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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50063461 No.50063461 [Reply] [Original]

How much do they earn each month?

>> No.50063494

that wig made him look like disgusting tranny

>> No.50063503

you're a disgusting tranny

>> No.50063565
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The future competition will be tough.

At least some will be mentally prepared for becoming camgirls when the economy collapses.

>> No.50063748

No joke. If people want free money through streaming, you should just take the vtuber pill. If you hit 1k viewership you're basically on the top 15 percent of the market. The market is also more gullible and are prone to whaling donations to you compared to normal streamers.
In terms of the content creativity, you just need to copy the popular vtuber trends of that time or if you want to be "creative" just copy what real streamers do that vtubers hasn't done yet.

>> No.50063847

who is the incubus with the stinkybuss

>> No.50064325

It's insanely profitable but I don't think you understand what medium sized means.
For streamers 100-200 consistent viewers is barely enough to do it full time. 1000+ viewers and you're making more than your average wageslave. 10k+ and you're a millionaire.

>> No.50064340
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he looks like a milllennial. he already hit the tranny wall

>> No.50064341

$4,000.00 per month if he/she has hundreds of thousands of view per vid/stream and sponsors

>> No.50064402

It's so fucking dumb people are so stupid, why would you want that. Just sell crypto and nudes.

Like how people working in slaughterhouses oh you get used to the smells and the blood and being covered in blood and shit all day. Then you go home and everything you touch smells like blood and death. Oh you get used to it.

But why the fuck wyld you want to

>> No.50064422

How do even do this? Like is there a software or do I need to hire some third wordler

>> No.50064507

youtube is so fucking congested tho. without hiring a marketing site, you'll be lucky to make a few hundred bucks a month grinding it out daily. google's algorithm has turned to shit because of it. i watch asmr videos and back before every other thot with her tiddies hanging out was licking microphones, whenever i searched for asmr videos, my favorite artists would pop up, now 90% of them pop up that i've never even clicked on and half of the ones i like, some which are extremely popular, are now getting buried and disappeared from the algorithm

>> No.50064509

This, it's kinda free money for hanging out with people who adore you or banter with you, so literal heaven. But theres literally hundreds of millions of zoomers who try this and have all day to stream to 2 bot viewers

>> No.50064512

>105% and 108%
>you can pick up to 3 answers..
my biggest problem with this is that musician is the only useful job on the list that generates revenue via a product or service.
the ret of these jobs are basically socially funded drains.

>> No.50064985

There are threads in /vt/ dedicated to making your homebrew facerigs if you go indie. If you want to test your luck, you can try applying to vtuber agencies like hololive and nijisanji(or even the small ones). Getting in the big ones basically means you are set for life for the next 5-10 years, you can stream for once a month and still get more money than a wagie will get for a year.

>> No.50065164

Thx anon. Sounds very unfulfilling though something to keep in mind for sure.

You tried it ?

>> No.50065736

Never tried it but I always saw the lucrativeness of the industry even after the second burst of its viewership bubble.
In reality it is still an awful and unfulfilling life to be in. But if you ever consider being a streamer/youtuber for profit, you may as well go all in and be a vtuber.

>> No.50065763


When some of the regular girls became teases though that was great. But then the talentless trash whores overwhelmed the scene.

>> No.50066782

how can a man be so much more hotter than all the other bong slags? i would do things to him i can't even say out loud cause there are kids on browsing this site

>> No.50066804
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Imagine breeding her while she's ovulating

>> No.50066837

yeah about that...

>> No.50066845

There's something you ought to know

>> No.50066882

I know, she's pregnant. Lucky fella...

>> No.50066883


>> No.50067464

You can teach outside the socialised system. Music + teaching is a reasonable mix if you enjoy music a lot and teaching what you love a smaller amount.

>> No.50067503

>I know, she's pregnant. Lucky fella...
nah bro, he just got fat

>> No.50067582

looks like a wonky faced dude in drag

>> No.50067626
File: 59 KB, 640x350, 8030C0E6-2C74-4EB8-810C-E7DB57FDB884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, straight, look like femboy twink
>get /fit/ and look like Phemto on a cycle
>smoke a pack a day, get in fights, and get a few scars on my face
>still look pretty, but men are scared to go after my bussy now
>still struggling to get /biz/
>see this twink making bank sitting on his ass dressed like a bitch

So we truly are in hell.

>> No.50067649

My wife was recently ovulating a few days ago, so she put on some stockings and challenged me to wrestle with her. So after some tumbling around in bed I pinned her down and nutted in her. I'm living my BEST life. How to genetically modify women so that they are ovulating >90% of the time?

