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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 90 KB, 601x817, mashinsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49994337 No.49994337 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.49994353

Goyim cattle will never learn.

>> No.49994364

delete this antisemitic thread

>> No.49994368

Nigger gonna get MeinKrafted soon

>> No.49994395
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>> No.49994414
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>> No.49994619

Never trust them, not even once

>> No.49994622
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Oy vey

>> No.49994654

Fake news
And I’m not even in Celsius

>> No.49994684

And the source is?

>> No.49994701

>trusting centralized platforms
>trusting jews
you deserve it

>> No.49994724

I've said it once and I';ll say it again, every single major crypto ponzi starting with OneCoin is a
state-backed financial terrorism operation

>> No.49994762
File: 29 KB, 487x630, images (83).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Simply a retired investor who wishes to live out his remaining years as a Jew peacefully in the land of Israel

>> No.49994867

So what lessons are we learning about just what sorts of people we trust our funds with, bizbros?

>> No.49995005

Kek holy shit cant make this up...
Anyone got the "20$? What do you need 10$ for? I dont have 5$ *runs away* jew meme

>> No.49995041

he failed to flee

>> No.49995077

Fucking chinamen are smarter than jews now? If you wanna scam Americans you do it from overseas. C'mon man.

>> No.49995088

top kek
dont worry, the US can just extradi---oh

>> No.49995114

I don’t trust BTC maxis.

>> No.49995152

I feel bad for people that put money they couldn't afford to lose into Celsius.
It was a ponzi scheme.

>> No.49995187

I just checked the celsius reddit and on a post about this its all just delusional copers. Jeez these people are so gullible.

Honestly they are shit for brains and if celsius hadnt fleeced em someone else would.
Theres a suckers born every minute, im surprised these kind of people even had that kind of money, then again these idiots put their life savings into an obvious scam and then attacked anyone who tried to point it out to them.

Same exact shit going on with nexo currently

>> No.49995261

it's almost as bad as the desperate LUNA copeposters. Oh and the Missing Link guys. SBF is keeping your Link bags btw.

>> No.49995270
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>> No.49995745

as always
it´s easier to scam people than to convince them that they have been sacmmed

>> No.49995846

What do you invest in, out of interest?

>> No.49995871

Funny how these anons speak out AFTER the horse has bolted. I didn't see him in here before, pointing out flaws in Celsius' business model. After it collapses, however, guys like this are very quick to imply they saw it coming and it was all so obvious. Wouldn't bother me except i think they even convince themselves.

>> No.49995894

I got Jewed. I can't withdraw my vBNT because they disable the withdraw button. If you can get out of Bancor do it ASAP.

>> No.49996025

Bruh we were telling you morons not to put your money in this scam fronted by a fucking amateur pornstar for months and months.

>Business model

What business model? Where did the yield come from? Oh that's right, like we told you, if you don't know where the yield comes from, you are the yield. Now some big nose kikes will pick Celcius up for pennies on the dollar and sell all that link into every pump. Thanks for fucking over everyone you greedy imbeciles.

>> No.49996078

You've gotta be new here. Did you miss the Jessica Khater shit or something? Also anyone who thinks any of these liquidity pool apy scams are a good idea are ultimately in for a bad time.

>> No.49996091

you're retarded. you're investing in something you know nothing about

>> No.49996132
File: 111 KB, 1197x837, antisemitism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy vey

>> No.49996164

OP did you even read the tweet that you screenshotted?
An unnamed source says Mashinsky was stopped while attempting to leave to Israel.

One, you're reporting a rumor as fact
And two, the rumor you posted clearly says he DIDN'T leave

>> No.49996179


Look how rekt this guy is. Thanks for playing.

>> No.49996187

The fact that it's Israel makes me think some random /biz/tard messaged this guy as a joke.

>> No.49996203

Ive been here every day since the inception of all of these scams. Every thread about them were rife with warnings. LINKies called out the shorting and manipulation as soon as it became apparent. Jessica fucking Khater. Where have you been man?

>> No.49996209

It's true tho.
He tried fleeing to Israel.

>> No.49996257

There are redditors on this board who unironically seethe about "/pol/tards" when people question the integrity of jews.

