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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 768x526, 3ECF1A40-F194-4084-AAFF-D756E72FE700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50208147 No.50208147 [Reply] [Original]

So far, since the grant program started we have:

Lago Finance
KDA lend (Idk what is the actual name)

Things are shaping up to be in good form by the time the next bull starts.

Some anon mentioned that the mining schedule would put us at 2x the supply (about 390m tokens) by 2025. Is that right? The emissions would take 100 and something years, how is it this steep for the very first years?

>> No.50208330

I think Kadena LLC will just have to start building all the dapps themselves. They'll have to start hiring and forming companies that build dapps on kadena, like kaddex. There are no le magical community of builders out there. They have to do it themselves.

>> No.50208405
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Watching this rn https://youtu.be/vbCPUq-Ogs4

>> No.50208412

100 mil grant and all you got is a bunch of literal who shit nobody uses

>> No.50208521

honestly imagine being called stuart pope joy

>> No.50208530

The more surprising thing is the fact that no one ever makes memes about that fact.

>> No.50208535

what gives the pope joy?

>> No.50208558

kda is so irrelevant nobody cares to do so
stuarts bussy

>> No.50208583
File: 169 KB, 1440x1490, Screenshot_20220707-124642__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like price bottomed, we aren't going sub 1$? Thinking of grabbing some

>> No.50208669

yes buy now, the TG is poppin, elon tweet soon i guess

>> No.50208682

You are a bottom and therefore this is a bottom signal, will buy more now thanks

>> No.50208696
File: 9 KB, 569x295, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I missed it, well, now I don't wanna buy anymore :(

>> No.50208703


>> No.50208977

sounds centralized and shitty.

>> No.50209092
File: 24 KB, 748x600, 1_Tl2rwVUw6oLieu3q3J3abQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this still correct?

>> No.50209115
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Literally read the image you brainlet

>> No.50209156
File: 50 KB, 728x564, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be the new one but it's kinda off, top arrow is where we are supply wise, 184m
Bottom arrow is where we are time wise, half the year

>> No.50209163
File: 23 KB, 750x547, 1_4CzoC2QMzdPi2gsSd_OgJw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok my bad, i meant this

>> No.50209167
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>> No.50209178

When the fuck are we getting our kaddex tokens

>> No.50209183
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It's all you my guy, no one here bought that scam

>> No.50209294

The full grantee list hasn't been announced. And a stablecoin and lending platform are things no one will use? Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.50209701
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Hard day of larping today

>> No.50210553

what can i build in kadena that would profit me a little as a solo dev?

>> No.50210577

so much shit it's unreal

>> No.50211136
File: 20 KB, 474x361, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you give me some examples?

>> No.50211235

price tracker
something like zapper to track activity
token info tracker, supply who made it, how many people hold it, this is very much needed
a good rich list
basically everything from https://anedak.com/beta can be a standalone site or make a better version of the whole thing
good wallet so people don't have to use xwallet
stablecoin like DAI and not some algo garbage like lago

all of this you can attach a token onto and make millions

>> No.50211399

dai is algo coin tho
its just backed by usdc mostly

>> No.50211407

>Muh stables
>Lending bro!
Yeah gee I wonder why on one would be interested in these things on your tranny chain in this environment hmmm

>> No.50211445

>dai is algo coin tho
I mean fully/over collateralized as opposed to non collateralized

>> No.50211466

how would a small dev make that

>> No.50211522

ah that one I just threw in to confuse you, you need chainlink for it or your own oracles

>> No.50211831
File: 47 KB, 700x700, bdbec9654049f3ecd4681d89c9b00a56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but dai is algo garbage

>> No.50211856
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wtf read the thread!!

>> No.50212015
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s-sowwy i retraded
at best fully collateralized stablecoins will be dividend-less hedge funds, which is absurd in finance

>> No.50212971

so when are you going to post these 20 kadena Blockchains?
where are they?
TVL 0?
0 users?
0 dapps?
or will you just try to deflect from this now?

>> No.50213001

ok i have 1 grand how do i participate in kda ecosystem

>> No.50213788

are you the real Asuka?

>> No.50214275
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Too bad i'm a Lovelace fag and I believe on the real metaverse supremacy, sorry sweetie, at least we have Meta on our side

>> No.50214279

Download virtualbox, download the chainweaver wallet vm, open it in virtualbox, create a wallet, create a k: address with your public key, buy KDA on kucoin, withdraw it to your chainweaver wallet.

