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50116212 No.50116212 [Reply] [Original]

this is NUTS

>> No.50116223

Lunc bros getting chills

>> No.50116234

does anything think there will ever be another shib?

>> No.50116279


>> No.50116308

Same goes for pope dogecoin right now

>> No.50116311

The one with the bat

>> No.50116319

>If you bought "x" "x" amount of time ago you'd have "x"
This is how you out yourself at being a virgin "investor"

>> No.50116395

Did anyone check the math on that? It seems extremely fake and gay.

>> No.50116430

it's 60 mil.

>> No.50116447

Because it is fake and gay just like every other post made to get baggies to pump their coin.

>> No.50116462

Don't need to check even
Even if you had that many coins
You wouldn't be able to sell them halfway without crashing the price to 0.

This is a major problem for big whales who want to cash out big amounts but need to do it trough many smaller transactions so they don't cause a big dump and lose a big part of the profits

>> No.50116734

>what is mcap
Lunafags don’t get it. That kind of return can only be possible with an apparently shitty $100k mcap token, because serious-looking projects start with VC money at around $100m mcap.
1. find a token with a mcap lower than 1m usd and with a 1b+usd mcap potential;
2. buy $1k worth of it
4. ???
5. Congrats anon, you are a millionaire.
>hurr durr how do I find it
Shilled it to you already: https://dexscreener.com/avalanche/0xdc63069d6f920c6300065ac28acd05b1f7b3b0c1

>> No.50116763

Imagine saying that buying electronic tokens is 'investing'. No wonder the boomers still run things.

>> No.50116782

The boomers still run things because they did the same thing with shitty corporations like amazog.

>> No.50116842

>Imying you wouldnt have sold for 30k, 50k, 100k etc
dude hindsight lmao

>> No.50116891

1.2B sell order would evaporate any meme coin, shiba included

>> No.50116907

boomers run things because they have their finger on the printer

>> No.50116931

Shib made me 7 digits because I was pouring all of my dumb money into stupid pajeet scams on here. The world is a joke.

>> No.50116936

THIS. But 90% of normies and people on this board will never know this feel. The price impact and shit get way too high. You have to start getting extremely creative with how you will actually cash out.

>> No.50116939

50 dollars at launch would give you 2.2 bil price zestimate

>> No.50116957

but it is what you wanted

hope to ever feel like you, i know the world is a joke, but without money currently

would rather know world is a joke but with money

>> No.50116973

They'll say the same thing about bitcoin one day

>> No.50117012
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There is still SHIB

>> No.50117016

this is how the scam goes on. whales need idiots to invest their money so they can get richer. and idiots will always dream they can be rich, when only 1 in a million may have a chance to even make it

>> No.50117023

>market cap 5.5 billion
>"you would have 1.2 billion"
As usual, normies can't into liquidity, and literally think billions of dollars just appear out of thin air whenever a ponzi scheme takes off

>> No.50117160

Dog with bat

>> No.50117183

was there even enough liquidity for somebody to sell that much when it was at that value?

>> No.50117191

i was so fucking close to doing it aswell.

>> No.50117201

Off by several zeros. Just like your IQ

>> No.50117225

I remember it being shilled in early 2021
I wanted to spend my last 50€ worth of ethereum on it but I figured the gas price was way too high to justify buying it
I would have sold after it 5x anyway so whatever

>> No.50117246

And to think were gonna see this shit happen again thanks to dogbat

>> No.50117352

EGT, it's going to be the last great meme play this cycle.

>> No.50117480

Not until next bull market. Trick is finding it. There will be so many coins that seem like Shib but arent. Id say throwm $100 a bunch of them.

>> No.50117482
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It is also wrong.

True stories are like this: I mined bitcoin in 2010 and wrote an uni paper months before it got to 1 dollar per BTC. You couldn’t really buy btc then, but I could have asked for someone to sell ne more btc on forums. I did not. If I had, I’d be a billionaire now. I haven’t. Why? Because I did not see its potential.

>> No.50117513

I'd crash it, idgaf
It's not lost if I never had it to begin with and this way I'd get a good chuckle out of the panic ensuing

>> No.50117517

>you would now have
uh, no you wouldn't, you have to sell it. you have no USD until you sell the asset.
who will buy at spot 1000 times in a row, when everyone sees a "whale" selling on twitter?
why are cryptofags so fucking clueless? this is like the very first thing to understand about trading. you don't just withdraw "your money," you don't fucking have any until after there's a bidder and the order closes.

