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49987425 No.49987425 [Reply] [Original]

Share your hottest sexual experiences that you still fap to till this day.

For me it was banging two college sisters after we did mdma.

>> No.49987487

I dates a rowing girl in college. For my birthday she snuck me in to the girls team’s shower after practice. All the girls there were cool with it somehow.

>> No.49987490

I'm 34 and never had sex and just fap to my 2D waifu.

>> No.49987508
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Schwab is the reason I work out. I have this fantasy where we start talking at the local Lodge. We exchange a few pleasantries. He asks what I do. I say I loved him at the Epstein Island meetup. He laughs. I get my first prostate massage. "Well, shit nigger," I say and walk away.
I've got his attention now. How many guys voluntarily leave an encounter with Klaus Schwab? He touches his neck as he watches me leave. Later, as the night's dragged on and the coterie of gorgeous narcissists grows increasingly loose, he finds me on the balcony, my bowtie undone, smoking a cigarette. "Got ze spare?" he asks. "What's in it for me?" I say as I hand him one of my little white fags. He smiles. "A royal bath with me, duh." I laugh.
"What's so funny?" he protests. "Nothing, nothing... It's just... don't you grow tired of the chainigger problem?" "You get used to it," he says, lighting his cigarette and handing me back the lighter. "What would you do if you weren't a Schwablord nigger?" I ask.

>> No.49987513

>banging two college sisters
Regular sisters, or black "sisters"?

>> No.49987527
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I want a family so bad bros

>> No.49987541

Use your imagination just like op did. It’s your fantasy, my dude.

>> No.49987544
File: 80 KB, 700x452, F1F019E6-6B2A-4BB3-AE27-A181C652106D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me on the left

>> No.49987581

it be like that sometimes

>> No.49987582

Actual blood sisters? Did they touch each other

>> No.49987589

real sisters

>> No.49987599

their touching was minimal if i am being frank

>> No.49987609

Please help me understand how sometime in this situation has not yet at least banged a hooker

>> No.49987628


>that kid in the lower left


>> No.49987636

Still pretty wild. You should have married one of them

>> No.49987701

Nice. I rim horses.

>> No.49987707

Porn, masturbation, orgasm is a powerful control mechanism used by the elite to keep the general public in voluntary sedation. The 34yo virgin is very likely a porn addict whose natural inclination to leave his shitcave and find a mate was short circuited by the aforementioned.

>> No.49987727


>> No.49987748

>be fat fucking loser in college
>start working out, getting shit together, going to music festivals in last year of college to first year of grad school
>meet up with some friends and roasties from college after 2 years of getting /fit/ for a festival
>take acid and Molly, end up dancing with roastie for most of night
>go back to hotel after festival
>guys and one guys gf go out to smoke cigarettes, leave me and roastie in room
>she is standing in bathroom door looking in mirror
>come up behind her
>pushes ass into my dick
>lean in and start killing, bend her over and fuck on bathroom counter
>nut in <3min
>end up dating her for 2 years, now her taller hotter friend is my fiance

fuck i wish this was a real story bros

>> No.49987779

>porn... LE BAD
>banging an STD ridden prostitute... LE GOOD

>> No.49987857

slippin' into a pristine whyte redhead, on mdma

>> No.49987906

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl