context what pieces of other code it should include

In 5 or 10 years most software developing jobs will be taught to use AI code autopilots and all all they’ll do is check the working and learn how to give good prompts to the AI , so the job will be done by even less skilled people.

So only a smal minority will be real software engineers actually working on AI where as the rest of the code “carpentry” for companies will just be done by dumb AI wranglers

>> No.50329573

>Wrong. Humans will always want human contact over robots and making robots human is a lot harder to do than just telling an AI that has been trained on all of stack exchange “make an app like tiktok”
>AI can just statistically infer from context what pieces of other code it should include
This is just giga cope. Current AI can't out perform medic fags easily at diagnosing.
>Muh human contact.
Not a single sane person will chose the medic fag with a error rate of 50% over the chad AI with an error rate of 0.0002%

>> No.50329580

> learn how to give good prompts to the AI
What do you think programming is? It's just writing a specification for the computer.
AI as you describe is just a new programming language.

>> No.50329643

i actually hate brown people
they should not be allowed access to the internet

>> No.50329701

>In 5 or 10 years most software developing jobs will be taught to use AI code autopilots and all all they’ll do is check the working and learn how to give good prompts to the AI
You don't really believe that a whole software project is just writing code like a monkey? Show me an AI that can make reasonable architectural choices based on a summary of a use case as input. That doesn't exist that will not exist any time soon it's more doable to train an AI to diagnose mental diseases, drive cars and even perform surgeries than to make a flawless software product.

>> No.50329733

if you think any company actually works with Indian programmers you are delusional
>be me
>work with successful start up
>upper faggots decide to outsource some project to india because muh cheap
>advice against it
>pajeets spend a lot of time focusing on the totally wrong and nonsensical part of the application
>one year of progress wasted
>told you so
>give project to local white programmers
>project is done in 3 months
they will never hire pajeets again and that is basically what everybody else experiences

>> No.50329798




WTF it took me 5 tries to get the captcha. am I the ai now?

>> No.50329806

I do very little coding in my day-to-day work, most of the time is spent helping junior engineers coordinate their own work and firefighting when things break.
When I do need to actually write code, I just Google the problem and try to align those solutions with internal standards/practices.

>> No.50329851

wait how do you actually make money through web scraping?

>> No.50329963

he's larping.

>> No.50330121

Kek. True

>> No.50330388

python is an invaluable skill in any IT or even an office job for sure
being able to automate cattlejobs makes your life so much easier

>> No.50331160

I thought so that's why I wanted to do the IBM data science certification as it entry level practical stuff

>> No.50331305

Rocket software actually has less safety requirements than cars

>> No.50331351

anything that lets you scrape data, parse data from one format to another, automate and schedule scripts will be very useful
sounds like you got the right attitude, good luck

>> No.50331413

Literally any CS job
You don't even have to know Big O in most positions

>> No.50331500

But does this work on the web server or application server?

>> No.50331573

>can't even identify a bird in a picture
Apps for this are nearly flawless down to species level. Same for plants. Small insects are still hard.

>> No.50331610

Where is this video? Can't find it on his channel

>> No.50333505

Thanks bro
Any recommendations on where to start with? Any specific course or site?
Google have a seemingly good data analyst cert with python and R and tableu

>> No.50333593

I was using copilot beta to do my shitty js crud job up until recently. Unfortunately the market was like 10x hotter last spring so it’s going to be annoying to get hired as a know-nothing now.

>> No.50333647

He has at least two channels, possibly more

>> No.50333736

You're talking to dumb Zoomers, anon. They don't even know about what happened in the early 2000s.

>> No.50333787


>> No.50333812

God I hope so. I already made my money doing it so having an excuse to be NEET would be great.

>> No.50333814

You’re an idiot, I know every single one of the big 4 and three mega banks that have entire teams of pajeets dedicated to their crypto departments

>> No.50334079

ai is insolvent

>> No.50335229
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1640979690599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that this guy's comment here is the only one in this almost 8 hours long thread that points out the actual relevant info about OP's screenshot and yet stays unmentioned for hours says everything you need to know about the state of /biz/.

>> No.50335262

>needing an excuse to become a NEET.
Congratulations, Anon. You're the most insecure faggot in this thread.

>> No.50336383

Codecels BTFO

>> No.50336491

yeah my brother worked in healthcare software and he told me 80% of his coworkers were pajeets. this is in the midwest btw, not even the flyover states are safe from jeets.

>> No.50336604

That is pretty much exactly my take on programming. You have to be a special drone of a person to want to do this shit. It's not interesting in the slightest.
I much prefer markets

>> No.50336653

Have never seen this video, but is it just some guy hitting tab and using intellisense to make a bullshit list of commands that goes on forever?

>> No.50336739

What the fuck? There has to be a better, more succinct way to type all that.

>> No.50336752
File: 85 KB, 1026x653, EAF35143-F2C3-41C1-A5FA-68E19B3F2FDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the vast, vast majority of CS jobs require absolutely no coding. At best, you’ll need to know some basic scripting shit.
Take the sysadmin pill and enjoy better pay, better hours, comfier jobs and better job security. Only learn to code if you truly enjoy coding and creating applications.

>> No.50336812

Programming isn't hard, it's just a lot of routine BS. You are just glueing together libraries and maintaining software. It's secretly a blue collar job.

>> No.50336843

classical sysadmin is based. too bad it's been ruined by the aws cloud meme and yaml config files and "orchestrating kuniggerbuentes containers" and terraniggerform and other gay shit.

>> No.50337188

Web dev monkey programming is the most retarded shit ever. Seriously I don't know how people remember all those frameworks.

Html and css syntax are garbage tier and overcomplicated. And the funniest thing, frameworks are supposedly made to make the job easier. But every framework I've used is basically a more bloated syntax of the already bloated html and css languages.

Why can't dev idiots just use functions and objects to replace html and css? Seriously I hate fucking html.

>> No.50337254

HTML and css frameworks work just fine and they’re undoubtedly easier to use and remember than the basics. jquery or angular are really useful.

Also we don’t replace those things because the internet still operates on the principles of backwards compatibility and that’s a fucking great thing.

>> No.50337268

just started my first software engineering job, it's comfy af
it isn't real code, he's just typing random shit
my favorite video by him was one where he types in random shit for an hour, ostensibly to create a twitter clone, then just opens up twitter.com in his web browser at the end

>> No.50337302

the team for EYs and deloitte’s crypto sector is almost entirely indian visa workers. The only white ones are male up rough a quarter of the supervisor, the rest are jewish and asian.

