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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5010181 No.5010181 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5010208

he literally has no filter

>> No.5010227

He is right though. Everyone has become in this for the money. I miss the old /biz/ when we were about the tech and bringing down the ZOG

>> No.5010235

CAn this guy just fucking kill himself already? Doesn't he like money?

>> No.5010238


>> No.5010244

hes a purist who doesnt care for fiat at all. dont lie to yourself, you know the banks have seen an influx of money due to crypto. it is counter to the purpose. but in time, that will secede.

>> No.5010248

Hes an autistic developer driven by ideology, he doesnt give a shit how much anything is worth

>> No.5010254

so based. fudding the entire crypto market

>> No.5010259

Vitalik is /ourguy/ trying to take crypto back from the normie masses... Just set up your shorts and ride this out.

>> No.5010279

He's a russio-communist so no he doesn't

>> No.5010282

>Expert economist Vitalik 'Big Dick' Buterin

>> No.5010283

It's almost as if he's completely right.

>> No.5010284

His concerns lie beyond money. You literally are not smart enough to understand what he does.

>> No.5010286

Would you rather have a flash bubble and subsequent crash, destroying all Normie confidence?

>> No.5010291

You forgot that /biz/ is the normies now. Don't forgot to like us on goybook, anon.

>> No.5010349

gamblers itt getting nervous HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.5010355
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Yesterday charlie lee tweeted fud when LTC was mooning. Today this autist does the same while ETH is mooning.

What's happening? It's like these people don't want to see goyim like us to be rich.

>> No.5010369

The tech is here though. We are bringing down the ZOG, slowly

>> No.5010374

>how many dApps have we created that have substantial usage?

None because ethereum can't scale and Vitalik wastes time on Twitter instead of coding a scaling solution

>> No.5010401

Its because they made their tech for the same reason Satoshi Nakamoto did. my man and they see these masses of cattle come in from the scent of money corrupting everything.

>> No.5010421

the money skeleton is displeased. we must appease him

>> No.5010424

What better incentive for the average person to help bring down the ZOG though?

I understand your pains, the enthusiasm is not about the tech or the ideals, but keep in mind that it's still there, just behind the golden curtains. The masses would never come otherwise.

>> No.5010463

this is why i love this motherfucker and why ETH is the best

it's not about money dum dums, think bigger

>> No.5010469

>the tech is here

>wait an hour+ for a transaction

>> No.5010492

it's because they aren't fucking stupid and can see obvious market manipulation happening

>> No.5010495

Charlie did the same and it did not have one single EFFECT. So no worries

>> No.5010497

All part of his plans
theflippening.org has all the details

>> No.5010533

The tech is here, and the banks are already copying it.

>> No.5010608
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>> No.5010618

>le banking the unbanked meme
>censoring commie talking about censorship resistence
What a fucking clown

>> No.5010692


I love money skelly, he gives zero fucks. This is actually why I trust ETH will make it.

>> No.5010770

>he doesnt know about Waves NG


>> No.5010779

Upvoted. Nice comment /u/i3cvyyOC.

>> No.5010830

Raise your gas limit you cheap fuck

>> No.5010861

They can’t though. That’s the thing. A bank can’t own a distributed blockchain.

It’s like putting wings on an ocean liner and calling it aviation.

>> No.5010904

Multiple banks can setup a blockchain together, to facilitate trading

>> No.5010913
File: 559 KB, 958x539, 1511230864727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I too miss the old /biz/

>> No.5010931

HAHAHHAHA he made his money desu, he don't care

>> No.5010958

It's now crashing
He just pulled a Power Ledger on this shitshow

>> No.5010985

clearly he understands the meaning of increasing fiat value in what is a basically an experimental project.
also none of those negatives have anything to do with money, just technical advancement.
he has no one to blame but himself

>> No.5011009

Anyone else like the fact that based Vitalik is so honest and transparent? Despite the fact that he could lie and continue to make millions from normies. He's so open even to the point of defending child pornography. I love this autist.

>> No.5011021

lol no were not. the current state of affairs in crypto makes me sick and im making money out the wazoo

>> No.5011036
File: 308 KB, 516x750, DEUPow2UIAAqJD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fears that all his achievements will collapse and he is finally seeing the bubble for what it is

>> No.5011073

Is this some thinly veiled shilling for Humaniq and TRST from Vitalik himself?

>> No.5011124
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1501570066959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into bitcoin in 2011
>most people arent obsessed with price, small amount hoping for 2x or 10x gains
>everybody discussing fee-free transactions, people being their own bank, no censorship, lifting everyone out of debt based currency

>higher fees than non-crypto transactions
>cartoon cat game
>ICO Scams

I'm sorry Satoshi.

>> No.5011134

Fiat value is worthless when a coin gets pump and dumped left and right.

>> No.5011149


>> No.5011369

>le banking the unbanked meme

Fuck you, Mbuto the Rwandan would be a titan of industry if not for the markup on cell phone minutes and payday loans he uses to run his fruit stand.

>> No.5011444
File: 202 KB, 900x1200, ChomLee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I hate commies.
>the ETH virgin "hodler"
>the LTC chad investor

>> No.5011510

And it could be called. . . ripple

>> No.5011543
File: 332 KB, 600x450, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek confirms.

>> No.5011829

Oh yeah /biz/ was so much better when all people talked about was shitty books they never read, wiping their asses with wash rags to save a penny, and Tony Robbins seminars... Really miss that.