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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 130 KB, 1280x1280, germany-flag-std__88891.1626159289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49950568 No.49950568 [Reply] [Original]

>rent prices through the roof
>Petrol at 2,1 eur/lt
>Quark costs 1,59 eur from 0,59 eur!
>Döner almost 7 fucking eur!
>electricity at 0,44eur/kWh
>average salary is 1350eur/month
>gas supplies will literally run out in less than 2 months
>bridgewater already shorting the shit out of german companies

Its truly fucking over germanbros. They are about to completely collapse the german economy

>> No.49950585


>> No.49950607 [DELETED] 

Didn't you literally voted for this (Merkel)?

>> No.49950615

lörp lürp, döner isn't 7 euros... no way

>> No.49950621

I am comfy, must be a (you) problem.

>> No.49950624

Fuck, sucks for you guys but at least you can enjoy that the UK is fucking worse than this

>> No.49950633

>avarage salary from 1350
you should have went to school burgerflipper

>> No.49950653

Doner Dach: 7,80 EUR.

Went to a festival yesterday, paid 6 EUR for one measly cup of Weizen (33cl).

We're fucked, and nobody seems to realize it yet.

>> No.49950656

Newsflash: we are trapped in the belly of this horrible machine and the machine is bleeding to death

>> No.49950664
File: 173 KB, 968x532, ergergegre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lörp lürp, döner isn't 7 euros... no way

>if you only knew how bad things really are

>> No.49950673

>average salary is 1350eur/month
But this is simply not the case.

>> No.49950676

You mean 4€ with added 2€ in pfand so you don't steal the bierglas?

>> No.49950702

History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

>> No.49950719

He probably meant median, which is about right

>> No.49950730

Doner or Doner equivalent is over €10 in Norway and Finland
Sanctions benefited Russia and killed EU economy kek

>> No.49950736

I wrote cup, didn't I? Fucking mongoloid.

3 coins of 2EUR each. It was one of the cheaper festivals. Seen 10EUR floating by on Instagram stories already.

Keep downplaying it tho.

>> No.49950758

the article you quoted mentions that döner is >7€ at some places but only if you order it with extra meat (journalists, lol). post a screenshot of a menu where a basic döner costs 7€ or i won't believe it

>> No.49950762

But minimum wage in Germany is more than 1500 EUR/month. There's just simply no way that the median income could be below that. It's a wealthy country, stop trying to convince everyone that it has eastern Euro wages.

>> No.49950784

This is why you don’t fuck with the tribe. They play the long game and they always win. Should’ve gone for the head while you had the chance.

>> No.49950792


>> No.49950796

Median netto is in that range

>> No.49950852
File: 15 KB, 360x480, E4DU5TOUUAMSRGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

€4.5 to €6.5
t. Vienna

I pay €6 for my local latte in the morning. It's good but not that good.

>> No.49950864

Median full time income, or median income of all earners inclusive of those who work part time and casually as well? With labour markets as they are now, there's not really any excuse for being underemployed if you're aiming not to be.

>> No.49950907

You got quite a few of these wrong bro
>Döner is 4,9€.
>Petrol is already came down quite a bit.
>Average salary is 3.975 € brutto.
>Rent prices are still low compared to other countries.

>> No.49950968

Probably all. Many people dont realize how many plebians we have because they look at the inflated average income.

>> No.49950973

>look at me I'm gonna make OP mad by making up numbers hurr durr

Enjoying your Friday afternoon, fat fuck?

>> No.49951006

Nigger who drinks beer out of a cup?? what kind of shitty festival have you been to? Echtes bier kommt aus dem Glas

>> No.49951055

Same here in Austria. We're fucked beyond belief, yet the people are far too stupid to realize it, let alone to act and invest accordingly.

>> No.49951471

Nooo we need to beat putin! And a war soli! And solve climate change! And take in more refugees! And increase minimum wage and carry the burden of indebted southern euro states oh and we need to do all of this at the same time

>> No.49952204

>Same here in Austria. We're fucked beyond belief, yet the people are far too stupid to realize it, let alone to act and invest accordingly.
True. Two thirds of germans want their masks back in autumn. Guess that is the more pressing concern.

>> No.49952222

Also abolish nuclear energy and combustion cars

>> No.49952361

Perhaps this will wake up some Germans to their current situation. Ah, who am I kidding. They will schaffen das as they import more immigrants.

>> No.49952413

Good. Fuck Germany and fuck Germans.

>> No.49952418

They will mutter and pay up

>> No.49952441

da fuq is quark? judengas?

>> No.49952478

OP ist ein Geringverdiener

>> No.49952483

>Petrol at 2,1 eur/lt

I pay €2.50 per liter...

>> No.49952496

Who does your media blame for this energy crisis? It's pretty obvious Schröder was/is corrupt, and Merkel coming from DDR doesn't scream trustworthy. Not to mention the 'migrantsituation'

>> No.49952554

>>average salary is 1350eur/month
The fuck? Are Germans really that poor? I make three times as much and I'm only 30.

>> No.49952563

Putin of course

>> No.49952585

>Are Germans really that poor?
poorer than that actually, they pay like 50% in taxes - that brown dick is expensive

>> No.49952596

>The fuck? Are Germans really that poor?
They ain't calling us europoors for nothing.

