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50280325 No.50280325 [Reply] [Original]

How does one become disciplined and productive?

>> No.50280335




Option 4chan

>> No.50280344


>> No.50280360

Every time you don't feel like doing something just cum. This will reset your brain chemistry

>> No.50280371

do NOT cum

>> No.50280389


>> No.50280398

I cum so then I can focus better

>> No.50280425

Keep pulling on those bootstraps and self flaggelating in accordance with the cult of capitalism. You will always remain an insecure and submissive individual in never ending chase of "growth" with that feeling deep inside you that it is never enough, you are never enough. This is intentional however cause this way they can extract the maximum value out of you

>> No.50280475

>How does one become disciplined and productive?
You are faced with a decision between doing a lazy thing and doing a productive thing.
You decide for the lazy thing and you strengthen the neuronal lazy thing pathways.
You decide for the productive thing and you strengthen the productive thing pathways.

Start small, set achievable and sane (!) goals and most importantly do not break the habbit. If you can't go for your run because there is a thunderstorm outside, do something similar inside.

Do things that need to be done and take up less than 5 minutes immidiately.

>> No.50280530

sounds conclusive but does it really work like that?
Also what to do if you never constantly follow the right pathways?

>> No.50280556


>> No.50280570

And btw, retard, you need to be disciplined and productive in order to do that too.

>> No.50280579

This. 2 times a day minimum. Anyone saying less is a greenhorn that's absolutely deluding themselves.

>> No.50280606

hmmm, this sounds like good advice. i've been trying to write my goals down every day, but I at best do it twice a week.

haven't achieved any of my goals in about a month of doing this, including the one of writing my goals down every day.

but, on the days i do write them down... it reminds me of what i want to achieve and i usually put more effort in than i otherwise would.

might write that list today

>> No.50280620


>> No.50280691


>> No.50280697

Buy matic, slowly change your habits and discipline will come. It's simple.

>> No.50280718

>Also what to do if you never constantly follow the right pathways?
Then you get a mix. Which is fine. It is almost impossible to always do the right thing. It also depends on who you want to become.

The important part is that habits shape personality in ways that most people don't understand. 10 years ago I would have laughed at people who would have tried to persuade me to go for a run. Now when going for a run during cold or wet weather it doesn't bother me. Why do I run? - because that is what I do. Why do I read a book? - because that is part of who I am.

It goes similar with other things. If you ignore emails you don't want to write for 30 minutes, you will ignore them the same way in the future. If you lie often you become a very good liar. If you never lie, you will become a trustworthy person.

The first pathway explanation I wrote is an oversimplification. It goes beyond that. It is your brain taking decision processes and concious behaviour (which is energy expensive) and remodeling a part of your mind to reflect that behaviour to allow unconcious behaviour (which is cheap).

Do things often that the version of you that you want to be would do.

>> No.50280736
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>> No.50280754

Remember to have sane goals. I also had ridiculous lists that were doable but left me absolutely drained after a few days.

A good thing would be something like "Everyday, spend 15 minutes to clean something up in your appartment or improve something in that area otherwise". And stick to the 15 minutes. Don't make it 30 minutes.

>> No.50280771
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healthy lifestyle
if you won't or can't, adderall

>> No.50280805

just do it. you gots to really want it, but you can, even if you don't. it's literally and figuratively that simple, just do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.50281415

>And btw, retard, you need to be disciplined and productive in order to do that too.
no you dont, you just have to do it.

>> No.50281429

Something click in your head when you have kids in terms of discipline and productivity. For the first time the main goal is not your own well being but someone else's. But I guess that's not the answer you were looking for.

>> No.50281443

this, but unironically
nofap and related are for losers, successful people cum at least once a day

>> No.50281464

I like to watch one TV show or play a game for like an hour then force myself to do anything productive for 10 minutes. By the end of the day I feel like I enjoyed the tv/game more and I feel good about myself for having gotten something done.

>> No.50281532


yep, keeping shit done is the best way to reprogram your brain, you will get used to finish things and it will become a habit which results in a more productive behaviour

>> No.50281605


making your bed every fucking morning is the key.
sounds dumb and to easy to work but it does, its the first task of the day which you can accomplish and check off on your list. It will change/manipulate your behaviour in long term.

Also get familiar with the pomodoro timer.

>> No.50281624

Decide what you want to do and allocate time to it everyday. Human's are creatures of habit so it becomes easy after a while.

>> No.50281909

Tell me why your creeping on bitches in the Indy Convention Center?

>> No.50281928

If you ask that question, you can't. Just live with the idea of being a NEET forever.

>> No.50282113
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Jesus she's perfect, bros
Who is this?