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50050861 No.50050861 [Reply] [Original]

This is what I'm holding

At what point should I give up?

>> No.50050922

Not bad for me it is

>> No.50051220

6/10, quite similar.
Depends on what the split is.

>> No.50051328
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You should've given up long back, you pathetic retard. Who the fuck in their right mind doesn't hold Rose?

>> No.50051883

What does Rose even do that is unique?

>> No.50051905

You're still holding, so you've already given up.

>> No.50052208

icp is your only chance there

>> No.50052652

Is this an Icy Pee shil?

>> No.50052681

I wish, I'm just cursing myself because I bought 1ETH at 3300 lol

>> No.50052713
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Serves you fucking right for wanting to put your money into something that just pumped out of pure pump and dump games, how did you not fucking see that it was an obvious fucking exit pump given how absolutely fucked the market looks now?

>> No.50052723

based king

>> No.50052737


>> No.50052745

>And you bought it relatively high.
Nigger, you truly must be fucking stupid to not see how global politics and economics was going to play into this.

How did you even think it was the right time to put your money in?

>> No.50052749
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You should've given up long back

>> No.50052760

>>50050861 Forget about you red bags till 2024. Just don't touch em. You will be greatly awarded for you patience.

>> No.50052800


>> No.50052887


>> No.50052994
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Drop everything, buy some linkies

>> No.50053071

I either make it above everyone I know or stay a wagie

>> No.50053243

Why would there be a need for an exit pump right when dog coins are pumping?

t. bagholder

>> No.50053280

You might want to read up about Ryoshi and how he's gladly let go off the whole Shib Project. There's a rumour of him coming up with QOM just to shut it down. Sell you bags already.

>> No.50053719

If you saw the recent dotsama prague event, you will probably be a DOT maxi.

>> No.50053889

I watched Subsquid's demonstration there today, its efficiency is second to none.

>> No.50053936
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He isn’t 100% icp


>> No.50054026

Graph is the shit.

>> No.50054081

Dot is my largest position, it is the model of web3 we are looking for with those parachains.

>> No.50054159
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There's a thing called lost cost opportunity, it's where you stay in something that's crabbing and you don't want to sell because you're under and this makes you miss out on something else that is pumping. Basically what I'm trying to say is that you need to dump you're entire portfolio and become a LUNC Astronaut. Only then will you make it.

>> No.50054200

Rose and dot for me.

>> No.50055845

Do you guys really mean this 2yrs narrative, its fucking scary.

>> No.50055882

You gotta think about the next bullrun OP, throw in some token with utility before its too late.

>> No.50056024
File: 99 KB, 600x468, 1621585934338[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck in their right mind holds rose, jeet.

>> No.50056059

Eat your words bish

>> No.50056095

>Still falling for the old scam shit, yngmi

>> No.50056381
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>You will be greatly awarded for you patience.
Only on projects with actual usecase not shitcoins and SHIB. Web 3 is growing and project directly connected to the growth like offering seamless access from web 2 to web 3 will definitely survive and have a good recovery run when the time comes.

>> No.50056837

not holding hbar? you should give up already, i mean look at all the projects being supported by the hbar foundation, you'll realize that hedera will take over the market soon

>> No.50056984


>> No.50057079

Its scalability is still questionable, I hodl a pretty large amount too so I am hopeful ir delivers,

>seamless access from web 2 to web 3
Ore protocol enables web 2 to web3 movement using same identity details as your FB, google and the likes via the ORE ID tool, its pretty easy too.

>> No.50057120

This LUNC paid shillers are insanely fucked and outrightly retarded.

>> No.50057689

Yes. It will be low for at least 2 years. All the chains need to either work together and or build some actually useful ground breaking applications that change life for their users in a meaningful way. Right now crypto is still just a neat idea that isn't really well defined or understood. It's not understood because it's not actually very useful. Sure decentralized is nice but how and when does that start to make real world contributions to increasing the users quality of life. Right now crypto does nothing other than depleate people's resources.

>> No.50058102

DOT is too fragile for me, I dump it for Mana and Link

I have an Ore Id account basically for access different projects on the network, it's a nice tool for cross chain interaction.

>> No.50058153

>At what point should I give up?
When ICP and SHIB rugs.

>> No.50058585

price prediction for hbar

>> No.50058620

Crypto is still growing and its already recognized in some countries as a legal tender, it migh take some time but it will get there(mainstream adoption).

>> No.50058667

how the fuck can you still hold these normie cryptos while they crash and burn?

>> No.50058685

ORE is getting a lot of buzz just like BAT and I believe its due to their products. Ore is gradually also infiltrating the NFT niche offering authentication and validation services to authors, their recent partnership with exotopia confirmed this.

>> No.50058877
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right about now would be a good time

>> No.50058878


>> No.50059712

Dot is a sure moon shot.

>> No.50059952
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I've got ETH and stacking up stablecoins. Looking for good entry points. Although I'm keeping tabs on ICONS with the land sale in sport metaverse coming up soon. In any case, I don't think this is the time to hold shits like SHIB and ICP

>> No.50059969

Not bad. You are missing out on low caps though

>> No.50059986
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bought the dip again...

>> No.50059992

>Subsquid's demonstration
Is this like a new project?

