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File: 76 KB, 1000x619, MesaVerde_Sellers_150-baff934a90e4def_baff94a2-f937-b9b4-d668f02f77822e5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49985855 No.49985855 [Reply] [Original]

Every few centuries North America enters a cyclical mega drought that lasts for a decade to a century. The evidence for the mega drought cycle can be found in the four corners area at Mesa Verde. This is where an entire settled civilization with a government, extensive agriculture, and complex religious rituals collapsed in the archeological equivalent of a blink of an eye.

How could this be? There couldn't have been a conflict that wiped all of them out, the cliffs were well defended and there's little evidence of warfare. There couldn't have been an outbreak of disease, the skeletons show no evidence of that. They weren't stagnant, they were the only civilization in the area and were expanding before this. The actual killer of the Cliff Dwellers isn't obvious, until you look at the trees.

In the 14th century tree growth froze in the Southwest for one simple reason: drought. In fact tree growth became so slow it can be inferred that at its worst years were passing without rain. The Cliff Dwellers even with their agriculture and grain stores simply ran out of water then ran out of food, forcing them to migrate to lower elevations where melt water rivers still flowed. It is likely they then became the Pueblo Indians.

What's shocking about this is that this same pattern of city building followed by extinction due to drought. The USA negotiated the Colorado River compact between the Southwest states in the 1930s, before anyone even knew about the drought cycle, and it assumed that the hoover dam could always produce a few million acre feet of water. America has assigned water that doesn't exist to a desert populated by 50 million people who are about to experience drought conditions on par with the Atacama in Chile. American civilization will fall in the same way the Cliff Dwellers did.

Any investment strategy must take into account the mass migration from the Southwest within 10 years. Are you financially prepared?

>> No.49985884

>Are you financially prepared?
no but i'm ready to laugh as our hilariously inept government does nothing about the situation until it reaches a tipping point.

>> No.49986005

wasn't this just the medieval warm period? it's not cyclical, everything has a cause. and it was felt globally. that said, we are really overdue for a horrible climate-affecting natural disaster and I'm really worried about that more than much else right now. fukushima was over a decade ago

>> No.49986030
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>be in us army corps of engineers
>get practically unlimited funds to fix water problem
>construct saltwater desalination plant
>construct pipelines to distribute clean water across the country
problem solved

>> No.49986046

>desalination plant
kek. it's barely viable in sand nigger countries with more oil money than they can count.

>> No.49986087

It takes over a decade to get a desalination plant operational. Construction would have to start NOW and the Sierra Club has so far succeeded at blocking desalination plants every time in court.

>> No.49986165

Only the Southwest will experience a drought. I'm not moving no matter what. All of you transplants can leave.

>> No.49986174

Entire subdivisions in the Phoenix metro have already run out of water and have to get it trucked in. Problem is now even the water hauling companies are having trouble finding water supplies. This problem will increase.

My dad is retired and spends his winters there so I am sad because I know some of his real estate investments will be worthless when I inherit them but oh well it’s his money. My sister lives in downtown Phoenix in a super liberal community. The Arizona libs are way into SJW shit because they have to be willfully ignorant of the environment to live there.

>> No.49986253
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Phoenix and Vegas are fine, most of the water usage (70%+) is discretionary farming (temporarily permitted by the state) which will be shut down if we are experiencing an actual serious drought.

Which will spike produce costs around most of the country, but we will still have plenty of water here for drinking.

>> No.49986278

You guys should worry more about power when the hoover dam has to shut down

>> No.49986286

Phoenix will be largely abandoned once the large reservoirs to its north are depleted. The incompetence of water management in Phoenix is astounding. They have a law that agricultural water rights holders who don't use their allotment every year lose. This encourages a retarded practice where water is simply let out on to the ground so water rights are retained. Phoenix will shrink to a fraction of its size.
There wont be even 30% of supply left, years will pass without rainfall. The Hoover Dam will completely shut down and likely need a low level bypass installed, that's how severe this will be.

>> No.49986431

The 14th century was the end of the warm period. Civilizations always collapse when it gets colder and colder weather leads to drought ironically. Drought, famine, migrations, wars and diseases. We’re currently going into an ice age and we were on the verge of avoiding that with co2 but greens want us to die. Co2 is good for the environment and prevents ice ages.

>> No.49986548

>low level bypass
Already happening. Lake Powell will be abandoned first but losing the Lee’s Ferry division point between upper and lower basins will require a massive reworking of western interstate water management.

As for how to prepare for this eventuality, I settled in a high elevation Rocky Mountain town with secure water (cause this is where the snow will still fall even if it’s a quarter of what it is now and doesn’t accumulate until 12000ft) and I own water rights (inherited from a chad grandpa). I am long-term bullish on high elevation Rocky Mountain real estate as it’s the downstream communities in the valleys and plains that will become unlivable once the aquifers are drained and the reservoirs dry up. I am getting specialized education in water rights and maneuvering my career that way as water management and climate mitigation/planning jobs will explode in the next decade, certainly in the Western US but probably globally.

>> No.49986551

It seemed to have occurred right after that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_Warm_Period

>> No.49987079


NOOOOO!!!! filtered le dooomer water thesis.
doomers seethe

>> No.49987126
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America can spend $15B on a failed border wall and $40B on a failed proxy war but lacks the foresight and will to spend $7B on a plant that produces it's own operational fresh water and energy with enough power left over to out-compete the Hoover dam.

>> No.49987151

Finally a fucking based thread. Yes. I am very prepared.

>> No.49987166

>thinks the govt wants America to survive

>> No.49987260


>> No.49987306

Read a single primary source before you talk about this. The ruins were full of skeletons with signs of having been violently murdered. There was absolutely a conflict between tribes during the drought.

>> No.49987328

Back in the 60's or something, there was talk about building a mega irrigation canal from the pacific northwest into the southwest. It will probably never happen because of the stupendous cost and the many towns and ecologies along the way that will be flooded.

>> No.49988446

>colder weather leads to drought ironically.
eh? I thought it was the opposite

>> No.49988533

They'll let lake mead bottom and ask people to stop showering then. Regardless they'll keep buying Vegas real estate.

>> No.49989163

It really will upend the entire economy. 1/6 Americans will be evicted by the weather

>> No.49989239

>co2 is good for the environment

>> No.49989285
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>Sierra Club has so far succeeded at blocking desalination plants every time in court
I wonder who funds the Sierra Club?

>> No.49989293

(you) are wrong. Those skeletons were from before the exodus.