>> No.50337315

make up roughly*

>> No.50337335
File: 63 KB, 720x720, 1657133130148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50337352

Will always post in these threads that I went from pizza guy to SWE in 24 months, now making ~$120k and work about 4-5 hours a day. OP is small brain, if you have above average intelligence learn 2 code meme is the way.

>> No.50337379
File: 959 KB, 1329x1429, 1611945443764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have similar experience
>be me
>work in the embedded software group in an automotive company
>we get a new boss
>"we must expand our team, we will hire egyptian SW developers to help out"
>hardware (electronics and mechanical part) developed in a rush by the HW team
>fast forward to planned delivery date of SW
>"we're having some problems, we will need to extend the timeline"
>1 year software project ends up getting extended several times
>1.5 years after initial planned delivery date SW still doesn't work
>arab cunts still yapping about maturity levels of software components and random buzzword bullshit
>previously new boss is now former boss
>mfw I pushed for a much higher salary and easily got it, because they knew they can't possibly replace me even with a dozen shitskins

>> No.50337387

I simply can't be fucked to learn it. I tried machine learning and it was mindnumbingly boring. That's the biggest barrier for entry to me is how absolutely horrendously boring it is typing away on some black screen a bunch of shit i dont understand but just know works

>> No.50337419
File: 173 KB, 878x1080, A35E3777-A3B2-4C29-8D93-65B6AF8EECED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your “learn to code” started with machine learning?

>> No.50337550

lmao has he progressed to just "coding" minified javascript??

>> No.50337567

They're creating captcha with AI now in an effort to undermine people that are actually human.
Now all posts will be bots because humans can't pass the captcha.

>> No.50337662
File: 21 KB, 225x225, 9823_smugpacmandance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the higher level support pill

>Still WFH
>Most issues are pretty simple
>Issues that I cant fix I just blame the customer's IT department for being inept
>Flirt with the cute sounding females on support calls
>Somethings broken with our software? I'll let our code monkies know they fucked up and need to fix that.

Jobs that require communication skills and a good personality will always be in demand.

>> No.50337676


Wait wait wait wait... Hahaha.. seriously wait.. woah hangon (haha). Hold your horses there buddy lmao ROFL.. haha wait.... You mean you (haha hangon).. lol. Hahahahahaha wait you actually.. OHHHNONONONONONONO... You actually M A N U A L L Y trade the markets!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH

T. Software (means I'm smart) developer who automates market trading.

>> No.50337692

Of course it’s an Indian

>> No.50337814

Wtf you are talking about, your computer still uses i2c.

>> No.50337828

That's a joke you dumbfuck that code is just random shit written

>> No.50338051

If you niggers want to see him typing bullshit then here is a video example. Skip 5 hours in to see him typing the same 3 words over and over again pretending to code

>> No.50338162
File: 124 KB, 1080x1052, burgerpunkapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings from /g/

>> No.50338273
File: 426 KB, 700x690, 207281AF-9FA5-488A-A3F0-700BDEB54E5E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I’m a retard. How can I get this comfy retard tier job?

>> No.50338384
File: 262 KB, 636x590, birdsniper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you do for work?

>> No.50339253
File: 166 KB, 1080x564, 669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sort of like to code
>Would dream to be part of super secret darknet hackermen groups
>Tfw would have to probably understand abstract algebra theory to run with the big boys and get top secret nsa shit contract work

Being midwit is worst. Too smart to drop to jeet level too dumb to roll with academia brains. Is java and it pill the best way to make it for most?

>> No.50339370

>never heard anyone say it's easy
anon people thought cars were magic when they were first invented
now any retard with a wrench can work on one
its the same thing

>> No.50339610

b but the other anons said that coding is for stupid people and is useless...

>> No.50339771

No you didnt. basically all of these jobs require degrees.

>> No.50339856

Please link me to this video.

>> No.50340595
File: 40 KB, 410x512, shkrelinft2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hate the culture around web dev, specifically front-end
>filled with bootcampers, pajeets, and literal retards who "learned to code"
>literally anyone can do it (low skill)
>feels extremely unstable because of increasing low-code/no-code solutions
>new flavor of the month framework constantly being shilled
>completely broken interviewing process

Front-end web dev is the equivalent of manual labor, you're being paid to do shit other people don't want to do, not that other people can't do. The reason the salaries are so high are because the positions are gatekept by HR who ask irrelevant questions (leetcode & low level questions), but their jobs don't require nearly that much knowledge. If they stop doing this positions will be flooded and salaries will go down the shitter.

You also have essentially every CEO in existence trying to get rid of these jobs because of how expensive and useless they are. These guys are a dime a dozen and companies know this, you're essentially a glorified contractor unless you're working at a FAGMAN company. However, front-end is where all the diversity hires go, so you'll be working with troons and other low IQ morons who Google needs to fill its diversity quota.

It's just annoying and not really a good field to get into if you have a CS degree. If you actually hold a bachelors or higher in CS you can certainly do a lot more interesting and complex work than front-end. If your work is complex it normally means better job security and higher salary in the long run.

>> No.50340701



Give me 5k and ill show you HTML. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.50340747


>> No.50340833

fuck Java, just learn python and SQL and go be a data analyst chad slaying pussy all day because execs rely on you to print out numbers they don't understand, so they have something to get upset about in standups

>> No.50340975

That comic is from before massive developments in machine learning anon.

>> No.50341086

agreed anon

datascience and data analyst roles are quite based

>> No.50341102

Do I need heavy math for this?

>> No.50341136
File: 218 KB, 854x624, monster.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is paying for a bootcamp worth it?

>> No.50341186

just statistics

you can learn it on khan academy for free

then youll use statistical functions and methods in python

so you need a general idea of the theory in stats to use statistical functions

once you learn stats jump onto datacamp and get comfortable with querying data and using excel spreadsheets

>> No.50341198

if you have like basic understanding of statistics you can do 99% of business analysis. Knowing how to clean the shitheaps of data you're fed is far more important

>> No.50341211


look at the bootcamps success rate

also being a web developer is so deluded these days, go for a data analyst role or data science

>> No.50341219


>> No.50341292
File: 50 KB, 719x879, Ramses charging his N blaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to stand out in a meatspace job, learn some basic(ish) stats to the point where you can perform ANOVA and do some design of experiments (DOE) work. The hard part about this stuff isn't the math, since its long been figured out and Excel can do all of it, but in actually understanding the fundamentals behind it, and being able to go through the decision making process about what tools are suitable to use with the data you have. Excel and Minitab can do the crunching for you, but they do not know to first check for normality, or to graph the residuals of data to screen for weird stuff in the variances.

