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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49987374 No.49987374 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49987394

Why do you want that? We chose the timeline where we collectively feed infinite niggers in Africa. Be proud of it.

>> No.49987429

what is square cube law

>> No.49987443


that thing would never fucking fly

>> No.49987447
File: 70 KB, 976x549, p07t66n9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They stole these from us

>> No.49987446

Based. I want the window seat over the engines

>> No.49987489
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Found the bot posting "reality" shill who is trying to peddle more theories about "universal laws" of the "universe" that are "irrefutable"

Not buying your bags Humie, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHH

>> No.49987497

>we were promised flying gigacities and all we got was 140 characters

>> No.49987564
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>flying cruises
Why would that be a good thing? Do you understand what you're asking for?

>> No.49987577
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this is what they will take from you

>> No.49987592

Just slap a bag of helium on top

>> No.49987621

>no bathroom in kemonomimi paradise
I will gladly offer my services

>> No.49987624

They already took bitches from me a long time ago, it's called feminism.

>> No.49987659

why would they need toilets when they can just poop in the sea?

>> No.49987670

Don't you see all those turbines, dumbass?

>> No.49987677

we call that the blender zone

>> No.49987699


i dont get it

>> No.49987752

>i dont get it
If you don't get it you are part of the problem

>> No.49987821

get an appointment with reality, problem!

>> No.49987838

>technological stagnation is so high that any ambition is fantasy

>> No.49987862

What practical purpose does this serve?

>> No.49988028

(((Hydrogen is dangerous and can never be used as a lifting agent)))

Meanwhile people are flying through the air at 500mph sitting on top of a flammable fuel tank in a pressurized cylinder. Nobody says shit about planes literally dropping out of the sky from iced over wings. Planes forcing themselves into the ground with faulty angle of attack sensors. Planes sliding across runways and burning every passenger inside alive etc etc. But because we had maybe 40-80 people die in a hundred year history of airships they can never be revisited since theres a meme picture of the hindemburg. There were only like 4 people out of like 160 that died in that crash too. Its bullshit. I want my fucking airships!!!!

>> No.49988043

this site has become so deranged and detached from reality that it's comical

>> No.49988083

well theyre slow as fuck anyway

>> No.49988254

imagine the mold and barnacles covering everything

>> No.49988284

it would fly but never land or take off

>> No.49988386


its an aerodynamic mess. the vertical tail alone, with the flying saucer hotel on it, completely fucks up the stability the tail is supposed to generate. And why have a biplane layout??? modern wing design has made biplanes unnecessary. just think of the massive drag this thing has.

>> No.49988410

What's that?

>> No.49988435
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>> No.49988439

Great now I'm angry about airships, this fucking website gets me pissed off at shit that has never crossed my mind and I love it.

>> No.49988450

>mold in saltwater

>> No.49988456

but they look sick, you clearly could never understand what that means. Because you are clearly a born loser, a genetic dead end, despised by society because you can’t even grasp how fucking cool airships are

>> No.49988488

you sound like a malleable faggot please go back

>> No.49988531

>Diving into water full of giant aquatic life that can fuck me up if it was aggressive enough.
No thanks

>> No.49988571
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>he thinks he has a strong sense of self
>attempts to fit in to the site's culture by repeating its buzz phrases

>> No.49988576
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The real problem with mega jetliners like the airbus 380 is the turnaround time at each end. Getting almost a 1000 people on and off a plane proved to be a nightmare.

>> No.49988609

I prefer the circle sphere law

>> No.49988639

>Cruise ship has engine trouble
>Floats for a few days until people can be rescued and the ship towed
>This monstrosity has engine trouble
>It's a crater within 15 minutes
It's bad enough losing a regular plane, considering how much they cost.

>> No.49988780

A 20 engine plane would need a lot of engine trouble to go down.

>> No.49988834

>landing gear perpetually down
>not even remotely aerodynamic


>> No.49988869

who stole your plane bro

>> No.49989181
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Mine's better and more realistically possible.

