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File: 51 KB, 599x494, 1656392608196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50016220 No.50016220 [Reply] [Original]

This is how I feel about ALL debt

>> No.50016241

did you know that for every dollar in debt created, more money must be created just to service the interest? isn't that wild haha

>> No.50016246

Stfu boomer

>> No.50016250

stop being antisemitic

>> No.50016260

Employers force people to go to college and loan companies jew you. Fuck you and this kike system. Scam

>> No.50016273

Schools are also scammy in how they run things (high costs+forcing you to take dumbass GE classes).

>> No.50016282

And how costs are skyhigh so niggers can play ball

>> No.50016288

if we enforced this all the boomers would be immediately murdered

>> No.50016323
File: 178 KB, 600x600, PunchReaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Employers force people to go to college
Literally noone forces you to go to college. You can get a good job wothout a degree.
>loan companies jew you
Yes thats how banks work. Just because you don't know how economics work doesn't mean youre entitled to anything. God i fucking hate this zoomer victim mentality thinking

>> No.50016333

on the contrary, once you know how economics works you realize how rigged it actually is

>> No.50016340

>Literally noone forces you to go to college. You can get a good job wothout a degree.
No, you can't, you stupid nigger.
>Yes thats how banks work. Just because you don't know how economics work doesn't mean youre entitled to anything. God i fucking hate this zoomer victim mentality thinking
I clearly do know. This is just a pathetic attempt at gaslighting. Try harder, faggot

>> No.50016418

I dunno, three dollas?

>> No.50016462

Charging interest is a sin.

>> No.50016612

I hate those useless classes. Speech, English level 2 etc
Other countries have fazed them out if your degree doesn't fit

>> No.50016663

>get $1mil loan
>leave country and denounce citizenship
>go to country with no extradition laws
>declare bankruptcy
Literally free money. The good thing about it is after 7 years it gets removed from your record then after you rebuild your credit you can do it all over again lmao

>> No.50016747

Yes, its obviously rigged. So you can either complain and moap about it, or you can play the game, get some gains and live a better life

>> No.50016784

So first you say it's not rigged and then when we shit on you now you backpedal. Kys

>> No.50016787

Its called inflation. The dollars used to pay the loan are worth less than the dollars of the original loan. That's why it was so advantageous to get a 30 year loan for a house at 3%. While renters are getting 15% price increases every new 2 year contract

>> No.50016788

>have you ever heard of a trade? Or apprenticeship? Or temp agencies? There are many people who make over 6 figures without a college degree. If you have ever stepped out of your bubble and got off your ass you would see that.

>nigger, faggot, gaslighting

I can tell by your vocabulary you're under the age of 20. So its ok for you to be a dumbass. As long as youre willing to learn.

>> No.50016809

At no point did i ever say its not rigged. You smoothbrain incompetent piece of garbage.

>> No.50016824
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 1631910051826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's obviously rigged. So I will default on all of my loans, live in my parents' basement, and spend all the money I save on bitcoin and gold.'
>b-but you won't be able to get further predatory loans or get a (((management company))) to give you a rentoid lease don't you even care about getting PUSSY???
It's simple:
1. I took out a loan. 2. I will not pay it back.

>> No.50016997

Again with the failed gaslighting. You got fucked in your tiny little ass and want the last word now.

>> No.50017009

You implied it, you piece of fucking garbage. You said I don't understand economics implying things are the way they are because "there's no better way". Clearly it's mother fucking rigged and clearly you implied it wasn't, but are now doing damage control. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.50017124

The levels of inflation we are going to experience for the next 10 or so years will make almost any level of debt you have now irrelevant. Just do everything you can not to pay it at this current time.

>> No.50017150

I smell doritos and mountain dew through your post. Low testosterone is truly damaging the west.

>> No.50017183
File: 39 KB, 528x352, mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t-c,22,2,0,352.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok. Seems like you have life figured out. You keep doing what you're doing. Clearly you have all the answers, so I guess your future is bright and happy.

>> No.50017203

You lost. Deal with it.

>> No.50017206

unless that debt is variable rate, then pay it now or you're fucked

>> No.50017241

dont american loans have that priced in, we're in 2022 surely they learned from other countries by now
we had a similar issue 50 years ago where debts and mortgages got closed in a couple of years because of inflation, now most big loans and mortgages (if not all of them) are tied to inflation
no free money for you :^)

>> No.50017243
File: 5 KB, 229x250, 1656215104170s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree, on moral/ethical grounds. It is our duty to rug pull the current financial system by not repaying any debts.