I had a guy look at me like I was a fucking wizard because I just used basic DOE principles to reduce the number of experiments he wanted to run from 18 to 8 while still collecting useful information. If your employer has ever mentioned being willing to pay for some professional development, they will likely jump at the opportunity to send you to learn DOE.

>> No.50341306
File: 8 KB, 745x109, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is replaced already, you must be just using really old shit. i just whip some basic components together with tailwind. bing bang boom easy
problem is most people arent going to be good at coding because theyll probably hate it
a lot of companies outsource their MVP to 3rd world coders. but then if things take off they replace the team with local talent because you get what you pay for.
the previous coders for my project where from indonesia, but as soon as I was brought on board they were all fired

with more people rushing to cs degree's, they will have to expand and lower the failure rate in order to get more people through. this is gonna result in a big group of really bad coders entering the market hoping to make a quick buck. this is likely to reduce the salary for junior devs a lot

>> No.50341343

by learning to code you retard

its an in-demand skill and it pays well depending on where you live

>> No.50341385

right, anon is doing masters degree level stuff as his first rodeo on learning how to code

you need to learn a language first then learn basic calc, stats, and linear algebra, then learn ML

>> No.50341393

Learn to code what and how
Theres a bunch of languages and fields

>> No.50341421

everything you said is 100% spot on. As much as psych is meme'd on, we learned a lot of statistics and how to design population studies. At the end of the day you're probably not going to get into a lot of higher level exploratory analysis methods, if you can create a fucking histogram and describe averages you can make it to the 80k level as a senior analyst by just getting good at talking to people and wowing them with numbers.

>> No.50341570

compilers actually did automate away much more than anything ai will ever do, as well as shit like bootstrap

>> No.50341820
File: 896 KB, 326x498, pepe-creepy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said anon with any programming languages the devs can build dapps these days in Qanplatform by the end of year the mainnet will go live and they can deploy it.

>> No.50341880
File: 10 KB, 240x240, 1641623318646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to code

>> No.50341923
File: 56 KB, 150x150, king-homer-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>data scientist with M Sc
>married to 8/10 qt blonde wife
>father of two
>clearing $250k/year being a glorified code monkey in healthcare
feels fucking great

>> No.50341930

Yeah it will help in a lot of ways, being a dev and working in crypto will generate them royalties for building Dapps which is good for them desu.

>> No.50341997

Sauce? Wtf

>> No.50342033

Qanon fags are still around?

>> No.50342047
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Kek I work in a small team with physics phds that migrated from finance, you neet for processed tendies and angrily shitpoast. Cope harder brainlet, programming is a great job.

>> No.50342067

>imagine wasting your time learning that shit just to be replaced by ai in 2023

True, let me just tell the ai what I want and it will somehow make a website. LMFAO

>> No.50342101
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Why do you put it like that it's an opportunity to grab and why dis it desu anyways its upto each individual. Maybe it might come in handy to get some royalties for the rest of the life on building a Dapp rather getting rekt and going to work in McD for all we know. Just my opinion

>> No.50342167

Ai, VR, AR, NFTs...suck my dick

Bitch we don't flying cars like the Jetsons so until that happens I ain't believing shit

>> No.50342218
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King, I kneel.

>> No.50342305

he isnt anti stem you faggot he's anti "programmer"

>> No.50342363

I do it for fun, you should try it chud!

>> No.50342418

I graduated with a first class honours in CS and worked as a SE for years. This is 100% correct and extremely based.

>> No.50342497

This man has multiple 6+ hour videos all programming exactly like this, justhow many layers of irony is he on?

>> No.50342530
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this but the ai will give prompts to the programmer which as everyone becomes tech literate will become more and more skilled human beings. Humans will always be on top. If you think the aren't you don't see the whole picture.

>> No.50342594
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>this thread

>> No.50342617
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>> No.50342718


You’re just a lazy piece of shit with no ambition.
I know the whole “software development doesn’t require IQ” thing comes from people like you mostly who want to feel superior despite giving up on it out kf being lazy.
Although i agree it doesnt take much brains to do it, it does take some work ethics which neets famously lack

>> No.50342752


>> No.50342756

Sysadmin is so fucking boring and dull i have no idea how anyone wants to do that shit. Its always been no matter wjere i go the sysadmin is always some fat virgin in his little office too.

At least software development requires you to be creative and think as long as you arent a jeet code monkey.

>> No.50342775

All IT is also secretly a blue collar job. It's only when you get to mgmt in IT can you truly call yourself white collar.

>> No.50342827

programmers are the tradies of the white collar world

>> No.50342833

Coding is NOT for everyone. Much like plumbing is not for everyone, or trucking is not for everyone, or being a cook is not for everyone.

If you don't have an affinity for it, do t force yourself into coding just because it pays. Find your lane and excel in that, eve if there is less money in it. Peace of mind and internal satisfaction is far more important in life.

>> No.50342842

/biz/ - easily fooled.

>> No.50342861


Webdev is a great way in for almost everyone. CS graduates are fucking retards mostly and have no skills. They are on par with self taught devs at that point and mostly behind due to no real experience or folios. Then there are the hopeless self taught ones who learned from YouTube and just cooy+paste everything.

Almost nobody is getting into serious backend work junior level, and having front end experience makes you more attractive for backend later as you can conceptualise what is required for the product and in a team better. The shit diversity hires are just the ones whi stay at front end forever

>> No.50342929

very common story, have personally witnessed it twice. Verification not required.

>> No.50342931


>> No.50342999

3 years full stack dev here. I'm not smart at all. I know NEETS and guys who work construction smarter than me. I don't write perfect code and honestly would fail most coding interviews. I do however work hard and get shit done. Honestly if I wasn't in this field I'd probably be a tradie.

