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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 682 KB, 1024x768, iboughtahouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5012283 No.5012283 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a house in commiefornia. Do I dump all my extra money into the principal balance or do I invest in u.s stock?

>> No.5012356

>Bought a house in Cuckifornia
To rent out to shit skins I hope.

>> No.5012477

I'd only do that if my main source of income destabilizes. Rent it out, and move in to a red state.

>> No.5012498

>bought a house in California

Enjoy your high taxes and shitty roads to pay for Jose and his 8 kids

>> No.5012556

Could probably be worse.. I could be a home owner in Canada.

>> No.5012626

California is a shit real estate market. Nothing but a front for the Chinese to offload their profits to avoid taxes causing insane accounts of inflation.

>> No.5012654

Save it for the new "taxed by miles driven" to go along with the gas tax.

>> No.5012698

John Cox is the only one that can save CA.

>> No.5012737

Anon, your big mistake was not asking biz if you should buy a house in California in the first place. You've already fucked up. Sell it.

>> No.5012809
File: 75 KB, 910x719, 1490248964515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's only going to get worse from here, and as a home owner you are gonna get ass raped in property taxes (among all the other taxes and fees) because you are an evil (presumably white) male and you need to pay YOUR FAIR SHARE to ensure that Jose the undocumented cultural enricher can send his 10 illiterate children to public school

>> No.5012836

In my defense my parents own a handful of businesses and told me they wanted to help me buy a house. They gave me a fat salary and helped me with the down payment. I could potentially pay it off in 5-7 years.

>> No.5012956

Even owning a house in California is arguably not worth it, based on the taxes and insurance costs, along with basic maintenance as well, it would probably be cheaper to rent a house in some other state. That's why you shouldn't own a home in California.

>t. Californian who plans on getting the fuck out of here as soon as I've made it

>> No.5013121

Is it ever worth it to rent it out and buy another house in a red state?

>> No.5013156

You could have refused. My parents would pay 100% of the cost for me to go to a 4 year university, but I don't want to go and I don't want to waste their money. None of that matters though, you can still tell your parents you made a mistake. Do you really want to pay out the ass for the rest of your life? Not just on your property, but for the burden of living in a state tied with NY for being the most yuropoor shithole that our great nation has to offer. Do you want to raise your kids there? Think of how much further your money would go, and how much happier you might be in a place like Idaho if you like to get /out/, or a place like Salt Lake city if you are a people person. Another thing, consider using that money to buy a multi-family like a 4-plex instead of a house for now, if you don't have a family yet.

>> No.5013267

Not if you expect the rent to cover all of the expenses of the house (it won't unless you find a dumb tenant who you can rip off). But no, won't happen. You'll still be in the red on a month to month basis. The only argument is that it's an asset that will appreciate in value (which it probably won't because rich people are fleeing California because the taxes are getting outrageous).

>> No.5013329

Unless you bought a dump in the projects (which from the sounds of it your parents wouldn't help you get into anyway) then don't listen to most of the people here. If you can potentially pay this off in 5 - 7 years without any significant burden on your finances you are fucking golden.

>> No.5013377

Also, to state the obvious: if you have one tenant and they move out you go from 100% occupancy to 0%. Judging by the existance of this thread I imagine that might be a problem for you, tenants aren't always lined up around the block. You're just paying for 2 houses until it's occupied again.

>> No.5013436

>work in mortgage brokerage
>hear that the GSE's are closely monitoring commiefornia as a massive bubble (along with Miami, etc.)

Look, when all you can get in San Fran is a trailer for like $400K you know it's a warped market.

>> No.5013502

Nobody in their right mind would want to live in San Francisco anyway, it's literally a city filled to the brim with vagrants and assorted hipster scum.

>> No.5013580

Well you've guys made your point. I may have made a mistake buying a house here, but it sure beats paying noseburg 1,800 a month for a one bedroom. I'm going to keep working for my parents business till I inherit it. Pay off house in 5-7 years. Self study a trade or trade school in free time. May move to Texas if things get bad for business.

>> No.5013774

I reiterate, get multifamilies. Unless you REALLY love the business, sell your inherited business, sit on your ass and have wageys pay you for the privelage of inhabiting your buildings.

>> No.5013814

thanks brother.

>> No.5013871
File: 151 KB, 445x447, 1512290953455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And buy LINK, merry christmas

>> No.5013934

I've been here for about 2 years now and dont own any crypto lol How much should I buy? 100 bucks?

>> No.5014051
File: 213 KB, 1080x1990, Screenshot_20171212-193309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, get on it, and as much as possible.

>> No.5014073

Do I need bitcoin to buy link ?

>> No.5014246
File: 830 KB, 809x1767, Screenshot_20171210-201230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use ETH, make a coinbase account, buy ETH or BTC, make a binance account and send the money there, then buy LINK. Wait for a year for it to moon, wait another year for alpha centauri. Wait one more year, and the Earth would be engulfed in the sun before the light reflected off of you could be seen by the hubble telescope.

>> No.5014665

Ok doing it now

>> No.5014910

How do I send ETH from coinbase to binance?

>> No.5015082

Don't listen to that stinkie linkie, hes gonna end up jumping in thr river with his bags tied to his feet to commit suicide in a year. Buy a real coin, like NEO.

>> No.5016071

Why not both ?

>> No.5016630

>doesn't post mortgage rate
The answer is going to be stock anyway but it would be nice to know.