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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50165455 No.50165455 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread just disappeared for some reason

>> No.50165464
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thread disappeared right after i pointed out the massive losses taken by link/lpl holders withdrawing from b4ncor

>> No.50165475
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the main LPL liquidity provider pulled out 4 days ago, lost 40k LPL. also pulled his LINK and lost 59k LINK. thats a massive loss. b4ncor on damage control

>> No.50165496

i'd like to discuss the business and finance implications of Linkpool Secure Messaging
>our new messaging platform will continue communication and notifications through an e2e encrypted system, giving users a built-in system to message each other via their wallet address completely encrypted
is there any chance this encrypted messaging technology will proliferate outside the linkpool ecosystem or is this just a small inhouse solution for a better version of email

>> No.50165588

Jannies hate lpl for some reason. They always delete threads. Also Linkpool is a top 5 node by rewards as you can see in the link below. Fudders threads that claim otherwise are allowed up for some reason but when i make a thread pointing this out they delete it. Really makes you think.

As you can see in the etherscan link. There is currently 14.9k lpl pending for withdrawal which will leave 41.9k lpl in the pool.
Wow he lost more link and lpl than most anons will never even get a fraction of.

>> No.50165609 [DELETED] 

i just think its funny to report your threads for advertising and begging, which they are, and you niggers spinning some wild theory around why jannies delete reported pajeet threads

>> No.50165641

You probably deleted your own thread to pretend that jannies are trying to hide le truth lmao dumb shitcoiner

>> No.50165643

How is telling people to cope because there is 0.04% of the circulating supply left begging? Pool's closed.

>> No.50165662

checked and based and youre right, its almost unbelievable the losses that people are suffering, but the evidence is right there on chain. imagine if this wasnt on chain and b4ncor could try to argue that people are lying, etc. good thing its on chain and they have to come up with some other excuse.
kys please

>> No.50165674

Go back

>> No.50165695

That whale in particular lost a total of about 500k usd.

133k from lpl and 364k from link. Ouch

>> No.50165698

no it disappeared after i posted the above screenshots
99% of linkpool is owned by biz newfag
damage control in full swing, probably by actual b4ncor employees. HI MARK HI RICK SUCK MY COCK FAGGOTS

>> No.50165716

>99% of linkpool is owned by biz newfag
What's really interesting is that there is only roughly 1700 lpl holders. Hmmmm how many employee wallets? Lpl AND link holders really are seperate from just link holders, mentality wise.

>> No.50165764

>calls his thread "linkpool"
>it's actually about Bancor

>> No.50165824
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ouch indeed
agreed. i also get a kick out of the fact that LPL is still unranked on the coin aggregator sites (ie coingecko, etc). someone is working hard to hide its existence, i believe. circulating supply is less than 30m LPL, and the team has said theyre never selling

>> No.50165835

Do Linkpool holder anticipate an announcement by Sergey along the lines of :
"Yes, we're very excited about staking but we think it's time we told holders of the Link token that, actually, they need to buy a shit ton of this other token called Linkpool, knocked up by a shower of mancs in the UK, in order to do so. Some of my colleagues within Chainlink Labs suggest we should have told everyone ages ago, but we though it best to wait until staking was launched, just so we could see the shock upon the faces of Link holders. I have to admit, it is rather funny"

I'm no expert, but I can't see this happening, yet it's more or less what LPL holders imply is the case. None of it bears up to any scrutiny. There is just no fucking way they'd pull something like that.

>> No.50165841

Bancor os dead. As soon as they turn back in ILP it will death spiral as people will immediately withdraw. However if they dont turn it on then it's a slower game of hot potatoe or rather cold potatoe. As people withdraw one by one cutting their loses.... Bancor thinks get will be fine since their bnt token wont death love spiral but the project is dead. Completely and utterly dead. They will never recover from this blunder. A death spiral may have still left them with some trust but to completely disable their core feature... It's over.