>> No.50117531

He's was only doing basic calculation. Shib price x initial investment. You would never be able to cash out that amount even if you sell at multiple liquidity sources. The amount you would get highly depended on the liquidity at that time so it's really hard to find out the correct amount.

>> No.50117571

If you invested $1000 in SHIB 11 months ago you had serious mental illness, tho.
LUNC is quite different, not really considering it the "next SHIB".

>> No.50117717
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>tfw I had 70 billion SHIB I got for like $650 but sold too soon

>> No.50117740

different how? (I bought in)

>> No.50117776


>all you had to do was buying 1m lunc during summer 2022

>> No.50117781

also all you niggers being like
>well ACKSHUALLY if you tried to cash out that much you'd crash the market
yeah no shit faggots but you could still cash out 8 figures with relative ease

>> No.50117791

Lunc is going to crush this shitcoin.

>> No.50118125

Check shib marketcap retard, thats not how it works, you dont get 1billion for 1000$ 11 months ago

>> No.50118342

Don't know anything about SHIB but I feel like everyone benefits from LUNC making a bit of a recovery. All the big exchanges lost money on it crashing. The bagholders at reddit could recoup a bit of their losses. LUNC succeding and 2UNA failing could be seen as a fuck you to Do Kwon. It just has a good narrative. I'm not expecting it to make people milliionaires, but there is money to be made there.

>> No.50118820

>people could recoup their losses
There is one giant problem, and that is the fact that there is no new value being created anywhere in that coin. There is no money being created. All the price growth, and every dime that anyone manages to cash out, comes from SOMEONE ELSE BUYING IN. It is a zero sum game. If someone becomes a millionaire from it, everyone one of those million dollars is a dollar someone else put in. Mathematically, the winnings will exactly equal the losses. Not everyone can cash out. For every person who recoups their losses, there will be at least one new bagholder in their place. How do people not understand this? Do they think new wealth just spawns out of thin air?

>> No.50118859
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When are normies going to buy dog with bat?

>> No.50119023

>Because I did not see its potential.
It has no fucking potential. The dumb masses heard about the price going up and decided to put their money in.

>> No.50119034

One of the biggest whales cashed out $1B near the top across a couple of days. There were a few 20-30% dips but they rebounded quickly.

The volume on SHIB/USDT was higher than BTC/USDT on Binance and a few other exchanges during the peak in May. People had no issue cashing out huge amounts because every dip was immediately slurped

>> No.50119041

Congrats you just described every investment

>> No.50119125

No. With something like stocks, you own shares of a company. You own shares of that company's resources, intellectual property. That company is doing work, gathering more resources, sometimes directly from the earth. That company is generating intellectual and logistical capabilities. Etc. And each share, ostensibly, entitles you to a slice of whatever wealth the company possesses if the company ever closes or whatever. Or, in the case of dividends, it entitles you to a slice of the company's ongoing income. There is value being created in the system. The shares you own can DO SOMETHING for you, other than being sold to a bigger retard.

>> No.50119148

>Congrats you just described every investment
How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.50119164

That's one whale. Yes, of course a small handful of people will get out and be set for life. But it can very quickly devolve into a race to the bottom as others start wanting to cash out too. You crypto guys always envision yourself as one of the few whales who will get out rich. This is why every coin is basically a lottery. Everyone buys tickets, and the proceeds from the sales are used to pay the small number of winners.

>> No.50119386

>meme ownership of a company
Yeah big guy you’re so right. Make sure you exercise your voting power so you can show it to the plurality vanguard and index fund owners. There is no value in your stocks other than dumping on people buying later unless you own a company issuing dividends. Don’t give me that retarded shit

>> No.50119430

The fact you think it’s not (or are going to pretend it isn’t) shows me how retarded you are. No one cares about retards who argue in bad faith

>> No.50119449

The only thing worse than stupid people is stupid people who think they're smart. Do the world a favor and off yourself.

>> No.50119509

ENS domains

perfect storm of circumstances. people are burned out of meme coins. people are burned out on pfp nfts. people are burned out on defi. lunc jeets with $300 networth are the most embarrassing, it's literally a collapsed ponzi

ens domains have all the markers for a unique market wide narrative focus whether its real or not(hint, none of the other narratives were accurate, so it's irrelevant if you believe in the long term success or not)

ens domain value has already 50-100x'd in the last 9 months or so. and it's still miniscule, there's easily another 1000x possible over the next 2-3 years

>> No.50119543

>says investments have no value
>gets explained why some investments have value
>"pfft whatever bro, muh vanguard and whatever, that's not real value"
>"unless there are dividends (which many companies do actually have)"
You're the one arguing in bad faith. And you know what, even if we accept your retarded take, the miniscule value in a stock is still literally infinitely more value than your FutaDickGirlCoin or whatever literal ponzi scheme happens to be the flavor of the month.

