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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5016666 No.5016666 [Reply] [Original]

LOL at you if you're not in already.

>> No.5016727

How do I buy xrp and xlm?
Please help

>> No.5016735


>> No.5016737

>buying at ATH

>> No.5016755

when the ceo of a massive banking consortium shills your funny money

>> No.5016757

Pumped because of fake news. Can't wait for the dump

>> No.5016771

quads confirm
dropping 6k usd as we speak

>> No.5016777

So I need to buy Bitcoins in order to get other currency?

Only thing I did so far was buy some bitcoin off coinbase. I'm so lost and confused.

>> No.5016786

As usual /biz/rael is retarded and shills garbage like instead of coins with actual use cases

>> No.5016811

yeah basically.
transfer some of your btc to your exchange of choice. then you can trade it there for other coins

>> No.5016815

Why are you confused

>> No.5016844

>XRP doesn't have a use case
Holy shit, this is the absolute state of /biz/. Brainlet community of newfags

Please, please sight "muh market" next

>> No.5016846

Da fuck? XRP is actually in use outside of exchanges. One of the few coins with a real use that is already in play.

>> No.5016882

that works but in the future only buy eth or ltc from coinbase. btc transaction fees are very high so you lose a decent chunk of money when you go to transfer the btc over to an exchange.

If that bitcoin is all you can afford right now, send it to binance or poloniex. The transaction will take a while. If you can buy more, buy some ltc and either ride with that or send it to an exchange and buy some other coin.

>> No.5016883

Fuck the haters, ripple mooning

>> No.5016897

moved $180 in BTC from coinbase to kraken to buy some ripple but the transaction still hasn't appeared after an hour?

what's happening

>> No.5016898

Because I'm a newfag when it comes to crypto stuff.
I tried using kraken and it's taking forever to verify me.
I just opened up a binance account. Do you have any words of wisdom for me? I'm still mad that xrp doubled in a day. Thought I could just buy it with money like on coinbase.

>> No.5016901
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Trips wasted by a noob

>> No.5016919

go with Binance. doesn't require verification. you can still withdraw up to 2 btc/day without verification

>> No.5016948

BTC transaction times are slow. Should have bought LTC to move your money. Let this be a lesson

>> No.5016954


>> No.5016958

Hey dumbasses I am FOR Xrp

>> No.5016965

Ok so what about wallets and all that stuff?
Transfer my btc to binance and use it there to buy XRP or XLM right?
I can see why you all love this stuff. Definitely got my dick hard over the past month.

>> No.5016964
File: 98 KB, 1280x714, 1513143957357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check yourself on coinbase.com.

>> No.5016967

>keeps alltimehighing

>> No.5017019

yeah, the exchange already has all the wallets. just find your address and use that.

>> No.5017067

Binance , Bittrex

>> No.5017091

Thanks anon. If bitcoin moons to 100k+ then what?

>> No.5017100

I laughed

>> No.5017131


>> No.5017268


>> No.5017482

changelly stopped offering XRP does anyone no where else to buy this and set up a wallet

>> No.5017580

My bags are loaded.

>> No.5017699

Registering for an account on binance right now. Can i buy ripple instantly and sell instantly on binance?

>> No.5017726

Why couldn't you. Just don't sell at a loss.

>> No.5017782

It's just that on coinbase i have to wait 7 days for my litecoin and bitcoin. Was wondering if i had to do the same with binance. Should i link my debit card instead of my savings account?

>> No.5017831

You can’t put fiat in on Binance

>> No.5017860


if you attach a credit/debit card on coinbase you can buy instantly. i'd go for litecoin though if you're looking to send it to an exchange and buy XRP. Bitcoin will take fucking FOREVER to send, and I dunno if ETH is still being crypto-kittied.

>> No.5017861

I just realized that. Well good luck gentlemen on the moon mission

>> No.5017888

i made the mistake of linking my savings account instead of my debit card

>> No.5017920


so? you can still link a debit card.

>> No.5017983

i know but i already ordered my coins so i have to wait im gonna link it later

>> No.5018029
File: 93 KB, 820x538, 1496911526590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek wills it!

>> No.5018030

am i able to buy ripple on bittrex using fiat

>> No.5018053
File: 80 KB, 800x768, 6a204bd89f3c8348afd5c77c7342a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ripple always loses you money, there are old god omega whales who will take you for everything.

>> No.5018125

There is no fiat on bittrex