>> No.49952619

Yes. But they dont know that they are poor. They would probably pity you because you dont have "free healthcare"

>> No.49952758

>using festival prices for comparison
fucking mongokind
take the price average for a beer at your local wirtshaus

>eating döner or fast food regulary instead 1x a month MAX
RIP Topfen Preise though

>> No.49952869

Das kommende Chaos ist die dringend benötigte Reinigung

>> No.49952908

> average salary is 1350eur/month
Bruder hast du Kotkonzentrat inhaliert? *Mindestlohn* ist 9,81€, bei 35 Stunden pro Woche, mal 4 Wochen = 140 Stunden sind das alleine 1375€. Das heißt selbst ein Oger wie du verdient mehr. Im Juli wird der Mindestlohn 10,45€.
Wo kaufst du bitte Döner für über 5€?
Behinderter Pfosten/10.

>> No.49953004

He used the "current" wikipedia data for median netto income.

Der Median des Nettoeinkommens lag 2013 bei 1.345 Euro[2]. 2020 betrug der Median des Bruttoeinkommens 3.551 Euro[3].

Der Median des Nettoäquivalenzeinkommens der Bevölkerung Deutschlands lag im Jahr 2008 bei 1.772 Euro pro Monat,[4] im Jahr 2013 betrug es 1.957 Euro pro Monat.

Doesnt look much better now though, no need to cope but we are poor.

>> No.49953100

döner kostet überall jetz 6 euro und jeder verdient nebenbei noch was dazu

>> No.49953314

>Petrol at 2,1 eur/lt
good thing about this I get to pick up cute cashiers at the gas station when I pay the v-power for my porsche out of my goyard wallet.
it's only over for you.

>> No.49954417

Everyone who shorts the shit out of german companies will print money. I am doing it

>> No.49954503

France is the exact same thing, we just have algerians instead of turks and better weather.

>> No.49954555
File: 196 KB, 700x465, haftbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halt deine drecks fresse du scheiß kartoffel. Musst du nicht morgen arbeiten du kleiner wage cuck drecks alaman, gibt kein frei am samstag für dich. Ich gönne mir erstmal einen durtschlöscher auf deinen nacken du kleines stück scheiße. Alle drecks allman ITT sollen sich alle ficken ihr arbeitet damit ich nix tun muss. Während dessen fahre ich mit nem amg angemeldet auf verwandten in türkei und ihr mit dem 9€ ticket in überfüllten öfis. Ich wette ihr könnt nicht mal die kleine fresse aufreisen wenn ein paar ausländische jugedliche rapp musik auf vollem anschlag in der bahn hören, immer schön die fresse nach unten halten ihr alman dreck.

>> No.49954558
File: 406 KB, 498x474, pepe-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quark ist bei 1,60? jz ohne scheiss?!

>> No.49954626
File: 439 KB, 1080x648, 1587853155711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Döner almost 7 fucking eur!

You're obviously not a maestro, amigo. Wie immer bitte.
Not that I care. I only eat raw potatoes and onions with salt.

>> No.49954802

Is over, bros

>> No.49954892

we have the same prices but with eastern euro salaries stop complaining

>> No.49955077

looks like it is about time to go liberate the oil and gas fields in Siberia

>> No.49955244

>I pay €2.50 per liter...
petrol is 1.87€ in in an average bavarian town. maybe you are doing it wrong?

>> No.49955344

Why is it hard to believe? My döner costs 6,5 but im in bumfuck nowhere, not hard to think döner in munich or some other city costs 50cent more, some anon was even talking about 9€

>> No.49955375

Pretty sure he meant netto and let me tell you even with inflated averages due to high earners the average certainly isnt 3k netto

>> No.49955439
File: 367 KB, 1440x1440, FRvAFZ3XIAIk5Pf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Döner is over 5€ everywhere, even berlin

This list is already ourdated

>> No.49955892
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1640979690599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw living in Zürich
>tfw we really had 12€ even before inflation

>> No.49956387

>Quark costs 1,59 eur from 0,59 eur!
No it doesn't. I bought one cup today, it's 0.79.

>> No.49956425

HAHA this is what you get for killing all the jews

>> No.49956476

German bros, the currency sign goes before the amount in English.

>> No.49956646

>average salary is 1350eur/month
Are Germans really that poor? I make twice that as a Supervisor at a Fast food Restaurant.

>> No.49956655
File: 28 KB, 400x379, durchschnittiger Sören.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ja, vielleicht in deiner Welt. Hier haste 1 (eins) € für deinen Belehrungsversuch.
Hast du dir verdient! :)

>> No.49956780

yes, but that doesnt stop them from looking down on americans for their terrible gun culture and lack of health care.

>> No.49956805
File: 622 KB, 553x679, ersma kaffé.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totes Brett ist tot.

Klick mal den Mücken-Alarm und erzähl uns was der Artikel so hergibt.

>> No.49956844


Get on my level. Here in Denmark a döner is 9 euros, and a cup of coffee at Starbucks is like 7-8 euros

>> No.49956987
File: 21 KB, 550x482, C2488600-9B64-441B-8E0E-617780535B89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be Dutch
> Have fixed rate still for the next 2 years
> Pay 5 cents per kWh thanks to tax cuts
> In 2 years probably around 1.5 euros
> Anxiety keeps creeping up more

How do variable rate people even fucking deal with these prices? Every month I see prices increase and more people creeping closer to bankruptcy because of basic living needs. This ain’t right bros.