>> No.50165845

oh im sorry we cant discuss the only exchange LPL is traded on, and the losses suffered by individuals who chose to provide liquidity to that one exchange? do tell, what brought you to the linkpool thread, what were you hoping to add to the linkpool discussion? i posed a question here about an upcoming feature >>50165496

>> No.50165872

>circulating supply is less than 30m LPL,
30m is that only to non employee investors? Of course maybe some employees could have sold (cough matt) if we go by buyable supply it's literally 42k lpl.

>> No.50165884

>oh im sorry we cant discuss the only exchange LPL is traded on, and the losses suffered by individuals who chose to provide liquidity to that one exchange?
wtf is this non sequitur

>> No.50165951
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theres a direct link to market.link from chain.link. linkpool was paid by chainlink for the upgrades to the Market. do you understand the significance of the Chainlink Market?
agreed theres just no way to recover from what they've done

>> No.50166002
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I see no changes, wake up in the morning and I ask myself is life worth livin'? Should I blast myself?
I'm tired of bein' poor and, even worse, I've got a Link stack.
My stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a knife to catch.

Whales give a damn about a wojak,
Pull the trigger, liquidate a nigga, he's a hero,
bear trap the kids, who the hell cares?
Jeets shilling shitcoins everywhere.

First ship 'em rope and let 'em sell to one another,
Give 'em red candles, step back, watch 'em kill each other.

"It's time to fight back, " that's what anon said
Two scam wicks in the dark, now anon's dead.

I got love for my anon brothers
But we can never go nowhere unless the market recovers.

We gotta start makin' changes,
Indoor shrimp or mushroom farmin instead of getting rugged by the exchanges.
And that's how it's supposed to be,
How can they liquidate a brother if his entire net worth is invested in bsc shitcoins? Uh
I'd love to go back to when we played the bsc shit casino
But things change, and that's the way it is.

>> No.50166091
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i never remember matty boys wallet but he has less than 200k lpl left or around that. he only got 375k LPL when he left anyways. Since the original crowdsale was 25%/25m LPL, technically the circulating supply should be 25m LPL + MBs 375k LPL payout = 25.37m LPL. agreed pools closed
>non sequitur
did you just try to use a big boy word? very cute, also misused but nice try

>> No.50166212

I asked why you named the thread Linkpool when it's all about Bancor.
I never said you can't talk about fucking Bancor.

>> No.50166237

This can easily be done on just bitcoin though, right? I mean, it's cool, but nothing new, or something that has any need for LPL.

>> No.50166251

as i said, bancor is the only exchange, the only place you could buy linkpool. theres a direct correlation. and again i posed a question here >>50165496 if you'd like to contribute to the thread

>> No.50166395

Etherscan already has blockscan chat, is there any difference?

>> No.50166404

i think there are many ways to go about messaging right now. off the top of my head theres the blockscan chat feature on etherscan. I know theres some email type service using ENS names. but i wonder what linkpool messaging could become.
>it's cool, but nothing new, or something that has any need for LPL
there will be many actions you can take without owning LPL, but if you're paying linkpool in any way, its benefiting the lpl stakers.
>list your node on market.link - no LPL required but your payment gets dispersed to lpl stakers
>use naas.link - no lpl required but your payment gets dispersed to lpl stakers
>use 3rd party LPLA staking allowance - no lpl required but a % goes back to LPLA lenders

>> No.50166918

Is he poor?
At what price did he sell his LPL?
Did he sell some during the introduction on Bancor at $20?

I managed to increase my stack size a bit but I will always regret not buying more during the ICO or from the first DEX...

>> No.50167133

"LinkPool is receiving a grant to fund improvements to the Chainlink Market—a resource hub for smart contract developers, data providers, and node operators to list and discover the necessary components to create next-generation smart contracts using the Chainlink Network."

Nowhere in this statement is there even the slightest implication that the LPL token will be required to stake Link. All this tells us is that they received a grant to help develop a resource hub. Big effing deal. Are you suggesting people need this token? It's a ludicrous suggestion.

