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50329894 No.50329894 [Reply] [Original]

The winner of the ICP supernova Spinnercash says that the bitcoin integration doesn’t even give them the information they need.
ICP chads it’s over.

>> No.50329931

>A work in progress needs more features
wow it's nothing.

>> No.50329950
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It's only beginning

>> No.50329956
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AHAHAHAHAHAH pissbagholders on suicide watch

>> No.50329965


>> No.50329993

bro I hope you "loaded" your "canister" with enough "cycles" that it doesn't "forget" your asset.
what a joke platform

>> No.50330017
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what a surprise, btc integration was just a fake hype nothingburger

>> No.50330028

I'm really glad Kadena stole their principal architect. Smart guy. He left for a reason.

>> No.50330041

>6 days ago

>> No.50330091
File: 40 KB, 750x381, C4853A99-9EE7-44E8-999C-3B3590284442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin’ blockchain, how do they work?

>> No.50330172

Who's that?

>> No.50330202

bro I hope you "loaded" your " aws account" with enough "money" that it doesn't "forget" your asset.
what a joke platform

>> No.50330219

just fucked myself in the ass
it's over

>> No.50330223


>> No.50330228

AWS has $74 billion in annual revenue
ICP barely makes $74

>> No.50330229

You mean John Wiegley, the guy with a dfinity symbol on his Twitter name? Lol, maybe he advised kadena here and there, the same way manu and another dfinity engineer wrote a few of Algorand's whitepapers

>> No.50330273

Felt pretty good tho right?

>> No.50330375

so this is the alien tech i've been hearing so much abou

>> No.50330402

nervous? why are you laughing when it’s obvious ICP is not all that it’s advertised to be.

>> No.50330437
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Priced in. The hackathon was a 6 gorillion nothingburger as expected.

>We HaZ ALiEnZ TeK N ShIeT

>> No.50330440

The ICP FUD is making me hard bros. This is exactly the type of FUD we saw when chainlink was below 0.01 and parsiq below 0.001 and iexec below 0.000001. We are gonna make it!

>> No.50330552
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Alien tech, node providers can see everything but cryptography protects it? You want badlands? What about quantum cryptography? What about btc integration, what about eth integration. They gambled. They had to come to market even with an unfinished product. They needed the funds. Well now they can sustain for "3 more years" but their shit chain userbase is exclusively degen money grabbers and nft traders and there is delay after delay

>> No.50330573
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Kindly zoom out sir

>> No.50330600

Can you stop putting ICP next to these literal whos please? Thank you

>> No.50330617

Incel ICP hodler cope. Cry harder

>> No.50330657

you should buy more and lock it up for 8 (lmao) years

>> No.50330671

This isn't fud, it's a real fucking problem. Like saying the wheels on the car can come off at any time.

>> No.50330719
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Keep posting. Your FUD just makes me diamonds. I'm about to coom.

>> No.50331266

clueless and unaware and retarded

>> No.50332509

I keep doing this. Why, I can’t say.

>> No.50333257

Finally. You faggots should have bought qom instead. Who whould have thunk...

>> No.50333633
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>> No.50334440

>here do this specific workaround instead of a GENERAL API that can do things like all api's are supposed to do
>thinks this is a valid option for software engineers worth their salt

>> No.50334529

It's the same fud rubic saw too. We're so early bros

>> No.50335472

He left dfinity recently and is now lead at Kadena

>> No.50335560

chainlink was never below 0.01 newfag. it was $1 after ico and then crashed to around 20 cents.

>> No.50335577

fuck out of here binance cuck. old ass

>> No.50335688


Same FUD Lition had and it went to zero kekw.

>> No.50335800


Was down to 10 cents at the lowest. Quite a lot of us bought at those levels. I sold on the first runup to 20 dollars. Bought back in recently. Both LINK and ICP, this time I bought just in case they actually get adoption, something to keep an eye on and to not rope if they moon. If it all goes to zero idc. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.50336277

ICP fud is just like the ETH ico, I bet some you morons are still here. I remember like it was yesterday… all the threads claiming vitalik is gonna run off with our btc.

>> No.50337237


I don't own KDA or ICP, Anon... I...

>during my time
Kind of implies he's done working there. It's hard to say though.

>> No.50337289

Friendly reminder to all the nigger faggots who got tricked by moonman, defi is starting this week. Buy ICPINUS or I’m killing your mother tonight, not in Minecraft

>> No.50337376

Not buying your bags homosexual pajeet

>> No.50337432

It hasn’t even dropped yet you stupid faggot fuck. Get a better bot script or lurk more you nufaggot

>> No.50337456


>> No.50337992

We have the best FUD bros. Bullish as fuck.

>> No.50338111
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Solid profits sirs

>> No.50338233

checked and kek

>> No.50338342

he's still listed on dfinity's website as an engineer and has the infinity symbol on his name, but his LinkedIn shows him working at KDA

>> No.50338382

>we have the b-best FUD bros
heaviest bags too

>> No.50339421

dfinity keeps spending $$. where is that $$ coming from?

>> No.50339654

dfinity being lazy and not updating their website, what do you think is more up-to-date, someone's personal linkedin or a website they have no control over?