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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49938132 No.49938132 [Reply] [Original]

We're either got A LOT of pain to come


The Fed is lying, and we'll be pumping to ATHs we never even imagined possible, as this is peak clown world

>> No.49938173

wtf, did jpow lie to us? the fed was supposed to start doomping assets june 1st. what's going on bros?

>> No.49938234

its insane
theyre supposed to be dropping it $95B/month
basically all my financial decisions are based on that fact.

>> No.49938288

yeah same here, i was hoping the fed would start dumping mortgage-backed securities so that i'd be able to hopefully afford a house in 3 years

>> No.49938464

somehow people still haven't figured out that the Fed is a financial adversary that is actively misleading you and trading against you. if you haven't been aggressively been buying assets during the mass fear campaign these past 6 months then you are being filtered out.

>> No.49938525

This.If they were serious about fighting inflation interest rates would be 5%+ already and balance sheet shrinking. They make a bunch of noise, scare the market, insiders scoop up cheap assets, then they turn on the printer and enjoy their 500M+ net worth on 200k public salaries.. Happens every time.

>> No.49938548

unironically this

>> No.49938576

>The fed is lying
Yes, while the media tells the goyim a recession is coming and all the retards exit at the bottom. We're going the hyperinflation route which means BTC is going to 500k+ soon, bobos are so fucked.

>> No.49938582

they will be buying up but not as much

>> No.49938641

And they sold the top, those fucking kikes.

>> No.49938653

this except it's going to be LINK that moons. BTC was used to suck up dumb retail capital. in hindsight it will be obvious.

>> No.49938706

Link is a shitcoin and you're a deranged schizo.

>> No.49938736

seems the fud clearly worked

>> No.49938802

This, can't believe how low IQ you people are lel

>> No.49938863

>The fed is telling the truth this time despite always pivoting away from rate hikes and QT every other time they attempted it!
Cope and take your meds bobo, you missed the bottom.

>> No.49939724

i think you're misinterpreting anon

>> No.49939791


>people are stupid because they didnt think JPowell would commit blatant perjury

not everyone has embraced clown world just yet

>> No.49939857

This. Why is it so hard for the low iq people on biz to figure out?

>> No.49939961

>delusional bulltards are completely mindbroken after loosing 90% of their networth
Yeah, don't worry bros the fed is just psyopsing. Have any of retards been listening to these last few hearings?

>> No.49940331

>so i know what's actually happening is this, but the fed said that. so that must be what's happening
you're literally the type of person being targeted by the psyop. the type of person who is unable to discern reality from their own eyes, ears, and intuition.

>> No.49940398

>the Fed is a financial adversary
the Fed is an adversary

>> No.49940504

not him but could you give me some examples of times the fed has done something like this? i really feel that rates have to go up at some point or the US dollar is going to lose its status as reserve currency

>> No.49940580

Stop with the conspiracy crap. The balance sheet increases even with QT because the Fed is still reinvesting proceeds from maturing bonds & MBS purchases take a long ass time to settle. They are not lying to you (they certainly wouldn't be doing so in such an open way), they are just letting assets roll off. Also, MBS has not started rolling off, so the long settle times will still continue at least until Sept.

>> No.49940650

>Fed: inflation is transitory
it wasn't
>Fed: we will begin tapering
they didn't
>Fed: 75 basis point hike is not on the table
they raised 75 basis points

up next
>Fed: it's possible we caused a recession
markets will pump

>> No.49940695

>Markets will pump
Yes, because all of the bearish shit is known information and all known information is always priced in. This is not a difficult concept to understand and it applies to bullish information too such as the ETH merge.

>> No.49940710

Also not saying you don't understand it's priced in, but the /biz/ bobos generally have trouble grasping this concept.

>> No.49940718

>priced in
could you please explain to me what this means?

does it mean that the markets already dropped their value as far as they will go in anticipation of this information?

>> No.49940729

and if you're still under the delusion that the fed cares about the US dollar reserve currency status, snap out of it. these people are globalists with a globalist agenda. they will try and convince you that they are doing what's best for America, while their actions tell a different story.

>> No.49940737

Yes, the market adjusts it's prices quickly when information becomes public. Things like Fed rate hikes are currently priced in at 4% in the bond market and likely stock market too. The market is close to 100% efficient with very small inaccuracies sometimes.

>> No.49940811

makes sense, thanks for the explanation. how is it calculated at 4%? i'd like to be able to make my own calculations like that

i guess you're right, i just don't want to believe it.
hypothetically speaking, suppose the US is going down the toilet and you have enough capital to jump ship and build a life somewhere else. where would you go? a lot of billionaires bought new zealand citizenship a couple years back, so maybe there? maybe canada or germany or something?

