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50267615 No.50267615 [Reply] [Original]

>another day of my mum having a pissed off episode where she insults me and my dad for being failures of men who can’t provide her with enough resources

This is so frustrating, why does she do this? Just because my dad is a low IQ unable to earn enough what does this have to do with me?

I don’t understand why she stays with my dad after all these decades if she’s just going to complain all the time about money. If it’s that important to her why did she just never leave my dad and go find a rich guy? I don’t get it.

Also wtf why am I being brought into this?

Is this normal in families? I’d assume it isn’t because normally a woman would simple leave if she’s not getting the resources she wants

>> No.50267632

Maybe you should gangbang your mom with your dad?

>> No.50267633

she doesnt need resources she needs a good beating.

>> No.50267650

>If it’s that important to her why did she just never leave my dad and go find a rich guy?
tell her to do this. and then immediately point out that she's a used up, post-wall roastie that no rich man would ever want. point out that she's easily 20 years past her expiration date.

>> No.50267661
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I hate women so much it's unreal.

>> No.50267668

>why does she stay
Because the alternative would be no resources at all, or god forbid working themselves

>> No.50267670 [DELETED] 

Your parents are both garbage.
Your father for having a kid when he shouldn't your mother for being a whore and choosing poorly. Just study something that has a future and pays well, something with at least 2 years of math training a good stem field.
>t. was in a similar situation

>> No.50267701

Well to be fair my parents lost their house in the 2000s getting foreclosed on, and my dad refused to get a 2nd job (temporarily) to avoid foreclosure, so ever since they lost their house..

So basically every time my mum gets reminded of property prices, home ownership or anything related to properly, she immediately starts going into a rage about losing her house and my dad not getting a 2nd job at the time to avoid foreclosure.

So basically my dad has to hear how he failed 1,000s of times in the last 15+ years anytime my mum gets reminded of it.

Now some how I’ve been dragged into this and my mum starts insulting me about it as if I have anything to do with it, like bitch I’m not your husband… and you brought me into this world… I’m not the one whose supposed to buy you a house… and ffs their generation had it easy mode and they still fucked up… but apparently thats now my fault because I haven’t swooped in and bought her a house

>> No.50267706

That's still his mom, you absolute pathetic subhuman 3rd world dumpster fire eurofag piece of shit. No surprise there that's how you treat family. Kill yourself you unloved genetic freak
Highly doubt we're getting the full story and that you're posting in good faith, if so then you both need to find out where this is all coming from and why. Why hasn't the money been good enough up until now? If she's mentally ill then the burden rests on you both to take care of her and get her the help she needs. Don't be a spineless beta bitch boy incel like the rest of these poor subhuman faggots here, help your fucking Mom out

>> No.50267735

>in defense of """"muh family""""
beyond saving. i hope you die choking on your mom's fat black cock.

>> No.50267752 [DELETED] 

>but apparently thats now my fault because I haven’t swooped in and bought her a house
Oh, I feel this shit in my bones, they act like it's your obligation to take care of them. Fucking scum. Just like my parents, they don't even give you a proper education or tools to develop yourself and all of the sudden they want you to do magic because we are "family", I should kms just out of spite, I don't know how old you are, but you better find a good profession because it will only get worse as older they get, and depending where you live the gov can make you liable for their care.

>> No.50267762

your dad will snap soon. prepare accordingly.

>> No.50267778

Basically tldr here

>parents bought a house in the early 1990s cheap basically all in cash no mortgage
>mum wanted to build her “dream house” so they knocked down the house and built a massive gigastacey house in the late 1990s taking out a huge loan
>fast forward to early 2000s and they start to realise they spent way too much building the dream home that my mum wanted
>mum said for dad to get 2nd job to be able to make the repayments
>dad refused to get 2nd job saying he’s already tired from 1 job
>mum doesn’t want to get 2nd job because she keeps the house clean, cooks, etc
>parents get foreclosed on and lose house
>they’ve been renting ever since
>anytime something related to property or money comes up, my mum spergs out and brings up the past situation I just mentioned

>> No.50267789

She probably sees a lot of your father in you. What are you doing with your life? Are you striving for success or are you just like your dad, retarded and a failure?

>> No.50267807

Remind her she can get a job

>> No.50267828

many such cases. ignore christnigger cuck faggot retards like >>50267706 and write your mom off. mistakes can be forgiven, but her causing this problem followed manipulation and abuse of your father are not.

>> No.50267838

Yeah I am like him, pretty low ambition, don’t care for having much, minimalist, etc.

My sister and brother are very ambitious and are very successful in their own manner and live their own lives.

Idk I think my mum seethes because my sister and brother are both home owners in their early 20s and my mum is still renting in her 50s.

For me personally I don’t have much desire for anything great.

>> No.50267878

Are you successful? Maybe you should hook up with OP's mom.

>> No.50267880

> This is so frustrating, why does she do this?

ok, serious quesrtion. Are you providing for her and working nard to do so?

