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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50245006 No.50245006 [Reply] [Original]

I had a dream last night where I saw ICP at $35 next month

I say this as a guy who has never bought icy pee. I never cared. But I had this dream last night. Can one of you guys spoon feed me. I know nothing about it.

>> No.50245021

you fell for the fud retard not spoon feeding you shit you NPC

>> No.50245099

I made more money than you last year shut up boy

>> No.50245135

What a stupid fucking logo.

>> No.50245187

my friend said he had a dream ICP replaced btc lmao, says he called me and i had sold at $20 before the pump

>> No.50245257

no nigger what is google?

>> No.50245283

Low energy larp

>> No.50245300

Oh look its dumping again

>> No.50245739

it's mu muh muh mmuhh muh mooooooooooooooninnnnnggggggg

>> No.50246841

$1 over $0 is not that impressive

>> No.50246855
File: 919 KB, 1080x1197, FD600280-123D-41F1-ADEE-BF4D630A2727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icp logo is eternal. it is the alpha and omega, the beginning and end.
your portfolio will start high and end low
your life will be happy then end sadly.

>> No.50247121
File: 11 KB, 219x144, 220px-MLK_mugshot_birmingham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a dream too.... i woke up, and bought ICP at .3 USD, before anyone else could. dumped it all and made millions. I HAD A DREAM!!!

>> No.50248973

fuck you grt nigger


mid six figures


>> No.50249299
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>> No.50250003

i've dreamed about the girls for the last 2 days
how do you guys able too dream about crypto?

>> No.50250011


>> No.50250320

i’m an ICP maxi and this isn’t going to happen

>> No.50250540
File: 14 KB, 300x300, guido-westerwelle-t4091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend, im concerned about your mental health. Dreaming of crypto isnt good. Pls go and Touch Grass, your mom and i are very worried.

>> No.50250736
File: 854 KB, 2250x2144, 1657039021274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have time, last spoonfeed.
Avoid L2 scaling layers for ETH (Optimism, Polygon, Arbitrum) Moving transactions off-chain through a crosschain bridge is a temporary quick-fix solution to a long-term problem. ICP-ETH integration or ETH 2 makes L2 scaling layers obsolete.

Avoid erc-20 tokens. Many ethereum-erc-20-derivatives are just whitepaper-tokens. The average glyptocurrencee investor doesn't care about the technology, he only cares about get-rich-quick-schemes. So he doesn't care whether the token resides on polygon, optimism, Arbitrum or on Ethereum itself. He doesn't care about the development, technology, or whether the erc-20 token will migrate to their own native blockchain with their own complementary wallet, explorer, token-standard. On ETH, you pay once and store forever for free, an unsustainable business model due to ETH state-bloat. Over 4000 erc-20 curry tokens spawned from daddy Ethereum, all these clones/forks reside on ETH, all erc-20 tokens use the same ETH-network, use the same ETH-wallets, use the same ETH-explorer, all 4000+ erc-20 curry tokens generate revenue (network-fees) for Ethereum.

Crypto-tourists tell me that fundamentals don't matter. Anyone, from 2017 that understood network-effects, understood that the erc-20 ICO mania was a force-multiplier for network-activity, network revenue, network fees. (real fundamentals) T.A fags all lost money shorting ETH, they couldn't comprehend real network effects, couldn't comprehend how ETH mooned from $14 to $1200 in 2 years.

>> No.50250744
File: 68 KB, 720x232, 1649701499847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ICP ETH-Integration will be a force multiplier for ICP. Direct integration = Layer 0 for ICP. The IC will burn cycles for erc-20 curry tokens. You can't convince me that IC-front-end hosting (immune to cloudfare-outage) isn't a realistic business model for the crypto shitcoin market, but the IC isn't targetting the crypto-industry, it's targetting every sector that suffers from (de) platform-risk.