>> No.49940854

I'm too stupid to understand how they price it in but the consensus right now is 4% as the terminal rate.

>> No.49940891
File: 194 KB, 598x384, Hyperinflation-Weimar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to existing for the sole purpose of lying to the public about monetary policy, the Federal Reserve's ability to tamper inflation is theoretical at best.

If you think we're headed anywhere other than picrel, you are likely in some sort of delusion.

To spell it out for those of you who are institutionalized and think the current order is sustainable: The US Dollar has been backed by nothing but the power of the US military and it's extensive media propaganda wing for about 50 years. The US military has been uniquely unable to accomplish most of it's missions in a publicly supported manner during this time. Whether intentional or not, the weaker that military looks, the weaker the dollar is.

It is highly likely that bitcoin itself is a DARPA project much like the Internet on which it is built. The military is likely aware of the situation and has been planning for this since the 80s. I assume they think they're goin to detonate the dollar and replace it with a CBDC or something of similar function. We'll see how it goes. Most likely they'll flail and lash out and start a world war as their power slips away uncontrollably, but it is truly one of the most dangerous times to be alive in about a century.

But yeah if we're going into recession it won't be economic factors, it will be an existential threat to existing governance powers with kinetic deaths in the hundreds of thousands to millions.

>> No.49940945

I'm sure its a total coincidence that the great depression hit a few years after this

>> No.49940980
File: 483 KB, 3100x3100, Deep concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was #unexpected

>> No.49940984

The schedule was 45B till September. Then the 96B

>> No.49941041

honestly i think the US will still be one of the best places to endure the upcoming turmoil.

>> No.49941318

What part of soft landing do you faggots not understand?

>> No.49941623


That's why no one will remember your name.

>> No.49941626

iq was a method to show that black people were dumber than white people, and if we are talking about retards there are still people who still believe in metaverse projects like lovelace, it is just not going to happen.

>> No.49941650

>soft landing
kike cope, there will be mass unrest and riots.

>> No.49941724
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1582675013808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will bottom out the market right by September 26th (end of shemitah) and only then pivot into hyperinflation. Screencap this.

>> No.49941780

He’s actually right, you would be shocked how many wall st outfits are using link and not leaving a single crumb

>> No.49941829
File: 137 KB, 1501x1176, A9E5770A-1AD4-4169-93A2-8AC536BB280B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s all a psyop, I discovered it was a psyop by going to the website of the institution doing the psyop and clicking a link that shows a graph they put up voluntarily, I uncovered their plot

>> No.49941854

Yeah, gaming nft metaverse are totally shit

>> No.49941921

Bulltards out here in full force

You dumb fucks have no idea what’s coming

>> No.49941942

That meme is the definition of tl;dr

Keep it short and sweet next time maybe I’ll actually check it out

>> No.49941960

You just didn't see the worth on it anon. There are many nft gaming platforms has build an empire already on different networks either on solana gaming, avalanche, imx, ethereum.

>> No.49941972
File: 3 KB, 230x219, brule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most likely they'll flail and lash out and start a world war as their power slips away uncontrollably
the fed or the military?

>> No.49941973

>>Fed: 75 basis point hike is not on the table
>they raised 75 basis points
this was the most fucked one
2 months ago: promised no 75's
just last week: dropped a 75, and sounds like next is 75
they've literally no fucking clue

>> No.49941998

>>priced in
>could you please explain to me what this means?
all markets are forward-looking
either a few months, a few years, or usually a few decades
"priced in" means they expect certain actions to increase/decrease value, and start acting in the present in anticipation for the future

>> No.49942004

is the point of this meme to be horribly bad?

>> No.49942015

i'd bet since likely 4% on existing federal debt would make it near unserviceable, without politically unimaginable shit like dropping social security or other gibs programs

>> No.49942068

Fed is Pax Americana while globalists like klaus schwab are just eurocentrist death cults.

>> No.49942120

Imagine that you could be applying effort to actual investstments but instead you're just sitting around gambling and hypothesizing on which shit coin is going to moon.

>> No.49942134

Games will die specially on solana and avax u will thnk me latee

>> No.49942184

the fed lies all the time, we are fucked either way

>> No.49942313

What is your basis on this? There are many games running on solana and avalanche already. Honeyland, solchicks, cradaba are few legit examples.