>> No.49957132
File: 5 KB, 224x225, e99030b4b08937497e4649309df60897600f74758ff7e7f96768a0396aad8c24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do variable rate people even fucking deal with these prices?
I simply decided to not pay up.

>> No.49957370

>>Petrol is already came down quite a bit.
Just straight up lying. Fuck you.

>> No.49957386

Just don't be retarded

>Bought BTC in 2020 and sold tax free at the end of 2021
>Bought myself a nice home with loads of land and a nice garden in a rural area
>Solar and batteries
>Geothermal heating
>Brought the house up to energy standards
>Living costs only around 600 euro a month for a full house
>Dont care about energy prices
>Dont care about petrol prices thanks to EV fir daily drive
>Dont eat shitty food
>Only whites around me

It really is that easy. Dont let lifestyle creep get your gains

>> No.49957405

Just stop eating döner you fat fucks and you'll save some euros.

>> No.49959642

Depends where you live.
In areas with a high volume of migrants, a döner mighr cost 4-5€, like in the west of Germany or Berlin

>> No.49959836

>>rent prices through the roof

>> No.49960036

There aren't enough full time jobs for a giant part of the active population. Germans have been in short work since Schröder

>> No.49960443

Germans politicians are collaborators and try to cover their ass.

>> No.49960623

I pay 4€ for Döner in Mittelfranken.

>> No.49962734

And yet no one is rioting.
Maybe stop being poor, chud.

>> No.49963173


>> No.49963210

Good, I fucking hate Germany and wish to see it burn to the ground in my lifetime

>> No.49963248

I thought that the zeughauskeller was good trade off between price, quantity and quality. 34CHF for Kalbsgeschnetzeltes and a large beer.

>> No.49963270

>They are about to completely collapse the german economy
fuck the germans

>> No.49963299

Estáis jodidos en Alemania y estamos jodidos en el resto del planeta, no hay mas.

>> No.49963532

around 1300 is actually better than what burgerflippers earn, that would be around 800$

>> No.49963550

love it. lel

>> No.49963569

The 1300 EUR is a per month figure, not per week.

>> No.49963599

yes i know, i live near germany

>> No.49963603

That's the green economy

>> No.49963647

I go to festivals all the time in the US and a tall can of shitty light beer is like $18 but i can buy it at the gas station for $2.

>> No.49963939

>german national dish is turkish
>american national dish is german
i think i can safely say: whiter than you achmed

>> No.49963958

kebap is invented in germany fag

>> No.49964498
File: 87 KB, 800x600, 1619033946232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Fuck ge*mans, hope your fucking country collapses and you all die starving.

>> No.49964532
File: 388 KB, 960x862, europoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eurocuck bros... it's over we will always be poor

>> No.49964546
File: 247 KB, 2048x1156, 1639591424259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to balkans, I'll let you work in my fields and pay you with shitty white bread with hard unchewable crusts. We can have a bbq party sometimes

>> No.49964608

>former fatass
>on diet for a year
>used to order Döner with some stuff, always paid 12€ plus tip for my order
>order yesterday for the first time in a year

It's over, isn't it

>> No.49964635

it's just the beginning.

>> No.49964678

Germany is doomed. All the good genes got wiped out in WW1 and WW2. In a decade or two it is majority migrant-population (together with France and UK) and Europe will be doomed. So fucking sad.

>> No.49964680

I vill own nozing and ich werde glücklig sein...

>> No.49964687

after moving here from African Germany 4 years ago i realized how absolutely cucked this society is. Germs will never stand up for themselves, they will believe any truth you tell them, they will do everything authority tells them to (see ww2) and they will act like they're best in the world in anything and laugh at people trying to warn/advise them
i am unironically ashamed of my heritage, and will try to forget the language once i leave
the good Germans left for the American continent a long time ago

>> No.49964701
File: 101 KB, 800x533, cbe33240-f585-11e8-b8fa-0242ac11000d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same here in Austria. We're fucked beyond belief, yet the people are far too stupid to realize it, let alone to act and invest accordingly.
at least you have some nice countryside, warm weather and general nudity

>> No.49964704


The good germans died in WW2. Only the cucks survived, and the few good men who survived have been shamed for 80 years into submission.

>> No.49964717

Germany along with the EU is crashing with no survivors…
Do you stack fiat? What’s your hedge?

>> No.49964730

if they gonna roll out mask mandates again in autumn im leaving the country. im basically just waiting for sth to push me over the edge fuck this shithole nowhere else do people still cling to their shitty masks except here the memedemic is over you stupid fucks. also what is it with all these fucking boomers and their nordic walking sticks? what you cant swing your arms without holding a stick?? holy shit i hate german npcs so much theres some decent people here but the average german is a braindead gullible retard

>> No.49964750

what the fuck is african germany?

>> No.49964765

du hast mich überzeugt, nächstes mal wird die AfD gewählt

>> No.49964777

Could be worse, atleast German women are good looking. Australian women are literal beasts

>> No.49964786

ev cuck

>> No.49964795

>average salary is 1350eur/month
no fucking way this can be true
im a junior dev in croatia with 0 work experience and I make 1000 eur/month

>> No.49964805

Jesus christ i always forget there are people here who were born after 2004

>> No.49964807

not enough, hopefully germany will become an aggressor again and not a whiny bitch to finally fuck france in the ass, theres nothing worse than france

>> No.49964847

How did you nail the Turkish accent speaking German so well?

