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File: 58 KB, 700x641, 7BF907F4-2FE9-4B75-BA26-7A637971061D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50244278 No.50244278 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve got five major problems in my life, I turn 27 tomorrow. I don’t know where to begin but all I feel is complete panic, I can’t relax anymore.

1. I have a low income and a shitty meme degree (Mechanical Engineering, $65,000 salary, almost 4 years of experience)
2. I have absolutely no social skills. I cant hold a conversation, I have nothing to talk about because I don’t follow anything mainstream, sometimes my face goes red when I make eye contact with others (in a grown adult male).
3. I am an extremely sensitive, thin skinned person. I still remember someone laughing at me years ago to this day, I still regularly think about it. I don’t even know why.
4. I have no friends, no network, no social circle. I’ve got no one to vouch for me, I’ve got no network to help me move up in life. I’m a weird person so people shy away from me.
5. I’ve got some sort of extreme anxiety disorder. I feel nauseous when I have to make a phone call, send an email, or even just walk by someone. I get a pit in my stomach when I hear someone putting dishes away, when I hear the plates bag against each other.

Please help me, please, I can’t live like this anymore. I have to change. You’re all I’ve got left to ask.

>> No.50244317


>> No.50244322

That's it. Its that fucking easy. No wrong or right way to live your life. Make a choice, obviously you don't like the current one.
God speed anon

>> No.50244323

literally relate to all of these and am likely on the same trajectory as you anon. i sincerely hope you have your point of inflection soon enough.

>> No.50244333

I’m sorry buddy. It all starts with you though. Something I always recommend is start going to the gym. Start working on yourself and making yourself into a man you’d be proud to be.

>> No.50244366

fuck off faggot i'm 26 and i just got dumped on my ass last year by my live in gf of 4 years, forced to move back with the rents and do a career change with no degree to speak of with a negative net worth and i still have a better attitude than your bitch ass either get yourself out of your hole or might as well give up now because i guarantee nothing is getting easier

>> No.50244395

go to the gym regularly for a year

>> No.50244404
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I'm 35 lost two houses, lost my parents, lost inheritence due to lawyers, fired from my most recent job because of injuries, sicker than an 85 year old.

/biz/ owes me nothing nor does it you, what possible help could we give you?
Most of us are destitute, brokefags, autists, schizos, ranjeshes, gypsies or bots.

There's literally nothing of value here.

>> No.50244407
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You are normal. Everyone else is fucking deranged or incompetent. Approach everything in life with this attitude and you will start to see a change.

If this seems insane consider that going insane is the appropriate response to an insane world.

>> No.50244413

I went to the gym for years and it never helped with anything. I stopped going last year because I just can’t muster up the energy to go anymore.

>> No.50244459

boo fucking who you didn't get an easy one track solution what a surprise!!!

>> No.50244500
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Did you run on a treadmill like a cow or did you life heavy weight?

>> No.50244513

start by preventing yourself from making things worse which you're already well on to doing by a) coming here and b) creating self-sabotaging reasons why your efforts towards self improvement would be in vain, once you correct the negative entropy you can start building towards actual forward movement i say this with love you wretched cunt

>> No.50244523

2,4,5 are the same thing and 65k is fine

your real problem is you are a complete retard with no perspective

>> No.50244540

masters in computer science? or a bootcamp?

>> No.50244554

Its called autism OP.

>> No.50244555

also motherfucker i am sitting here KILLING MYSELF after years of underemployment with nothing but food service and delivery just for the slight CHANCE of getting a job that pays me 50k or higher, be grateful

>> No.50244570

>I want more money
Move to where the money is
>I want friends/social skills
Join groups in your city, even if you hate it. You need to grind your speech and charisma
>I want to stop being a pussy
This one can't be helped as much, maybe try joining martial arts. Knowing you can kick the shit out of people is probably a confidence boost

>> No.50244610

Where you from? I'll be your fren.

>> No.50244625

OP is an iphone gambler/scammer
He's some gypsy who comes here to beg for gambling money because someone gave him 5k last year and to most Romanians that's like 200k.

>> No.50244638

Literally me down to the degree and income. 65k ain't bad though its just not stellar.

>> No.50244659

what do you eat on an average day? do you have any physical issues? real ones, not gay zoomer ones lol

>> No.50244723

I'm pretty much the same except 40 and crypto so I don't have to wagecuck. It never gets any better and in fact just keeps getting worse as I get older. I'd have probably killed myself if it weren't for crypto and drugs

>> No.50244779

I likely will, I'm just deciding if I should shoot myself or drive off a mountain.
My life is an absolute dumpster fire and I can't even afford drugs now kek not that I'd do em that was my past life I'm beyond that now myself.