>> No.49989769

It makes more sense as a spacecraft orbiting earth

>> No.49990012


>> No.49990017

The whole point of this website is to piss you off and radicalize you dumb fuck.

>> No.49990052

Virtual reality's developing just fine. So is AI, especially this year.

>> No.49990080

you remind me of the black people scared to go camping because of bears

>> No.49990145

underrated post
OP vehicle needs more dakka

>> No.49990710

that pool would never fucking work. It would slosh around everywhere. What a dumb fucking image.

>> No.49990763

Based airship anon

>> No.49990789


>> No.49990827

im not sure if this anon is retarded or if he's right

>> No.49990865

nigger faggot literally

>> No.49990914

thats one ugly looking plane
wouldn't want to be on that thing ever

>> No.49991143
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airship anon here. I've posted before that if i become fabulously wealthy from crypto I will use my wealth for R&D on airships and biodomes. I'm glad there are others who get it.

There are several areas that I think airships can be immediatley put to good use. Obviously pleasure craft will be popular, and with developments in materials science with superlight building materials I think its very likely that we could have success with miniturization for minimizing drag on such crafts. The other main use is point to point shipping. Right now we have to use sea lanes and then rail or road for the majority of our goods. But think of how much time we would cut out by shipping in straight lines through the air with mega blimps? They'd be able to maintain a much faster speed than the freighters we're currently using, and would not have to be maintained with the same rigor as vessels being degraded by saltwater. Additionally airship freight makes an awful lot of sense for large landlocked areas such as north america and central asia. South america would benefit from trade between east and west coasts unemcumbered by the Andes mountain chain. In fact all natural boundaries would cease to be an issue and there would be no need to blast through mountains to lay rail tracks. There could be a system of loading docks for the larger vessels operated by the airship version of longshoremen, and then loading and unloading bays for smaller airships that would deliver to their final destination as a sort of airship parallel to truckers. Imagine all the trucks off the roads.

>> No.49991174

fucking racists what the fuck is wrong with you you jaded scumbad nazis
ive ben here akmost 2 nonths and its always the same shit every thread
woman hate black hate etc etc
i kniw theres somem minorities here too but irregardlessly you cant act that way

>> No.49991219

I will always remember you, airship anon.

>> No.49991242

cruise ships have pools

>> No.49991288

i have a recurring dream where i jump off a platforn similair to this, in the bahamas, but i end up diving way too far down and end up drowning before i can swin to the surface
i have that dream once or twice a week

>> No.49991305

i'm just glad its spreading. People have become demoralized about the potential to shape our world as we see fit. And they have good reason to be demoralized. We're in decline culturally and technologically and depending on your perspective morally as well. The optimism of the sci fi of the atomic age is all lost, and its last champion is that conman musk who just exists to extract the hopium of bugmen.

Its important to have an aspiration, and mine are airships and biodome megastructures/arcologies. If we end up making it we can shape the world as we desire.

>> No.49991317

What would be the point? Plus airplanes have issues all the time, zero chance a flying street block wouldn't eventually kill thousands.

>> No.49991328

I did a project about airships once. The best place for airships is actually in colonizing venus. since you can get above the acid atmosphere and find a place where the pressure and temperature is similar to earth where oxygen and nitrogen is all that's needed to keep the airship at that level. you don't need lifting gas because the atmosphere is so thick your regular air is your lifting gas meaning 100% of inside space is livable.

would be cool to have sky cities in venus. just don't crash.

>> No.49991341

Just remember to get a lifevest before jumping idiot.

>> No.49991348

Diversity is Europe's strength!

>> No.49991356

Yeah theres been talk about colonizing gas giants with airships. Sorta like the cities from the jetsons. But i doubt we'll even have shipyards on the moon in our lifetime.

>> No.49991430

i just want to see a floating lab/drone sent to venus.

