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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50166335 No.50166335 [Reply] [Original]

Iol I remember when mumus were posting this bragging about how going under $30k was basically just an impossibility mathematically, and yet here we are, struggling to keep its head above $20k

>> No.50166360

Up, down, up, down, soon it'll get tired and sink under the water

>> No.50166677

It was all the ponzis this time around that broke the camel's back

>> No.50166904


>> No.50166943
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"screencap this"

>> No.50166950

First 30k was impossible then 20k was impossible now 10k is impossible.
By the time BTC does bottom they will have either panic sold and be too scared to buy in or they just won’t have anything left to buy with. God it feels good to be in cash rn

>> No.50166984

and yet we cant budge under 19.5
17.5 was bottom and everything since has been a higher low

>> No.50167002
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The weak should fear the strong

>> No.50167209

>this is the bottom for real this time
See you at 4 figgers, nigger

>> No.50167397

Yes, the price of Bitcoin is an endless source of hilarity and fun, isn't it? Jeez you need to get out more, bud

>> No.50167841

you do realize almost all of those posts since december last years were from trolls, coordinated shills or nocoiners from other boards coming in here to laugh at us

todays through is the first dip an actual /biz/raeli would call a buying moment, but probably still too early to be the real bottom

>> No.50167940

world is in a death spiral, they try pushing it above 20k and it can't even stay there, imagine how bad it will be a few weeks from now

>> No.50167995

If btc goes less than 3k or somewhere close I think you have worse problems to think about

>> No.50170157
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Winning the game is so fucking simple it's not even funny never buy BTC just buy NFT focused alts like SOL and LACE that's literally all you have to do "oh no i dont know what to buy boohoo" you stupid fucking troglodytes

>> No.50170168

Not every single wave of retarded faggots posting about things they don't truly understand (yet pretend to) are from coordinated epic larping Discord/Telegram servers you schizo fuck

>> No.50170179

>just buy NFT focused alts

>> No.50170224

This is the worst timeline

>> No.50170261

>based on this whatever calculation we made up it is worth this much

>> No.50170295

Kek! We abouts to find out how resistant 19K is today I think! Kek!

I wonder how many additional exchanges collapse for each 1K further it goes now?

>> No.50170310
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>> No.50170655

you'd be surprised at just how coordinated raided we are
for an og btc whale just how many jeets do you think he can pay to shitpost