>> No.50017272

student loans aren't even that high imagine how bad you have to fuck up your life to not be able to afford college AFTER you start working

>> No.50017299

very based

>> No.50017306

>Employers force people to go to college
no they don't they just ask for it, no reason you have to comply. If you're talented you can get a job, or make money, on your own. The only people who actually need degrees are people where its required by law, or corporate monkeys who don't actually do anything so they need to make up requirements to gatekeep people since pretty much anyone could do it.

>> No.50017309

Do you know what a "debt slavery" is? The government is not afraid to put shackles on you.

>> No.50017323

how many people are given million dollar loans without the capacity to pay it back?

>> No.50017326

Get a job before you spout bullshit

>> No.50017336

Also educate yourself on stats. Particularly wage stats.

>> No.50017449

>when in doubt, cry about DA JOOOS

pathetic. you're as bad as people who blame strait white men for everything

>> No.50017508

Not an argument. Scam system is a scam system.

>> No.50018043

A full bachelors degree in Australia is $35k usd. Without scholarships. Plus you get gibs from the government so you get paid to study. The loan rate is capped at no interest until you get a job and is taken out at a given % of wage before tax. Burgers get btfo, your system is a scam with how much it costs.
Also if you get into an industry and work you can get rpl. Took me 1.5yr to do a bachelor of science maj. Organic chem. Fast tracked masters to PhD and got paid full-time and 30k a year stipend from gov. Kek

>> No.50018098

Yeah, the u.s. has a fucked system. A lot of bootlickers here don't get that.

>> No.50019456

Hopefully you didnt list your parents as creditors and hopefully they know not to leave any assets for you in their wills.
It would be very sad for you to find out what happens in either of those situations if you continue to avoid payment.

>> No.50019461

>t. bitter knowitall zoom zoom
if you know everything and you can see right through the scams why does it bother you? Just don't fall the scams lol. Retarded faggot with victim mentality.
>waaah schools are scamming me
>waaah employers are exploiting me
you will figure it out in a few years, but until then stfu and be a good goy. It's obvious you don't want to do anything about the situation you're living in.

>> No.50019473
File: 305 KB, 1152x1536, debt-chart-panel-final-01-1152x1536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

global debt is literally a multiple of global GDP. it's pure insanity what the jews have done the world.

>> No.50019514

Fuck its early

>> No.50019542

>enforce it
>all the boomers are immediately thrown in debtor's prison since they somehow have the most debts

>> No.50019550

The best part is that almost no employers care about classes you took unrelated to your degree and the ones that do are so specific you either need your parents specifically guiding you to a particular degree+non-degree credit combo or just get insanely lucky on the draw.

>> No.50019567

>posts literal lies that sound good in your head

>> No.50019583

based and chemistry pilled. always wanted to be a chemist but the shit US job market turned me away. now i'm a jewslave accountant with a dangerous home lab, guess it worked out in the end.

>> No.50019850

i tried going to college and i learned a lot (bachelor of statistics at A&M). then i got a debilitating and permanent health problem so i was unable to finish my degree.

employers treat me as if i didn't go to college at all.

>> No.50019899

the most ridiculous part is that whether you're an engineer, or a statistician, or a biochemist, or a jewslave accountant like me, like 90% of the classes in your degree are fluff or irrelevant, and what you actually use on the job is pulled from maybe 6 classes across the 40+ classes you took across your degree.

>> No.50020038

Integrity has no value in a rotten society

>> No.50020067
File: 1.54 MB, 1170x1461, 1649940790384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) You gave out unsecured loans to teenagers

2) You eat the loss if their career ventures that you invested in underperform

You want the world to guarantee your ROI? Grow up.

>> No.50020078

incredibly based.

>> No.50020082

My cousin works at a glassworks and bought a house on his salary, and he's not even 30. Yeah the market is about to shit itself but that's the kind of financial stability he has. And he's a high school-only schizo redneck.

>> No.50020085

Reality is, you didn't know what classes your job would use until you got it. What got you the job? The fact that you had all these classes.
HR doesn't care what specific classes relate to your job, just that you've got the degree.

Good luck designing a college course specific for the job you're looking for. Your prospects of jobs you can get will shrink by 90% and your odds of getting each of those will shrink too.

>> No.50020154

>some people can do X thing therefore everybody is expected to do X thing
how about u try using some nuance in your world view

>> No.50020206

>Good luck designing a college course specific for the job you're looking for.

remove remedial (general education) requirements from all college curriculums and you've shaved 20-25% off the length and cost of the degree.

