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50043818 No.50043818 [Reply] [Original]

How can we stop the war in Ukraine?

>> No.50043987

Go back in time and stop the US nato from expanding East in the last 40 years, stop the coloured revolutions, specially the one in Ukraine, stop the US from building secret biolabs on the Russian Ukraine border,and stop the US plan to encircle Russia with hostile countries.

In practice today, just let the US fail, and don't let them flip the table of the game they are losing due to their own bad choices

>> No.50044041

I would like to actually add, prevent Israel from gaining any influence in the world and also stopping Bri'ish from influencing the USA to hate Russia (US and Russia were great friends before the Russian Revolution and wanted to expand their friendship). So basically stopping the Zionist bankers from ruling the world, from ruling the US and so on.

>> No.50044050

>send F-16s to Ukraine
>send advisors to help train the Ukrainians on how to fly them
>actually have the advisors fly combat missions, bombing the shit out of the Russian frontline
>dismiss Russian complaints as more of their retarded propaganda
>they just have to take it and can't retaliate

They did this to us in Korea and Vietnam and it was highly effective

>> No.50044055

Would you two faggots like to live in a Russian dominated world or Chinese? Or even an Islamic world order?

>> No.50044071
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>muh nato
>muh expansion
lmao, the only reason why this war has happened is that russia is a literal textbook-definition shithole, populated by the most vile and violent subhumans in the world(besides niggers). Putin, of course, knows whom he rules, and uses his retarded serfs to expand his power/wealth (and win popularity with his violent subhuman demographic), so this would have happened under any other ruler anyway.
So the only solution is to nuke rustards out of existence

>> No.50044182

Literally just wait until Putin dies.

>> No.50044210

just go suck vlads cock and end the war for us you utter faggots

>> No.50044216

Putin is the moderating force in Russia.

>> No.50044225

Thanks State Department!

>> No.50044234

Drop a small nuke of million megatons on kyiv

>> No.50044271

Unlike you I don't think with feelings, I see the inevitable and act or talk accordingly
Low iq, Russia is a superpower, a superpower doesn't act on a whim.
Your response is either extremely low iq or not in goodwill.

Here's my bet, One of you is a fed, the other is a woman

>> No.50044292

the war is pretty gay. an already shitty country being destroyed by war. citizens being forced to take up arms against conscripts. in total a proxy war for jewish west vs jewish russia.

>> No.50044307
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>> No.50044327

stop giving guns to ukrainians

>> No.50044328

Make war illegal.

>> No.50044332
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don't 4get to pay ur taxes ;)

>> No.50044345

This is a retarded viewpoint.

>> No.50044407
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>muh russia superpower
>muh adhomomens
yeah, nah, retard. That shithole is nothing but the Western Europe's gas station. And they put their oil/gas money into two things:
1. palaces/yachts/luxury cars for Putin and his besties
2. nukes/tanks/other missiles/weapons
And it does "act on a whim" of one particular geriatric manlet, that's how this war has begun.

>> No.50044415

>Go back in time and stop the US nato from expanding East in the last 40 years

NATO was able to expand East exactly because russians are agressive retards, retard

>> No.50044419

Kill all the western politicians who use Ukraine as a slush fund to send money to each other and treat it as a neutral state like it was designed after the fall of the USSR

>> No.50044435
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kys retard

<-you after sucking Putler's dick

>> No.50044436

We can't go back in time, so i guess it's just letting the US fail.

keep in mind, the US needs this war, not the other way around, to print money.
originally the plan to encircle Russia was laid down at the beginning of this century, so they probably were planning to make it yet another puppet state to plunder at will to keep up the american wealth.

To all americans and europeans here, if the US doesn't win this war, we can expect hyperinflation, famine, death, as Russia simply needs to wait for our economy implosion, while their is already commodity backed.
Escape to a BRIC if you're wealthy enough, or south east asia, else prepare with non perishables and food supplies.

>> No.50044447

I would recommend these books/people of interest for anyone wondering why commies/ vatnicks "think" the way they do.
disinformation ion mihai pacepa
sealed train by michael pearson
Roy Brewer

>> No.50044499

>he fell for Kremlin propaganda or is an actual slavnigger

>> No.50044511
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I know that and don't argue with how vastly different current/soviet russian is from the Russian empire.
But do you also know that all the people which your screencap is talking about have been murdered and wiped out by all the purges during the communism? That shithole is gone, forever and completely ever since commies overtook russia and fully subverted/subjugated her neighbors.
All the intellect has been genocided, modern russians are nothing but mongrels, which have been spawned by all the revolutionaries, communists and murderes of the past. With some exceptions, of course, some good people survived that plague, but they are few and far between.

>> No.50044520
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>> No.50044559

Where would rate Ayn Rand on the scale of people from Russia?

>> No.50044562

Expansion of nato is to prevent bullying from countries like Russia and China that are led by a 1 person ruler. It's the smaller countries that chooses to be part of nato. Nato was not expanded with intent to invade or take over russia or china, which is what those authoritarian regimes claims.