>> No.50244794

psychiatrist here,
1. get off 4chan
2. go outside, exercise
3. sleep when it's dark
4. eat properly
5. see doctor, get bloods checked, say you have 'fatigue'
6. see a psychologist
7. gradually work towards what you want to become i.e. find new hobbies, friends, partner, job, in due course, it will be difficult, but break it down into small manageable goals
I don't know anything about you but since you're on here you're probably an autist which is contributing to 90% of your issues.

>> No.50244850

just be yourself

or maybe learn to breathe again and try trauma release exercises

>> No.50244865

why a psychiatrist on biz? kek

>> No.50244907

Huh? Doesn't work
Dont trust shrimps, they want to make you addicted to adderall or something

>> No.50244941

These are all good except the psychologist part.

>> No.50244946

I need to go see a shrink but I got fear of being committed from childhood trauma of being locked inside a room for 6 years, I can't keep a consistent job because of my autism spergouts and I hate everyone so I never make colleagues not that I want them, I desperately need to be put on assistance not only for my severe mental autism but my crippling injuries, but doctors don't give a fuck about my injuries and just pass me around the residents like a used condom.

I think if I get enough money in order to fix my surroundings I would see a shrink but I can't ever do that so I'm stuck in a catch 22

>> No.50244971

you obviously suffer from some kind of mental disorder. autism, avoidant personality disorder, social phobia, etc. a mix of those maybe.
you're still an engineer and have a salary so that's something.
>, I can’t live like this anymore. I have to change.
you'll change when the status quo hurts you more than taking action to change, so you're on the right path.
first thing is to learn how to hold a conversation. you dont need to follow mainstream things to chit chat people. there are coaches out there who would help you with that.

>> No.50244975

Well I’m in my 40s and I’m here to tell you, things don’t get any better. In fact, they will get worse - these mental problems will increase every year. Now in my 40, single, childless, unemployed, completely alone. I realize death is the only peace I will ever find.

>> No.50245012

>being locked inside a room for 6 years
wtf? like your parents forced you to stay in there?

>> No.50245024

Bingo, I wish the state would help so I wouldn't have to constantly be in a state of unemployed/depressed or employed/happy followed by a spergout and repeating the cycle, when people say "I wanna KMS" they don't mean it
when I say I want to KMS I've been feeling this way since I was a smol child.

>> No.50245034

OP if you send me all of your money I will give you advice to turn your life around

>> No.50245036

Elementary school actually, was literally torture ended up making me so psychotic I broke a teachers leg.
It's weird I tested extremely high on IQ and was super sweet, smart and spoke like I was 10 when I was maybe 5, schools answer?
my dad refused but was busy working full time without a wife and a family to support he didn't know they just locked me inside a room till I was 13

>> No.50245044
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 17A44776-9C75-4425-8234-C8917DCDC671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 23 I used to have that extremes social aniexty when I was like 12 but after I found chief keef my entirely mentality changed Unironically nigger music makes you simply not care.
What is GLO GANG? Well it's GLO GANG is G-L-O-G-A-N-G
It is Glory Boyz, we are Glory Boyz Entertainment. It is GBE
But it's shortened, it's shortened, you know what I'm sayin'
So it's G-L-O Gang, and so the GLOry Boyz
You guys can say either one though, it don't matter
You know what I'm sayin'
I won't get offended, gang won't get offended
We are Glory Boyz, you know what I'm sayin'
But GLO GANG is just a, just a short abbreviation for Glory Boyz
You know what I'm sayin', just G-L-O-G-A-N-G, you know
We be on a lotta gang shit, we got everybody sayin' "gang" now
No squad, you know. We changed that, we changed to gang
It ain't none of that squad. I mean you know we got Savage Squad
You know that's my cousin, Fredo and nem. But um shit
We go by gang and none of that squad
But when cuz and nem come around you know it's squad
When Wop come around we rockin' with the squad
You know what I'm sayin'. But when we
When it's just gang, we be on that straight gang shit
You know what I'm sayin', gang and none of that squad
But anyways man back to the tape man

>> No.50245063

It really isn’t that bad, probably a therapist would be better. It’s pretty nice sometimes having someone you can trauma dump on, Most people who say “lol therapist that’s gay” are the same faggots who waste countless hours of friends and family members time moaning about their problems and not really doing anything to solve them. If you’re troubled and can spare the money or have it covered then it’s not always a terrible idea.