>> No.50020411

that's just the tip of the iceberg. there are all sorts of administrative costs associated with modern universities that don't have to be there at all. the entire college budget is incredibly bloated due to infinite demand created by guaranteed, government-backed student loans.

it used to be the case that you could pay your way through college with a part-time job. there's literally no reason why that can't be the case. in fact, since that's been the case, the true cost of actual education (not administration) has gotten much, much cheaper, due to the advent of the information age (computers, internet, youtube, google, etc). education should be INCREDIBLY cheap. this entire system is one giant jewish scam and everyone responsible for creating it deserves to go bankrupt.

>> No.50020635

what's funny (in a fucked up way) is that the actual facilitators of education, adjunct professors without tenure, are paid barely livable wages. it's administrative jewishness and institutional excess and waste, as you said.

>> No.50021781

Federally backed student loans (which are the vast bulk of student loans people talk about in the US) are fixed interest. 15 & 30 year fixed rate mortgages are also very common in the US. Auto loans in the US are also usually fixed interest as well. It is not too hard to get fixed rate personal loans too. Usually its just credit cards & shorter term mortgages that are variable interest rates.

>> No.50022287

This is an option for expats in the UAE. I have instant access to very large loans.
But I fear the pajeet debt collection agencies

>> No.50022297

Got a hardcore engineering degree, wish my parents had just given me 100k to start a business instead of paying for this fucking piece of paper that i had to torture myself for 4 years to get, to earn basically the same as a teacher starting

>> No.50022324
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>> No.50022418

As long as money gets printed, you have no excuse to not pay it back. If money suddenly wasn't printed, many who gave out loans would realize how risky loaning money is: imagine loaning Bitcoin to someone when no more is issued. Unless someone else in the economy losses, you would not be able to collect interest. That said, there will probably always be coupon/loaning/spending currencies since they encourage consumption.

>> No.50022445

One must never plant trees that he will never sit in the shade of.

>> No.50022801
File: 188 KB, 1378x1644, debt trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your premise is wrong. It is 100% mathematically impossible for everyone to repay their debts.

You see, banks create all money when they issue loans. This new, digital money is created out of thin air. But banks only create the principal amount, but never the addition interest that is due. Therefore, the outstanding debt is always is always much higher than the money supply.

If we all tried to repay our bank debts at once, we would be about $60 trillion dollars short!

proofs at:

>> No.50022859
File: 1.60 MB, 3548x3820, All money is created by borrowing from banks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banks create all money, not government. Your premise of government "printing" money is wrong, and so are your conclusions.

It is impossible to repay all banks loans because the total amount of bank debt is much higher than the money supply. This system intentionally traps us all in endless, unpayable debt from cradle to grave.

proofs at:

>> No.50022972
File: 535 KB, 1206x1473, Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the Jew-bashing gets old! But most of the complaints about debts are real.

Private banks have a monopoly on money creation. We are all forced to borrow from private banks, and the loans are literally unpayable. The money system is a legalized debt-enslavement scam. And there are countless non-Jews getting rich from this evil.

Proofs at:

>> No.50022988

I actually have extensive knowledge and use "printing" as shorthand for the process of issuing treasury notes and expanding/contracting credit. If you defined a function, you wouldn't cite how the function works every time you made brief mention of it on a anonymous web forum. You don't know what I know because I'm not making a serious attempt to present the contents of what I know. To me, it is like you are a person looking at a blackhole, unable to probe it, coming to a conclusion about its contents despite having no observations to go off of, faggot.

>> No.50023030
File: 585 KB, 2482x1224, 2 Money, Banking, and Credit in Eastern Europe 1966 Fed Admission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private banks create all money, NOT government!

Here's a 1966 admission from the NY Fed:

"In the communist countries, money is created in the same way as in capitalist countries -- through the extension of bank credit."

Proofs available at:

>> No.50023097

Why isn't it
>you gave money to some negress to get a degree in afro-american studies
>accept that it's gone

>> No.50023132

This is so dumb it hurts.

>> No.50023148

but we have to be,
freedom of choice is manacing, theres to much to choose from and to little known to make a good decision. Debt makes us free of this decision

>> No.50023171

There's no reason for it to cost so much though. The whole system is a fucking scam

>> No.50023174
File: 253 KB, 1500x1000, not_my_problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the government ain't doing it neither am I.

>> No.50023219
File: 344 KB, 1275x1650, 2 20.20 per 1000 notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Printing" is the wrong word for many reasons.

#1) Less than 5% of circulating money in the US is physical cash. The vast majority of money is digital money that exists only in the computers of private banks.

#2) The US treasury DOES print paper notes, but these are sold to the bank-owned Federal Reserve for pennies (about $00.20 for a $100 dollar note!). Only private banks issue paper notes and coins into circulation.

#3) Digital money, which constitutes 95%+ of circulating money is created out of thin air by private banks when they lend AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract.

