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50179307 No.50179307 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth it or just a meme?
Right now I am sitting on a Markus from IKEA but it has been 10 years and I’m considering upgrading

>> No.50179358

I think it depends on the person desu.
I finally actually went to a shop and tried a bunch of chairs for my last one. The ones I liked online in the $500 range sucked and I bought a $200 chair which was more comfy and am happy with it.
Funnily they ripped off the aeron style but with memory foam instead of mesh seat. I like it.
Also I've spent more money on computer chains in the last 5 years than the cost of a Herman Miller.

>> No.50179363

I have one and it was worth it for me. I’m not poor though

>> No.50179379

How long do you sit at your desk on a daily basis?

>> No.50179422

get embody, worth every penny

>> No.50179449

If you sit in one all day it’s probably worth it. I went with the Cosm though, and prefer it over the Aeron, which I have used extensively. The Cosm is more simple, but the curve it has in the lower back feels fantastic.

>> No.50179500

Retard, they are overpriced because large companies buy in bulk and then write off 100% of the purchases against taxes, that's literally the entire herman miller scam.

>> No.50179525

detail, like when changes compared to a 200$ chair, like a Markus

You can sit more hours bc of less pain I guess? Anything else?

>> No.50179550
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If you have an office you need to literally buy in bulk and can write off every single chair on the market

>> No.50179586

Yes and herman miller isn't any better than a $200 office chair, you clearly have never actually sat in one.

>> No.50179634

>than a $200 office chair
Which one?

>> No.50179636

People that buy these brands for their own home are just retaded.
Herman miller is a meme brand to extract money from big companies that will spend a ludicrous amount of money for their executives because it's a tax write off anyways.
It's a 100 dollar chair sold for over 1000. Don't be an idiot.

>> No.50179651

you like having curved things in your lower back?

>> No.50179652

so give me the 1000chair that i can get for 500

>> No.50179664

Literally generic chairs from costco or walmart are just as comfortable. Herman millers are good because companies can write off millions when they bulk buy them, it's much harder to spend that much money when chairs only cost $200 each.

>> No.50179669
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Good for long-term desk work but they're useless when you want to spread your legs a bit and fap, so I ended up returning mine and going back to the Markus which is yeah the best office/fap chair combo on the market desu.

>> No.50179678

I have an aeron chair. Don't think it's that great tbqh not comfortable unless you sit in a specific way

>> No.50179734

>meme chair
>companies buy to write off
Where did this retarded take come from? Be honest guys, are you redditors?

>> No.50179761

That's the case for all these $1000+ meme brands like herman miller or steelcase, they are all awful. If you unironically bought one for personal use you failed one of the biggest midwit tests.

>> No.50179834

I hate these chairs with such a passion.

Not comfortable, overpriced and MUH HERMAN MILLUR.

>> No.50179841

what is this chair called? looks comfy

>> No.50179857

I didn't, just know of a lot of people who are happy with them and this is the first time I've read this take. You seem to be repeating meme points of the other plebbitors. So please, be honest.

>> No.50179932

It's called Markus and is from IKEA. Did you read the OP?

>> No.50179963

all the cheap knockoffs designed to look like this chair are just that, cheap
the plastic on the aeron is clearly in a different class of strength compared to your average $100 mesh office chair
just the weight of the chair alone should tell you everything you need to know

>> No.50179974

I'm unironically sitting on the chair in your pic right now. My office was giving them out for free, since they were upgrading all their chairs. The one I got is 10 years old, but it still works fine. It's much better than the piece of shit I got from Wayfair. Though, I don't think I would pay the sticker price for my new chair, which is about $1k.

>> No.50180028

Meme. Really, why does that cost $1,000?

>> No.50180032

Worth it to buy one used. There will be plenty once recession hits and businesses go under.

>> No.50180118

It helps prevent a permanent case of sore back and shoulders so yes it is worth it. There might be better deals on Chinese clones or if like me you want a chair designed for tall people, but it is absolutely worth every penny to not fuck your back up.

The amount of people I know with back problems is insane and I don't think a single one wouldn't pay a few hundred to not have it.

>Not comfortable

You're either sitting wrong or need to see a physiotherapist. It's literally designed to cradle you.

>> No.50180170

aerons are the shit, and anybody that hates them only does so because they balk at the price of a new one. they're just too retarded to figure out how to get a used one. go on craigslist and look for office liquidations, you can get them from 2-400 dollars all the time.

>> No.50180195


I can tell you didn't fuckin tard

>> No.50180916

goddamn this is exactly why I don’t use the other 300 I bought last year, it constraints you into a position
But I’m starting to have back problems pain and the also feel hot with the leather of the Markus below my balls id prefer them to breathe more

But year it does only look comfortable if sitting upright

If I can’t get a return period I don’t think I’ll take it

But I have to drive 5h to go try one so not to sure about that either

>> No.50181315

You're a retard. I have sat in various computer chairs from $100 to $2000 ones. The Herman Miller Aeron is legendary in comfort and it's built like a tank and will last you a decade if not longer. I sit in this thing 12 hours a day or more and have 0 discomfort.

>> No.50181367
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>not buying picrel


>> No.50181409

I got Steelcase Gesture so I can move the arms around and be able to jack off but it's still not that great, I can't believe people haven't been able to make shit better than this thing or the gesture by now, it's fucking retarded

>> No.50181547

Paid $1700 for my embody at the crypto top. Actually a good deal that money would have been less than $400 a few months later. It’s a good chair but don’t expect anything mindblowing, a chair can only be so good. It’s not comfy unless you sit properly, the people saying they suck are people with bad posture. It’s literally made to be uncomfy if you don’t sit right. Build quality is good, the people crying it’s not worth don’t understand this is meant to last a decade and more.

>> No.50181636

Had a markus before this, I would say the markus was comfier desu but it enabled bad posture habits and the arm rests got in the way. Embody forced to stand feet down, shoulders back, lumbar touching the back rest etc. If you have bad posture and spend a lot of time at pc its probably worth if 2k is not a lot to you.

>> No.50181646
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Take the serta pill

>> No.50181647

These chairs get uncomfortable after a while just get some cushioned office chair

>> No.50181684

My employer gave me one for free when lockdowns started. I asked for a second one for my dad, he loves it

>> No.50181697

If that's a Herman Miller, yes it's worth it.
> muh it's expensive
You're literally sitting in it 6+h per day. Stop being poor nigger. Are you also being cheap with your mattress and pillow and fucking up your back to save a few hundred dollars?

>> No.50181837
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>> No.50181934
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Why isn't it a .gif tho.
>Who ate all the .gifnuts?

>> No.50181952

>meme plastic wheels
They're the breaking point, especially if you're a typical burger size-wise. Unless the chair has metal wheels, one day you're going to lean forward too much and crush the tiny connection between the wheel and the limb.