>> No.50214542

Yes she is

>> No.50214761

Step 1:
>Wait for a KDA ecosystem to exist

Will update this guide in the future

>> No.50214869

add $300, buy kdbox pro, lose money mining kda

>> No.50215313


>> No.50216882

what is your argument here, that you hate stables and lending on all platforms, or only because it's kadena? good job ignoring the other point

>> No.50216988 [DELETED] 

Hey fags, has KDA price ever gone up since the pump m dump last November? Nope, it hasnt. Why? No one will touch this shit coin. Keep harping on shillin' the dream.

>> No.50217071 [DELETED] 

thank you I will

>> No.50217081 [DELETED] 

would you like to continue talking about price?

>> No.50217499 [DELETED] 

kda is still 10x from all time low, its gonna keep on dumping

>> No.50217641 [DELETED] 

matic is 180x from atl, it'll keep dumping
avax is near 10x from atl, it'll keep dumping
what is this dumbfuck argument

>> No.50217920 [DELETED] 

Hmm, I don't see KDA. Nice try. KDA is down over the last 10 months.

>> No.50217950 [DELETED] 

waddabout it?

other than factorio is awesome, put 200 hours into that game recently

>> No.50217952 [DELETED] 

Amazing giga cope there

>> No.50218065 [DELETED] 

>from atl
yeah if you bought it the millisecond it started trading publicly, you're a retarded faggot.

>> No.50218188 [DELETED] 

yes they will keep on dumping

>> No.50218342 [DELETED] 

so is every other project.

>> No.50218346 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 782x788, 1647802766219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure lets
>Avax -86%
>ICP -99%
>Link -87%
>Matic -80%
icp and matic are literal street shitter coins too
some others
>ADA -85%
>SOL -85%
>BNB - 70%

>meanwhile at kadena labs..

>> No.50218465 [DELETED] 

That seems like a good thing, if you think kadena is a good buy because the technology makes sense it would be in your best interest to buy at low levels.

>> No.50218470 [DELETED] 

holy shit you retards are missing the point about arguing price

>> No.50218634 [DELETED] 

>brings up price discussion
>>holy shit you retards are arguing about le price wot da hemk
btfo tranny, must hurt knowing you would've made more money shorting kadena than any of the other projects you have been claiming will go to zero for years now

>> No.50218830 [DELETED] 

kda went down 96% and I'm still up by 300%

>> No.50219199 [DELETED] 
File: 437 KB, 1920x1080, 1645908772027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go dilate over Will tranny, dont ever @ me you disgusting abomination of a man
>avax down 86% and i'm still up 4100%
>link down 87% and i'm still up 3400%

>> No.50219265 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 640x815, lnet1qm4d9e81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will use kadena at some point, you'll be forced to use it, and you will never stop thinking about trans people when you try to swap on avax with 100$ fees while kda is still sitting at 0.0005$ gas while doing millions in tps

>> No.50219311 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 6adcf7bb8d83f768a9839daa1643adb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>update z3
>solver timeout again

>> No.50219324 [DELETED] 

Avax is only up 600% from ATL?
You allegedly being up 4100% by selling high is entirely irrelevant. Personal performance does not matter.

>> No.50219356 [DELETED] 

I take this back it's up 4100% from ICO.

>> No.50219444 [DELETED] 

I'll never be forced to use anything just as I am not forced to be vaccinated
so you think avax will survive now and pump to such a parabolic state that there'll be fees at 100x what they are now, thank you for your faith
>>millions in tps
Lol. Lmao.
how fucking new are you lmao, do you not know what the fuck an ico is ? lurk moar you dumb nigger

>> No.50219456 [DELETED] 

I doublechecked and corrected myself in >>50219356 no need to act smug. I clearly know what an ICO is.

>> No.50219522 [DELETED] 

Are there any sane trannies? Or are they all mental?

Serious answers only pls

>> No.50219532 [DELETED] 

All mental.

>> No.50219805

DUMBFUCK the other anon brought it up lmao, fucking tranny obsessed lunatic

>> No.50219965

C'moon mothercucker Diddy needs a new pair of shoes

>> No.50220520

>basically everything from https://anedak.com/beta can be a standalone site or make a better version of the whole thing
Why should you do that if it already exists?

>> No.50221095

You will be forced to use it the same way you're forced to use SWIFT if you transact €

>> No.50221477

He reminds me a bit of Dwight from The Office.
This guy already starts on a good note with me.