There are redditors on this board who get mad about anti-semitism who put all their money into celsius.

>> No.49996278

You wouldn't say "I went to the store" if you got in your car, but your car didn't start, so you went back in your house.
No, you'd say "I didn't go to the store because my car didn't start."
Literally the opposite of going to the store.
>It's true tho.
No, according to our "1 post by this ID" OP, he did not go to Israel.
Not that we trust this "source" anyway.

>> No.49996287

just a cohendence goy

>> No.49996292

nigger this board was literally filled with posts making fun of the retards investing in celsius when the porn video came out a year+ ago

>> No.49996311

Sweaty we call them "chudcels" nowadays

>> No.49996341

You are a either a down syndrome retard or new, people were warning about this shit, I personally never touch these kike usury scams. Fuck you for bringing this shit into crypto

>> No.49996800

Lol good post

>> No.49996848

Hi Moshe,
He TRIED fleeing to Israel but was stopped by authorities.
He tried to go the store and got pulled over by cops and there was a roadblock. The cops asked where were you heading sir? I was on the way to the store.. he replied.
Literally the meaning of fleeing to Israel.

>> No.49996867

hmm, something that offers 2X the return of SPY on a good year, all with zero risk. What could go wrong? Not to mention Celsius’s rates were WAY higher than any more reputable exchanges like Binance Earn and Gemini. If you were dumb enough to look at lending protocols and pick the highest APY without wondering why it was so high in comparison, you deserve to lose money

>> No.49996933

FUCK (You), we were shouting about all these lending platforms advertising large APRs for years you retard
if the APR is high, what's fucking generating it?
it's a simple fucking question and none of these lending platforms would give you a straight answer, you gave up on DeFi only to use the same CeFi institutions (without regulation kek)

>> No.49996947
File: 142 KB, 908x908, bestinbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys maybe it is time to switch to the best platform.

>> No.49997018

maybe its time for you to kys

>> No.49997085

/pol/ is always right, when will you ever learn? With Jews, you lose

>> No.49997095

Personally, given the Celsius debacle I would not be putting money into CeFI lenders soon. But when I believe the environment is safe again, NEXO will be my go to.

>> No.49998368

what do you expect from anglos? there's a reason jews have dominated them extremely hard since ww2

>> No.49998786
File: 586 KB, 718x842, 199_nations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you never learn?

there are only two real races:
catholics and jews (and their servants)
pick a side

>> No.49998791

Wirex premium. Getting 14% on stable coins and 10% on alts. Also 4% cashback on the card (8% now cause promo) and 6% on their native token.

>> No.49998886
File: 11 KB, 144x151, 6736A991-7224-4412-BCF1-76B3A135103C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, according to our "1 post by this ID" OP, he did not go to Israel.
>Not that we trust this "source" anyway.

>> No.49998915

It sounds like he TRIED to leave but couldn't. Which means he's holed up in an NYC penthouse condo somewhere. Why hasn't there been a protest at their offices in Hoboken??

>> No.49998980

Protesting in-front of a fake address is pretty difficult.

>> No.49999260

They're all ponzi/pyramid schemes. The only way to make money in crypto is if someone else LOSES money. It's not a value-created asset like the stock of a publicly traded company.

>> No.49999280

Naw, that's their real headquarters. They had employees who all worked there.

>> No.49999311

Fake News. OP owns that Twitter account

>> No.49999410

>if celsius hadnt fleeced em someone else would.
This is what jews tell themselves.
Burn in Hell

>> No.49999438

Scammed by a jew. Imagine my shock.

>> No.49999665

OY fucking VEY

>> No.49999864

its like no one learned anything from mt gox

>> No.50000170
File: 262 KB, 2048x1157, Nexo shorting scheme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the worst?

>> No.50000491

>gradually I began to hate them

>> No.50000805 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 853x1198, Adolf Hitler, 1920s (colourized).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"When the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the new national consciousness of the Jews will be satisfied by the establishment of a Palestinian state, the Jews thereby cleverly dupe the simple-minded goyim.
They haven't the slightest intention of building up a Jewish state in Palestine so as to live there. What they really want is a central organization for their international world-swindle, one with sovereign rights and freedom from outside control—in other words, a refuge for convicted lowlifes and a training ground for budding criminals." - Mein Kampf, Dalton translation

>> No.50001012

Very typical of their breed.

