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50150885 No.50150885 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking lack of water and food security, massive slums in Cairo ready for civil war, millions of refugees.

How do I profit from it?

>> No.50150919

>how do I short chaos
You're fucking retarded is the problem.

>> No.50150945

egypt is avoiding a civil crisis in a chad way by removing gov buildings from Cairo and paying well the military
I wouldn't short it, try sudan or ethernopia

>> No.50150994

Chaos is a ladder you dumb faggot. Now tell me.

>> No.50151025

Should I become an illegal migrant smuggler? $20k per person

>> No.50151291

Short their currency against the dollar.

>> No.50152426

Are there any safe expat areas? I'm looking to invest when my ICPee bags moon. Is Sharm el Shek safe now?

>> No.50153290

build a brothel and earn money from cheap egyptian whores

>> No.50153474

If anything happens to Egypt, Europe will quite literally cease to exist. 100 million Egyptians will be sailing across the Med for Euro gibs.

>> No.50153496

Yes but drown them all and I'll pay you the same again

>> No.50153499

Why would you short it? You don’t recall what happened after the Muslim Brotherhood took over don’t you?

Something something Suez something something coup, disposed, etc

>> No.50153529

real life is different than game of thrones. retarded faggot nigger.

>> No.50153735

Thanks anon.

>> No.50153830

Yes you will slave away and die in civil war, whilst I fuck your prostitute mum begging for money. Fuck the system kike slave.

>> No.50154350

While they are a net importer of food, that is mostly because they import meat, fish, and other expensive foods. Calorie-wise they could feed themselves (assuming they won't go over 120 million people).
They have the largest and most experienced army in the Arab world, and just for keeping the region stable, the west is aiding Egypt.
They also control the Suez canal. Even though only 10% of the world trade going through it, the western navies still need it to secure stability in the middle east.
Egypt will never go under. They will always be a corrupt shithole, but they won't become Yemen-tier.

>> No.50154455

>he thinks the US and Israel will let Egypt go down
it's for the interest of the region that Egypt remains stable.

>> No.50154555

Turkey is worse, short there if you want. Egypt is unironically much safer than there thanks to its military.

>> No.50154596

only the chosen one can short countries, srry goy

>> No.50154725

>lack of water
Worst case scenario Egypt just bomb Ethiopia. Is not like Ethiopia has any means to prevent a aerial bombardment...
>food security
Egypt is self sufficient in food. They just import wheat, maize and onions because it's cheaper to import heavily subsidise grains than to produce.
If you want to worry, worry about UK, who imports 75% of their food and has a exportation deficit of over 50%.
>massive slums in Cairo
Third world capitals are all filled with slums
>ready for civil war
You’re 3.5x as likely to be randomly murdered in the USA as in Egypt, and 273x more likely to get raped in US.
How is this "close to civil war"?

It took me 5 minutes to write this post, and research all this data (not egyption). OP is not only a faggot but also dumb as an american.

>> No.50154932

What is the point of going to Europe which is about to collapse too? Germany is on the verge of a major crisis, it will have a domino effect on all the other countries of the Eurozone

>> No.50154970
File: 28 KB, 258x360, pepe-poopoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They have the largest and most experienced army in the Arab world

>> No.50155991

FUCK NO it is not
source: wife is Egyptian

>> No.50156025

Long their bond rates.

>> No.50156097

long mummification ingredients

>> No.50156180

how do you find that? muslim or christian?

>> No.50156228

sorry to hear that. Thanks for the feedback fren

>> No.50156455
File: 312 KB, 733x436, hugsanslogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine shorting the one middle eastern country with the most advanced blockchain import/export solution in the world

>> No.50156530

The going rate is €5k idot

>> No.50157328

They will be encouraged to go to Europe since (((certain "people"))) want them to replace ethnic Europeans.

>> No.50157427

arabs are retarded but those wars glow extremely hard. it was the ((cia)) that helped nasser get power in the first place