>> No.50245092

> not recommending lexapro with seroquel for their 'unmasked latent bipolar disorder' that was 'unmasked' by the lexapro
youre clearly not a psychiatrist

>> No.50245100

Has never helped me. Always come away feeling worse, and it solves nothing. Tbqh keeping it bottled up is better

>> No.50245104

in what shitty country was that? it's not psychosis it's self defense

>> No.50245149
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>1. I have a low income and a shitty meme degree (Mechanical Engineering, $65,000 salary, almost 4 years of experience)

This is your brain on /biz/.

Go to your GP and request Venlafaxine. It sounds like you may be genuinely and mildly autistic.

>> No.50245196

Bump this isn’t a joke.

>> No.50245219
File: 121 KB, 897x1058, A8390614-CFC7-4D07-8883-EFE0147D0E6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel myself being pulled towards this slowly every year.
I must escape. There must be a way out.

>> No.50245229
File: 114 KB, 490x586, 1612804488782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know those feels OP, I actively avoid people my whole life.

When I go to college I always go in through the far back door where only janitors come in just so I can avoid running into anyone. When I am walking somewhere (which is always just from A to B, never stop anywhere) I'm constantly looking who is coming my way and if I see someone I vaguely recognize I immediately go to the other side of the street and pretend like I didn't see them just so I avoid the small talk. Back in high school I used to just literally stand in the bathroom stall on doing nothing waiting for the time to pass just so I don't have to bother talking to the other kids. Never eat in public alone ever, same for any activity is it going to movies/bars/whatever. It's gotten to a point that I don't even go to grocery stores if they don't have self-checkout. It's just always easier to avoid interaction than to engage.

What is most pathetic about this is that in reality I don't know many people at all and I could probably do all of those things without anyone recognizing me anywhere 99.9% of the time, but for some reason I'm so beyond obsessed with keeping up this normalfag facade to that small amount of people I do know in my life that I feel like if someone would see me alone standing in line for lets say the cinema it would all click to them of how much of an isolated friendless loser I actually am

>> No.50245249


KENSHI fixes this. It will give you something to look forward to. A reason to wake up every day...

>> No.50245254

Midwest America around 1991-92

>> No.50245259
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>I’ve got some sort of extreme anxiety disorder.
read this thread
no joke

anxiety is from that

>> No.50245275

>be mid-20s
>have all the problems of OP
>see therapist
>tell me I’m a tranny
>so desperate not to be >>50244975 that I try it
>fixes zero (0) of the social problems I came for
>when it doesn’t work he starts mentioning autism
Fool me once

>> No.50245284

Could be from locking a child who's brain is developing into a dark room for 5-6 years.
Cause I wasn't infested with worms at eight you psycho.

>> No.50245286

Ah look, a heretic

>> No.50245291

> Venlafaxine
Why do people always suggest this for social anxiety? All it does is make me sleep 12+ hours a day.

>> No.50245316

OP, it sounds like you need socializing advice, more so than business advice. I have done a lot of pick up, and I was able to go from turbo autism to at least be able to talk to cuties, get some dates, and have some good experiences come out of it. I'm in the process of talking to different biz Anons, and I am starting to work with different people on different projects. I am considering working
I have done some basic coaching in the past, and I offer to coach you into talking to grills and getting laid. What do you say?

>> No.50245322

he's right, everyone is fucked up.
this guy might rob you
fatigue does work
this guy is a bitch because adderall is sick
can't be nervous if you're asleep

>> No.50245338

you probably were cause that sounds like perfect environment for them to thrive in you

>> No.50245343

Actual good advice fr no cap

>> No.50245359

Therapy is for women

>> No.50245364

The only time I’ve had a tiny period of relief from this was when I ran 5-10+ miles several times a week and put an American Psycho amount of time into my physical appearance to the point that people started being really nice and friendly to me, plus taking SSRIs and ADHD meds. It was too much work to maintain, though.

>> No.50245365

Being eight?
Jesus you're some sick fuck why does /biz/ somehow attract these absolute nightmare of human beings....

>> No.50245366
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>talking to grills

>> No.50245406

>point of inflection
the only way to change your life quickly is to drastically change your life circumstances. not some kind of "say hi to your coworkers more" or "go to the gym" kind of change. more like moving hundreds of miles away or making/losing a huge amount of money.