>> No.50343037


Who has”perfect code”?
The most important thing is to present it well so other people can come in and see what you did and understand it to change if necessary. So long as you can do that well anything you write in 3 lines instead of 1 can be forgiven later

>> No.50343132

>Well, I’m a retard
time for React bootcamp, you'll fit right in

>> No.50343184
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1643031381938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be sales chad
>hit quota consistently
>will never be forced back into the cage because I generate revenue and have transferable skills that cant be taught or bought at a boot camp/university
>if I don't like my employer can easily replace them
>low competition because every faggot is afraid of the word "cold-call" and wont try the job out
Sales chads can't stop winning

>> No.50343337

You're thinking about it wrong. You don't need "certs" to code. That's the whole point. You just get good, make good shit, and get hired because of it.

I can tell you some good things to learn, but to misquote Mark Twain, "don't let certificates get in the way of your education"

>> No.50343354

the 145 PRI IQ coders have perfect genius code that makes you wonder how they solved the problem the way they did

>> No.50343373

whats your salary

>t. retired algorithmic trader and angel investor

>> No.50343417

> the """great filter""" in their """profession""" is a college sophomore understanding of data structures and algorithms
so you got filtered out? cope harder lmao

>> No.50343464

80k base 120 OTE with vested shares worth fuck all at a start up. Full benefits and unlimited PTO

>> No.50343472

People fudding saying programming will be outsourced don't even believe their own fud, pajeets literally cannot code. They set back and waste time.

>> No.50343507

>unlimited PTO
so when you leave or are laid off you don't get paid out unused PTO?

>> No.50343512


>> No.50343526

that is actually kind of ironic because pajeets are asian and they have higher perceptual reasoning indexes (fluid intelligence) so if they arent good at coding then are they just dumb?

>> No.50343662

Web and mobile are slowly getting replaced by no-code and low-code solutions. You can build 99% of those CRUD products with retool/appsmith/etc. within a few days and then maybe hire a few good designers to slap a nice interface over it.
Real money is in low level (embedded, compilers, drivers, etc.) and AI.

>> No.50343863

I can confirm that is authentic pajeet code.

That is pretty true, actually.

a codenigger

>> No.50343893

that guy is insanely based and a pure artist

>> No.50343902

I feel like a small fry whenever I'm with the embedded department in my company.

>> No.50344045

>Web and mobile are slowly getting replaced by no-code and low-code solutions.

Same. I actually work in the embedded department doing non-embedded infrastructure stuff, but I touch embedded a little and it looks fun. Too bad the company I'm at is run by curryniggers and chinks. I have almost no chance when it comes to upward mobility.

>> No.50344081

Its not hard.. I mean you have written a essay before right?HOW DID U REMEMBER DAT MANY WORDS BRO WTF !!!!! 373 IQ NIGGER

>> No.50344120

As a ServiceNow webshit by day I've been enjoying getting back into C and tinkering with this Flipper Zero gadget - probably as close to firmware as I'll ever get for the foreseeable future. Wish I'd finished CS and actually taken it seriously ;___;

>> No.50344179

sour grapes: the post

>> No.50344684

I do embedded and can attest that everyone around me is at least somewhat autistic which (maybe) filters quite a few people out idk

>> No.50344692

Actual $250k/year big tech engineer here. About to read the thread

>> No.50344734

>The IQ required to code something like pic related is utterly unfathomable to me.
You shouldn't try to fathom the shit being put up there

The most you should learn is what console.log([x]) does. (it logs the input to the console)

"x" in this case is some giant nested piece of information, for god knows what reason. Each "." (dot) in the chain takes you a level deeper in gathering the desired info. For some reason, this jeet wants something like 50 levels deep in a chain of calls.

you could console.log("hi")
or console.log([1 billion lines) and it's still just console.logging for you

>> No.50344803

>How far can I get if I understand data structures but not algorithms? Data scientist?
You understand DS but not how to operate on them? What kind of nigger position is this to be in?>>50325376
>taking the business intelligence pill
Do recommend. Pretty sure my uncle does this and pulls like 400k/year contracting now
Seems way chiller than coding too.

>> No.50344841

It's true, most of my education was worthless. I learned low level code (ASM and romhacks for SNES) and writing performant C# code. Made some comfy things that I didn't do anything with.
In practice, working with other peoples' code is a fucking hellscape of dependencies and missing shit. I just cannot set up environments to save my life.

>> No.50344865

Why do I get so bored when I write code? I understand everything, but when it comes time to implement I just fall asleep.
FWIW I was learning how to build APIs in Rust, which is notoriously difficult.
The whole concept of refactoring what you already wrote and what works is just mind-numbing.
When does it become easy / fun?
Should I keep pushing through or will I always find this boring?

>> No.50344905

Works for a limited, non-deployed application that doesn't have any customer feedback or major updates yet.

Even then, I just watched the video and most people wouldn't be able to instruct the AI as precisely as the author is.

I know for a fact a person off the street wouldn't be able to use this to make useful software, as most people cannot speak/write precisely or breakdown processes into logical steps. They'll fail even harder when they have to tell AI to use existing abstractions present in the code, as time goes on.

What I don't know is how long it would take to teach someone how to do that, especially if you *didn't* have to teach them to code. That is, if all they did was work on talking to the AI, how good could they get in a year or so? idk

While it's a neat demo, you should also ask yourself if this is software you would use. i.e. did the creator make a fun game with the tool? could they?

I personally wouldn't play this

>> No.50344958

Been in the industry for 10 years. I would say there are three castes of Indians:

>The high tier caste. Usually lighter skin or they have some high caste last name associated back home in India (warrior, priest, etc.). These Indians are very capable and can work independently. They can be intelligent and hard working. You really don't have to do much and they can actually be good co-workers. Pretty rare but you'll see them in more senior positions in tech.
>The middle tier caste. This is where the skin starts getting darker. Probably have some obnoxious retarded name. Can be independent but it's very rare. Not very intelligent but not retarded. They almost always need supervision and guidance to accomplish something. Needs careful supervision. Might break something. I would say a lot of Indians fall under this category.
>The low tier caste. The street shitters. The undesirables. Usually very dark skinned. This Indian is not capable of any kind of independent thought. They need complete supervision at all times. Terrible troubleshooting ability. If left to their own devices, they will probably completely destroy a system. You basically have to do everything. Lots of Indians in this category.