#4) Government gets all revenue from taxation and borrowing. Government does not print paper money and spend it into circulation. (If government could create and spend debt-free money into circulation, there would be no national debt!)

The concept of "government money printing" is a red herring that distracts from the real creators of all money and all inflation: PRIVATE BANKS!

proofs at:

>> No.50023274

the West post-ww2 is basically a giant ponzi, and all the 3rd worlders being brought in are going to be left bagholding when it rugs

>> No.50023379
File: 1.25 MB, 1872x2680, Bank of England money creation in modern economy JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The banks get away with their scam by brainwashing us. They know that if the majority of people understood the bank-created money scam, it would be abolished immediately and replaced with a debt-free, interest-free money system.

Less than one percent of people know that banks create all money. This info is never taught in public school, and rarely taught in college. And of course, it is NEVER mentioned in mainstream media. Even alt media is weak on the subject. The few who try to spread the word are immediately censored and shadow-banned.

We can get rid of the involuntary servitude if enough of us wake up. Help spread the word! Make it your goal to awaken 100 people.


>> No.50023433

you are american
95% of people in europe know how many comes to life, your world view is amerocentric
interest free is possible and useful
but debt free, how do you image that? people will always want more then they can pay

>> No.50023502

Who do you think took out all that national debt?

>> No.50023762
File: 57 KB, 333x486, richard werner portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please show me the data that 95% of people in Europe understand that banks create all money.

I know you are wrong because Professor Richard Werner did a survey of people in a German college town (where most people are higher-educated than average).

How many of them knew that banks create all money? ZERO.

Most believed that the government created all money. A small minority wrongly thought that the Central Banks create all money. NONE fo them knew that private banks create new digital money when they lend for home mortgages, auto loans, business loans, credit cards, etc.

Yes, there is MORE knowledge of the banking scam in Europe, but only a tiny minority of the population understands how the scam works.


>> No.50023763

Do you know what M1 and M2 money supply is? Do you think the banks are also creating money when they sell options?

>> No.50023838

asking me for source and not posting your source for the survey you are mention
also come up with a sollution or stfu

>> No.50023862

Usury was only outlawed on paper.

>> No.50023938

>I hate those useless classes. Speech, English level 2 etc

the random classes would be fine if they weren't taught like shitty online courses. It's obvious they're thinly veiled money schemes they force grad students to teach so they get a discount on their overpriced shit

>> No.50024800
File: 434 KB, 1700x2200, Library of Congress money creation admission 1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All money is created when banks issue loans. ALL MONEY!

Yes, that includes M1 and M2.

I have no idea what options you are talking about.

Attached, please find an admission from the Library of Congress that says the following: "money is created when loans are issued and debts incurred; Money is extinguished when loans are repaid. A loan from a bank CREATES A DEPOSIT which the borrower may draw upon for the payment of obligations."

Proofs at bankLIESdotORG

>> No.50024886
File: 238 KB, 450x498, Built for BBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Employers force people to go to college and loan companies jew you.
1. No one is forcing you to go to college. You can earn much more than the average college moron with real work.
2. You don't have to take loans for college. There are many other options.
You a re a low IQ lazy moron parasite.

>> No.50024929

Because banks aren't allowed to lose in Muttmerica

>> No.50025115

Here's a Richard Werner interview where he describes his survey of 1,000 people in Frankfurt, Germany. Over 90% believed the central bank creates all money. Skip to 23:36 to hear him describe the experiment and results:


Now it is your turn: please show me the evidence to support your absurd claim that 95% of the European population understand that private banks create all money when banks issue loans.

>> No.50025513

this is true, the accumulated interest across loans is insane

>> No.50026213
File: 208 KB, 1176x392, The Story of Banks 1979 Federal Reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College can only be paid for with money. All money is created digitally by private banks. This money can only be created by BORROWING from a bank and paying interest.

The money used to pay tuition was created somewhere in the economy as a loan to a borrower. Therefore ALL college tuition is paid with borrowed money.


>> No.50026468
File: 285 KB, 340x630, 1655153893309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. No one is forcing you to go to college. You can earn much more than the average college moron with real work

>just work hard man
>gonna be an electrician
>ill make make $90/hour no cap
>ya six figures right out of highschool

>> No.50027033
File: 462 KB, 599x494, ftfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I feel about it.

>> No.50027193

nice left wing meme, but your debt payments are due

>> No.50027288

Go ask the government, they took it all from raising taxes under the guise of ((inflation)).

Don't tell me we didn't try. The game was rigged all along.

>> No.50027558


none of you understand modern monetary systems

>> No.50028149

The money from the loan was made out of thin air. It's illegitimate.