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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 55 KB, 964x558, Screenshot from 2022-07-13 09-06-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50327279 No.50327279 [Reply] [Original]

This is big fucking news:

From the beginning the golden ring use case for oracle enabled smart contracts was derivatives and other high value, legally sensitive parametric assets
Those were never going to run on public blockchains

From the start hyperledger has been one of the logos seen in Chainlink slides
Now it appears they are integrating the chain, just in time for CCIP
Look here for every big name in this space
Digital Asset

There's a reason every ESL fudtard is working overtime
Chainlink's Ethereum Enterprise Alliance moment is coming sometime this year
Buy Chainlink now or forever regret it

>> No.50327512

something something sergey dumps
something something token not sneeded

>> No.50327578

Low price. Nexo and Celcius must have sold their last reserves. I bet staking is going to come out randomly and absolutely fuck them.

>> No.50327957

august 2020: $20
july 2022: $5

>> No.50328081

Bump keep at it OP thanks for the good post

>> No.50328097

When moon tho?

>> No.50328123

its the biggest gas guzzler on eth and other chains, only that its usecase is mostly automating ponzis and randomizing jpegs. I guess most useful token and product in the crypto casino, but thats about it

>> No.50328130

i got my stack up to 6k today, hope its enough

>> No.50328170
File: 84 KB, 381x814, chainlinkplug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're about to launch chainlinkplug technology, this is the first step of the 4th industrial revolution

>> No.50328205

I have 900 link. I hope I'm ready

>> No.50328226

Careful, this thread might get deleted

>> No.50329232

Nothing can stop whats coming
Fuck jannies
Fuck kikes
Fuck bulgarians

>> No.50329301

some hyperledger users are about to come on board as node operators
>Hyperledger Besu includes several consensus algorithms including PoW, and PoA (IBFT, IBFT 2.0, Etherhash, and Clique).

>> No.50329352

>literally who X chainlink
what can I say except

>> No.50329421

We've already been told at most we're getting some proto small staking this year. It's not fucking anyone. The seethe here when the "staking"™ release causes a 10% bump will be priceless

>> No.50329589

Wow lets see how price is impacted i bet it’s gana go up real bigly, sounds really cool bro yea man nice (Y)


>> No.50329618

You sound nervous Simeon

>> No.50329667
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Cope much?

>> No.50329668
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>> No.50329855
File: 49 KB, 1185x428, Screenshot 2022-07-13 235203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that big? Looks like it's only for Besu, which is Ethereum-based, which is a public blockchain; didn't you just say that "Those were never going to run on public blockchains"?

>> No.50329899

When are we gonna pump

I'm soo tired bros

>> No.50329940

We all are man

>> No.50330009

a couple sips of the ganges will cheer you right up dear

>> No.50330012

Yea, fabric is the most used hyper ledger chain. Has all the big customers.

>> No.50330136

whats with the random 2017 eth chart

>> No.50330195

Don't care, make the price go up.

>> No.50331202

tell us more.

>> No.50331341

Ok great. How about staking? Oh another 2 weeks? Q3 right? Oh were already in q3? So december 31st then.

Fuck sergey

>> No.50331393
File: 583 KB, 1035x1520, SmartSelect_20220713-131037_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The EEA announcement in 2017 was one of the major catalysts that made the price of eth go up several thousand percent.

>> No.50334247


>> No.50334288

3.Abstraction layer for enterprise

>> No.50334407

>he expects a speculative pump in 2022
good luck

>> No.50334444

we're gonna pump into Smartcon 100%
not saying we'll reach new ath or anything but it will happen
then we will very likely dump hard during/afterward

>> No.50334472

when I think about Sergey I check myself

>> No.50334476
File: 154 KB, 474x445, wojak_drained3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then we will very likely dump hard during/afterward

>> No.50334506

ok but when are devs going to do something about the price

>> No.50334683

Chainlink is so fucking boring holy shit, if it continues to grow at this pace it's gonna take like 20 years to get anywhere.