>> No.50067707
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Anon, I hope you can afford what happens in 9 months.

Also, fucking left ETI because of wifelinks and trannyjannies, but now you fruits are following me on /biz/ and /x/. Stay off of /fit/ at least.

>> No.50067741

We are DINKs in high pay jobs with full portfolios, and 2 houses. We're ready. I'm in early 30s, she's mid 20s. "Try for baby" is fun.

>> No.50068794

>How much do they earn each month?
Too much

>> No.50068866

It's easy OP, all you need to do is
>put your name and face out there
>create silly looking video thumbnails with pictures of yourself doing basedjack faces
>sell your soul to moloch
>spend all your free time coming up with new content
>spend so much of your time examining yourself, looking at yourself on camera, wording yourself carefully so as not to anger the algorithm gods, your viewers, or the platform admins
etc. In the end I decided I'd rather be homeless than the pressures and thoughtforms of a youtuber.

>> No.50068914

Post a pic faggot. I need a good nut

>> No.50069028

Burn in hell

>> No.50070592
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>Boasting about smoking a pack of day
Wow anon you're addicted to niccotine your so cool and masculine, tell me more about how much money you give to (((Tobacco Companies)))

>> No.50070673

It doesn't matter how competitive being a YouTube/stream personality would be as it's infinitely more feasable than becoming an astronaut considering space is fake.

>> No.50070777

Get laid incel.

>> No.50072479

if youre female its already easy for you, you just need to find your community full of lonely incels to throw you money. you can commission people to make your assets for you if you have some money. also noticed that functioning as a meme page as marketing helps a lot. youre literally handling a business at this point commissioning people to go do your grunt work for you (discord, assets, song covers, clips although if you have loyal viewers theyll do it for free). If youre a bit talented an easy way too is to piggyback on the bigger ones by making art of them or something for easy exposure. but never forget, FEMALES HAVE IT EASY. i cant stress how much female vtubers ive seen that have no personality apart from being lewd get to the top easily. if you want to sell your soul u need to unironically use twitter.

>t. audio guy in vtuber community

>> No.50072524

true, it's a big circlejerk at this point. but might as well just enjoy the ride getting spare money from commissions

>> No.50072580

What the fuck is vtube

>> No.50072746
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You can visit /vt/ here on 4ch to learn more. It's basically a step along the way to our society diving into metaverse. People create virtual characters, typically stylized as anime and RP as them during streams.

I also strongly recommend that you check out the Black Mirror episode titled "Striking Vipers" as it touches on a lot of this theme.

>> No.50072815
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Viewership of youtube/twitch channels is not Normally distributed. There is no "medium" in streaming/youtubing in the way that we all intuitively understand that term. You are either in a tiny minority of very successful people or you are a hobbyist making beer money - the transition from being the latter to being the former is governed by rapid, viral, exponential growth such that no middle-ground of moderate success can meaningfully be said to exist. What you think of as "medium" is more like the 95th or 98th percentile.

>> No.50072860

This fag is retarded and dilusional.
Also don't go to /VT/ it's full of mentally ill trannies, pretending to be someone.
Actual streamer with an actual following here, the market is over saturated and 99% of those trannies on /VT/ are NGMI. Don't believe me?
Just go on twitch or their channels and look at the shit low tier streamers are doing, they've been doing it for years without results. Realistically speaking you need to treat streaming like an actual job if you wanna get anywhere, you'd also have to have funds and free time to advertise yourself.
Feel free to fuck off and not take my advice and start a channel for yourself only to see that I was right.

>> No.50072893

Why so many kids wanna be teachers?

>> No.50072922

Yeah low IQ zoomers that don't understand how it works. First you have to want to do it, people smell fake desperate fucks for money from miles. Second you have to become notorious for something and be genuinely entertaining or skilled at one or multiple videogames. Third it usually takes YEARS until you become a decent sized streamer IF you meet all the criteria to become one. And lastly starting to stream on twitch with no fanbase (for example a small YouTube channel) is the WORST fucking idea and only retards do that with very low chances of success. The best way is making content on YouTube, find a niche community and they will beg you to stream and throw money at you.

>> No.50072952

Nigga post body I don't believe an agressive femboy exists unless u roiding

>> No.50073499
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Instead of watching some bitch stream, you watch someone stream behind a face-cap anime avatar (who might be female behind the scenes, but there are dudes who catfish)
Basically an obese weeb's wet dream.
Usually there's a management org that handles this type of shit, and they get the lion's share of donations/sponsorship.