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50109922 No.50109922 [Reply] [Original]

Today is Canada day. What is the financial future of Canada?

>> No.50109934

Are you a leaf? go outside and tell me what you see.

>> No.50109947

A lot of blackness.

>> No.50109962

its actually done
what a shithole country, i'm going to costa rica

>> No.50109992

Importing browns and then paying them welfare, to prop up the housing market, on repeat

>> No.50110021

It's scary outside, bro frfr (no cap)

>> No.50110056

Pretty fucked considering they were dealt a great hand:
>Massive natural resource reserves
>Global warming would actually be massively beneficial to you long term
>Educated intelligent population
>Low population of natives
>Plenty of waterways
>Close allies with anglo countries that you can mooch off of
>Good food-self sufficiency
Decide to turn a fifth of the country's economy into everyone trying to be landlords over each other instead of developing any high tech industries.
Decide to import low IQ immigrants to try and make people be able to achieve their dreams of being a landlord.
In the second-lowest population density country.

>> No.50110105
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some her in Australia.
Globohomo really fucked us hard. remember, when we finally get the day of the rope (and wood chippers) don't feel sorry for them, when we pile em up

>> No.50110123

Considering they did nothing to remove Turdeau, I'd say bleak, spinal disorders are no joke.

>> No.50110169

I think it's a trap of thinking you can just follow the US and England's examples without building the biopharma/tech powerhouses of Silicon valley, Boston, NYC, and London.

>> No.50110213

I think we were sabotaged by other countries maybe USA or Israel maybe someone in Europe. We had the potential for a huge technology and engineering industry and threw it all away

>> No.50110231

Nice autism but canada could never compete with the US

>> No.50110269
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Canada will collapse


>> No.50110278

Not with GDP. But USA doesn't lead tech either. Israel has that title. Which is why they have a backdoor in most modern hardware and software. The Jews knew it all along, how important tech would be. USA handed it to them on a silver platter and told everyone else to play along so the kike could have his day.

>> No.50110340

Not everything is a competition, countries specialize into different niches. Canada should've found their own niche and developed some industry like the Netherlands with their yachts, or Israel with their robots/farming/desalinization, or Taiwan with its chips, or a myriad of other countries.

>> No.50110360

We shot ourselves in the foot, our lawmakers are retarded. Just look at who PM is, that alone makes me want to jump off a boat in the middle of the atlantic

>> No.50110382

>im so mad at them that im going to hurt myself
distinctly canadian

>> No.50110391

Yeah, It's amazing how a good or bad roll on a leader can make or break a country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VslKKgYvVKU

>> No.50110399
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it's not good, anon

>> No.50110409

>Competing with the USA
USA isn't even too 20 for quality of life, Fat. Canada had it really good for a long time but they flew too close to the sun in being naive pushovers in a PvP world.

>> No.50110414

polite, gainfully employed niggers like me impregnating blondes and larping as a jew

but fr, its getting dark out here leafbros

>> No.50110443

>USA isn't even too 20 for quality of life
It's number 1 in the world for educated/hard working whites/asians/(rare minorities) though. Which is what actually matters if you're a capitalist.

>> No.50110504

It's only an issue for shithole 2-bit banana countries or extremely centralized dictatorships. For all it's faults the US does not depend 100% on the qualities of its president: hell they have a senior who can barely string two words together and the country is still functioning somehow. Or remember the deranged ziomaxxed cheeto? Yea those were the days.

>> No.50110546

USA is #1 for allowing them to make the most amount of money for their owners. Quality of life is a different metric.

>> No.50110558
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You're right, we haven't played our resource card yet at all. Canada will be forced to step up as the world goes to shit. USA has 10-15 years tops worth of oil reserves left in the ground, Canada will up it's production to provide for USA/Europe for the next 100 years.

It'll happen when we finally flush the Turd.

>> No.50110592
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This is true: Canada was tied with Switzerland for #1 spot in quality of life ratings in the 90s and 00s. Now it's not even in the top 10. Economically it was consistently in the top 5 on a per capita basis. Now GDP per capita is $20k lower than the US which does not even have a southern border.

>> No.50110641

They have the best healthcare in the world, and a high wage with low taxes. You're absolutely delusional if you think a Silicon valley tech yuppie or boston biotech scientist doesn't have access to good healthcare. The only country with more MRI per capita is Japan.

>> No.50110699

If you hate MRI for whatever autistic schizo reason, the USA is also best in the world for cancer survival rates and number of new pharmaceuticals invented per year.

>> No.50110705

Bro, the tech bubble is imploding. These tech yuppies will be unemployable by the end of the year.

>> No.50110719

>number of new pharmaceuticals invented per year
Yes: experimental mystery science juice against the super dangerous aids-coof.

>> No.50110739

That's possible. They will get at least 6 months of continued healthcare from their employer to find a different job or switch over to medicaid on unemployment though, kek. My point being that the healthcare here is only bleak if you are well below-average in competancy/employment. Middle class and above get the best healthcare in the world, lower class get little to no healthcare, and unemployed/welfare class get free mediocre welfare. Yes it's sort of stupidly structured.

>> No.50110754

>we don't NEED new chemotherapy drugs. I'll just fast the cancer away

>> No.50110779

Not what I said, chief. Try again.

>> No.50110794

>Middle class
Doesn't exist in USA.

>> No.50110809


>> No.50110824

Yes, people pushed out vax's which were of dubious quality because
A. The severity of covid was not clear, therefore the risk/reward profile was not clear
B. The vaccines themselves went through trials quickly and with minimal scrutiny.
In retrospect it is embarrassing the FDA allowed this shit and politicians let it be mandatory. It's still not relevant to 80-90% of the drugs out there that do work though.

>> No.50111287

two more weeks

>> No.50111709
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>> No.50112830

I can't even leave this shithole because I'm not vaxxed. Good luck out there

>> No.50113479
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Not good lol,

>> No.50113510

I really don't get it. I live 20 minutes from the border and always saw Canada as a more advanced and comfortable place until I was about 25. Now I just make fun of them.