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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50185407 No.50185407 [Reply] [Original]

Coinmetro no longer allow anyone to sell below the Euro pricefloor using the ETH pair.

>> No.50185595

I think they fucked up with the price floor. 12 cents to 60 was to big of a jump. 24 cents would have been resonable and we would still have a buy side

>> No.50185628
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People were buying at 40c on the ETH pair. It made sense to move the price floor to match the latest valuation.

>> No.50185792
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The price was at 40 so the jump from 40 to 60 isn't big.
3 to 12 was big, it was fucking gigantic

>> No.50187403

eth fees are now so low you can trade xcm for whatever price on uniswap.

>> No.50187419


>> No.50187442
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Not giving you fees liquidity provider nigger.

>> No.50187587
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I just had to explain the price floor to my dad because he was confused

>> No.50189097

I agree with this. We’re heading into a recession worldwide, I dont think they’re gonna maintain this price through the bear market. If they cant hold the price floor XCM is unironically going to zero.

>> No.50189248

>I dont think they’re gonna maintain this price
There really isn't anything to maintain, it's not like they pay money to keep it at that price. So yes it will "maintain" this price.
People just don't realize it, 0.60 is the lowest it will go unless dex volumes shoot up

>> No.50189357

Who is looking forward to the 1.80 euro price floor?

>> No.50189410

I feel like the best play would be a price floor for all coins on the platform

>> No.50189540
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holy shit it just keeps getting better

>> No.50189595

I didn't look at this seasons lineup at all so getting surprised by all the shows is fucking great, maybe I should keep not looking at things. I stopped looking at price already, what happens if I stop looking at /biz/ I wonder

>> No.50189770

>what happens if I stop looking at /biz/ I wonder
Take a week off and find out.

>> No.50189853
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literally nothing will happen

>> No.50190041
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It will force you to think about what you want to do with your life if you aren't constantly refreshing here.

>> No.50190094

I already know what I want to do with my life so I don't have to think about it, I'm gonna to make it with cryptocurrency then make a videogame studio, then make one really good game and disappear forever leaving people literally seething for any kind of update or follow up. Yes that sounds perfect.

>> No.50190150
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Can I be an angel presale investor in your videogame company? And if so will you be selling equity in the form of tokenised stock or animal themed NFTs?

>> No.50190210

I have thought about that but steam doesn't want to let games with NFTs on the platform which is such a retarded choice, I get that cash grabs shouldn't be allowed on the marketplace but still

>> No.50190293

NFTs that represent ownership in the company on Ignium which wouldn't effect Steam as long as they had no in game utility. You would be minting NFTs that give away 1-49 percent of your company that otherwise you would own 100% of.

>> No.50190311

Why NFT not simple tokenization?

>> No.50190565
File: 280 KB, 4072x1420, 987589432759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is how I feel about every single NFT project on Ignium and yet the most successful raise they held not run by themselves or one of their partners was the chicken one. Reimoo insists that it is a good way for non crypto people to get interested in the idea since they don't even need to know they are interacting with a blockchain. It does give you some leeway to offer ponzinomics such as the digital chickens laying digital eggs that are tied to real eggs. In your case if Steam ever relax their no non-CSgo investing on their platform you could easily add new in game functionality to your NFTs. You could also offer retarded shit like t-shirt printing signed by the main dev of NFTs that people eat up. I am sure if a AAA game like Cyberpunk did that retarded collectors with no interest in crypto would have jumped on board. There is also the community factor where bagholders don't want to part with their NFTs because you can't really be part of an NFT community while swingtrading, you need to change your profile picture to do so after all. Also bragging rights for being the first video game company on Ignium.
tldr - because people are retarded and you will probably raise more money that way. I would rather just buy fungible tokens every single time.

>> No.50190651

I am a poorfag and always need to sell some xcm because i put my whole paycheck into it everymonth because it got shilled to me here. I feel betrayed and scammed.

>> No.50190714
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It abstracts the act of owning shares and makes it accessible to non-finance people. Rather interesting, dare I say innovative.
In a world where crypto goes up so I can pay a potential future dev fren to work for me alongside a talented drawfag I know, it would make sense to tokenize on ignium. I'd do it.
Although I doubt that NFTs will retain their novelty and maybe there will be better mediums to facilitate tokenization while making it simple for retail that ignum can leverage.

>> No.50190837

I can't sell XCM for anything. When will Kevin reinvigorate our bags?

>> No.50191080

The idea of paying people is to get the best talent you can and boss them around. You are being lazy and taking the path of least resistance by hiring your friends.

>> No.50191182
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artfag is really good, he's not going to make it and the whole idea of making a studio originated so that I can help him make it. He deserves to do something he's good at instead of working at a grocery store. I don't know anyone who can program games, I thought I would just learn how to do it but turns out I'm better at doing, literally anything else. Except cook, I don't know how to do that and will need to hire gf for that.

>> No.50191274

>Price stays at the price floor
>More and more people want out due to opportunity cost elsewhere in crypto
>Not nearly enough buyers to make up for the amount of sellers
>Anyone who doesn't sell are left holding bags with a set price but no buyers
Setting a price floor in crypto is literally like a 5 year olds understanding of economics

>> No.50191299
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XCM is wroth €0 right now and that's fine.

>> No.50191803
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