>> No.49991541

I think airships would never work en masse not because of physics or economics but simply because they're massive slow-moving targets and backwoods yokels / inner-city joggers would never be able to resist the urge to use them as target practice. Even if they were only within shooting range during takeoff and landing. Same reason delivery drones are never going to become big, it'd just be too much fun to hunt them for sport (like flying kinder eggs basically, every takedown is a miniature christmas)

>> No.49991586

well, first of all you're probably not flying over populated areas. Second your probably a few miles up. But even if you're getting shot at somehow they're are solutions to that like honeycombing the blimp for redundancy, or self sealing polymers. And we'd probably need redundancies like that. Theres sure to be industrial sabotage by competing business interests.

>> No.49991630

cruise ships don't fly in the fucking air and dip to turn you gorilla

>> No.49991659

so have it on a gyroscope for stability like one of your zoomer hoverboards. Its not a complicated issue to resolve.

>> No.49991703

t. Delta Air Lines
You're not getting to me Big Air, I will be a seed investor for airship anons ventures.

>> No.49992006

You seem to have an answer for everything anon but how bought the money tribe how might you handle their tricks

>> No.49992077
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Then because retards are as jumpy at hydrogen for flight as they are nuclear for energy, do research on materials strong enough to construct a vacuum airship. If someone breaks ground on that front they might stand to make it big in the aeronautics industry.

>> No.49992153

>so have it on a gyroscope for stability like one of your zoomer hoverboards.
>introducing more points of failure and not just suspending it from multiple balloons and letting gravity keep it gyroscopically stable no need to make things overly complicated.

>> No.49992399

oh thats interesting that you bring vacuum airships up. I've actually been thinking on that for a while now. Heat the lifting gas in a vacuum layer seal for perfect insulation. If it could be done safely then we could go really far with miniturization.

>> No.49992435

garlic and silver

>> No.49992574

>The optimism of the sci fi of the atomic age is all lost, and its last champion is that conman musk who just exists to extract the hopium of bugmen.

I don't know if I'd ever seen your posts before, but this really resonated with me. I used to be this huge scifi fan when I was a teenager, I guess you're bound to grow out of that, but even more so, I lost all optimism. Nowadays I just hope society crashes, since the kind of society we have now is never going to be able to handle technology and put it into a good use. Just making more mediocre and dystopian bullshit, sort of like a giant global favela with 5G towers and pods everywhere.
But I guess I might be wrong, and posts like yours certainly show there are alternatives to that.
love you anon

>> No.49992611
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nonwhites are parasites

>> No.49992633

why waste the limited helium we have on stupid shit like this?

>> No.49992667

This post is so gross I want to vomit.

>> No.49992695


>> No.49992701 [DELETED] 

Paid ebook leak

Thanks for purchasing my ebook, if you leak it or resell you will be reported and your data will be made public on the forum

In this method we will be using a RuneScape private server that pays money for voting on it on toplists

Go tohttps://mega.nz/file/gd8DmJ6R#UAx0Swi713V0PS5azKcWGPAK8QNTAeN5RCqRRuedOew on your PC
Unzip the file
Install java if you already don't have it installed on your PC
Run the client.jar file
Wait for the RuneScape private server load
Create an account (no email needed)
Click on the vote button on the right hand bottom corner
It will open a list of 10 sites to vote for the Private server
Each vote gives you $5, after voting 10 times you will have $50 that you can cash out to BTC, PayPal or your Payeer account.
Repeat this process every 12 hours
An easy $100 per day

>> No.49993111

No we’d use hydrogen. It’s a better lifting gas.