Their ideology is simply to take with force if they can, to prosper their lifestyle even at the suffering of others. Nato and non nato countries are aware of this and had no choice but to combine forces. Simply, it delayed the inevitable.

China and Russia simply waited for the time when nato countries were at their weakest while preparing their weapons capability.

>> No.50044583


>> No.50044614

This is the reasoning of a domestic abuser
>You are forcing me to hurt you!

>> No.50044669
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>> No.50044680

US does not need this war you fool. The citizens do not want to go fight a war and risk having to defend getting nuked. Are u nuts?

You think they want to risk that just to "print more money".

The will of Americans is not for war. And the same goes with US govt who are wealthy currently living a properous life. This bullshit is simply Russia wanting to take over more territory and enslave other countries for their own prosperity

Wtf are you smoking?

>> No.50044690

What? Was that a random AI answer? It doesn't even remotely answer my question.

>> No.50044694

she's jewish, so there's that, but at the same time she was a supporter of liberty, like you would rarely see even among most rightoids, and an anti-communist. I'd recommend "We the living" for anyone interested in the tragic history of Russia, things that she describes in that book are in line with what I've heard from my grandparents as a kid. A movie "Chekist" (Чeкиcт) which was filmed in the 90s is also pretty accurate. This should help you to understand why russians are the way they are, and to see why that nation is an absolutely lost cause at this point.

>> No.50044702

since when have zogbots ever had a say in how their country is run?

>> No.50044751

Ah now the /pol/ all Jews are bad stuff makes sense. They really fear ancaps ideas and the fact that other Jews had a hand in it makes them kvetch harder.

>> No.50044805

US citizens can overthrow theie government as shown from their history if the ones in power did enough to piss off the citizens. Russia and China citizens simply cannot do the same.

>> No.50044829

Yeah bro the Russian revolution didn't happen. Unfortunate but they only had about 5 months as a republic before the (((Bolsheviks))) took control.

>> No.50044906
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>now the /pol/ all Jews are bad stuff makes sense

>> No.50044967

That was week 1 propaganda trying to pin covid on the US. Please keep up with the current slavshit narrative for why you are invading ukraine. Thank you.

>> No.50044968

Well, it's because the government system over there was not placed properly to give enough control for the citizens to not hand over their power to one person...Putin.

That faggot was voted in president then used his power to stay in power when his term ended. Then found a way to remove term limits, thus he is back in as president.

It is their system that is broken and flawed. The same with the president for life China. That shit won't fly in the US.

>> No.50045017

I understand the argument against American expansionism and I agree.
However, what you don't understand is that Russia is doing the equivalent to tipping the table over when the game doesn't go their way.

No matter which way you cut it, invading another sovereign country and killing people is wrong. Even if you can make an argument that they were goaded into it.

>> No.50045162

We lost Vietnam and Korea was a tie.

>> No.50045178

Nuke europe

>> No.50045182

Who cares?

>> No.50045215

That’s just like your opinion man. To me, it’s like monopoly, and Russia just took a similar color.

>> No.50045250

When Putin dies the violence will get much worse. Imagine Yugoslavia multiplied by one hundred.

>> No.50045267

you should, you're paying for the war after all

>> No.50045292

Slavs have been fighting over their potato patches for a thousand years, nobody has ever given a fuck until the west got involved by making Ukraine a surrogate state.

The US just bent over and did nothing about a stolen election, no revolution has ever happened when people aren't starving to death.

>> No.50045307

We would have 100 Yugoslavians, no need to imagine.

>> No.50045330

thermonuclear weapons, Russia wont want Ukraine if you need a Giger counter to take a leak.

>> No.50045365
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>> No.50045369
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>> No.50045384

Even if an election is stolen, the system prevents this further problems by placing in term limits. It sucks for the one party for that brief time period. Sucks for the person that ran. But it's not a long term problem. If and when an election is cheated, the citizens will find ways to try to prevent that same form of cheating from happening in the next election.

>> No.50045398

it's better to have no domination by anyone
and don't pretend like US is any better than chyna or pussya
you're all brain dead bugs

>> No.50045428

Also, they had to bend over or else there couldve been a civil war - which nobody wants.

>> No.50045502

Why don't the people in congress with power to write the laws have term limits? It's still a shitty system because those people would have to write laws to reduce their power, which will never happen.

>> No.50045576

What do you mean 'we'?

>> No.50045601

Because we all live on a planet where everyone thinks for themselves first, democracy or not. The best I can say is that historically congress has been at times mostly red and then mostly blue.

>> No.50045668

>threaten neighbors with invasion and annexation since the USSR collapses
>why are they all joining NATO?

>> No.50045962

Stop sending weapons to Ukraine.

>> No.50046236

This pitiful last ditch effort to restore its former glory will lead to a total collapse of the Russian Union. I'll enjoy watching you faggots starve

>> No.50046351

ancaps are the biggest fucking retards that exist. Libertarianism is feminism for men at this point. LaVey (((Levy))) and libertarians argue for the same exact thing.