I made a bet with a friend that IC canisters will continue growing during this bear. I'm winning this bet. https://www.icpexplorer.org/#/ Bear-market, paid fud from arkham, hate from solana-groupies, moonman-hate from kikes and curry, /biz/ icp-fud, SBF price manipulation, BTC-integration delay (planned for Q4-2021), didn't stop Developers from buying IC and deploying canisters, we're still early, still missing real network-effects, real force-multipliers like ETH integration, BTC-integration is already in testnet phase.
Assblaster 2017

Moonman 2020


>> No.50250761

Midwit here.
So you are saying network effect has not come to ICP yet and it will soon thus pumping the shit out of this ETH style to 4 digits each piss?

>> No.50250828


>> No.50250903

I had a dream that ICP would just constantly dump and make all the losers that bought it broke. Then the dream came true. If I have any other dreams I'll let you know.

>> No.50250932

I got in at $49 so I'd still be well down

>> No.50250959

icp will bring all the normies and complies with r1b regulations

>> No.50251903
File: 249 KB, 617x680, 1657363298991 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the IC isn't targetting the crypto-industry, it's targetting every sector that suffers from (de) platform-risk.
1. AWS still owns half the nodes, so this is no different than just using AWS to begin with.
2. All anyone has to do is not refil a canister, and all your data is gone. This happened with IC turtles and many people lost "their" NFTs.
3. Node providers can still get sued or threatened to take down content that big entities don't like. Thisn happened with Mario64. The community voted to keep it up, but the canister got shut down anyway.

>> No.50251915


>> No.50252115

It wasn't a dream, anon

>> No.50252219

What? So if I have any kind of data saved in dmail for example, and they don't refill the canister, ALL my data is irreversibly gone? Why the fuck would anyone use this?

>> No.50252393

kino fud. just market sold my 10k icp. tx boss

>> No.50252484

>ALL my data is irreversibly gone?
You will own NOTHING and you will be HAPPY

>> No.50252490

thats weird last night I dreamt that eth was at 1300

>> No.50252498

There's some nuance

NFT assets can be stored on NFT canister or asset canisters. If NFT canister then yes. You run out of cycles and all assets are lost.

If on asset canisters, those should last a really long time, but still, if asset canisters run out of cycles state is lost

As an ICP.holder this is one of the good things and one of the draw backs. In reality it's no different to what we have today.

Say dmail didn't pay for data storage on aws or cloud you'll lose all your shit as well.

Literally very little difference except dmail should be able to afford many cycles for their canisters (cheaper than aws) and should have auto top ups in the code. iC turtles was probs a rug

>> No.50252571

Most bought this at $100+, so they are now desperate to get their money back and will lie to you that it's worth investing in. ICP is completely worthless and your dream was just that...a dream.

>> No.50252666

Based and insightful.

>> No.50253519

pretty mych this
vitalik himself agrees the future is NOT cross-chain (bridges and L2s are shit) and has been subtly simping for dfinity for a long time

>> No.50253543

Hahaha, what you just showed proves that ICP's consensus is decentralized and slowly growing in nodes-machines.

The cryptographic protocol (chainkey) needs all nodes to validate / reach consensus to execute smart contracts. Look up, how chainkey cryptography works, how it uses 1 single public key and all nodes (datacenters) are needed to reach consensus. Faulty nodes get replaced and updated, all the data is distributed and encrypted.
1/ How do you know that half the nodes are running on AWS, when you have only showed 8 carrier hotels? There are 50 carrier hotels in total


You left out everyware, Telin, equinix, INAP, Racks Central.Green CH.

How do you know what kind of services they run? Where do you pull stats from?
2/ Imagine not paying your hosting provider and your content gets deleted.
3/ Canisters violated trademark-law. Big entities voted to take that content down. Those 'big entities' are comprised of your votes.

The community voted to keep it up. (LMAO. I will bet you that 99,99% of the /biz/ holders have delegated their votes to other Neuron-holders like the Dfinity Foundation, CycleDao, ICP maximalist network. I will bet you that nobody here actually reads the proposals, nor manually votes. Pull up the proposal and let me see what you have voted through the NNS.