>> No.49964860

>ordering döner

Did you tip 6€???

>> No.49964923

>already made it

>> No.49964942
File: 1.91 MB, 2119x2261, SuperQuilt--1.5mtr_01dbfaf1-bf80-4d19-ae80-b6de87dd2431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dont let lifestyle creep get your gains
good advice.

>> No.49964975

The UK is pretty good at producing its own energy and food so if they decided to re-nationalise everything and say fuck trading things we need on a global market it would do ok. Also they dodged a bullet with leaving the EU as its pretty much 100% on Germany to prop up the Southern EU countries.

>> No.49964984

The EU facilitates labour arbritage. What do you expect?

>> No.49965000
File: 283 KB, 1125x784, 38C6E72A-0EF2-45C5-9BD9-615871B42FDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uk bros...it's over

>> No.49965018


But they did go for the head and the anglogolems (of which I am shamefully one) stopped them

>> No.49965125

I can literally do all that with a vr simulation game, or maybe with lovelace when they finish their shit.

>> No.49965171

>electricity at 0,44eur/kWh
holy fuck. Why is it so high?
I have 100% green energy and "only", pay 0.20€

>> No.49965239

Because it was a very smart decision to shut down all nuclear power plants and build the entire energy industry on empty promises like "the renewables will be good enough in the future"

>> No.49965304

Because lampposts still arent occupied

>> No.49965331

I hate you Geringverdiener so fucking much I'm waiting for the day that Freistaat Bayern finally fucks off from the rest of those German low brains and joins with Austria.
Ihr Schmarotzer lebt auf unsere Kosten

>> No.49965342

I wish austria hungary was still a thing bros

>> No.49965452

>Measuring your purchasing power using turkroach food
The absolute state of europoors

>> No.49965474

>rent prices through the roof
>Petrol at 2,1 eur/lt
Imagine relying on a car for work in current year
>Quark costs 1,59 eur from 0,59 eur!
It should always be this high
>Döner almost 7 fucking eur!
Embarressing if true. It still costs 5 here
>electricity at 0,44eur/kWh
Meh annoying
>average salary is 1350eur/month
Shouldve stayed in school and got a better job, Ronny.
>gas supplies will literally run out in less than 2 months
Literal fake news
>bridgewater already shorting the shit out of german companies
Nothing new

>> No.49965490

>The UK is pretty good at producing its own energy and food
we'd be even better at it if we actually restarted farming on the kind of scale it can be run at; there are huge quantities o farmland that basically aren't used currently. historically, the uk had the largest fish market on the planet

>> No.49965508

Who said he relies on the car for work

Not everyone lives in the city cuck, thank god for that

>> No.49965527

Bunch of whiny cucks I swear to god. Suck it the fuck up and buy some bit. You're literally better off than 90% of the world.

>> No.49965535

>invest accordingly
Like what?

>> No.49965536

>I cant drive to buy groceries twice per week
Are you fucking retarded or what?

>> No.49965559

I remember when I was a kid I could buy a Döner with 0.3l Cola for 3 euro

>> No.49965570

Invest in USA companies with our eurinos. If euro goes to shit against dollar, that will do nicely.

>> No.49965575
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1651171781880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know where you live anon but here in the south everything seems pretty fine.
Quark for about 79cent.
Döner still costs 5€.
And i pay 450€ for 65qm in a comfy rural village.
Some things got a bit pricier but nothing too drastic.

>> No.49965600
File: 151 KB, 1242x1042, 0314CD2B-4E34-4D05-A8A8-FA3773704497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get vaxxed, put on a mask, be quiet about it and put the country into lockdown. Im sure this will solve your fucking problems in the EU.

>> No.49965627

Döner was invented in Germany.

>> No.49965635

Döner was already 3.50€ when I was a kid (27 now)

>> No.49965678

this: >>49965627
turkroaches just yoinked it and slapped their flag on it.
all their other food is stolen from greece

>> No.49965763

Shoulda built some o' those nukular power plants after gassing the greens.

>> No.49965791

kek i noticed that too

>> No.49965830

They did. They were the only ones that did, actually.

>> No.49965832

The median wage in Belgium is like 3500 and we have higher taxes than you. According to the same source the average in Germany is almost 4000. Both before taxes.

Why are you lying this hard

>> No.49965838

germans still are very generous as tourists. mainly the very old boomers. they throw money at you just for beeing nice to them. how come?

>> No.49965851

Ignorant nigger. Döner literally was invented in Germany, by Turkish Germans. As much as I hate Turks and Germans, I'll gladly stick to facts instead of attention whoring nigger jibberish.

>> No.49965884

>they throw money at you just for beeing nice to them. how come?
theyre not used to it
germans are icy standoffish assholes mostly and the customer service is horrible

>> No.49965898
File: 9 KB, 247x204, 1651079171000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the pay like for data jobs mountainjew cause Im losing my shit here

>680eur avg wage
>2.35-2.60eur/Lt for 95unleaded
>2.80-3.50eur souvlaki
>0.105eur/kwhr fixed rate contract


>> No.49965906

oh and half of the "facts" this moron writes are wrong. average german salary is way above 3k. he is probably some fresh immigrant.
im not german, i just know it.