Please, can you try again to point me to some sort of evidence that sells this damn thing to me? I'm just not seeing it.

>inb4 pools closed
It's becoming rather apparent that this is the if-in-doubt-then-go-to phrase. If it's so closed why is it being shilled constantly, and indeed, sold?

>> No.50167252

he funds his cocaine fueled life with sales of lpl, his soul is poor
you just quoted instead of greentexting so your opinion on anything is disregarded

>> No.50167351

Is it a meme or is there truth to it?

He seemed like a fun person who knew how to do PR.

>> No.50168101

Where is it being sold? There is no liquidity. If i want to buy 50k lpl i will pump the price to $10.

>> No.50168115
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i have to disagree with you there, he was my only concerns regarding linkpool. and most memes have atleast some truth to them

>> No.50168472

Hi Thomas.

>> No.50168582

>it's time we told the holders, they need to buy a shit ton of this other token called Linkpool
You've had 4 years.

>> No.50168857

>If I want to buy
Just goes to show you, no one does.
Look, I know a good project when I see one, which is why I'm up to my neck in Link. I just never saw that with Linkpool. You lot are taking a huge risk there, and may well find you better off buying Link instead. We don't even know yet for sure if Link will succeed, but by golly, I'm not about to buy ANOTHER token whose selling point is muh you'll need this to stake. Don't you realise how unlikely that is? You think the entire staking mechanism of Chainlink hinges on Johnny and his magic horses? That is a very long shot, my man

>> No.50168912

LPL could have reached $100 with this banter if we compare it to Charles' ADA scam.
It's funny when you think about this statement because Biden seems to be having a hard time digesting his proxy war with Russia.

>> No.50169017

No one can buy because pool is closed dumb fuck. I want to buy 100k lpl but i literally cant because pool is closed.

>> No.50169624
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new jonny tweet

>> No.50169670


>> No.50169677
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>> No.50170070
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Assassination smart contracts?

>> No.50170272
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3 things

Based Jonny tweet means he is getting deposit and penalty contracts ready for prod.

Linkpool Team Bring back the private dex please

I love me some link but... (pic rel)

>> No.50170411

based and
>Linkpool Team Bring back the private dex please
agreed!! OG dex was all we needed

>> No.50170650

ribeye, delmonico, ny strip or prehaps a tomahawk?

but what's the price?

that will be 2.5 LPL to every 1 LINK sir

t. oldfag no verification required.

>> No.50170939

You have no clue what Linkpool is after all these years.
The initial staking advantage was just a bonus.
The real value is their node as a service service, which will allow everyone to rent a node from them outside of the control of AWS for reliability.
LPL holders will get a cut from their entire profits not only from their current initial node.

As for you, you may get some free money from Sergey if you held your Chainlink on a cold wallet and not on a CeFi or exchange, but you will have to use the GUI made by Linkpool to stake on the Chainlink initial staking contract.
Yes you won't need LPL to use the GUI for that part of the profits however node operators also get an extra part of this staking bonus directly which means LPL income will at least double instantly from node incentives and this should give a good idea of what will be coming later.

>> No.50171049

What will be coming later?

>> No.50171138 [DELETED] 

We don't need scam linkpool anymore, Kenshi is already providing passive income and is faster then LINK


>> No.50171282

Kenshi token not needed

>> No.50171953


>> No.50172323

scam not needed

>> No.50172367

Says who? I've seen no confirmation by Chainlink of any of this made-up-sounding stuff. Who says massive players won't just wade in with better staking services? Why should they all be beholden to Linkpool? It's bullshit, they won't. Just because you need the LPL token to use Linkpool nodes or services, doesn't mean other options won;t appear very quickly (if they don't already exist behind the scenes, ready to roll out).
We're expected to believe this wishful thinking from Linkpool, that their system is the only way. Frankly, it rings hollow.

>> No.50172377

The start of the adoption phase and integration into the real world.