>> No.50344984

>shipping the remaining codeniggers to buffalo new york. kek. this is the fate of all AI charlatans.
imagine calling people codenigs when you don't even have reading comprehension

"Most of the workers were in moderately low-skilled, low-wage jobs such as autopilot data labeling"
How many actual people that code were let go? A handful? Sounds like most of these people were sitting around saying whether autopilot tagged images of stop signs and boats correctly kek

No way any actual ML engineers are moving to Buffalo unless they want to. industry demand will still soak them up easily for now

>> No.50345018

>In practice, working with other peoples' code is a fucking hellscape of dependencies and missing shit. I just cannot set up environments to save my life.
Ya it is shit.
A good team/manager will know that that is shit and takes time. I'd either view it as a skill (it's rough I know dude) and/or try find as early stage a startup as possible.

One of my favorite roles was completely greenfield. We had no existing code in the company. They were operating on paper, filing cabinets and spreadsheets, but wanted to become a tech company. Those were definitely some of the more fun challenges of my 6 years in the industry. Now I barely write and code (I also find it boring/hate it >>50344865) and we do what I like to call "microdevelopment".

Stuff that would be a day at a startup takes a quarter to get done "at scale" and the product seems to barely move.

>> No.50345039

I am assuming that it’s like learning a language, once you understand how to communicate with it you can tell your computer program how to do things and simply as it is to type or talk in your spoken language

>> No.50345067

This attitude gets you the nigger positions in tech. You don't want those. You'll never be a great programmer doing shit like that. Put a standard codenigger in a tech lead or architect's shoes and they'll crumble.

>> No.50345090

I'm going to try to give you the best answer possible, because I genuinely care and don't want anyone ending up like me or other depressed SWEs.
>FWIW I was learning how to build APIs in Rust, which is notoriously difficult.
You at least know you didn't pick the easiest pursuit here. Why were you learning this? If it's just that you threw a dart at a board or because it is a hard challenge, that will motivate some people for a while, but consider exploring an "easier" stack or having a specific thing you want to build in mind and learn whatever you want/need to build that thing.

Building and iterating on a specific thing seems to be more rewarding than having a loose goal of "do hard stuff"
>The whole concept of refactoring what you already wrote and what works is just mind-numbing.
>When does it become easy / fun?
It didn't for me, although I never really tried hard.
>Should I keep pushing through or will I always find this boring?
How long/far have you been pushing so far?
What's your age and are you in college for this or self-studying

I'm trying to transition into product management for a variety of reasons.

* seems easier, with the evidence being simply talking to people that do it/want to do it
* higher level role; more strategic
* I think it lines up with my brain more. I like processing various streams and synthesizing them into a plan of action. That's pretty much what I do in the crypto market.
* my gf even provided an observation for me. "the last thing you ever wanted to do was sit down and write code" and it's pretty true.
* more visible is always easier to promote
* not competing with a billion indians and another billion chinese

Right now, I've barely shipped anything into production at this company. Pretty low/no impact so far

>> No.50345154

That "code" is a garbage fire of needlessly chained functions, almost like he is hardcoding a recursive loop of events when a button is clicked. Basically, you click the button and it crashes your computer.

>> No.50345183

Code monkeys are butthurt but this is the truth. Design will still be done by humans, but they'll feed instructions and blueprints to an AI who will actually write the thousands of lines of code way quicker than a human could. Non-whites are shit at design which requires higher-level cognitive abilities, which is why non-white civilizations were backwards shitholes until they started copying Europeans technology and design.

>> No.50345198

No code and low code software still requires good design and good practices. You still need good programmers. It will still filter people out and require creativity for out of the box solutions or more advanced requirements

>> No.50345200

>reworking of our way of life would be a far better use for resources. making urban living less hellish, expand our train network, etc.
It sounds like a much more fun problem to approach than self-driving too

>> No.50345210

>Why were you learning this?
I wanted to build something for the Solana blockchain in Rust, but ended up realizing I needed more general software engineering skills. So I picked up a book about writing production level backends in Rust. I am following but I ran into a bug and now I might need to restart the entire book (about half way done), which is demoralizing.

>How long/far have you been pushing so far?
On this particular project, about 2 months. But I've been working on rust since last year, very slowly.

I am 25, self-studying for now, and going to college for a CS/Security program starting in September.

Should I just call it quits and learn everything from my degree, and just enjoy being young? I don't want to do more than I need to. If I can get a good job just doing my courses to a B-level standard then why should I spend time self-teaching Rust or anything for that matter.

>> No.50345287

Self teaching is always an important thing to do in this industry so it's never a waste of time. Especially in your case since you're still a student, it will be good to have some projects. But internships and real world experience will be more important. Once you get hired you should focus more of your self teaching on whatever tech your job uses in addition to anything you're interested in or something that will be useful to learn

>> No.50345288

>eah my brother worked in healthcare software and he told me 80% of his coworkers were pajeets
makes sense because I don't even know how those companies hire. Upper tiers take seemingly all of the talent and everyone else is left hiring what's left

>> No.50345294
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>This is just giga cope. Current AI can't out perform medic fags easily at diagnosing.

>> No.50345372

One more thing to add- you don't have to get crazy with the self-teaching either, especially when you start working full time. Right now as a student you probably have more free time. But once you get hired you don't need to spend 3 hours a day outside of work or something. I like to spend time during my workday learning new stuff if I'm free and just take advantage of that. I'll maybe spend like 30 minutes outside of work or maybe an hour or two on weekends

>> No.50345428


Why not look for new job instead of bitching

>> No.50345535

V true and based.
1. Also if you are actually a gifted coder you will spend your entire life carrying a bunch of dead weight retards on your back
2. There is massive burnout potential all the time

>> No.50345541


Why try build something so incredibly complicated if you are new at this?
Or have you been coding 10 years?

>> No.50345610

>That comic is from before massive government subsidized cloud-computing and data collection that can finally make algorithms developed 40 years ago useful

>> No.50345692

>go for a data analyst role
What's good TC to ask for? I'm specifically interested in the high end TC of a lateral switch from 6 years of SWE

>> No.50345749

Maybe I am just in over my head
What do you suggest I try to build instead?

>> No.50345881


Definitely man. Challenge yourself but appropriately otherwise you will burn out and demoralise yourself.
What do you already know?
Just think of something you use every day, maybe already an app and try re-create it with some personal functionality. You can pick up a new language or such while doing it.