>> No.50267893 [DELETED] 

He's not, read the thread>>50267838

>> No.50267896
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Mother’s aren’t really needed after giving birth. My mother left us when I was 3 months old. I never met her. My dad got a state job as a garbage man. We got a mobile home for 20k and just lived our lives. I’m 37 now. Doubled my money on my first house. Bought a bigger one. Married with 2 kids. I didn’t need a mother.
Now go check on the stats on kids who grew up with no father.

>> No.50267902

Kek, you know your mom is sucking dick on the side, right? How does it feel to be the son of a cuck

>> No.50267906

Then don't expect to be treated great. She is fearful you will do the same to another woman as your dad has done to her, and rightly so. "low ambition" and "minimalist" just reflects laziness. You need to sort yourself out and demand respect through your actions to stop her fearing this outcome, otherwise stop complaining about it.

>> No.50267927

She’s “too tired and mentally drained” to work anymore, and that she shouldn’t have to be working still at her age, and that she should have still had a house and been retired.

So she’s basically in a way decided that she wants to live as if she has a house paid off despite being a renter, all because “it should have been that way”

It’s hard to explain but she’s convinced herself that just because things should have been a certain way, that she’s going to live like that, even though things aren’t that way.

Same goes for inflation now, i said if she’s going to take it easier on spending because of inflation and she freaked out and said she hasn’t worked all her life to now stop cheaping out at the supermarket because of “inflation”

Basically she is every entitled, and believes the world owes her a lot and that her/their financial mistakes and current financial situation doesn’t matter because she deserves X no matter what.

I hope that makes sense but it probably doesn’t. Basically because everyone her age with half a brain lives on easy mode now, she believes she deserves that aswell… even though they fucked up badly and that isn’t their reality

>> No.50267937

actually sounds like you had a cosy life as a child.

>> No.50267944

Tell them to buy a bitcoin or two or 84 Litecoin and wait 2 years to buy a house

>> No.50267950

Why do I feel like I've seen this exact thread and replies before? Are you "people" real?

>> No.50267958

There's nothing satisfying to a desperate woman. I prefer taming a challenge

>> No.50267960
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>She is fearful you will do the same to another woman as your dad has done to her, and rightly so.
Wow. Are you a woman?
If not, then why live at all if you are just livestock?
躺平; 草食男.

>> No.50267964

If you have then I’d be shocked…. I don’t know a single person my parents age that’s in the situation my parents are in at their age. Most people my parents where I live are on their 2nd, 3rd or 4th property and that’s without actually striving to be some landlord chad

>> No.50267989

tell your mom if she wants money so badly nobody is paying here for shouting at your dad
however nowadays you can sign up to OF and get paid, show her those pictures about the best performing whores profits that circulate here

>> No.50268001

Bro… I just don’t care about having a lot of stuff, I’m happy with bare minimum.
I am not forcing myself to be to this way, it’s just how I’ve always been.

>> No.50268018

I'm an empath

>> No.50268044

Some people feed off the discomfort of others. It doesn’t have to make moral sense. I bet after years of living with her you’re still trying to please her. As long as she keeps you a guilty cuck she’ll be able to keep feeding off of you.

t. guy with narc dad/possible sociopath younger brother

>> No.50268063

Redditor is the proper term.

>> No.50268076

One time i asked her

“You guys bought your first house basically in cash, why didn’t you just keep that house, why did you knock it down and build that crazy huge house, if you guys just kept that original house and didn’t go crazy building a massive house you would of been living on easy mode”

Of course she freaked out even more lol “SO ITS MY FAULT NOW?, no it’s your fathers fault for not getting a 2nd job!!”

>> No.50268133

You know this makes me realise why men should be in charge

If my dad said “no, we’re not gona knock down this house and take out a massive loan to build your dream house” then they would have been just fine. But my dad did whatever she wanted and went ahead with it. Letting my mum control all the financial decisions.

When you allow a woman to do financial decisions you end up like this

>> No.50268143

I.p changed on me for a second

>> No.50268187

Does your mom work?

>> No.50268188
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wE aRe AlL bOtS hErE

>> No.50268218

More like faggit. Shut the fuck up with your gay empath bull shit.

>> No.50268227

Not anymore no. She quit her job in covid. She has like 400k in her retirement account. But they don’t own a house… and she’s late 50s…

She refuses to move to a cheap place to buy something btw, so don’t even mention that.

The house they lost is valued at like 1.8 million now btw.

>> No.50268255

lol 400k and she thinks it is time to retire with no house? She is a moron and bitter. She is going to suck the joy out of living. Don't an hero.

>> No.50268289

Of course you’re being brought into it. I got some cousins, their dad died when they were in their early twenties. Their aunts were commenting on how they were worthless because they didn’t have the means to support their mother.