>> No.50245438

Remember, this is 4chan, do the opposite

Your stuck here

>> No.50245447

My advice is to start working and taking pride in your work. Take pride in work, your appearance, your spaces, all of that. Stay on top of it. Get to a point where you enjoy staying up to date on things and being at a certain standard. Then you need to strive for growth as well. Spend time reading, writing, learning something. At least an hour a day. Stop playing too many vidya. Stop watching too much television if you do. I think you get the idea here. Get yourself to be more social and JUST DO IT. Even if you feel bad sometimes just try; and every time you mess up just try again and again.

>> No.50245465

OP made the thread, posted once more, and left. So it seems he wasn't that interested in solving his own issue in the first place. Anyways, what a shame, it could have been fun

>> No.50245486
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>mechanical engineering
Just get a masters degree and get /fit/

>> No.50245493
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Same age, I'm a little older

More than median income and equal to my own, job hop and learn new skills

Follow normie media or read some books. Talk to yourself alone, learn to time a punchline, off kilter and wierd is fine if your funny or you could always larp as an intellectual. Go to bars and try to make conversation with randos. Find interests and make actual friends with the same interests.

Fight someone or something, overcome an obstacle. Learn and respect your strengths and weaknesses. Once you know who you are as a person disassociating from small things should be easy. Find some restraint if you never received any.

>wierd autist
Same as above but learn and practice sacrifice. A gesture goes a long way, make acquaintances with someone and help them at their weakest and ask for nothing in return. They will likely be willing to return the favor later on. Don't be taken advantage of but young men are often in similar straights as yourself and often need a helping hand or advice if you're not totally retarded.

>anxious autistic
Put yourself out of your element, try and fail socially and drink off the wounds. Ride out a storm, run from dogs, get in a fight, work (legally) with explosives. Near death experiences can put life in perspective. Climb a mountain figuratively and literally.

Use psychedelics sparingly if necessary to try to reach new self understanding but know the risks. Bang a whore or stripper as needed. Therapy isn't always a meme.

>> No.50245494

Were all nightmare human beings. Some just don't care to hide it behind a mask.

>> No.50245528

Well maybe people should start trying to embrace their masked version more, it's easy to be the nightmare it's much harder to take the high road.

>> No.50245577

Touch grass, faggot.

>> No.50245601

>1. I have a low income and a shitty meme degree (Mechanical Engineering, $65,000 salary, almost 4 years of experience)
Dont be afraid to apply to other companies, they might pay more. Once you have an offer ask for a raise at your current job. Should make the decision to jump easy for you.
>2. I have absolutely no social skills. I cant hold a conversation, I have nothing to talk about because I don’t follow anything mainstream, sometimes my face goes red when I make eye contact with others (in a grown adult male).
Hobbies, sports and clubs. Listen to lots of different music from different genres, read a lot of books, you dont have to fomo into normie activities but pick a handful so you have a pool of knowledge to pull from when talking.
>3. I am an extremely sensitive, thin skinned person. I still remember someone laughing at me years ago to this day, I still regularly think about it. I don’t even know why.
Low self-esteem and a fixation on the past. Takes time, meditation helps, remember you are not your thoughts, you only experience them.
>4. I have no friends, no network, no social circle. I’ve got no one to vouch for me, I’ve got no network to help me move up in life. I’m a weird person so people shy away from me.
>5. I’ve got some sort of extreme anxiety disorder. I feel nauseous when I have to make a phone call, send an email, or even just walk by someone. I get a pit in my stomach when I hear someone putting dishes away, when I hear the plates bag against each other.
Expose yourself to others more, disengage in all anxiety/shame inducing activies such as porn/masturbation/video games etc any thing that ends up with you shut away in a room alone needs to be slowly removed from your life. Start small, interact with others with the mastery of initiation being the intent. This is a foot in the door and eventually will lead to you being able to talk to anyone and everyone at the drop of the hat. Eventually you will like meeting new people.

>> No.50245653

The problem is that people put on the mask and still act like nightmares by sewing discouragement and doubt topped off with hearts and kisses emojis.

There is no high road or low road. People are encouraged to take the high road, adhere to morals and ethics as a way to suppress competition.

Much like how Google has been developing AI to their hearts content and now encourages others to develop and use AI responsible. It's a way to suppress their competition.

It's rather childish, but then again everyone maintains a child-like mental state. Adults don't exist.