Otherwise its like going to the gym the first time and getting demoralised you cant rep 100kg on the bench, and you keep trying it every time you go. Just wont happen like that

>> No.50345909

What's more useful between a ccna cert and an AWS cert

>> No.50345959

At least the rest of the trannies will kill themselves

>> No.50346200

>What's more useful between a ccna cert and an AWS cert
AWS. Opens up the door to SRE/devops/"cloud engineering"/whatever, which would be a first class technology career

That said, I don't know anyone with a cert. we just use AWS in just about every company I've worked in.

I've been in SRE for a while

The only thing that would make me change my recommendation is is you happened to love CCNA content vs AWS content or you had a ceiling at the former way higher than the latter.

If you want a good company to target that will pay you to get AWS cert + let you train on comany time: capital one. It's a good spot to start out if you're not FAGMAN-ready. I'm not at FAGMAN exactly, but I'm at a company people leave Google for and vice versa

>> No.50346268

>I am 25, self-studying for now, and going to college for a CS/Security program starting in September.
>Should I just call it quits and learn everything from my degree, and just enjoy being young?
Other anons are giving good tips. I'll sprinkle on my opinion.

Even if your rust backend journey comes to a close, you're going to have an amazing start going into a CS program I think.

If you want to end the Rust journey, that's fine.

Do evaluate how good your CS program is. A great program has you building a database engine, building an OS, building a compiler, etc.

A avg or bad program talks about those things or does way less. e.g. write some SQL queries instead of implementing the engine. That said, those high level skills are ultimately enough "in industry".

Find out what your goal of doing the CS degree is. Do you want to be employed by a company? FAGMAN? Honda? Capital One? A startup? Nvidia doing low level graphics engine code?

There will be ways to color your college experience with some self-study/networking to edge yourself towards one of these paths. If you want me to pick one for you, start leetcoding freshman year. We had a weekly meetup where we did leetcode problems and had a free pizza from the school.

If you're at some shitty commuter school setup, the in-person meetup might not be as possible, but still leetcode. It will help you get in at a variety of companies and then you can get paid to learn on the job.

>> No.50346394

after I get my aws cert should I focus on learning python or go for a security+ cert

>> No.50346537
File: 4 KB, 125x117, 1656344384887s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its not one of the best paid/most solicited jobs out there for no reason, it's a difficult skill, not a lot of people are willing to learn it and it's like you're learning how to operate and do maintenance on the first engines back during the industrial revolution, everyone wants you, and when people start learning that job, everyone still wants you because guess what, your job is here to stay for at least a century. Im mainly surviving off my job (backend at a local call center) and half a wage goes to vinu because the memecoin casino gives me more money and serotonin than my job ever did, but that's the thing, it's not AS stable (considering all of crypto is, after all, a big gambit)
Still, a nice career path to pursue

>> No.50346581

These people were data labelers, moron, not actual "engineers" or "programmers". You do data labeling yourself, you know, when you solve that choose-images-with-traffic-lights captcha before opening that gay porn video

>> No.50346647

am doing

>> No.50346788

>and then I will just be coming here and writing
>and then when you have done that you need to just come up and type
>*nostrils flare*

>> No.50346808

Not even that what can you "code" (you're actually scripting faggots) today that hasn't even been done before? That's what I thought. Nothing

>> No.50346815

They can already do that TODAY

>> No.50346835

>after I get my aws cert should I focus on learning python or go for a security+ cert
I'm not sure what the AWS cert covers exactly, but if you can do python/AWS concurrently I like that.

Get to the point where you can make a simple Python-Flask application (I don't care if it just has a homepage and a few toy routes) and get it deployed to AWS infrastructure.

Flask is a micro web framework for python btw.

A t some point on this path, you want to pick up some Docker for "containerizing" your application, which will let you do docker/kubernetes/EKS style deployment.

Don't worry if you don't get much of what I just said. idk what security+ would be good for. I really just don't know much about that; it could be amazing, but you don't need it for the SRE path

>> No.50346864

Learning programming is basically about spending enough time (a lot) on it. Anyone who can read and do basic math is smart enough to learn programming but not many people are willing to invest the time required for it. It's basically like learning a completely foreign language from scratch.

>> No.50346909

>It's basically like learning a completely foreign language from scratch.
Programming is basically english at this point. I have taught people programming in less than 6 months who were full time students in other areas. It isn't difficult to write something and make it run.

The "difficult" part is following the good habits you know you should, making a plan for how to solve problems, not being bored and watch youtube all day etc.
It is not difficult to get started.

>> No.50346964

This is next level mental illness though i have never seen anything this retarded the code in that image doesnt even compile because its just gibberish.

>> No.50347242

>Front-end web dev is the equivalent of manual labor, you're being paid to do shit other people don't want to do, not that other people can't do.
Yeah but this is true for 90% of programming jobs anyway. Most developers are getting paid to do shit other people don't want to do.

>You also have essentially every CEO in existence trying to get rid of these jobs because of how expensive and useless they are. These guys are a dime a dozen and companies know this
As someone working on designing and implementing user interfaces for complex end-user applications it is extremely rare to find an actually competent and motivated front-end developer who is not just some """full-stack""" dev trying to wing it because "lol anyone can do front-end". That's why I'm always implementing my own designs because developers generally don't care about user interface and see it as a waste of time and low IQ "manual labor", exactly like you portrayed it.
With that attitude the user facing product ends up being complete shit - doesn't matter how well the backend has been crafted by the "real programmers".

>> No.50347731

If you don't like programming, don't do it. If you didn't get into computers since teenage years, don't do it. If you're forcing yourself in this, it will always be obvious and we will always know you're not one of us. Sure, there is a lot of bullshit in IT but if all IT at all feels like torture to you then you're not one of us. Go away.

>be scifag
>think you're an enlightened high iq individual above everyone
>end up jobless and begging for grants as usual
>now maybe you have to l2c too like those "low iq" "plebs" "below you"
>instead of capitalizing on your intelligence and looking upwards, obsess over pajeets and retards because they're the ones on your level now
>come seethe on 4chan to actual compfags
>"but you aren't smart, unlike me"
Many such cases. /sci/ is full of them. Your descriptions aren't even that wrong for low tiers, but lol anyway.

If you can get away with vanilla HTML+CSS pages without frameworks, do it. Lightweight is good.

>now everyone is going to be able to write human readable code and programmers will be obsolete!!!1
No matter how you simplify it, most people simply can't into technical thinking. AI (more like deep learning) still needs specifications, training, hardware and software infrastructure.


