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50131944 No.50131944 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the ideal make it City?

>> No.50131971


>Making it and still living in the US with their retarded tax laws


>> No.50131987

Depends on your lifestyle. Miami isn't great for being able to walk to places. Great weather except for in the summer. Sexy latino babes and white babes. A lot of rich asians too.
NYC is cool, you can walk anywhere, central park is beautiful, a lot of hot college girls that you can fuck at your convenience since you're not broke, and a lot of rich people to make connections. Cold AF in the winter, smells like shit in the summer, no beaches or anything. Miami does have fishing, wonderful scuba diving experiences, and boating. Also has some golf courses if you're into that

>> No.50131998

NY is hell.

>> No.50132007

Dubai or Singapore

>> No.50132015

There is no "make it city" in the west anymore.

>> No.50132032

Also this. Consider eastern Europe too.

>> No.50132265

I rather not get shot walking down the street

>> No.50132393

I would easily choose Miami because my make-it vice will be women. Miami has steady t shirt weather and plenty of asses to smash. I can go anywhere, but I want to live where the whores and cocaine congregate.

>> No.50132492

miami. nyc is a cramped disgusting shithole. the weather is awful 8 months out of the year. in the summer, it smells like a landfill, the city itself has no greenscapes (muh central park) and the nearby beaches are all toxic waste tier that are overrun with morbidly obese brown immigrants. cope and seethe because you know it's true.

>> No.50132540

miami > nyc but neither is the ideal make it city
miami is too hispanic but florida is good
>caring about taxes after you've made it

>> No.50132548

>no beaches or anything
bro have you never heard of Coney Island/brighton beach? sure its kind of a gross beach but it exists.

>> No.50132744

NYC isn't a make it city, full stop. Its a place where people go to try and live out their dreams and 4 people a year, max, make more money, or get slightly more followers, or get a better promotion due to the people they know than everyone else. There is no making it because nothing is ever enough. You're a stepping stone for these people, a stop on their way in their own fairytale.

If you really make it you get away from people.

>> No.50132839

agreed. it might be fun if you're outrageously rich and extremely social, such that you can afford a $10 million, 3000 square foot penthouse to sleep in while you spend your days meeting people in large, well lit, exclusive social clubs frequented by other rich people.

for everyone else, even if you're a CEO or a physician or a $500k/year technigger, you're spending the majority of your days waging in some shithole office (or from home in your cramped cuckpartment) and what little free time you do have is wasted dodging niggers and homeless niggers on the piss-stinking streets as you cram into poorly lit, non-exclusive, highly cramped restaurants or clubs that are overrun with obnoxious striver faggots.

>> No.50132887

If you haven't made it and are looking to make it, NYC.
If you've already made it and just want to coast for the rest of your life, also NYC.
Miami is a cultureless hovel, great for retired boomers with nothing to do.

>> No.50132893
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If I were rich I wouldn't live either of those places. I would live on an island nation most of the time. I would take trips to those cities for maybe a week before returning to my fortress of solitude though.

>> No.50132969

neither. none of the western world is a "make it" location.

>> No.50133315

Where exactly in Miami would that be

>> No.50133368

Dubai is a shithole with useless buildings, urban sprawl, zero walkability, and shit-caravans in lieu of sewers.

>> No.50133455

NY is fun hell. Miami is shitty heaven.

>> No.50133478

Unironically Santa Monica. Pacific Palisades to be more specific

>> No.50133604

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

>> No.50133608

Just go to Naples instead
Miami is like a foreign country, so if that's the vibe you're after, you might as well go to Costa Rica, Argentina, or some other place in SA where there's plenty of hot latinas and luxury is readily available for a fraction of what you'll spend in Miami.
Plus, the women in Miami are turbo whores with zero moral character. Seriously, they're awful.