>> No.50172416

>they'll be better options trust me bro
>someone will just reinvent the wheel bro
midwit, consider yourself lucky you found chainlink

>> No.50172444

You can always use AWS if you don't like it with your "NEET" node selling random number generation for low value NFTs on Matic.
But more serious companies need more serious solutions that won't go down on them in the next Amazon or Cloudflare fuck up and multiple relays.

>> No.50172746

Based take. If anyone thinks institutions would trust a 10 person team with billions to trillions of dollars of value for securing their data, they're ignorant.

>> No.50173084

>why are you investing in coca cola, just because they have good dividends?

this is how stupid you sound

>> No.50173116


>> No.50173440

Stop shilling this blatant scam please. It's near enough a bsc honeypot scam

>> No.50175002
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>> No.50175244

>because they have good dividends
This is the point though. I don't believe investing in Linkpool tokens now will prove to be as profitable as just putting it all into Link instead. This isn't a controversial view, and it is one that I share with many other anons here. You're on a wing and a prayer that this Linkpool project is somehow going to propel your profits from Link to the stratosphere. Even if you're right, which I doubt, they've done a shit job of convincing people (except the ones who bought in). I've known about Linkpool for years now. The idea is as sketchy as fuck that buying a ton of this magic token somehow grants you untold riches with staking. Some big player with a ton more money and resources, who are able to wipe the floor with Linkpool's model will come along and offer a far better deal to Link holders. Why wouldn't they? Linkpool will not have a monopoly on staking service providing, and nothing you lot has shown me has made me think otherwise
>reinvent the wheel
Kek, are you joking? What's to prevent any software company just copying Linkpool's model? They don't even have to reinvent anything. And they won't require a stupid overpriced token, either.
>why are you investing in coca cola, just because they have good dividends?
Bad analogy. I don't need to buy some expensive third party token before I buy and profit from coca cola shares. I can just buy them and reap the dividend. Come to think of it, it's a good analogy as it demonstrates exactly what I'm trying to tell you.

>> No.50175311


>> No.50175377

>I don't believe investing in Linkpool tokens now will prove to be as profitable as just putting it all into Link instead
I get priority staking and rates on my link I stake through linkpool AND I get profit share from their entire network.

If you haven't accumulated the LPL you need by now, then it's too late for you. Just keep buying link tokens.

The fact you are making this a fight between accumulating link tokens vs lpl tokens at this stage in the game tells me you don't know a fucking thing.

The pool is closed. It's been closed. It's not reopening.

>The idea is as sketchy as fuck that buying a ton of this magic token somehow grants you untold riches with staking.

You get profit share from the network, plus profit from your own link allowance that you stake.

You are either pretending to be retarded to cope that you didn't buy when it was cheap or you are legit a sub 70 iq retard. Either way, you're out of your league.

>> No.50175463

>Bad analogy.
Your argument was primarily about competitors coming into the space, and the fact that competitors exist somehow means LinkPool doesn't have a market.

>Who says massive players won't just wade in with better staking services? Why should they all be beholden to Linkpool? It's bullshit, they won't. Just because you need the LPL token to use Linkpool nodes or services, doesn't mean other options won;t appear very quickly (if they don't already exist behind the scenes, ready to roll out).

Now you are being disingenuous by pretending you meant something else by it entirely.

>> No.50175503

checked. just because you get a profit share from the Linkpool network, who is to say that the Linkpool network is going to be that successful? How do you figure out that your profit share from this single operator is going to be worth more than the value of your LPL tokens would be if you traded them now for Link tokens? It's a huge gamble I wouldn't take. Not only that, but it's really vague just how many of the damn tokens one needs.
If someone gave me a shitload of those I'd sell them for Link, no question. I could be wrong on this, but I think it is you guys who are the ones taking the gamble.

>> No.50175600

Yes, but the competitors won't charge me to use their service, will they? As a result, I have a much bigger stack of Link I can stake than had I bought a load of LPL. Sure, I might not get some share of the network profit but who cares, I have a ton more Link to get rewarded from.
I could see Linkpool failing, you know. I really could. I hope for your sake it doesn't, but I think competition will be fierce when this gets going and I think when the big boys move in Linkpool will likely be brushed aside.