>> No.50334749

>we're gonna pump 100%
we're gonna dump only because of people like you

>> No.50334871
File: 384 KB, 1080x789, 42-sS5wrsJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of stinky linkys

>> No.50334917

This news is so gay I'm glad I sold for kenshi

>> No.50334923

I’m going to make it all back by shorting smartcon as link goes back to levels previously not thought possible. Yea i’m talking sub dollar

Uhh can’t wait to slurp up those cheap links. Stfu you lemming fucks

>> No.50335136


Abstraction layer for enterprises. Wtf does that even mean? Its just conman word salad

>> No.50335425

No, it's not. Do your own research

>> No.50335529

>as link goes back to levels previously not thought possible. Yea i’m talking sub dollar
lol Link has been dumping so much for so long, nobody will be remotely surprised when Link goes sub $1 in a few weeks.

>> No.50336024

Can someone please kindly take a moment and explain this to someone without a technical background?

>> No.50336054

I don't control the market and even lots of people like me, lots of retail holders and traders, barely impact it all

>> No.50336070

hyperledger is an enterprise-grade chain (similar to eth) which chainlink is starting to integrate with.

>> No.50336185

You guys must be feeling like shit for wasting five years

>> No.50336210

it is honestly insane the partners Hyperledger has
imagine if all the preliminary work was already done and hooking up chainlink was the final piece for all of them to be using the besu and the chainlink abstraction layer
unfortunately this shit will likely be rolled out piecemeal over the next few years

>> No.50336233

Intergrate with something that no one but shit coin gambler uses

>> No.50336495

Hope so. The FUD has been insane lately

>> No.50336523

Thank you for your reply. Is there any way to discern from this information if this is early in the integration or is it being finalized? Again, thanks for taking the time to answer.

>> No.50336908

This is the evm compatible portion of hyperledgers offerings
Hyperledger fabric and sawtooth are the more widely used
It means Chainlink is integrating the easiest one first and will roll out others later
Also means that the relationship has been active for all the testing

>> No.50337140

it's all coming together

>> No.50337621

who the fuck are you random anonymous poster who shows up in link threads to tell people how they must feel like shit? what are you invested in?

>> No.50337774

I do feel like shit. Have you come to comfort me?

>> No.50338311


>> No.50338669

shorting LINK

>> No.50339380

literally this. im so sick of these q tard 2 MORE WEEK tier chainlink posts regarding CCIP and staking. if any of the faggot shit they are spewing was true it would be reflected in the price. if chainlink was the COIN OF THE FUTURE or whatever the fuck it wouldnt be 5 dollars lmfao linkies need to kill themselves

>> No.50339413

Suck my dick ugly bulgarian scum

>> No.50339447

youre hating because i told the truth. not my fault you are bagholding this dogshit coin. it will probably be 4 dollars by next month when fed announces new unemployment numbers

>> No.50340262

Exactly what ive been saying. “Broooooo this new breadcrumb that only we know about hurrrrrrrr. Guard against da fuddddders”. Fuckin christ its beyond old.

>> No.50340470

You all spend a lot of time in Link threads for someone who doesn’t hold it and hates hearing people get excited about it.
Why don’t you stop contributing to Link threads and they won’t get bumped as much?

Unless it’s your goal to get people to sell for some reason…hmmmm??

>> No.50340621

I think its just as likely they're frustrated holders but either way its just fucking useless bickering. Yeah most breadcrumbs amount to nothing with the price action, because link was never a pump and dump and it needs enterprise usecases and staking to grow past this shitty market. Still if you're someone who is invested in it for the long haul this is useful information, if you're here to get rick quick go buy a fucking dogcoin, and if you're bitching cause link's been down 2 years against the "safe" btc and eth, well its also up massively against them since its ico, and if you're playing it safe the long term is what should be on your mind.

>> No.50340793

It’s amazing the amount of mental gymnastics a bagholder will perform in order to justify his reasons for holding knowing it won’t pay off in the end

>> No.50340929

bagholder is an overused term that gets flung around here so often because 99% of cryptos are in fact actual scams, the entire value prop of link is that it breaks the mold of crypto musical chairs and generates actual value from DLT, so to actually convince someone who understands link to sell, you'd have to destroy its fundamentals, which I haven't seen happen yet in nearly 5 years. Beyond that, all you're doing is gatekeeping newfags.