>> No.50133731

naples is a shithole
amalfi is nice

>> No.50133811

the real comparison you should be making is LA vs miami for the ideal make it city. nobody wants to live in nyc kek

miami is better if:
- you are a turbo degen
- you are latinx

but really it felt run down sort of, like you were in a third world country. LA is much more livable, better nature, its a place where you could live your entire life, miami just doesn't give that same vibe off to me. only downside is that the taxes are literally commie tier

>> No.50133832


>> No.50133869
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>> No.50133880

San diego>LA

>> No.50135797
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Atlanta, Georgia

>> No.50136188

I live in Miami.

When most people outside of Miami think of this place they think of living near the beach in an overpriced apartment or house. Driving luxury cars and clubs at night.

It's a piece of shit place to live. Granted it does have some nice areas worth living.
I'd take it over NYC though

>> No.50136206
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>> No.50136229

>making it and then living in a 3rd world shithole to avoid taxes

>in b4 america is a 3rd world shithole with no healthcare

>> No.50136688
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If you really WAGMI, you won't stay in a single city for too long because you travel with or for the seasons. The only reason you would stay in one spot is to give your children a life of normalcy or if you're in a SHTF situation.

My WAGMI places would be
>My hometown
>Kalispell area
>New York
>Palestine (After Israel is destroyed)
>New Zealand
SHTF area
>Montana or Utah

>> No.50137157

>Jew York City
Is this bait?

>> No.50137337

I live in Scottsdale, it's a shithole. Hot as hell half the year, more homeless pouring in every day, and way too expensive for the amenities available.

Been here for 20 years, it's fucking overrated.

>> No.50137342

Checked and witnessed
Don't waste your time. Virginia is nicer and white. Go there. Tell your friends and family.
>t. organ thieves
Shut the fuck up Paco

>> No.50137400



>> No.50137420


>> No.50137481


Fuckin Pakistani spotted

>> No.50138227

New York is great if you actually have things you want to do out there. I live in Brooklyn because I go to a lot of electronic shows. I work from home and I don't need a car. It's ide because I'm young and I haven't figured out where I want to live long term.

>> No.50138464

it's nice*
was phone posting earlier :/

>> No.50138484

Both are shitholes holy fuck. Miami is 98% nonwhite or jewish.

>> No.50138529

The LA basin smells like old smog all the time. Actually living in the city is horrible.

>> No.50138581

So according to biz, nyc is shit, miami is shit, europe is shit, where are we supposed to live?

>> No.50138734

NYC is a fun place if you have money to blow. These is very little you can't get with sufficient money there. It shit, if you're broke.

>> No.50138790


Anywhere in Russia is /biz/ approved.

>> No.50138802

if you've truly made it, you can spend every week in a different city of your choice, rendering the question moot.

>> No.50138831

Kenneth Cordelle Griffin's new office is in Miami. You can send him mail. I recommend pictures of Red Deer.

>> No.50138878

8+ figs: London, NYC, Tokyo, Rome depeding on what you like
7 figs: Anywhere you prefer in Portugal, Italy, Greece

Simple as

>> No.50138935

This is 4chan, where everybody is negative. Don't take it so seriously.
If you like cities, New York is massive and has many different areas you can live. Most people think New York is just Times Square because they were tourists once.

>> No.50139542

>america is a 3rd world shithole with no healthcare
It's true tho

>> No.50139586

If you really made it, you buy a 10M mansion in a quiet white town in the bay area (Pacifica is great). East Coast is for plebs.

>> No.50139608
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>New York is massive and has many different areas you can live. Most people think New York is just Times Square because they were tourists once.
IKR? You can still see coyotes around New York.

>> No.50139651


>> No.50139796

This nigger really wrote latinx

>> No.50139877

Yeah parts of queens and Brooklyn are actually really comfy and still close enough to the city if you want to commute.

>> No.50139952
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definitely miami. but to be a certfied adult you have to live at least a little while in both.