>> No.49965911

I miss u Hitler

>> No.49965918

Di si gala, otkud na bizu

>> No.49965926

>he fell for the turkish german meme
if you go way back the Greeks have Souvlaki (the one wrapped in Pita not on the sticks) where it was originally stolen into Döner Kebab from Germans in Germany and prepped by Turkroaches since it's Unterschichten work no German wants to do

>> No.49965930

> Poor people being mad at somebody who’s made it


>> No.49965942

>Doner Dach: 7,80 EUR.
Ein Döner kostet etwa 5-6 Euro in Berlin, Bernd.

>> No.49965974

is this the same thread from yesterday?

>> No.49965978

No but you seem to as youre pulling out shit none ever mentioned

>> No.49965980
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>average salary is 1350eur/month

>> No.49966006

i live in the south and döner costs 7€-7.5€. visited my parents in the north where it's 6.5€. if it's still 5€ where you live, it won't be that for much longer.

>> No.49966009
File: 37 KB, 780x438, 014189DF-8C47-4B80-A031-4DB9A9DF740B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even survive on a 680 euro a week salary with the current cost of living? I make 1400 a week and shit is already rough.

>> No.49966022
File: 62 KB, 633x758, literally_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Often one measures purchasing power using Big Mac. In Germany many people measure it using döner, because döner is just simply tastier and healthier comparting to Big Mac, you fatass.

>> No.49966029

Cost of living are different and directly correlate with the local level of wages, who would have thought...

>> No.49966039

Red pill me on döner. Why did it kill native European food?

>> No.49966047

Did he not just state the price of gas and food?

>> No.49966093

it didn't kill it, it just reduced the share that people consume of it. traditional german food just tends to be more expensive, in part because the people making it earn higher wages, in part because the ingredients are more expensive.
in essence, it's fast food, and there simply wasn't much fast food before the turks arrived, so it filled a niche.
the same is true for other food: american, italian, greek, mexican, chinese food and such all became available in germany, leading to people consuming less traditional food on average, with döner being particularly strong because it's especially cheap.
german food is also pretty boring, so it's no surprise that other types of national food gained more ground against it.

>> No.49966107

At this point it is native european (fast) food, its fullfilling, fast, cheap and tastes good

>> No.49966132

>native european (fast) food,
> its fullfilling,
>and tastes good

>> No.49966142

are yo u the same kraut who keeps spamming the3 same shit thread every day ?

>> No.49966152

according to google median netto in germany is 2,970 euro.

>> No.49966163

None asked

>> No.49966172

the krauts must suffer

>> No.49966202
File: 104 KB, 617x445, 1632082551547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

döner in sweden is $10 for delivery


>> No.49966204
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>A week
Topkek I wish. COL is indeed lower but if I had rent to pay I would've kms.
I personally make 1300eur/month and that's considered very good. My gross is around 500-600eur/month more, which all goes to taxes.

At least I get the privilege of dying like a dog in some hallway bed in a public hospital, unlike gypsies who get full service for free + welfare.

>> No.49966431

work for your sins bitch

>> No.49966446

But but at least you’re hurting Russia, r-right germbros?

>> No.49966511

Döner used to be a dish served on a plate. A guy from berlin "invented" the döner by dumping all that in a slice of bread and selling it to go.

Besides the high fat from the meat it´s a really healthy and tasty fast food. As it´s not a franchise you need to find yourself a good one. Many are just mediocre/bad

>> No.49966563

>germans are icy standoffish assholes mostly and the customer service is horrible
that's not what xhamster tells me.....

>> No.49966589

it is right besides /pol/and, dont give a shit to these degenerates.

>> No.49966615

i still prefer it on a plate but i dont trust those fuckers anymore. just one place.

>> No.49966794
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>> No.49966852

>all these eurocucks defending their turkroach food

cook a real dinner yourselves for once, losers

>> No.49966891
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>> No.49966913


>> No.49966921

>jz ohne scheiss?!
Nein, ist Käse. OP erzählt Quark.

>> No.49966974

Okay. Then plan, build, insure and run one within the next couple months.

Oh, no. You can't.
Because planning & building these monsters takes decades and they tend to blow up in expenses, see Flamanville & Hinkley Point C.
Because no one insures it - exept the state - as no insurance company wants to take this risk.
Because no one can deliver these small detail called fuel elements right now and ordering them takes also quite some time.

Quit talking about stuff you dont know anything about, faggots.

>> No.49967018

why the fuck are you paying €6 for a latte?

>noooooooooo the nips in fuckshima had a nuclear accident, they had a tsunami and shit what do you mean obvious safety measures were skirted over reeeee
>muh threeeeeeeeeee mileeeeeee islaaaaaand bad so what if there were 0 deaths, it is bad, yeah they implemented so many safety measures that not even a diversity hire can fuck it up but muh radiation

>doesn't know about small modular reactors

>> No.49967051

Thank you based coal merchant, very cool! If only there were several nuclear power plants that recently stopped working, surely that would help the current situation.

>> No.49967061

damn those are all not really old and latest tech. what a waste to shut them down. fuck todays politics.

>> No.49967103

still have no idea why krauts shut down their plants
they should take notes from the frogs

>> No.49967110

It's not about building new ones. Germany literally shut down almost all of their nuclear power plants over the last decade. They shut down 3 of their remaining 6 plants earlier this year right before the war started lmao. Don't talk about things you have no clue about.

>> No.49967118

>doesn't know about small modular reactors
Show me where these SMRs are located and where the material for building a couple hundreds of them can be aquired.