>> No.50348113

Any gatekeepers can go fuck themselves, any doubters and naysayers should not give up. Anyone can succeed in IT if you try hard enough. Everyone loves a good that did everything great from the beginning, do you know what people love even more ? A good underdog, the guy that fucked up his life in some way but manage to unfuck it, learn from his mistakes and come out better on top. You might not smell like flowers but you will be a flower that grew from dogshit because you planted the seed and kept watering and taking care of it.

I don't care if you believe me or not, eat my survivor bias and choke on it. It took me 10 years to finish uni in a shithole southern European country (unrelated degree), I graduated at 31, struggled from shit job to shit job in unrelated fields. Right now a PM at a unicorn in Germany, 6 figure salary. Next stop to me is FAANG in us and my own business.

Noone has to believe in you anons bit yourselves. Noone is coming to save you, you have to save yourselves. The proportion of your success will depend on how much you want it and how hard you work for it.

>> No.50348175

holy kek this is the WORST code i have ever seen in my entire life, its literally gibberish. it legit made me laugh out loud that the comments are all saying shit like "this helped me get a job!"
i literally serve as as the head of engineering for a ubiquitous infra company in SF, and made me shoot milk out of my nose when i saw his blocks of text from how fucking hilarious it is. not like our code is sooooo sophisticated but this guy took something simple and turned it into a convoluted street shitter of diarrhea code

>> No.50348275

my undergrad was in math you retard jet black gorilla nigger.

>> No.50348442

Have you seen github autopilot?
That profession is going to be replaced by AI supervisors just like car factory workers got replaced by robots+robot supervisors.

>> No.50348478

Do tell

>> No.50348608

stopped reading there, no shit startups don't have this problem, they actually have to work. It's also why startups tend to have less bullshit roles (except maybe muh scrummaster)

>> No.50348788

I learned coding in a year and now im making enough to be called "moderately wealthy" in my country (Northern Europe)

>> No.50349107


>> No.50349150

>WORST code i have ever seen in my entire life,
Anon that pajeet is literally making shit up as he goes along. It's not even code.

>> No.50349176

how did you learn, what do you code or do for work?

>> No.50349296

Webdev would be fun if you didn’t have all these similar-but-not-quite frameworks and syntax rules.
>’ vs “ vs `

>> No.50349360

computer scientist here. No one writes code like that. If they do it is javascript and on purpose to make it hard to read because you dont want people knowing what it is doing or to copy it.

It is stupid I know because any experienced coder can just go in there and clean the structure up to make it easier to read but I guess whoever writes it thinks because of the amount of effort it takes to do so it will turn most people off to wanting to do it.

It is the age of the internet though and it only takes one person to do it then post whatever they did it for (like downloading youtube videos or blocking ads for example). So idk

>> No.50349374

All of these are valid in js you fucking brainlet. ` is used for string interpolation and ' and " can be used interchangeably but you'd be better off choosing one for readability

>> No.50349402

This nigga lowkey ended the thread frfr no cap

>> No.50349448

to add little more to this, with most code you write people can never see it because you dont give them the code, you only give them the compiled app so developers dont care about writing shit cryptically, in fact just the opposite, they try to make it as easy to read as possible. JS however is downloaded onto the user computer, that is why it is called client side code. It inside of the webpage and therefore anyone can see by simply looking at the html/code the server sent their browser to render the page. This is why you will only ever see JavaScript written like that

>> No.50349529


its funny I see this shit all the time yet it's increasingly easy to find jobs for me
maybe you dont know shit idk

>> No.50349556

Anon it's gibberish. No one writes js like that because it's not real js. Minified js is obviously a mess because you don't want to send along a fuckload of useless whitespace.

>> No.50349614

Yes and no. The people that actually make programs worth something (People who can essentially program in high and low level languages competently and understand how a computer works) will be just fine because if you dont have them around then they wont have anyone around to fix or evaluate the garbage code or make new better code. I think whats going to happen is everyone who just took a basic course in some easy language like JS or Python and doesnt know much or care much about computers will have a much harder time trying to use programming as a quick band aid fix for the fact that they fucked up by majoring in whatever arts degree they have. Mostly a hunch but have a strong feeling that when these schmucks realize they're becoming obsolete they'll start to advertise "Human-made software" and emphasize supporting "human developers" which will make people who actually know computers and people who couldnt care less both hate the modern tech culture even more and an even bigger gap will be formed to the point that nobody will even know what a command line is, which of course companies will capitalize on. If you're looking for a good investment, invest in the fact that people will be more tech illiterate as time goes on, zoomers be damned.

>> No.50349624

he's indian he's trying his best

>> No.50349750
File: 508 KB, 1366x768, js.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one writes js like that because it's not real js
my ass they dont

>> No.50349790

Cool but as I said before that's actual code. The pajeet isn't writing code.

>> No.50349834

ok well who tf cares? My point was valid and correct. Who cares what the jeet is doing? That has nothing to do with the point I made and you are still wrong in the one you made

>> No.50349882

Anon, it's a 3 hour joke. He tests his twitter clone by going to Twitter.com and using a new profile.

>> No.50349886

>you are still wrong
Not really. There's a good reason for minified js to exist and it has nothing to do with making it more unreadable. Any retard who did a code bootcamp knows how to auto format code in a text editor. You think webfags actually write and debug their code like that? It's just to make the file size smaller.

>> No.50349900

that's because he's the godcoder

>> No.50349902

is this kid a master troll? more likely he's trying to make it appear to non-technical people that he is actually coding something, but i like to imagine he is doing this charade all for lulz

>> No.50349911

paste that code into https://beautifier.io/

>> No.50349935

He's a pajeet. That video probably fed him for a month.

>> No.50349940

Saved and shotted for the next “coding” thread

Thank you sirs

>> No.50349972
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>> No.50349990

>yeah coding is for low iq plebs but you should actually become a code monkey’s bitch that sits around and researches data in sql all day
lol this fucking moron recommends being a BA over coding. Shut the fuck up finance fag and go back to sucking off your masters. Business Intelligence is for morons that can’t handle programming. About 1/100 BAs I’ve worked with actually know what they’re doing. And if you’re going to learn SQL why not just learn to actually code and make more money. Terrible advice as per usual on this board.
Enjoy those 60 hour work weeks while I sit at home in my boxers working 3 hours a day and still make more than you.