>> No.50139982

Nigga if u leave the country you STILL have to pay taxes as an American. The only way out is to denounce your us citizenship

>> No.50140060

If you're make it location isn't a self sustaining fortress in bumfuck nowhere you're an NPC

>> No.50140082

I like the way you think even if I wouldn't classify Rome as a top tier city

>> No.50140092

holy shit neither

>> No.50140107

Los Angeles is a 90% Hispanic parking lot of a city you stupid Jew

>> No.50140190
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the hottest women in the country are in miami. beach, downtown, wynwood, etc, but most are dumb as rocks and their english sucks. you also have to deal with latin dudes, many of them cool, but a high percentage are roid rage tough guy retards

>> No.50141304

>naples is a shithole
>amalfi is nice
That anon was talking about Naples, FL lol
you're correct though

>> No.50141311


>> No.50141389

>Hot as hell half the year,
OP would be in the other places during that half, of course.

>more homeless pouring in every day
legitimate concern>>50137337
>way too expensive for the amenities available.
this describes half his list, so I'm not sure it's a concern>>50138529
>The LA basin smells like old smog all the time. Actually living in the city is horrible.
How about Irivne for raising a family?
Question for the chat: if you were an amerimutt worth $700k and about to get Italian citizenship, would you incorporate that in make it plans?

I don't speak Italian; never been to Italy. My family just happened to file the paperwork and I signed some stuff. Currently chilling in philippines (also like vietnam, but visas suck right now)

>> No.50141395


>> No.50141402


>> No.50141419

the staten island COYOTE CHAD

>> No.50141652

St. Louis or Little Rock for me, yes I am a black gentleman

>> No.50141774

>> Miami
>> make it city
Hate to break it to you bro but Miami is a city you move to after you made it not when you are trying to make it

>> No.50141823

>> This
I lived in NYC and been to Miami, there us nothing better than being comfy... chasing after where's will backfire eventually

>> No.50141956
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For me, its:

>> No.50141962

Eh, if I feel it's not worth living in I'll just live elsewhere
Did I say Islamabad or Lahore you absolute brainlet?

>> No.50142170

SD reeks of piss and is full of homeless heroin addicts

>> No.50142205

having spent a lot of time in each, miami by far. beach and golf all day
new york is the fading beacon of what was the greatest empire of the 20th century. it's either too hot, too cold, too smelly, and the people are ugly and bored
it's a fun place to visit for a few days because there's lots to see. but i'd never live there
if I was going to do big city life I'd do singapore

>> No.50142244

SD smells horrible. So many fags too

>> No.50142246

this is exactly how my father lives. summer in his childhood home town in ireland, august spent travelling the world, winter in the caribbean, spring in france and england

>> No.50142256


It checks out

>> No.50142284

>Make it
>Durrrrr what am I supposed to do with my time hurrrrr durrrrrrrr I need someone to tell me what to do
>Put on helmet and log into /biz/
>DURRR I have 8 figures and I don’t know what to do with my life is nyc still cool
>die of retardation

>> No.50142310


Denver? Lol

>> No.50142464

>new zealand
enjoy going to prison for cyber bullying

>> No.50142970

wynwood is full of trannies. literal trannies! and libs! i hate going to wynwood

>> No.50143036


denver is really nice for outdoor activities including skiing. the city is pretty interesting. i would say it's not a 'make it' city, but i would certainly be comfortable spending a part of my years there esp. skiing

>> No.50143095
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It's lowkey Chicago.

>> No.50143789

Retard alert

>> No.50143842

Chicago is a literal shit hole. Not a single redeeming quality.

>> No.50143908

Chicago is a great city to avoid. Cook County has the longest streak of negative population growth. The niggers ruined everything.

>> No.50143958
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You mean besides it being beautiful with great urban planning and food and museums and architecture?

>> No.50143975


lmao you are a fucking retard

t. lives in new zealand

>> No.50143985

There's a kiwi on /nfl/ that loves it but he says the cost of living's getting really high. That nature seems makes it seem like you could forgive all that though. He lives in Nelson.