>> No.50119700

With great percentage gains comes great percentage losses when the momentum shifts. Yes, everybody is aware of the risks

>> No.50119929

What is ENS domains? Could you elaborate and where to get this? thanks.

>> No.50119985

ENS is a utility public good platform that has been live since 2017. vitalik has tweeted dozens of times about how great it is

it reduces complex hexadecimal addresses into a human readable format (0x239810389sd90a89dsa -> john.eth)
this is precisely the same thing that DNS does for web domains.

ens utility has 100x the utility of DNS domains (hosting websites on ens domains is simply 1 tiny piece of their total utility)

ill copy paste my intro to ens in the following posts

>> No.50119992

people buying high value domains in order to flex digitally is inevitable. it happens everywhere there are names - from xbox gamer tags, to instagram handles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Yk3qLPGIcM))

ens is the only platform where you actually own a word/name/number. you dont own your wow name, you dont own your twitter name, you don't even own your .com domain. you simply trust a centralized entity to let you keep it, which can have disastrous consequences(like the guy in the above video that lost his 6 figure handle with no warning or explanation). nobody can ever take your ENS domain, including the ens dao.

>> No.50120004

>how do you get exposure to the inevitable ens domain bullrun?

the easiest way is buying a 4digit "10k club" domain. you monitor the floor price here - https://www.ens.vision/categories/10k-club?page=0 and you can see big sales here - https://twitter.com/enssales

other categories on the ens.vision site that are good are the english noun/verb categories and 3/4/5 letter dictionary.

if you're too poor to afford any of them, your best bet are 5 digit palindromes(i would recommend the ABABA, ABBBA, AABAA format dromes - they are the most aesthetic). if you're still too poor then it's time to start minting domains for about $10 each when gas it low. but be warned 99% of what people mint themselves are worthless garbage, go for quality over quantity

>> No.50120014

>but they're just numbers
ENS is your pseudonymous digital identity package. it's your handle, your email, your instant messenger, your social media profiles, and websites can be hosted on it as well(type in vitalik.eth in brave browser and you'll see his blog. on chrome you'll have to type in vitalik.eth.limo because they havnt integrated ens yet)

sign in with ethereum solves the problem of having to sign up with every website in addition to its main purpose - a human readable and easily communicable crypto address(for every chain, not just eth)

it is inevitable

>> No.50120057

Sounds cool but very confusing, i am a brainlet when it comes to learning new things.

>> No.50120150

it's not confusing at all. right now look at your browser. you see boards.4channel.org

that's not the web address, the web address is simply IP numbers(like

DNS provided a user friendly aesthetic coverplate for those numbers.

that's what ENS is except for your eth address. every popular platform that gets adopted has extremely high value aesthetic coverplates(twitter, instagram, facebook, DNS, every single one. ENS is a bet on eth platform getting adopted. if you're bullish on eth you should be bullish on ENS, they are inextricably intertwined)

now explaining why 4 digits (10k club) are a good investment that cant go wrong(it will flip mayc in floor price. mayc has a higher supply by 2x) it gets a little complex. but the essence has to do with liquidity(liquidity good, the ability to trade quickly and easily good)

>> No.50120351

Would you agree that Lunc has a cascading value in that any money made by early investors will be redistributed amongst the top 5 thereby increasing the overall market ? As you say an across the board withdrawl and therefore required increase in buy ins would crash the coin to zero, redistribution of the coins value into stable coins will increase market confidence and therefore enable an increased chance of fulfilling the lunc sell orders. Binance holding what they do is a sign that they’re aware that value remains and there is a chance to slingshot their coin bnb with better pairing price.

>> No.50120365


>> No.50120370

There was a wallet that did this, having bought $1k of every dog token that came out. He had $2 bil in shib at the very top, not sure what happened or how much he ultimately got away with

>> No.50120401

Is there any YouTube channel or something you can recommend me to who is specified in this field? Where can i buy it? Does it have anything to do with crypto?