>> No.49967122

>even knowing the price of a cup of starshit
Fucking retard

>> No.49967189
File: 537 KB, 2860x1361, Screenshot_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole "muh energy crisis" was created by krauts themselves

>> No.49967194

>It's not about building new ones.

You mean the ones that are already in the process of being scrapped and therefore would need years to be made usable for this purpose again?

Are you so dense to think Herr Bernd simply closed down the gates of these plants and let them sit there to be reused? No, faggots. They are in the process of being dismantled right now. And a not insignificant share of parts is already <<destroyed>>, meaning it would have to be <<repaired>>. Which in case of a nuclear power plant would be a whole project in itself.
One that would take at least a year with no guarantee that the plant is usable afterwards. Anyone suggesting that this would be somehow economically feasible, technoligically easy or even remotely fast, is an idiot of epic proportions.

>> No.49967253

It fills a niche because traditional German food sucks

>> No.49967284
File: 124 KB, 733x1100, A-stereotypical-Italian-chef-grating-cheese-over-a-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that explains why they go to italy each weekend to get a real meal.

>> No.49967398

Animal fat is incredibly healthy you emasculated plebian

>> No.49967425

So, then what? Germans were retarded enough to let their politicians castrate them and made them dependent on Russian gas, and then their politicians voted for cutting off Russian gas. It's exactly like >>49967189 says, krauts did this to themselves. Imagine fucking frogs being smarter energy-wise than the almighty efficient krauts.

Either get those reactors working again or perish. It's funny how there are always loads of obstacles and impossibilities for projects such as these (muh year long project, muh fuel, muh this muh that) but when push comes to shove it CAN and WILL be done. So just fucking do it, nerds.

>> No.49967544

>Either get those reactors working again or perish.
Nuclear energy never had such a significant share of total energy supply. And right now the german energy production is actually supporting the failing french nuclear plants, meaning in regards to electricity, Germany dont even has so much of a problem.
The issue with Russian gas is with how many homes in Germany are heated. This is what it is used for, not electricity. And regarding electricity, the frogs will be dependent on German energy to heat their homes in winter, because electrical heaters are more widespread in france.

>Germans were retarded enough to let their politicians castrate them and made them dependent on Russian gas
Which actually no German really denies, you idiot. The conservatives fucked over 100k jobs in the past decade by strangling the reneval energy sector.

>> No.49967595
File: 1.52 MB, 1018x762, 1656166929130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally voted for this. You kept voting for that anti-nuclear globowhore for over a decade, and now you voted for a bald cuckold.
The worst is yet to come for Germany. When the recession starts really kicking in around the world, people won't spend money on German cars, which will make it even worse for Goymany.

>> No.49967605

The fat isnt the problem with döner, if its good meat and not some mystery meat, both are high in phosphat though used in production so thats be biggest concern imo

The unhealthiest part is probably the sauce, its very high in fat, for some time i ordered without sauce and its pretty good too

>> No.49967609

Cheap credit is derivative of cheap energy. Just wait until you cannot fund your welfare state anymore.

>> No.49967612

Lol sucks for you shouldn't have invaded poland

>> No.49968274

move lol

>> No.49968292

sick facebook qoute bro!

>> No.49968334

Why are you so poor? Even the rest of us eastern europeans who managed to get into EU surpassed you by 2x in salaries. Get real malaka

>> No.49968342

How come France keep using and renewing nuclear plants? The same France that Goymany buys power from. Moron.

>> No.49968489

>How come France keep using and renewing nuclear plants?
Because France is retarded. A good share of their plants are offline. Not because of scheduled maintenance but because of corrosion and not enough cooling water.

<The same France that Goymany buys power from. Moron.
For a couple years now, Germany is exporting electricity to the frogs, not vice versa. Flamanville will not change anything about that and as even the most estimations put the realisation of SMRs on a timeframe of decades, this is not likely to change.

>> No.49968860

he was right about germany


>> No.49968952

There's German communities everywhere
In Africa it's mostly in Namibia and South Africa, we also have citizenship

>> No.49969006

Döner is 4€ where I live

>> No.49969164

stop eating KothautSchnellFraß fette Sau

>> No.49969539
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x3024, 52016403022_de272b2ec5_4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have become Cucks for Ukraine. They send us their wishlist and we have to deliever. Give up all our weapons, send money over. Take in their refugees and feed them.

In return we get jackshit and Ukrainiane constantly critizicing germany wanting more free stuff.

Instead we should have sided with russia for cheap energy like China and India. Fuck Ukraine, they should get fucked, who cares. I choose wealth and prosperity than some corrupt pisspoor people.
Natural Gas prices have gone 6X so far. We are fucked.

>> No.49969596

it always looks good. even if the meat is old and made of dog food. its just what it is, sandnegerfrass. grüße bernd.

>> No.49969651
File: 191 KB, 1102x1002, S39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schlachtabfälle im Darm (Würstel) sind sicherlich besser, top kek.

Döner ist nicht ohne Grund beliebt und auch rassisten können nicht widerstehen, du Hund.

>> No.49969692

you get what you fucking deserve

YOU voted cum-ex olaf as chancelor
YOU voted the green party into parliament
YOU literally BEGGED for sanctions

the only based "germans" are the ones abusing the welfare state to the brink of collapse
why would you still want to work in that hellhole? for what? you would probably get more money with hartz IV

>> No.49969706

wer sagt dass ich deutsche kackwürste bevorzuge? fahr mal über zwei grenzen in den süden dann bist du da wo man wieder essen kann ohne verarscht zu werden habibi. aber dafür wird dein harz4 nicht reichen. hau rein.

