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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 228 KB, 1080x1265, euro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50280507 No.50280507 [Reply] [Original]

Eurobros... what is happening...

>> No.50280541

germans up to their usual shenanigans

>> No.50280544
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>> No.50280555

Actually believable, the whole ukraine shit was started by burgers to begin with

>> No.50280561

Germany shrugged. See what I did there Ayn Rand?

>> No.50280565

euro is falling because of bad trade balance (Germany balance went from 25b to 0) and because ECB isnt tightening and raising rates like the FED (KEK)

>> No.50280568

how long is this supposed to last? months or years?

>> No.50280572

Euro here, does this mean I should be cashing out into USD?

>> No.50280577

You should have been doing that for months

>> No.50280581

But then how do I spend it?

>> No.50280598

After the JEW-ro gets shrekt, Dolan is next.
So yeah.You might have wanted to get real tangible stuff (land,food - ya know, stuff that has value, unlike toilet paper)

>> No.50280634

Checked and bingo

>> No.50280676

We have corrupt and stupid leaders because our peoples are dumbed down and now we face the consequences. Weather the storm and rebuilt your wealth.

>> No.50280696

Yes goy buy land now that it has inflated for 15 years and is just beginning to deflate

>> No.50280757

>unironically listening to jews
>"le america bad!!!!"
>"Um, ackshually russia is da good guys because they are trying to glass a foreign nation in self defense!!!"
back to 4ch.hk losers

>> No.50280779
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Idk if it is done on purpose but the anglos are definitively taking advantage of the oppotunity. EU / german leaders and politicians are mostly in the transatlantic club. See Friedrich Merz, chief of CDU party for reference. He is on Blackrock's payroll. That is not capitalism anymore. The governments got highjacked by corrupt politicians selling us out to a bunch of billionaires who are not bound to a nation anymore. They act globally because they think they're above the law. Americans should have taken power from the FED.
The farmers' protests in the Netherlands is a very good example of the power grab.
> be Bill Gay TS
> finance climate researchers aka ppl producing fake data to support your arguments
> finance activists occupying the parlaments
> parlaments enact your climate change laws making farming unprofitable
> farmland prices decrease (especially if you have access to the printers)
> buy farmland under value
> meanwhile ordinary people realize regulations eat into their pockets
> regulations change and the appreciation of your assets / farmland rise
> profit
Am I retarded or is this really happening?

>> No.50280800
File: 167 KB, 1242x1639, 1657042002394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's OVER

>> No.50280974


>> No.50280982

The US dollar is getting stronger since it's dealing with inflation better than the rest of the world

>> No.50280985

Best part is Trump called the Germans out on their Russian gas retardation, and they laughed at him.

>> No.50281079


Based. Capitalism is devouring itself. Fuck business and fuck finance.

>> No.50281083

parity when? im thinking thursday

>> No.50281101

Yes. USDT works too

You don't spend more than 2k a month

>> No.50281110

yes, you are correct anon, you are also retarded as well

>> No.50281458

Hey im rather dependent on russia then on the great satan who is still occupying

>> No.50281466

Our products are becoming easier to export. Oh, you aren't competitive on a global market? How unfortunate for you, heh.

>> No.50281497


Have been done that already last year.
Not sure at what time should convert back to euro or swiss francs.

>> No.50281694

Is there any way to just spend it in Euroland?

>> No.50281766

The world is prepping itself to go to war

>> No.50282664
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cope more

>> No.50282704
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Uh we milkshake now?

>> No.50282818

Tick tock euroturds, just 6 more to go

>> No.50282832
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What a relief.

>> No.50282848
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Why are americans so happy about our collapse ? We are your only allies , in our death you will be left alone against the world

>> No.50282858

>who are not bound to a nation anymore
And yet they're all in US. Curious how all of those evil corporations that are "not bound to a nation" are located in one nation. Just a coincidence

>> No.50282865
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Mostly because >>(you) seem to be self righteous cunts on the internet. Also, this may hasten the end of globohomo.

>> No.50282879

>implying euroturds will ever have the guts to go against US
Lmao, you will do nothing. You'll just transform from an ally to a colony like Japan

>> No.50282951

you should be buying gold, retard

>> No.50282952

We will not turn against you but the rest of the world already has

>> No.50283052

my entire net worth is in american stocks so even shit i'm bagholding is up because of exchange rates kek

>> No.50283081

is this the new narrative ?

>> No.50283101
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>if we get a trade deficit that’s good!

>> No.50283112

You are correct

It's not retardation. If Germany would be a sovereign country not cowering to US foreign policy it would work just fine.


>> No.50283157

You are more of a burden to us than an asset. The US is responsible for protecting you with out military because Europeans (except the French and Polish) have underfunded and gayified their military for a generation. We will be better off without you quite frankly. You have no natural resources and the US has a better knowledge economy. Except for German cars and German heavy machinery, Europe is nothing more than a tourist trap. A hollowed out husk of what were once a great people.

>> No.50283173

we always have been the cuck of Amerifatties

>> No.50283200

Explain please. I remember this donbass shit back in 2012 on /k/. Anyone else remember givi and motorola? Do you mean the boycotts and shit?

>> No.50283229

When the dollar is king, the NWO takes over

Long live the dollar.
Long live the KING.

>> No.50283246

>unironically listening to jews
When it comes to this kind of kikery, yes I would listen to the big nosed man.

>> No.50283311

All America had to do was embrace Gorbachev for his apologies and willingness to aid NATO and afghan war.

>> No.50283339

>Der Völkerstreit und der Hass untereinander, er wird gepflegt von ganz bestimmten Interessenten. Es ist eine kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, die nicht will, dass sie zur Ruhe kommt. Es sind das die Menschen, die überall und nirgends zuhause sind, sondern die heute in Berlin leben, morgen genauso in Brüssel sein können, übermorgen in Paris und dann wieder in Prag oder Wien oder in London, und die sich überall zuhause fühlen.

>> No.50283371
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It's over.

>> No.50283375

An excellent opportunity for me to cash in my USDC and USDT, that's what. Gonna wait a bit more tho, the real pain train is likely to come.

>> No.50283422

the euro zone always liked to maintain a 1:1 ratio with the USD to foster trade
all the schizophrenics ITT need to take their meds already

>> No.50283434

>Our products are becoming easier to export.
You cannot imagine how much I despise retards like you. "Oh our currency is devaluing. That is great for us! Based greeks, spaniards and italians!"

If you have a strong currency you can make it as weak as you fucking want without involving any olive eating subhumans (no offense). Just print the money yourself. Spend it on actual wealth. Stocks, infrastructure, gold... ANYTHING. Why can't we simply be Switzerland?

>> No.50283498
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Hopefully this will create the next Hitler

>> No.50283693
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>> No.50283728
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> now I can't even escape to the Schengen Area for a better quality of life
It's not fair

>> No.50283795

>We are your only allies
We are allies to americans in the same way afghan translators are allies to americans. Now it is time for our plane ride.

>> No.50283846
File: 76 KB, 306x306, E65714FB-9970-4C08-AAFF-6CF4C7EF2894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plan is something like this:

>devalue the Euro more and more
>create a CBDC alternative
>you have to exchange the old Euros for the new CBDC
>the exchange rate is getting worse everyday creating pressure on the population to get into the CBDC or become bankrupt

>> No.50284643


Gold has also bent the knee