>> No.50120419

got tx addresses? because I remember a bunch of eyes were on an address that had ~a billion USD worth of SHIB and everyone was waiting for him to cash out and crash it with no survivors but I don't think it ever really happened iirc

>> No.50120551

ill quote my previous post

"the easiest way is buying a 4digit "10k club" domain. you monitor the floor price here - https://www.ens.vision/categories/10k-club?page=0 and you can see big sales here - https://twitter.com/enssales"

you simply click that link, then buy a floor digit from opensea. this presumes you understand how to use opensea(which is itself extremely simple, and you should learn today if you're unfamiliar)

the only ENS related youtuber is here - https://www.youtube.com/c/MattGarcia

>> No.50120553

Increasing confidence in other things that themselves don't have any value, does not count as value. And to be clear, I actually don't think there's anything intrinsically wrong with ponzi schemes. They reward awareness and risk management, and punish greed in those that hold too long. But the beginning of this conversation was the insinuation that some luna bagholders will recoup their losses, and I simply pointed out that mathematically, the total wealth lost among losers cannot possibly be decreased or abated in any way due to the nature of the scheme. At best, the bags will simply be transferred to other people's hands.

>> No.50120570
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>> No.50120593

Get this fake shot out of here ya fucking faggot

>> No.50120728

You don’t use quotes in greentexts you fucking retard. That explains it, go back

>> No.50121555

oh, only 1k>60million then

>> No.50121596

I invested $1000 into SHIB 11 months ago...

>> No.50121708


all of this except i put way more faith in handshake domains. any TLD, really solid thing they got going on. im on mobile so fuck typing rn but yea domainz gonna be yuuuge

>> No.50121853

shib pulled an 18,000,000% gain which means 1k invested at the bottom would've been $180M at the top

>> No.50121856

you're just wrong. too long to explain but nobody wants TLD's, they want a strong brand/personal identifier in a strong TLD(.com, .eth only)

theres thousands of them, nobody gives a fuck about a single one except .com/.eth

>> No.50122324

checkd and correctd

>> No.50122403

You know I nearly did to. I was quite new to crypto and just sorted by cheapest coin. Saw shib, had no idea - thought "maybe Ill just put a 1k in and leave it". I never did it.

>> No.50122543
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All you have to do is hold.

>> No.50122647

there was ~$350m in liquidity aggregate if I recall correctly, and that's if you were able to dump everywhere simultaneously and assuming most of the order books weren't spoofs (which, they are)

>> No.50122649
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>> No.50123494

It's exactly what I did. Let's go.

>> No.50123537

>I have nothing else to say, I'll attack the formatting of his post
>Please buy my LUNC bags many moons soon sirs

>> No.50123552

Why can't any of my shitcoins do this?

>> No.50123581

Was that the KennelMaster or whatever the fuck? There was a guy that was a dog coin savant that posted under that name here around April-May 2021.

>> No.50123602

Holy fuck, so just 10 dollars in that shitcoin would have gave you 1.8 million

>> No.50123695
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And what's even crazier is that there are individuals, not just exchanges, still holding trillions of SHIB.

>> No.50123747

Go back

>> No.50123757

Yes. KENSHI is on the trajectory for that.. basically next chainlink and the project already goes 100% in bearmarket without any marketing.

>1 mio marketcap
> swiss devs
> no marketing / bullshit promises
> main dev has repository full of commits for past year

>> No.50123989


>> No.50124651

dog bat

>> No.50124663

Could you actually sell the coins?

>> No.50125310

What if I don't understand crypto at all but want to. I don't get wrapped or wallets. This looks really good as in a buy.

>> No.50125327

>if you invested $1,000 into a random shitcoin you would have $1.2 Billion. This is just nuts.

uh yeah ok.

>> No.50125415

just hold any of the following:
d0b0 (mainly this one)

>> No.50125650

stealth shilling

>> No.50126346
File: 73 KB, 561x513, SON OF LUNChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUNC. And only LUNC.
Get in now while you still have the chance.

>> No.50126593

The way around that is to borrow against it on defi then keep the borrowed asset and take the hit on the loan repayment. We've seen it before

>> No.50126777

>if you bought $100 dollars $100 dollars ago youd have $100 dollars
this is how you out yourself as an algebra virgin

>> No.50126790

luna isn't a dogcoin and the market cap is already high as shit. You'd literally need the majority of the supply to get burned or you're not getting rich.

>> No.50127007

no it just means you're a degenerate gambler

>> No.50127282

I'm accumulating all the Dogelon Mars that I can now. It's going to be the next SHIB.

>> No.50127659

LUNC will do well but the market cap is already too high for SHIB style gains. That could change if the coin burn plans are ever implemented but those are still unclear.

>> No.50127682

There's no difference