>> No.50175742

>who is to say that the Linkpool network is going to be that successful?
such is the gamble with any investment.
>How do you figure out that your profit share from this single operator is going to be worth more than the value of your LPL tokens would be if you traded them now for Link tokens?
I see how many link tokens im earning now and I don't have any of my own link staked yet. I'm extremely happy.

If you don't have LPL yet, its probably not an investment for you.

> Not only that, but it's really vague just how many of the damn tokens one needs.

The initial ratio when things are launched will be roughly 2.5 LPL tokens for 1 link. Likely to be less during the v.01 staking trial.
>but I think it is you guys who are the ones taking the gamble.
Such is the nature of any investment.
>Yes, but the competitors won't charge me to use their service, will they?
Yes, they will. Directly. I think fiews was looking at spinning up link nodes directly for like $10 a month on the low end. Either way, any place YOU stake will take a cut of the fees you earned. With linkpool, I take a cut of THEIR fees. You have this entirely backwards.
> but I think competition will be fierce when this gets going and I think when the big boys move in Linkpool will likely be brushed aside.
Agree to disagree.

>> No.50175763

man bancor turned out to be an absolute shitshow
my advantage of being too much of a brainlet to figure out defi apps pays off in spades

>> No.50176297
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>> No.50176445

>won't charge me
I worded that badly. Of course I'll have to pay to use their staking services. What i meant was i won't have to pay a massive initial outlay (as in the case of Linkpool with their LPL token) before I can use their services. LPL holders are tying up a large part of their investment in the Chainlink project with this LPL thing. Sure, maybe you got in cheap early on, but I bet you must be wondering about all those extra Link tokens you could buy if you sold your LPL now? I know I would be! It seems like the safer bet to me.
Listen, I'm sorry if I come across as a bit vehement against Linpool, I don't really mean to be mean towards it, and part of my manner is about convincing myself I did the right thing. I want us all to make it.

>> No.50176659

no way, Warosu works again?

>> No.50176708

You are dumber than a box of niggers.

>> No.50176782

>You're scared to type your thoughts as you have no confidence in yourself. You don't even know who you are, so you hide behind these pithy racist one-liners. If you think people don't see though that, you're wrong. They do.

>> No.50177053

>massive initial outlay

You seem to be under the impression that the team or community is begging you to buy LPL tokens. Were not. It is expensive now. It will be even more expensive in the future. It wasn't when the majority of us bought in, and I still think it's a deal -- but you don't have to agree with me.

At current rates, we are earning roughly 5 link per year per 1,000 LPL staked, and staking isn't even live in beta yet. I think with beta launching we will see a x10 on that easily, and as demand continues to grow I see another x10 on that conservatively, and that doesn't include my own link staking -- just the residual income from holding the token.

Do the math if that's worth it for you.

>> No.50178196

Idk, if you had invested back when every link holding /biz/raeli understood that NEETnodes wouldn't really be a thing because of data quality and availability, the return on LPL would be enough for you not to give a fuck about opportunity cost.
Also even if link shits the bed, I can see Jonneh pivot to servicing (an)other assets quite easily, but we both know that's not going to happen.

>> No.50178952

I bought LPL very late after being present for the ICO and not investing. Only have 10k poolies, but crazy to see that they are basically not able to be bought anymore due to the slippage. I might make it with my poolies alone.

>> No.50180022

yeah i'm starting to think this too...

>> No.50180092

It’s like they don’t even understand the reputation aspect…

>> No.50180238
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And here’s why don’t listen to retards like this!

>> No.50180334

LINK is about to dump. do with this information what you will

>> No.50180378
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>> No.50180807


>> No.50180885

Yeah i have a similar amount. I was.gonna get a job and buy more link but i might just stack lpl until it's all gone.