>> No.50144053

Havnt been to /sp/ for a while. The natures great but you could do that on a poverty budget.

>> No.50144150

How is turkey? Someone at work was trying to redpill me on it. And if you spend over 750K, you get citizenship, and they don't pay taxes. My whole plan was to buy property, get my dual citizenship then cash out my crypto without paying tax in my current country.

>> No.50144164

I would literally shoot whoever wrote this post in the kneecaps and then beat him to a bloody pulp

>> No.50144189

>he doesn't understand FICA tax inflation strategies to effectuate an early retirement in late 20s or early 30s offsetting all taxes hitherto incurred

>> No.50144209
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>make it

>> No.50144320
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Burger here who has lived in la Chicago and nyc, here to set the record straight

FPBP and it’s not even about taxes but the general civilisational decline. Many burgers itt who have never left or who are plebs in their souls will have no appreciation for what a superior city is

If you have everything going for you it’s one of the few redeeming cities in America but it gets worse every year (more globohomo niggers crime on the streets etc). You need lots of money youth energy and even then it will wear you down quickly, but if you know where to look it’s an endless ride. Still ultimately a wagie city, like energy American city

Respectable choices ngl

Also kinda true, I still think there are a few gems hidden in Western Europe and Canada

All Kinda true

Too harsh but respectable opinion depending on your personality

Best summary I’ve seen

Naples Florida? Neck yourself you fucking idiot

The post that really pissed me off. Whoever wrote this should be shot in both kneecaps and then filleted like a salmon. LA is hell on earth, both Miami and nyc are leagues beyond and even they are kinda meh at this point


Nice bait

America is worse than a 3rd world shithole with no healthcare. It’s a 3rd world shithole with the prices of the first world, no culture, no sense of community, no charm, horrific women, and no soul.

So to conclude, Miami nyc and San Diego are the only 3 redeeming places to live in America at this point once you’ve made it, and which one you chooose depends on your personality, but they are still shit and have been getting rapidly worse every year.

If you stay in America you are not gonna make it and deserve everything that is coming to you

>> No.50144382

Horrific and Turks are the most aggressive subhumans on the planet, they are ugly stupid arrogant cunts, extremely petty, literally 0 redeeming qualities. Turkey is a no go zone until Turks are removed from it

It was…30 years ago. You absolute fucking retard Chicago now is in rapid decline and utterly horrific place to live. You are an absolute cuck if you choose to be ruled by that orangutan mayor, johgers everywhere and police will not help you

>> No.50144426


>> No.50144440

The Florida Keys over Miami any day of the week, and NYC for when it's just too hot in FL.

>> No.50144509

You're a subhuman controlled by your dick and impulses like an actual faggot. Any offspring produced with Miami women would be goblinas. Miami has the highest STD rate in the country. You submit to a vice, you emasculate and weaken yourself. You'll never make it because you lack the will to power and will always be a hyclic animal with a subverted will. I would kill myself before I accept vice as a fact of life.

>> No.50144575
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why would I live in a nigger infected shithole after I make it?

>> No.50144580

House in Miami
House in NYC

>> No.50144586


>being terrified of bundas


>> No.50144628
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It's good because of perfect population density so don't advertise it you freakshow or we'd have to move to Asenovgrad to run away from foreign soijacks
This, too. Dubai is great for 2-3 months of the year, it makes redditors seethe and there's no fags around. Singapore is hard to get in, but is more walkable which I appreciate.
kek sorry you'd be thrown off a roof but that's a prerequisite for a good city.

>> No.50144731
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Go ahead and look at the migration numbers and you'll see hundreds of thousands of people leaving NY in the past few years. It's dirty, crime is rising, liberal laws are at their worst there, expensive as shit, etc

>> No.50144818

T. Somebody who couldn't make it in the best make it, LA.

Best thots, best nature, best trails, best FOOD