>> No.50341058
File: 1.19 MB, 1000x743, 711DC408-EB90-4546-9EAE-378522C23C50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, checked

>> No.50341106

Hyperledger is what I've seen a number of companies use for their permissioned private chain. Yeah, this is pretty big.

>> No.50341451

Oh, it was Fabric, Chainlink is integrating Besu, it's start then.

>> No.50341705




>> No.50342092

Obviously Im a disgruntled holder. Id rather be a fucking realist about how I just got fucked by the team then sit here jerking off to schizo theories about how muhhh squeeze is gonna occur “soon”. The fact is I was about a 2-3x away from making it last year and fat fuck dumped all over us, setting my life back probably 4 years. I am 30s and dont have the time you little neetfags have. If I had rotated into literally ANY other projected last year Id be set for life. Instead, we were punished for our loyalty. Fuck this project and fuck this gay earth

>> No.50342186

pathetic. have a good look at yourself. you have no skills, haven't achieved anything and yet sit there and complain like a child after the project already gave you an opportunity very few ever get in this fucked up world.
it went from $0.20 and sat over $40 for a good period. if you were so fucking greedy that you didn't take out money then to live for a few years then what can i say.

>> No.50342266

He took five years of my life too man. I hate this fat piece of shit so much

>> No.50344354

>to actually convince someone who understands link to sell, you'd have to destroy its fundamentals, which I haven't seen happen yet in nearly 5 years

This. None of us are selling

>> No.50345336


Hyperledger and link have worked together since 2017. CCIP ties EVERYTHING together.

>> No.50345361

Chainlink will be the winner of this decade. The winners are already aware and the losers will keep losing.

>> No.50345741

>you'd have to destroy its fundamentals, which I haven't seen happen yet in nearly 5 years
yeah, it's a little hard to tear down something than exists only in theory

>> No.50345767

jewish humor

>> No.50345823

And here I thought this was integration on the hyperledger side, but it's just another half baked commit into their own repository to pump the look-at-all-our-integrations metric for marketing purposes. Kinda sad.

>> No.50345835

>From the start hyperledger has been one of the logos seen in Chainlink slides
>Now it appears they are integrating the chain, just in time for CCIP
>Look here for every big name in this space
Who in enterprise is going to use CCIP over SETL, Hyperledger Weaver or Quant Overledger?
A year ago all Linkies talked about was the DON and staking, and now this cycle's hopium is CCIP. Linkies are a single tier above those who think Safemoon will replace Bitcoin.

>> No.50345843
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>Abstraction layer for enterprise

>> No.50345969 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 850x1100, anglo-turkish-piracy-slave-trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look into this man's eyes and do not see genius. I see a 120IQ man that followed the current of a river. True innovators have hints of manic and insanity in their eyes, or, natural but humble confidence like Telsa. This analysis is not technical. It is a judgment that originates from the wisdom and gifted insight of our existence. Reading the Zeus Research report outlined nothing I did not already suspect five years ago. I hold no financial faith in this man that lead to groundbreaking products. I will not say he is dishonest or holds criminal intent. Simply, the fact that the man is mediocre driftwood. The gods withdrew their spark, or, perhaps it was stolen at a young age... genetically, emotionally... who knows. He will live a nice life, maintain a solid family and keep a small team employed within his various endeavors. In terms of conquering the world, market, industries, and ecosphere... this will not his fate.

>> No.50346008
File: 490 KB, 850x1100, anglo-turkish-piracy-slave-trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look into this man's eyes and do not see genius. I see a 120IQ man that followed the current of a river. True innovators have hints of manic and insanity in their eyes, or, natural but humble confidence like Telsa. This analysis is not technical. It is a judgment that originates from the wisdom and gifted insight of our existence. Reading the Zeus Research report outlined nothing I did not already suspect five years ago. I hold no financial faith in this man that leads to groundbreaking products. I will not say he is dishonest or holds criminal intent. Simply, the fact that the man is mediocre driftwood. The gods withdrew their spark, or, perhaps it was stolen from him at a young age... genetically, emotionally... who knows. He will live a nice life, maintain a solid family and keep a small team employed within his various endeavors. In terms of conquering the world, market, industry, and ecosphere... this man's fate is routed toward a supportive path.