>> No.49969835
File: 201 KB, 1517x878, sd0601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah so you faggot still have to go to brown people to eat some decent food. german food is literally just good enough for survival

>> No.49969885

born and raised there, abdul. your people are much browner. never seen north italy?

>> No.49969904

>pictures of disgusting "food"
but fitting for a disgusting country, i guess

>> No.49970079

The dream is over bois. Half ass your job to get fired, move to other nation, short every german company.

>> No.49970433

t. greek living in germany

I also don't understand where this loyalty to Ukraine stems from. Blind alliance for a state that isn't NATO or EU. Everything that Germany did in the last months could have easily been interpreted as an declaration of war towards Russia by how much they assist with weapons and machinery as money. And Ukraine even cries more and more and has nothing to offer back and will never do.

>> No.49970459

Aber bitte kein Hackdöner, das ist widerlich. Und ja, Würste sind auch eklig. Gibt nicht ohne Grund das bekannte Bismarck Zitat von der Wurstproduktion und Gesetzgebung im Parlament

>> No.49970566

what a chad bismarck must have been.

>> No.49971224

didn't know thanks for the info

>> No.49971301

Damn, you really fell for them. Enjoy your grünes Wirtschaftswunder

>> No.49971357


Just turn off the gas bro, its only used for heating the goyim hives.

>> No.49971544
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Stabil bruder alhamdulillah.

>> No.49973310
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Dont worry, more regulations will fix this

>> No.49973390

So what's the most affordable place for living in Europe in regards to cost of living vs average salary?

>> No.49973504

It annoys me too but Russia needs to get fucked because otherwise will stir shit with other countries. After it collapses into few warring states we will get cheap hydrocarbons again.

>> No.49973529


>> No.49973703

who gives a rat's ass dumb fuck? If you spend even 4 euro on some bread and meat and think thats a good deal youre already part of the fucking problem. Just stop consooming and buy 1000s of kcal for 5 bucks instead of 800 kcal for 5

>> No.49973955

fuck off retard, i'm not talking to you, i'm talking to the guy who claimed that there's no measurable food inflation in germany. i don't think that döner is good food you absolute readingcomprehensionlet.

>> No.49973988

There's inflation everywhere, thats the point of fiat currencies and central banks, they overplayed their hand during the pandemic

>> No.49974014

>i don't think that döner is good food
its literally just bread, different veggie shit that goes into salad, yoghurt sauce and spinny rat meat. whats the issue

>> No.49974024

>who gives a rat's ass dumb fuck? If you spend even 4 euro on some bread and meat and think thats a good deal youre already part of the fucking problem. Just stop consooming and buy 1000s of kcal for 5 bucks instead of 800 kcal for 5

so this is that famous european prosperity?

>> No.49974171

We are on biz here you fat mutt, we cook our own damn food.

>> No.49974260


>> No.49974631
File: 1.24 MB, 1230x901, 어젯밤에 생긴.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop complaining. Nothing ever happens

>> No.49975770

Ironically they (germany goverment) are now calling russians actions on gas "economy terrorism", but the world wide santions and boycotts of western goverments werent economy warfare nooo, god i hate those stupid faggots

>> No.49975930

i dont know it its traditional but curry + frites was good shit in germany. Legit best option i found. In Contrast Burger King in Berlin was the only time i legit barfed food out ever in my life. Thought hungry as fuck how bad can it be,turns out it was not eatable.

>> No.49975955

If you ask me. And no one does. In to nuclear power. Germans should be leading EU being self relian on energy

>> No.49975984

They do in fact run on nuke power. I dont remember which slavi country but they got their eletricity pumped up by a slav country putting their old nuke reactor back online just to meet demand. So they are literally running on outdated ussr tec because they destroyed their own nuke reactors cause it was unsafe. Absolute clownshow

>> No.49976046

Yeah, it's ironic. Technically not wrong in case they already have signed contracts for deliveries, cause then they are breaking contracts. Although you could argue, why would respect a contract with somebody you are in an economic war with? But Russia sure isn't outside of legal, contractual assignments obligated to sell them gas if they don't want to, especially not when EU is trying to fuck them economically.

>> No.49976866

Who gives a shit where Germany buys gas from? Russia, USA, Norway etc. it doesn't matter, none of the money ends in people's pockets anyway, it just goes to some oligarchs offshore bank account in Switzerland or Jersey or something. There are others who want to buy Russia's gas and Germany can purchase from everyone else.

>> No.49977357 [DELETED] 

This is comparison from over 2 years ago when covid started. This is from the equivalent of Wholefoods so everything is more expansive than regular supermarkets.
>Quark mager 500 (jeweils 1,99 €)
Now it's 2,20 €
>Butter Demeter (jeweils 3,29 €)
Now it's 3,79 €
>Vollmilchjoghurt (jeweils 2,59 €)
Now it's 2,69 €
>bioladen*Demeter Vollmilch, Karton (jeweils 1,45
b*Eier, Größe L, abgep. 1 x 6 Stück (jeweils 2,89 €)
Now it's 3,39 €
>Hackfleisch halb & halb ca. 400g/ aber KG-Preis (jeweils 21,90 €)
Now it's 23,90 €
If the media didn't constantly tell me how high the food prices have become i probably wouldn't have noticed it.