>> No.49942381
File: 492 KB, 1440x1426, 1585512013343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mumus were posting this cope in Dec when they starting slowing, and in March when they stopped (net) buying, they have started (net) selling, the bumps are an artifact of treasury auctions

>> No.49942430

Fear is at all time highs. they will not be required to raise rates as high as people think because the market is already hyper responsive to even a whiff of rates being increased further. inflation will not survive under these conditions and its more likely to remain around 8% for the rest of the US dollars life than to enter recession and return to 2-3% inflation. 2-3% inflation isnt possible anymore. once the market realizes 8% inflation is the new normal markets will resume to normal. Expect huge runs on commodities, btc, dividend paying stocks, as holding cash at the 8% norm becomes less and less normal. if you are still bearish calling for a recession you need to reevaluate your intelligence, and relearn every lesson about trading you have "learnt" over your time in the markets. if you're calling for 2200 spy you are the dumb money in this market trading alongside the wider market sentiment. call me a cope seethe whatever, its expected from this board of children/highschool dropouts/neets.

>> No.49942445

At very least covid should have shown you that people, especially the goverment and everything connected to it, have no fucking idea what they are doing, its literally south parks decapitated chicken on every topic

>> No.49942482


>> No.49942585

Can it really survive? Ddamn

>> No.49942772 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 720x789, FB_IMG_1655521930642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will and i might be able to bring a thick bible just to let you understand but it will be your turn to research so you'll understand everything. I'm just giving you a hint that not all nft gamings are short-lived

>> No.49942799


>> No.49942823
File: 42 KB, 720x789, FB_IMG_1655521930642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it will and you need to research those just to let you understand but it will be your turn to dive so you'll understand better. I think the anon is just giving you a hint that not all nft gamings are short-lived

>> No.49942836

Thats just a schizo cope because people cant believe those in power are this incompenent

>> No.49942898

Wise word

>> No.49942929

>he fell for it

>> No.49942995

>priced in
it means everyone already knows, and the market has already adjusted (up or down) to the information

>> No.49943003

Can one of you autists give me the reason 4% is the maximum interest rate for servicable debt?
Why not 2%?

>> No.49943069

If everything known is priced in, why the fuck do we pump every 4 years, retard?
Everybody knows about the halving cycle. So why isn't it priced in?
Markets aren't so simple; if they were, you wouldn't be a poorfag.

>> No.49943114

How about the negative economic impact of persistently high gas prices?
How to calculate the impact to economy?
Most people have priced in cyclical gas prices

>> No.49943216

Fed funds is anticipated by the 2 year yield, game of trades has a great vid on it. You may of been right last week but this week they reckon the pivot will be 3%

>> No.49943258

they never lied.
The said they would have raise rates > they did it.
The banks are sitting on trillions of cash yeilding 4% in bonds. They will accumulate stocks at the bottom, but accumulation requires time, years. Get ready for 4 years of accumulation

>> No.49943285


they even did one last pump after they sold the top to avert the suspicion too

>> No.49943293

I build websites.
I buy Syscon
I create designs...
Of course there are several other lengthy ways to describe what I do but the act of communicating based on the other party's Intellectual Property is one of the best ways to display one's Intellectual diversity.

>> No.49943294

Crypto investors are pretty retarded and till 2021 wall street wasn't in crypto, shit will be priced in from now on in crypto with the big boys here.

>> No.49943332

because a lump of bird shit in the middle of the ocean that nobody can locate on a map is going to be the one place that saves us. Lol.
There is no alternative. its either the united states makes it through this or we all fail and the world turns into fiefdoms. every other scenario inbetween is just a complete cope
literally never heard of any of those games. probably because they all suck. are they fun to play? thats the only question that matters and u dont need a fancy blockchain to tell me that

>> No.49943356

They literally have worms in their heads, imagine investing in memecoins like shiba or qom lmao

>> No.49943409

>I didn't think the fed would lie to me
Yes you are stupid.

>> No.49943527

The banks are sitting on trillions of cash yeilding 4% in bonds. They will accumulate stocks at the bottom, but accumulation requires time, years. Get ready for 4 years of accumulation

>> No.49943879

>shit will be priced in from now on in crypto with the big boys here
kek no

>> No.49944374

>we'll be pumping to ATHs we never even imagined possible
with which money?
Why does adding on balance sheet mean stocks up?

>> No.49944529
File: 77 KB, 512x232, 4_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're either got A LOT of pain to come

>> No.49944543

The will fake cpi numbers later on, but markets will crash. War with Ukraine has to end to fake some inflation relief

>> No.49944757

They always do the opposite of what they say. Mannarino redpilled me on this.

>> No.49944813

Hmm so we'll get another run up first before the big one?

>> No.49944997

yeah bro, 30% official PPI totally wont add to CPI.
This is the dumbest post i've seen in a while, congrats.

>> No.49945482

They are lying ofc, will do a thread on it soon

>> No.49945488

Inflation isn't monetary but fiscal my man