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50167175 No.50167175 [Reply] [Original]

And it’s going down fast

>> No.50167192

welcome to secondary deflation. This will be brutal for markets.

>> No.50167229


>> No.50167345

Ben Cowen thinks the bottom is in after inflation has peaked.

>> No.50167425

>inflation is le bad!

>inflation going down is le bad!
You lots are worse than reddit

>> No.50167674

you are just retarded

>> No.50167697

you can always go back there, shit colored creature

>> No.50167836

I think I belong here because unlike you soi lattes I have testosterone

>> No.50168013

its going to go down just enough for them to pivot from recession fears in the fall
and thats when the fun starts
food/energy riots in europe
famine in the third world

>> No.50168067

inflation is dropping because economies are shrinking you jungle swinger.

>> No.50168077

Ben Cowen has been wrong about pretty much everything he has ever said so I don't know why the fuck you're bringing him up

>> No.50168334

As long as stock goes up who cares? :)

>> No.50168350


>> No.50168621
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because you're about to see this part.

>> No.50168705

And it’s not even priced in because people only use the governments tool of measuring inflation. Shits gonna bounce soon.

>> No.50168706

That drop starts from 900% inflation lmao, shit was already long gone at that point, obviously.

>> No.50168770

learn basic economics leftie fag.

>> No.50168905

Buy the dip!

>> No.50168957

>USD is down 99% since inception
>bro it’s long gone already
Open your eyes

>> No.50168958

It’s the whiplash of supply chains. It will give the fed an excuse to pivot so they can print us out of the recession.

>> No.50168965

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.50169000

Inflation rate going down just means that new inflation isn't being poured on.

>> No.50169015

Tell me again how falling used car and home prices at all effect goods prices elsewhere in the economy

>> No.50169030


>“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered

Thomas Jefferson had sex with animals and he was still smarter than you

>> No.50169043
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>> No.50169068

The chart I was responding to happened in the span of 6 years, dumbass.

>> No.50169081

gas and oil are becoming cheaper, which was the only thing really driving inflation.

>> No.50169095

Yeah and Zimbabwe isn’t the US faggot. What’s your point?

>> No.50169122

bullwhip effect
get your terminology correct anon so others can learn what your are talking about

>> No.50169121

What the fuck is yours you complete and utter schizo lmao

>> No.50169127
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>> No.50169129

I always knew Biden could turn this around

>> No.50169196

I'm glad I voted for him. Did you guys know that his policies are exactly the same as Trumps?
I love the fact that zoomers always compare America to shithole failed states such as Venezuela and Weimer Republic.

>> No.50169202

It’s okay anon. I will give you a piece of bread when you are starving and destitute

>> No.50169218


>> No.50169348

>inflation is bad for markets
>deflation is bad for markets
so what the fuck is good for markets then?

>> No.50169390
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>Thomas Jefferson had sex with animals

How do you know, did he fuck your Mom?

>> No.50169650


>> No.50169747

Ben Cowen has become an ultra-deca jewbear and now says he doesn't think we'll find a bottom until mid 2023 and wont start rising again until mid 2024.

>> No.50169768

economic growth

>> No.50169801

Zerohedge, that you?

>> No.50169817
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>> No.50169835

If this isn't a bottom signal idk what the fuck is

>> No.50169915

Low interest rates creates inflation and high interest rates creates deflation (Normally).
Low interest rate loans from the FED makes cheap money for companies. There are thousands of companies that make just enough money to pay the interest on these cheap loans.
.... What the fuck is going to happen the FED's interest rate goes up? These companies are fucked. A good chuck well paying tech jobs are gone. Tesla, AT&T, Ford, Verizon and thousands more.

The FED is in between a rock and a hard place.
>Do we raise rates and bankrupt thousands of companies?
>Do we continue let inflation rape poor people?

Personally I think the FED will raise rates and try to only destroy the most indebted companies. Find those companies and short them.

>> No.50170083

stable growth and easy (but not TOO easy) access to capital

>> No.50170097

>implying they’ll raise rates enough to stop inflation at all

>> No.50170125

wait can inflation go negative?!

>> No.50170160
File: 161 KB, 2415x2147, Smart_Business_Modeler_Brain_Snack_Startup_Financing_Cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the morally correct decision. Companies that don't really serve a purpose, especially "pre-profit" vaporware startups deserve to get eviscerated. VCs, Angel Investors, and Lenders specializing in early stage companies about to get a whole hell of a lot more judicious with DD.

>> No.50170169

>implying the FED gives a single fuck about inflation to begin with

>> No.50170183
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Yes. It's called deflation.

>> No.50170202

There is a large possibility they carew more about failing companies getting cheap money than they care about inflation. There is a good chance the FED won't raise rates next time and keep it right where it is.
>Oh look inflation was project to go up to 13% but it is 11%
>everyone pats each others backs

>> No.50170341

The difference is many start-ups never break even. The angel investors only make money selling their shares when the company IPOs.

>> No.50170442


>> No.50170467

Sure. How many aren't even going to make it to IPO now, since pre-IPO capital is going to significantly dry up? Meanwhile for those that were able to make it public, if they can't show EXTREME promise (like SpaceX/Tesla levels of potential) or actual fundamentals (e.g. PROFIT), they're going to bleed to death.

>> No.50170606

We might have a great opportunity.
Every company that did IPO in the last 5 years we look at their debt to income. If they can't pay a slightly higher interest rate. Short the fuck out of them.

>> No.50171047

>Thomas Jefferson had sex with animals

>> No.50171101

The yoy rate is going "down" because inflation started pumping a year ago. Measuring against a static baseline, inflation is still mooning, the only difference is now it's mooning against a baseline that was mooning itself.

>> No.50171594

>These companies are fucked
and thats a good thing