>> No.50002793

is it really? the more i hear about their antics and the people who fall for them the more i start to realize that most people really are cattle to be exploited.

>> No.50003032



>> No.50003142

Btc, link, qnt, xmr

>> No.50003191
File: 30 KB, 660x574, 1564985160954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can't be real

>> No.50003200

Did this actually happen or is it just more seething from twitter trannies?

>> No.50003272

I would scam them myself if I could get away with it, same deal with the dumbasses who send 10k worth of apple giftcard codes to the fbi because agent steve smith from delhi called them.
This is just proof of 0 critical thinking skills.
This is simple natural selection.
When these retards go broke and die nature will push humans to be smarter.
This is what caused jews to be so smart and successful, theyve been dealing with themselves for thousands of years, i have never seen jews fall for any scams, let alone completely obvious scams.

There are STILL retards on osrs falling for "doubling gp" every single day, after 20 years of the game.
There are niggers on instagram who post stock pictures of cash with the caption "send 100$ receive 1000$ back!" And niggers are STILL falling for it to this day.
Scamming will never end until all these idiots are gone

>> No.50003342


>> No.50004206

Shit like this just makes me love Nexo though.
Stinker linkers get the rope.

>> No.50004677

This is one hell of an attempt at spin.
I wish the holocaust happened.

>> No.50005078
File: 2.13 MB, 2694x7831, Nexo archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only someone stealing from their customer working at Nexo would love this.
Certainly not their customers.

>> No.50006514
File: 294 KB, 1280x720, 1531791956847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. feels good being an anti semite in 2022

>> No.50006703

Bernie Madoff preferred to target Jews because of their in-group bias. He out-jewed Steven Spielberg, Jefferey Katzenberg, Elie Wiesel, and more.

>> No.50007970

Ahh the "Slavic" Jew, also goyim the war is real!!! dont pay attention

>> No.50007990

Sick of these fuckers. Do you think people will ever wake up?

>> No.50008030

Don't they have this Fucker trapped right now? He's on a watchlist and not allowed to leave the country!

>> No.50008068
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Yes, he is a flee

>> No.50008122

>dont be a jew pitch in
>everything else
lmao do jews really

>> No.50008127

Didn't you know faggot? They get exemption even for terrorism, serial killing, and serial rape. They are the "chosen ones"

>> No.50008162

With *them*, we lose :(

>> No.50008171

Not how it works for crypto miners, you just need the capital to invest into buying up the machines. As far as winners and losers go the same applies to the stock market but I don't think anyone would call that a Ponzi scheme either .Plus almost all companies in the crypto space having typically huge amounts of value on average gives it legitimacy as well, Coinbase stock is still 12.5 billion at the moment.

>> No.50008191

Israel has extradition with the US. Do you really think israeli authorities would not turn him over if asked by the FBI


>> No.50008241

The date of the real Holocaust is getting closer every day, the other suppressed tribes of the earth will be conscious about the JQ very soon

>> No.50008289

Jews are dumber than goys lately

>> No.50008295


>> No.50008362

>Bernie Madoff
The level of Jewry he must have been on was off the chart, doesn’t really fare well for the in group survivability and trust.

>> No.50008383

Complaining about having your money stolen by Celsius is antisemetic.

>> No.50008388
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>> No.50008633

shut the fuck up kike lmao

>> No.50008679

You're really cool with your trip!

>> No.50008866

Nice job proving his point you mouthbreather lol

>> No.50009061
File: 109 KB, 1039x1004, 1656295750400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reads like a shitpost but this is just the reality we live in at this point

>> No.50009118

I heard Israel rejected Zelynsky in the early part of the war… why is this guy worth saving and not zelynsky

>> No.50009155

One of them is good at siphoning money from the goy.
The other is just a theater kid who has more value as a dead martyr.

>> No.50009307


>> No.50009421

Give me your po box for your shabbos goy medal you absolute buffoon

>> No.50009442

test >>50000000