>> No.50268365

It sounds like your parents income situation didn’t change, yet they couldn’t afford the mortgage. You dad is 100% at fault for agreeing to build the new house if they were unable to keep up with the payments with their income from the onset. Saying your mom bullied him into it is admitting your dad is a beta cuck. You taking this harassment from your mom makes you a beta cuck too. It sounds like you still live with your parents if she is berating you this often so she is probably just mad you are leaching off your parents when they don’t even have their own home. Living in your childhood bedroom isn’t “minimalist”

>> No.50268431

holy shit came to say this

>> No.50268477

OP I am going to tell you exactly what you need to do; get a bunch of feral niggers to beat the living shit out of her and rape her then if she dares to insult you and your dad one more time you bite that bitch's neck and slap her across the face like the useless mental retard she is till she has an aneurysm. Then you inherit the house. Who cares if you die quickly or slowly. This is exactly why your generation is so shit at getting things done and not being manipulated.
Or if you want go the other way around kill yourself and your father leaving her "le superior self" alone and unsabotaged, but she'll marry another useless hick after saying she needs an intelligent man because that's how hypocritical, contradicting, bipolar and cowardly she is.

>> No.50268586

Shut up, slut. Your dad behaves like a woman.

>> No.50268622

Shut up with your fat ugly trailer trash children, you still live in a trailer park, fat slut.

>> No.50268663

She does this because she's projecting her own inadequacies onto you two and feels like if she just hadn't made the "mistake" of marrying your father she'd surely be living the high life now.
I swear it is the most COMMON thing in middle aged women who have mild narcicisstic tendencies.

What it means for you son it isnt your fault.

>> No.50268665

your stupid mother is a typical woman thinking only of what she wants and not whether she can afford to pay for it. Stupid retard wanted to take a loan for a big renovation without thinking about the ability to repay that loan, especially in a stressed scenario

your stupid father is a beta cuck who let his wife push him around and make financial decisions he should have known better wouldn't pan out. He deserves what he gets for letting the woman take over

you need to distance yourself from both of these people ASAP and get them into some kind of couples' counselling. Imagine seething over a financial mistake made 15 years ago.

>> No.50268750

Probably bpd

>> No.50268794

Women are stupid.
Men do best when the woman bgives them blow jobs every day and good sex.

>> No.50268817

Get her head out of fantasy social media! Before she her head fly’s off with it

>> No.50268862

Women dumb holes.

>> No.50268874

>Is this normal in families?
No, your mother, much like my own, is going to try to ruin everything.

>> No.50268878

Why didn't hole get two or three jobs?

>> No.50268883
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Just influence your father to divorce her or something. My dad told mom that he was cheating on her. My whole family was down, everyone hated dad. But it takes gut to tell the whole family and take the fall. My siblings decided on miscommunicating my dad, but I just stuck in with him and just be nice. I did hated him tho. But by the time, he gained my siblings' trust little by little. We decided to keep it a secret from our relatives and dad decided to divorce his 2nd wife after being pressured by me and mom. FYI, I'm the firstborn so my influence in the family is pretty strong.

The point is OP, use your influence to give your family the best decision possible. Your mom is beyond saving. But if you still love her, get both of your parents to therapy. If any of them can't reach a middle ground. Just stick with your dad. Your mom's in the wrong here IMO.

>> No.50268886

>retarded and a failure?
Said the loser posting here.

>> No.50268902

>She refuses to move to a cheap place to buy something btw, so don’t even mention that.
>400k in their account.
My fuck I hate you and your family so much.

>> No.50268910

Maybe you should gangbang your mom with your dad

>> No.50268983

>mum wanted to build her “dream house” so they knocked down the house and built a massive gigastacey house in the late 1990s taking out a huge loan
remind her that it's her fault for taking a huge loan

>> No.50269134

your mom is basically a toxic retard and you should cut her from your life until she understands not being abusive. that means having your own place and a job to pay for it. deep down she's too afraid to confront the harsh reality that she's a stupid loser so she projects onto your dad and you. avoid irrational people for your own sake.

>> No.50269547

you sound mexican. are you? i'm not trying to imply anything or roast you, it's just personal curiosity with heuristics

>> No.50269598

Your mother is a piece of shit and a whore. She's definitely cheating on your dad with a rich dude

>> No.50270223

>I don’t understand why she stays with my dad after all these decades if she’s just going to complain all the time about money
Highly likely because she is invested in his failure on an emotional level, and also wants you to fail for the same reasons. Probably stems from her childhood. The real question is, what are you still doing there?

>> No.50270436

at least your mother didmt go her whole life as an undiagnosed BPD case amd is now experiencing the early symptoms of dementia, and is hearing voices and can barely remember anything.

>> No.50270469

Why didn't she get a job or 2nd job?

>> No.50270568

Kek. Ive wished more than once i was mexican or amish so i could call up 15 of my cousins to come build me a barn

>> No.50271628

must not know any mexicans
resources are plentiful because familia
and Mum , that's not mexican

>> No.50271665


Your mom sounds like a narcissist.

Move out and get into therapy, you aren't her bitch or her slave.

>> No.50271702

It’s not normal at all. I really feel for people like you, stuck in a horrible situation. I’d advise you to leave as soon as possible.

To be fair though, you should talk about your father that way. It suggests you’re already a victim of a broken home. Just focus on you.

>> No.50271768

If you hate your mom's nagging so much then just get the fuck out of your mom's house and take care of yourself.
>I'm an empath
You're a faggot.

>> No.50271792
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>This threads still up
If I talk about my rotten teeth it gets pruned with my heart about to give out
Thread about mums being meanies...

How much does a rope cost?