>> No.50245814

Methylfolate. You have MTHFR.

>> No.50245838


>> No.50245846

Sounds like depression, I’d unironically see an actual psychiatrist. There’s no shame.

>> No.50246086

The reason you’re feeling so panicked is bc you’re placing too much importance on yourself and the impression you’re making on others. The key is to truly stop giving a shit and live life like you want to live it. Get anxiety around sending emails and answering phone calls? Ok fuck it, then stop doing that. Your body is telling you what to do, you’re just not listening. Start living on your own terms bro.

>> No.50246159

Unfortunately people need to work to afford to live.

>> No.50246214


>> No.50246583

Go to a bar (pregame) and talk to whoever is sitting besides you.

>> No.50246722

No point in living if you’re miserable, gotta change something if it ain’t workin for ya boss

>> No.50246974

How do I develop social skills if no one wants to interact with me in the first place?

>> No.50246990

hey you absolute soft butthole bitch I live in a SHED in AMERICA with zero utilities and risk my LIFE every day doing construction. I will make below 15k for my ENTIRE YEAR. I can't even leave my state, people are racist against people from Kentucky.

>> No.50246994

looks like you'll have to go the route of paying people to hang out with you
$500/hr should cover it

>> No.50247012


>> No.50247115

Hey OP the good news is you can identify that you have some issues which means you can make it out no problem.
Sounds like something is terribly wrong with your environment. I believe panic attacks come from a major disconnect between where you are and where you should be.
In addiction recovery you are taught to not think too much, just pick the big major problems in your life. You probably know what yours are. But for example someone might have a huge pill addiction or they live with a molestor uncle or something, but they can't see how obvious it is from a different perspective.
If you can't move physically, move your mental environment. Self help stuff is really good, even if it is a scam its good just to not be around depressing losers.

>> No.50247294

Awe hell man- my life sucks but at least I have some dignity. I’ve never sought any kind of therapy but if I did and they told me I was trans I would immediately know the therapist was even more fucked up than I am. Just embrace the fact that you will end up like me, alone in a shitty run down apartment in your 40s doing odd jobs to make the rent every month cause you can’t handle regular employment and you don’t have the ability to blend in with regular society. People like us have always existed. Always will. It comes from growing up in a terribly dysfunctional family and having a terribly fucked up upbringing. Then when you are 18 and can finally strike out on your own you’re just so catastrophically fucked up and behind and stunted no amount of therapy, positive thinking, or “lifting weights” can ever help you. Accept your fate. Join me.

>> No.50247458

Oooh mister fancy pants, least you got a bucket.

>> No.50247516

Yeah, I’ve accepted it now and LDAR.

>> No.50247631

start by doing zhang zhuang standing meditation each morning.
Anxiety is just tension stored in your body. This will help you to release it. Look it up.

>> No.50247924
File: 38 KB, 450x863, zhan-zhuang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your emotions are linked to your body posture and breathing.
When you're feeling depressed you have slouched shoulders and have shallow breathing
if you want to overwrite the habit of having a bad posture spend some time each day in pic related until your muscles start hurting.
Your unconscious mind will be gradually forced to correct it's bad habits.
You will experience calmness like never before after a couple of months.
That's all you need to make it.
Everything else will happen by itself.

>> No.50247954

holy FUCKING SHIT anon you need to pull your bullshit together immediately. Jesus fuck I’ve been in that situation like dozens of times by now and you just need to sack up and stop being a weird little bitch. Like are you kidding me bro.

>> No.50247998

Bro I believe in you. Maybe find something else active to do also like hauling down trails on an ebike.

>> No.50248015

Anon 65 is miserable. Get your shit together.

>> No.50248124

Someone has a 4chan pass, and dude if I earned 55k a year I'd be more than happy most I've ever made was 33k and with my autism I couldn't even hit half a year.

>> No.50248238

Read a book. Do it at the library.

>> No.50248253

65k is enough to live well nigger.

>> No.50248374

>I turn 27 tomorrow
Cool you're turning 27 on the 27th. Enjoy that milestone because it only happens once in your life.

>> No.50248681

Find a local Toastmasters club and join. An excellent way to learn to speak with people as well as network with a positive group

>> No.50248700

Just chad the world

>> No.50248807
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man, hope this isn't real. feed bad for you bro. Hope you learn to spread your wings one day

>> No.50248894

I'd recommend psilocybin therapy, go research and look for magic mushrooms. It will reset your mind so you are no longer trapped in negative thought loops.