>> No.50346095

So here's what I did. In 2018 I was having a wank to some JAV and decided to visit /biz/ while softly and slowly stroking. I saw some interesting posts about chainlink and lots of people seething at its mere mention. It was 22 cents so after I blew I bought a make it stack as it were. Now over 4 years later I'm in Japan having sex with hairy pussy Japanese girls thanks to that fateful day I tried a new board on 4chan. Thanks for listening to my blog post lol.

>> No.50346340

You need to get out more, anon. Try and find a girlfriend. It'll do you good.

>> No.50346362

sergey is not so good
his token is a bit unneeded

>> No.50346373


can I fuck jav girls if I go to japan?
how much does it cost and how do you go about doing it. do they/their agents know english?

>> No.50346393

dang yo, I also have a makeit stack, how do I get a hairy pussy japanese gf

>> No.50346495

Men who speak of money do not have it. Men who speak of getting out are likely to be gay. Men who speak of girlfriends do not have one.

>> No.50346535

You can some can be hired. Hell there's even a bar that opened up last year to drink beer with your favourite jav girls.
Or just go to Osaka and there's a block of jav tier S+ girls sitting outside waiting to be hired. What you see is what you get. >>50346393
Get a costco card

>> No.50346556

you just spoke of all 3 nigga

>> No.50346625
File: 330 KB, 996x993, 1647675735933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can I go there solo and do alright? any risk of getting robbed, etc?

do they know english? do u just take uber everywhere?

Im scared of traveling bro but I cant stand how disgusitng the prostitutes in america are. i've seen the sites and every pic is repulsive

>> No.50346717

Risk of getting robbed in Japan is super low. The worst thing that can happen is they'll show you photos of a super hot girl at a brothel and it's photo fraud or just not even the same girl. That's why just go to Osaka and the girls are on the street you can see them and that's what you'll get. Don't be scared to travel just keep your wits about you. You'll do fine as long as you're dressed cleanly and you're not a total sperg

>> No.50347464

Very different time period. Big money is off the table right now. Also just to get back to ATH we need a 900% gain.

>> No.50347673

>th-this time it's different!

>> No.50348209

What does enterprise grade mean in practice? What are the attributes that differentiate it from ETH and other chains
Is this a meme like military grade steel?

>> No.50348298

100% doxxed validators, not public, not permissionless.

>> No.50348432

You're right. I don't have a girlfriend. I'm happily married. Carry on, though. It's fun to read.

>> No.50348888
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Didn't read. Not selling.
$1000 eoy.

>> No.50348993
File: 70 KB, 887x560, pRisn1vRBLcNYPZ2ZYtUJvnqkakLh5i0i52yuYgls9U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those nice quads confirm.

>> No.50349046

You’re literally posting this in a thread about hyperledger integrating chainlink, all the swift rumors were all but confirmed the past year, Eric Schmidt joined the project…it’s arguably a safer risk vs reward play today at this price than it was 4 years ago at 20 cents.

>> No.50349218


>> No.50349240

I check

>> No.50349490
File: 278 KB, 377x348, 1657456130472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50349797

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.50349943

“Just go back in time and buy the absolute bottom”. Fucking retards

“Just get dumped on brooooo, muhhhhh accumulate”


>> No.50350056


This could completely change Chainlink network profitability.
Derivatives was the use case which was supposed to require the staking collateral and bring a lot of use.

We are close to getting it.

>> No.50350077

no it's not retard

>> No.50350096

>pajeet too retarded to even try and fud so he just uses the same cat pic and greentexts
remember that time you tried to make fud threads filled with you samefagging yourself 5+ times with that cat pic but everyone kept calling you out on it because you were too retarded to change up the filenames

>> No.50350835

and the product is still in beta
I don't give a fuck about integrations and partnerships anymore

>> No.50350961

Sheeeit i remember sam hyde talking about this in 2019.

>> No.50350967
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>> No.50351214

Sam Hyde has been an /biz/ reader has got most of his spoonfeeding from this board

>> No.50351267

This is hyperledger news is the only thing that has renewed my hope in this shitty project in months.

>> No.50351404
File: 54 KB, 674x767, A9EF97E1-DEDC-4900-845F-13DCF9FDDBB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chaos magic is on our side again, bros

>> No.50351875

>big news
wow cool news bro!

>> No.50351933