>> No.49993121
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>> No.49993136

>Air Europe
>Aeroflot colors, Russian flag tail

>> No.49993145


>> No.49993194
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>two months
Go back plebbitor and learn 2 spell

>> No.49993379
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>> No.49993584

Dude same. I very rarely dream, but when I do it is this exact same nightmare. I jump off a waterfall and just keep getting sucked further underwater, like thousands of feet under at crazy speeds. I panic for a short while before coming to peace with it and then die. And then I wake up gasping for air as soon as I “died”

>> No.49993616

This is probably because we arrest like 50% of black men, make it impossible for them to get a legitimate job, rinse and repeat.

And then Latinos cuz they have like 100 children on welfare.

>> No.49993631

wouldn't the wings need to be a lot larger to carry that much weight? i guess only i would know since im an engineer

>> No.49993642

why do we arrest them

>> No.49993669

Reagan started a war on drugs and his CIA began importing tons of crack cocaine (when they weren’t busy running weapons to the middle east)

>> No.49993684

why not? its just a really big airplane haha

>> No.49993695
File: 479 KB, 778x789, 20220622_211511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Triangle Pyramid law

>> No.49993756

Nazis used airships so no one can ever use them again, you evil antisemite!
>this is unironically normies thinking

>> No.49993785

They aren’t economical. Can’t carry much, slow as fuck, winds at altitude most of the time are going to be faster than the actual blimp.

The only thing they’re good for is advertising rubber companies or rich people having a small coke fueled orgy in the sky.

>> No.49993827

there are too many niggers

>> No.49993846

doing drugs is a choice

>> No.49993876
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>> No.49993886

We wouldn’t have archaic turbine engines, we’d have vril saucer tech and have floating cities if Jews had lost the war

>> No.49993895

White people go to rehab or probation, blacks go to corrections.

>> No.49993930

Probably how you died in a different universe or past life and somehow you are getting the memories in your dreams

>> No.49993995

I laughed out loud. Thank you.

>> No.49994016
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x2048, 1650477081969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they took from you

>> No.49994020

Also, whites 1st offense. Blacks criminal history the size of collegiate calculus book.

>> No.49994038


>> No.49994098

I don't know much about airplanes, but I assume they try not to make them weigh more than they have to. Extra engines = more engine weight and more fuel weight. So every one of them is likely necessary to keep the ship aloft for any appreciable amount of time. Also, it's probably even worse to have more engines because you have more points of failure.

>> No.49994187

I have a napkin idea for an airship that I keep revisiting in my head every couple weeks. Its a concept that I haven't seen anywhere. Would be for fast coastal transport and island hopping. Either nobody has thought of this concept and im a genius or im a giga retard.

>> No.49994205

>Mold in dry saltwater air
>Barnacles with no visible shoreline
Landlocked pleb detected

>> No.49994228

well i think the main issue as a dickhead anon mentioned earlier is the drag. The more you want to carry the bigger the balloon which means the more drag you get from the wind. But if we could develop a way to get more lift from the same ammount of gas, then we could use a smaller balloon and be more aerodynamic. I think the obvious answer is finding a way to safely heat the lifting gas, like with hot air balloons. That and lightweight building materials like carbon nanotubes or other shit. But you're right man there are so many applications. What a luxury it would be to sail the sky.

>> No.49994263

Airplanes are designed to run on 50% of their engines failing.

>> No.49994402

I have one of those

>> No.49994432

you figured it out
this website, namely the Business and Finance board, exists solely as a conduit for producing airship extremists
good job buddy

>> No.49994460

>and would not have to be maintained with the same rigor as vessels being degraded by saltwater
I like where your head is but you don't wanna fuck around with maintenance of things that are meant to fly.

>> No.49994471

This but unironically, the 4th reich will have negro free airships (pls don't assplode like last time)

>> No.49994496

>he who wears the black square cube atop his head is a servant of the great satan
? That one?

>> No.49994503

One does wonder why air cruise balloons aren't of as much interest as cruise ships. It would have to be skirting on the outer atmosphere of earth to keep it unique and interesting though.

>> No.49994519

Tell me about the barnacles.
Why would I expect them to be near shorelines and not out at sea on a structure like this?