>> No.50060009

>utility before its too late.
Utility is when you come up with a system that connects fans with top celebrities in sports all in the same place in a metaverse. Have you heard of that

>> No.50060092
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Indeed, web3 is growing as well as the metaverse. As a matter of fact, comparing the rate at which top guys are investing into the latter, especially in entertainment and sports, I think they will come out the biggest

>> No.50060117


>> No.50060138

A sure one indeed. It has a standard that is fixed

>> No.50060186

Begin to think about the metaverse. A little check on the quality of top investments going into the space in sports and you'll be stunned by the potentials underlying. I see that your list has no regard for any metaverse project

>> No.50060495

Money is one of the smallest and least important use case for the block chain.

>> No.50062342

There's no recovery for CAKE and LINKIES are fucking autistics to think about a miraculous return for their bag.
Go for GameFi anon

>> No.50062359

More reason to hate Indians. Adolph Hitler should have wiped them and not Jews

>> No.50062386

Been holding my CAKE myself for a long time and I feel like this is the end of their story. Inflation killed them since last year and those burnings don't work anymore. GameFi is just decent anon

>web3 much better

>> No.50062414

God's unchained
The future belongs to the metaverse, fucking taking a ride with these

>> No.50062480
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>Illivium kek

Those are the games that they are getting hyped but most of them have poor marketing and just shilled by some paid idiot influencer named Cagy whose backfiring different communities. They should just stick to small ones.

>> No.50062497

You also forgot the substrate projects building a better and stronger ecosystem. Aventus, Otto, Centrifuge are few of them.

>> No.50062537

Illivium doesn't need a shill to be honest if you only saw their organic community bastard

>> No.50062585


This is what I'm holding

>> No.50062598

holding USDT ,the king

>> No.50062603

You idiot can't even spell it correctly like a mofo. They are just became organic after some good marketing platform promoted them last year and now snitched by a poor shilling team in mumbai. Presale holders also suffered price inflation after buying on $100. Kek. They should have waited for KOLnet's initial marketing offerings insted.

>> No.50062733

Whats the fucking retard

>> No.50063444
File: 93 KB, 750x1000, 1656564956878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're too busy chasing shitcoins that tends to forgot about the blockchain projects. I don't need to spoonfeed you faggot as google will serve as your best option. I'm just giving the clue on what to explore.

>> No.50063522

>Grammar check please.

>> No.50063541

And spelling of instead. Before judging, make sure to be perfect in spelling

>> No.50063705
File: 2 KB, 98x125, 1654780641207s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding
I will make it,

>> No.50063747

Why ICP?

>> No.50063770

Kek, you thought it will hit 10k, greedy faggot

>> No.50063791
File: 97 KB, 560x517, 69BA64DC-AA1A-4E10-AD4C-6CB911A5C1C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gods project with alien technology

>> No.50063795

You won't make it because of SHIB, it won't pump again

>> No.50064307

I also invested in Icp though but I would say that was done when I did very shallow research unlike now that I go in-depth to spot those projects with actual use cases like identity management, cross-chain services, and many more

>> No.50064683

i disagree, shib would likely get a chance

>> No.50064979

you really do not need to, lots of people are in serious red according to their port, it is crypto nothing is guaranteed so this is a reason why you need to dca into ETH at its price and if it goes lower, as for me I will do it for every alt in my bag and it is really good to look in the web 3 directions where a couple of projects are leveraging on its features and you know we would have massive migration from the previous web to the forthcoming web and cross-chain services would be very useful

>> No.50065010

i get that the other coins have some utility to some extent but why the fuck are you Shibagholding. like at least sell it and buy some HBAR instead. At least they have a foundation expanding their ecosystem with billions of dollars worth of funds. What does SHIB do? Nothing

>> No.50065348

why are you holding Shib? Also, why are you not holding more blockchain projects?

>> No.50065506
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SHIB and DOT are on my holding list. As soon as Otto is listed on any exchange, I'll also buy and sell it. The fundamentals are steadfast

>> No.50065531
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1653988730501s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shib may bounce back anon. I made lots of profit from it last year. No doubt blockchain projects looks promising. I already own sylo, Lox and waiting for OTTO. Is my topshot

>> No.50065549

I wonder why anyone would be holding Shib at this time. research is everything. I don't get into what I'm not convinced about

>> No.50065572

we'll see about that, won't we? I already registered for the beta onboarding. It does look promising though.

>> No.50065904

You don't need to be convince, I am not even throwing funds into the air instead i go into projects that have products to offer,

>> No.50065928

Yeah, I've seen it all and i know what to expect from it.

>> No.50066405

Shib?? What solutions does it offer to the space?

>> No.50066464

>Projects that have product
Well I have alot of funds stacked on TXA which provides DLS layer to exchanges and makes trading experience easy and seamless to traders. Does it mean I will make it?

>> No.50066515

Kek, we want to make it, that's why

>> No.50066528

Hbar shilled, GTFO

>> No.50067752


>> No.50069918
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For me it's Lovelace, not only because it is one of the only coins in the metaverse that is working side by side with a lot of projects (including Meta), but because its NFT projects and its prices give space to weekly pumps, therefore, until your bets hit the market, you can short this shit