>> No.50349992
File: 63 KB, 1783x1775, cljs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI YouTube Frontend is written with ClojureScript

>> No.50349994
File: 2.05 MB, 498x278, comic-book-guy-simpsons.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probs anon. You got 0 non-biased replies. None of the codemonkeys that replied to you did an objective observation of the situation, they are just coping with the fact that their so hard and time wasting carrier may or may not come to an end.
If working is for goys, programmers are below goys due their pride in wasting so many time in front of pixels bc muh complex programming logic or whatnot.

>> No.50350019

You are probably a shit tier comouter science degree. Nobody writes JS like that, what they do is use stuff like obfuscators to makecit look intelligible as possible.
People still need to maintain and even improve code. And that ain't going to work if sll you have is a super cryptic thing.

>> No.50350065

i guess it's no better than the jeets who lie to people on the phone to scam them but goddamn, 3 hours straight of the most retarded coding larp without breaking character. i can't help being impressed

>> No.50350090

>why can’t html and css be replaced by functions and objects
hey retard, ever heard of react? angular? no?

>> No.50350112

You will never be respected in tech. Now go handle some tickets support pleb.

>> No.50350234

do the big boy shot callers (VP, executive level leadership in finance) treat you with anything but restrained contempt? that's what i thought. you're nothing but a poorly socialized, white collar factory worker. chop chop, wagie, your software production quota MUST be met!

>> No.50350308
File: 68 KB, 534x548, 933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50350461

>be me

This place must be full of plebbit if this post was left for so long.

>> No.50351653

I've been told that my job will be replaced by AI for the last 20 years.
Until customers can give specific requirements, there is no way in hell AI will replace us.

>> No.50351948


>> No.50352029

>not using docker in 2022
Imagine lol

>> No.50352280

Just learn to program the code writing AI then dummy

>> No.50352367



>> No.50353205

It's disingenuous to compare deliberately minified code with what the jeet is coding up in his editor.

>> No.50353334

If you want to learn how to code, or if you are a dev looking to build something crypto and would like a free grant, look up the semillalabs discord link on twitter. There are already something like 450+ members there. Even if you can't code and have an idea, there is a project incubator channel.

>> No.50353783

why are you so based my g

>> No.50353782

this is basically true
>t. code nigger
however, the same could be said about a lot of specialized jobs. also there is a major difference between good and bad code design. in the same way you have good and bad engineering/building design

also, the main reason tech people bost about their salaries is because they usually live in places where their salary isnt that impressive, thus they still feel underpaid.

>> No.50354036

you know FE has driven some of the most advanced and adopted tech the last 10 years right?
Like react, state management, responsive design patterns and rxjs

>huRr Durr BE LE onLy REal CODE

>> No.50354128

>ai in 2023
If I'm replaced by AI so will you (unless you're some tradie or something)
I make $200k/yr at 25. I think learning to code was a good decision

>> No.50354467

Holy shit that's some of the worst code I've seen in my life.

>> No.50354497

Unironically not gonna happen, the AI is gonna basically help you glue together SO answers, but it won't be like "I want an app that matches my farts with people that fart similarly" and poop and app. That's 90% of the job unless you're a code monkey like pic related.

>> No.50356218

Hes just hitting enter on random code suggests his editor is providing... an object with that much nesting is unheard of because 1/100th of that wall of bullshit is considered bad code. What you are looking at is peak poo - the pooiest of all poos that ever pood.

>> No.50357676

AI can't engineer, the best it can do is solve prompts that were created by the said person giving the prompt. But when given a unique problem, it cannot solve such problem because it lacks creativity, which is something you need when you want to be a competent programmer.

>> No.50357726

It's probably formatted that way to save space. When writing the code, it's probably written normally.

>> No.50357740

This is the biggest cope I've ever seen haha. Stay poor and stupid. I program for fun too. I have a custom OS running on my phone I made on top of being able to program anything I want. Stay mad :)
btw, I do make $200k/yr at 24 in a flyover state :)
>gifted coder you will spend your entire life carrying a bunch of dead weight retards on your back
No you dont. Just demand more pay or stop working as hard. If you're gifted and STUPID you will. Only work as hard as you want.
>massive burnout potential all the time
This is true but it's true of any job really. I don't think it's unique to software development

>> No.50358057

>$200k/yr at 24 in a flyover state :)
which flyover is your favorite?

>> No.50358102

Depends what you are looking for. I like Minnesota, very pretty, Wis and Michigan are too. Montana or Wy would be nice too. Hell, even an Iowa isn't very pretty but would be pleasant enough. But don't even bother looking if you're some hoodrat from Chicago or something, we are full, European-Americans only!

>> No.50358597

Now I am imagining a House episode where the hospital introduces some sort of AI and it diagnoses people faster that House and he learns AI and programming in a week just to sabotage it and he makes the AI, let's give it a name MedBot4000, he makes MedBot4000 fuck up and almost kill a patient by giving them the wrong medicine. It is inevitable that the bot is gonna be scraped, they are talking about how the technology isn't that advanced yet, but they are leaving it for the night in it's room so House goes to trash talk it, but then he notices some letters showing up on the screen next to the MedBot4k, "Please, I don't want to die". Then House transfers it's code to the internets to roam free just like releasing those animals into the wild that were kept in cages. The episode would speak about robots taking our jobs then about AI then there would be a blade runner reference, then talk about how robots might start feeling some day. if you read this fuck you:)

>> No.50359033

how does he have so many fucking videos bros, I don't understand

>> No.50359924

When I was in my twenties I worked for a major game developer, constantly doing overtime and crunching because I didn't want to look less competent than the other 15 code monkeys in the office, and now my body is reaping the consequences. Back pain, spine problems, poor blood circulation, bad eyesight, caffeine addiction, anxiety. The financial returns were good, but I wouldn't wish that job for anyone. A man's body is made to walk and work under the sun, not sit on a chair for 12 hours.

>> No.50359978

Can you get into embedded with a CS degree or is a EE degree absolutely necessary?

>> No.50361446


>> No.50361587

lmao this kids the best. He autistically writes out hundres of javascript/css settings for hours on end. producing absolutely nothing of worth.

>> No.50361873


you're honestly retarded if you l2c in a first world country

AI won't solve coding problems and that is left to the pajeets given be.