>> No.49977414

This is comparison from over 2 years ago when covid started. This is from the equivalent of Wholefoods so everything is more expansive than regular supermarkets.
>Quark mager 500 (jeweils 1,99 €)
Now it's 2,20 €
>Butter Demeter (jeweils 3,29 €)
Now it's 3,79 €
>Vollmilchjoghurt (jeweils 2,59 €)
Now it's 2,69 €
>bioladen*Demeter Vollmilch, Karton (jeweils 1,45€)
Now it's 1,69 €
b*Eier, Größe L, abgep. 1 x 6 Stück (jeweils 2,89 €)
Now it's 3,39 €
>Hackfleisch halb & halb ca. 400g/ aber KG-Preis (jeweils 21,90 €)
Now it's 23,90 €
If the media didn't constantly tell me how high the food prices have become i probably wouldn't have noticed it.

>> No.49978817
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>Its truly fucking over germanbros. They are about to completely collapse the german economy
Good. Your right to being a nation state should have been revoked post WWII. You've been fucking up Europe since 476, and let's not forget about the 20th century with your Frankfurt school of thought, of which there ideas has now invaded Western thought completely. Every German I know is a totally pozzed Globohomo shill.
I can't wait to see you have to beg for a crumb to stay fed, you dog.

>> No.49979302

I would kind of agree with you but you should keep in mind that these are already products that dont rely as much on cheap fertilizer and logistical chains, but of course the stuff is fucking expensive so you dont have to pay much more but you already had to pay a lot for most stuff. In supermarkets they have to maintain margins on every step of the supply chain and while price hikes arent "crazy" because in the end its obviously not multiple 200% increases, its still a ton. i witnessed pasta (the good bronze form one) increase in price from 1 euro per 500 grams to 1.5 euro. Thats 50% inflation, and that is a shitload of money when put into context. This is just one singular example and we havent seen the end of the flagpole at all.

>> No.49979430

Its funny that the people who caused all this now rule the USA

>> No.49979487

nice fantasy prices

>> No.49981048 [DELETED] 

Ok rabbi
>organic prices
>24 euro is ok

>> No.49981053

Ok rabbi
>Organic prices
>24 euro is ok

>> No.49981066
File: 1.09 MB, 872x872, 1656091775441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average wage is 1350 EUR per month in Germany??!?!?? Honestly that is Poland tier in Dutch standards.

>> No.49981069

people can't lie online

>> No.49981078
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True if big...

>> No.49981360

1 € more doesnt matter if you got ripped off before

>> No.49981679

>had 1 year fixed rate contracts for a decade
>get a 3 year fixed rate contract in early 2021
Dodged a bullet there, fuck.

>> No.49981713

Germany sucks ass but the median income after tax (and social security) is roughly 1.9k. Still very low

>> No.49981720


>> No.49981921

>paying inflated festival prices instead of BYOB
Not gonna make it Schland anon

>> No.49981940


>> No.49982259

>collapse the German economy
good, we can't build a fourth Reich without a pissed of German population, but this time, Germany will have many, many allies...

>> No.49982320
File: 29 KB, 255x342, fefe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I wish I was poor like you. That way I would have noticed those prices. Danke, buddy.

>> No.49982484

kill yourself turkish rapebaby
stop being braindamaged, its all turkish food

>> No.49982551

reddit bot liar

>> No.49982571

schland, eure fahne ist hässlich. fragt die ursula mal ob man da was machen kann...

>> No.49982581
File: 65 KB, 555x804, zet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who decided to shutdown nuclear and coal? Who decided we should rely on Russian gas only (and lolrenewables)?

>> No.49982847

Trump told you guys that OPEC was ripping off the world in 2018, and that you were becoming too dependent on Russia for NG. Your elected leaders laughed at him.

>> No.49983034

wait do they just get rid of windmills by burying them?

>> No.49983343
File: 56 KB, 640x360, puerto_rico_solar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the "green" energy

>> No.49983470

Ahh yes the traditional German food

>> No.49983482

Wanna learn about the amount of oil they spill and the consequences to the surrounding area too?

>> No.49983643

The entire Aryan civilization has been one big pilpul for over fifty years. One apparent stupidity after another to create a confused, retarded society. It’s no miracle Hitler made Germany a powerhouse in several years if a nation is held back by layers upon layers of inefficient idiocy.

>> No.49983687

Nice pilpul jew. It’s greens who used the argument of being eco friendly to justify their overpriced inefficient crap. So turning it around to say well oil, which is far cheaper and more reliable, is bad for earth too is pure sophistry dumbfuck

>> No.49983822

read again
I am saying that these shitty windmills are spilling a ton of synthetic/hydraulic oil and damaging the soil for an eternity

>> No.49983884

kek the kikes really did a number on you for that uprising 80 years ago

>> No.49984079
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>> No.49984245
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And let's not forget that "clean" energy basically means becoming China's bitch.

>> No.49984248

The average salary is around 3,100€ per month

>> No.49984313

Before tax

>> No.49985753

At least we have to pay for refugees so they can enjoy the west and buy weapons for other countries.

>> No.49986117

I remember when I walked up the castle in Salzburg and they were selling a bottle of water for €6 years ago. I didn't buy it but still felt insulted

>> No.49986179

>no taxes on crypto
good enough for me