>> No.49994582

Airships can't lift that much weight, that's basically what it comes down to. You couldn't have any of the amenities really.

>> No.49994604

I really hope this one keeps posting lol

>> No.49994611

i mean hot air balloon ones

>> No.49994612

yeah i figured that might be a point of contention, but you get what i'm talking about right? sea erosion is a serious issue requiring dry dock maintenance. I'm not saying that we wouldn't have to maintain the airships, only that it would be a lesser load than maritime maintanence.

>> No.49994638

i'm so glad my mania for airships is spreading. I've never been respected, but i've always been strangely influential. Like, people laugh at my ideas and arguments, then a month later when they forgot that I was the one who proposed it they come up with the same idea lol. Doesn't matter to me as long as I can sail the sky one day.

>> No.49994666

nah if it flies it needs infinitely more maintenance than if it floats.

>> No.49994746

i think you might be uninformed about how corrosive the ocean is. Do you live far from the coast? Even people who don't engage in water passtimes have to deal with sea corrosion because their cars turn into rusted hulks if they live near the coast. Its a serious design problem.

There are similar issues with flight, such as acid rain and aerosol related corrosion, but the density is lower by orders of magnitude.

I just disagree with you on this one, but when i'm rich my engineers will determine one way or the other.

>> No.49994899


>> No.49995001

Heating the gas just increases the volume of the gas. Basically you could fill a 3/4 full balloon by heating the gas. Also where one anon mentioned square cube law being a problem with the plane design its actually beneficial for airships. The larger an airship is the better. The issue with a large airship is drag and crosswinds but some of the hybrid airships get around this by making the airship a lifting body. My idea is an entirely new airship frame. Should have less drag while also having the ability to have a smaller form factor. The current airships are actually pretty good at moving heavy cargo with minimal fuel at a decent speed (90+ knots) vs a container ship that moves at like 12 and has huge amounts of drag which means more fuel. My proposed design could probably travel at 170 knots with better fuel consumption than a full size airship but wouldnt be able to carry massive amounts of weight. I think there is currently a darpa grant out that my idea could solve. Fuck now I might have to actually mock up a design and specs lol.

>> No.49995268

you know, i think you're right i didn't think it through enough. Miniturization would have to rely on materials science to develop lower weight building materials, or somehow finding a less dense lifting gas than hydrogen. Hmm, or maybe developing a surface layer which is repulsive to air like oil is to water. Well thats my dream, personal luxury aircraft that are aerodynamic enough to fly at low altitudes for pleasure cruising over things like national parks.

But we both agree that megablimps would be ideal for point to point freight transit.

>> No.49995560

Well it's in the sky dummy so obviously it flies

>> No.49995660

Theres just no way to make these things small unless you want to really start chopping weight and even then they will still need an internal gas volume of like 2-3 18 wheelers minimum. With advances in material sciences since the hindemburg we can do a whole lot more. The goodyear blimp has some composite trusses and composites are just getting cheaper and cheaper.

I don't see personal luxury aircraft being a thing in local airspace anytime soon. Now luxury aircraft in the open ocean could be possible but the idea of that makes my butthole pucker.

Overall I think theres way too much stigma around hydrogen when its one of the most abundant elements and pretty damn cheap and people overlook it because of one explosion. (hydrogen has to mix with oxygen plus have an ignition source) I just think its stupid we just completely gave up on the idea and went straight to planes because they are faster. Airships have their own strengths and weaknesses and can fill a niche that planes and boats cant.

I just want to see some airships damnit!!

>> No.49995681

its just a larp you sensitive faggot. go bk to reddit and cry about words.

>> No.49995701

if you don't like wasting money on them, then support legalization of weed. the majority of that cost disparity is because a white dude with a joint caught by cops will get a pat on the back most of the times while a brown fella will get 20 years in the box lmao.

>> No.49995721

It isn't, I was being serious. Niggers stink and I don't want them.